hair clips in my hair suicidal thoughts in my head
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pill pack keychains by メンヘル屋さん

customize your Internet browser to make it cute. make your phone keyboard adorable. get yourself a cute launcher. put stickers on your mirror. wear too many bracelets. life is so fucking short. you're going to die. who cares.

Reblog if this would work on you


On eBay, there are capsule or pill umbrellas for sale. I got mine for $7.99. I thought it would be good for travel but also it fit the menhera or yami kawaii style. There are 4 color choices too.

man if we had a cute mascot for every single thing like japan the world would be a better place

like i would definitely not be scared to draw blood is this little guy was cheering me up ! !

People say “phase” like impermanence means insignificance. Show me a permanent state of the self.

Fujifilm: Limited Edition Sanrio Hello Kitty Instax Mini 10 (1999)


Torn between life and death
Hey, you are not an embarrassment for not knowing how to do certain household chores/basic self-care. They do not come naturally to us. A lot of it takes practice! Maybe you had a neglectful guardian. Maybe you had one that was very coddling and never thought to teach you. Maybe you haven't lived in a place where these things were available to you or needed. Doesn't matter. It's okay to not know and far more common than you might realise.
That said, this website provides very simple instructions on how to do everyday tasks such as making your bed, using a washing machine, cooking different foods, washing dishes, taking a shower, etc. All you have to do is use the search bar to find the task you're struggling with, and it'll come up with what you need + other related how-to's:)
If you're having trouble navigating it, let me provide you with some examples:
How to clean dishes by hand
How to make your bed (with visual demonstrations of each step!)
How to fold clothes (with visual demonstrations of each step!)
How to take a shower & dry yourself off (also provides ways to shave beards, armpits, legs and genitals)
How to shave legs, armpits, beards, pubic areas, etc. (a more in-depth guide)
How to mop the floor
How to sweep the floor
How to swallow pills
How to make small talk
How to make eye contact in different situations (or how to avoid it while still looking natural)
It's also perfectly okay if these don't help or aren't appealing to you. Unfortunately, nothing helps everyone.
non fat people will take a post about fatphobia and view it as a personal attack or find an excuse to shift the focus on themselves instead
"i got told to eat a burger!!" "skinny people have body dysmorphia too" "i got called a skeleton"
i got told to killmyself for wearing a bathing suit, to cutdeep for standing up for someone being bullied for being fat, and very often i am being told to starve myself simply for existing as a fat person.
not uncommon experiences either, quite often for me actually! and im not even considered to be that big compared to other fat people.
fatphobia kills, through either fatphobia in medical spaces leading to medical neglect, to starving to death from an encouraged eating disorder, to committingsuicide over taught self hatred and shame, to being fatally attacked in a hate crime.
i'd never diminish someone else's eating disorder or bullying history, but if the topic is fatphobia and fatness and you aren't personally affected by fatphobia... it's not about you. move on, make your own space!
I'm so sick and tired of people thinking that disabled people are lazy. Like, I want to do the chores around the house, I want to go out with friends, I want a job. My body literally just will not let me. Having a job would probably kill me.
It's not fun hanging around on the couch or in bed all day, knowing there are things you want to do but can't.
Stop calling us lazy.
hi, you there who are or are thinking about spending all day in bed, it’s okay, I’m not telling you to get up. I’d just like to do a quick check in to make sure you’ve got everything you need to be comfortable and safe.
Have you gotten up to take any meds you need?
Do you need to open or close your windows or curtains/blinds to make your environment nicer? (Fresh air, keep the cold out, sunlight/darkness)
Do you have a water bottle or a glass of water easily accessible? (Can also be juice, cordial, a meal replacement drink or anything else)
Do you have any over the counter or prescription as required meds you might need, like painkillers or anti nausea meds?
Is your phone or laptop charged?
Are you wearing comfortable clothing?
Do you have enough blankets/pillows to be warm and comfortable?
Do you have any snacks like fruit or chips or muesli bars in case you can’t get up to make a meal?
Are you able to change positions in bed (or sit up if you’re able)?
Do you have any regulation tools like fidgets, ear plugs, or journaling/art books or low energy hobbies you might want?
Are you being gentle and patient with yourself and your body today?
Thanks for doing this check in with me. I like to have some of these things prepared on my nightstand, or all together in the same space in my room so I don’t have to do as much work on low energy days. It can also help to have someone else prepare or get these things for you if you’re unable. Hope you have an uncomplicated day.

Again as image post so you can save the higher res versions. They are also usable on Twitter.
I love wearing menhera but I’m too scared to wear radically negative vent art even though I like it and it’s the point of the fashion.

currently in pain sticker

I am frog. Frog is me. 😅
Chibird store | Positive pin club | Instagram

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