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a bunch of pride-themed sketches and doodles featuring some of my fav pjo characters!
Gang wish me luck I have an audition at a broadway theater tomorrow.

Happy disability pride month to
wheelchair users
crutch users
cane users
walker users
people who use other mobility aids not mentioned
people who don’t use mobility aid
people with diagnosis/es
people without diagnosis/es
people looking for a diagnosis/es
people not looking for a diagnosis/es
people that can’t afford a diagnosis/es
people with supportive families
people without supportive families
people who’s family situation is questionable/confusing
people who need their families support
people who don’t need their families support
people who identify with cripplepunk
people who don’t identify with cripplepunk
people who aren’t sure if they can identify with cripplepunk
people who’s disabilities are mis-portrayed in the media
people who’s disabilities are never portrayed in media
people who’s disabilities are portrayed in the media but in stereotypes
people who’s disabilities are common
people who’s disabilities are uncommon
people who’s disabilities are rare
people who’s disabilities are invisible
people who’s disabilities are visible
people who’s disabilities are debilitating
people who’s disabilities aren’t debilitating
people who’s disabilities affect them daily
people who’s disabilities don’t affect them daily
people who need mobility aids but either can’t afford them, don’t want them, or can’t get them due to unsupportive environment/families
people who have cool looking mobility aids
people who’s mobility aids look ‘medical’ or ‘boring’
people who decorate their mobility aids
people who don’t decorate their mobility aids
people who name their mobility aids
people who don’t name their mobility aids
ambulatory wheelchair users that can walk far
ambulatory wheelchair users that can’t walk very far
ambulatory wheelchair users that use other mobility aids
ambulatory wheelchair users that don’t use other mobility aids
permanent wheelchair users
wheelchair users with paralysis
wheelchair users with muscular atrophy
cane users that also use crutches
cane users that only use canes
people with multiple mobility aids
people who colour coordinate with their mobility aids
people who love their mobility aids
people who are neutral about their mobility aids
people who don’t like their mobility aids
deaf/HoH people
visually impaired people
people who use braces
people with genetic conditions
people with chronic pain
people with acquired disablilities
people who became disabled later in life
people who became disabled young
people who have always been disabled
people that deal with ableism
people that can work
people that can’t work
people on welfare
people on NDIS
people that ‘fall through the cracks’
people that can hide their disability
people that can’t hide their disability
people who also struggle with mental health
people who don’t struggle with mental health
people that take lots of medications
people that don’t take any medications
people that can’t afford medication
people that can’t take medication
homeless disabled people
people below the poverty line
people above the poverty line
people with other disabled friends
people with no disabled friends
people that served in the army
people that are independant
people that need carers
people that like their carers
people that don’t like their carers
To who ever bought the one copy of the newsies novel on eBay consider yourself an opp.