cxffecoupx - ah! love (you)
ah! love (you)

ris | 20 | she/her | svt writer

204 posts

Soonyoung As A Girl Dad

soonyoung as a girl dad

Soonyoung As A Girl Dad
Soonyoung As A Girl Dad
Soonyoung As A Girl Dad
Soonyoung As A Girl Dad

girl dad! soonyoung fluff, smut (just a lil), requested warnings: reader has a womb, soonyoung absolutely whipped for his baby girl, mentions of him wanting a lot of kids, sex (again, i tried) wc: 925 author's notes: thank you, anon, for requesting this, because i loved it way too much. i got carried away a lil heh, but i hope you enjoy this. (and i might do a boy dad! soonyoung too, maybe)

Soonyoung As A Girl Dad

girl dad! soonyoung who starts jumping up and down in excitement when he sees his little baby girl. he is emotional of course, but his happiness somehow overpowers with the way he keeps smiling giddily and kisses the little baby in his arms. runs over to you to tell you how adorable she looks with his eyes and your smile, but he talks so fast that you cant really keep up with him, but just keep smiling because his happiness is so damn contagious.

girl dad! soonyoung who is always so ready to shopping for baby items. he was so so excited to buy a little rocking cot for the baby before the delivery. now he buys a ton lot of plushies and toys, and you only notice at the checkout that most of them are tiger shaped ones.

girl dad! soonyoung who disappears almost immediately when you enter the clothes shop, only to return 10 minutes later with not one, not two, but three matching tiger onesies, complete with hood and all. you dont even argue with him because you know he's been waiting for this. hell, he'd been planning this ever since he's fucked a baby into you. buys a LOT of more matching clothes, but he's always eyeing the onesies with the brightest of smiles.

girl dad! soonyoung who is always around you and the baby, cooing and giggling at her while telling you jokes. he has his hands interlinked with you whenever you're together, and you know he'll he around to offer you as much help and support you need during this difficult time.

girl dad! soonyoung who learns from his mom, how to take care of your baby. learns about how to feed her, when to feed her, how to burp her, how to change her diapers, how to know why she's crying. he rushes over whenever she starts crying at night, but not before telling you to go back to sleep and that he'll handle it.

girl dad! soonyoung who dresses her up in her tiger onesie when his friends and family come over to meet her. when they arrive, they find the door open and the first thing they see when they enter is two and a half tiger looking people. jihoon asks you to blink twice if you need help, and you cant help but shake your head and sigh watching soonyoung keep up his tiger persona.

girl dad! soonyoung who feels like she grew up within the blink of an eye, and starts missing her baby days when she becomes one year old. but at the same time, he starts to learn how to tie and braid her hair, starts to buy more fashionable clothes for her because to him, "she's either going big or going home". his words, not yours.

girl dad! soonyoung who starts trying for his next baby right after his first child hits one year. he had already told you how he wanted to have a football team of children with you, and although you scoffed at him then, you did discuss to have at least 3 children. "the rest", he said, "we can decide later".

soonyoung who, although swears he loves his baby girl, is absolutely ecstatic when he learns that his mother has volunteered to babysit her for one night. and he promises to take full advantage of it. he pushes your face down into the mattress the second you agree to have more kids and thrusts in deep to make sure that you're pregnant by the next day. his low groans elicit louder moans from you, and he's never been more thankful for his mother, he thinks later.

girl dad! soonyoung who dances with his daughter every single day. it started very unexpectedly though. you were all in the living room and watching music videos until a song came up and your daughter started throwing random moves outta nowhere. this was enough for soonyoung though, to jump up from the couch and hold your baby's hands and dance with her. it didnt take long before they pulled you in too, just three people goofing around in their living room.

girl dad! soonyoung who, even though has a passion for dancing, never forced your daughter towards it. agreed, that seeing his daughter dance to songs makes him feel very proud. and although he'd love to see his daughter has a dancer like he is, he never ever wants to push her to something she doesnt like. which is exactly why he's over the moon when she asks him to take her to his dance studio or practice rooms.

girl dad! soonyoung who is always at the front row seats whenever your child's school has any programs. he's always the first to jump from his seat and give a standing ovation for anything your daughter does on stage, whether it be a dance performance or a speech or singing. he's just very very proud of his baby girl, forever.

girl dad! soonyoung who had a lot planned for his family before his marriage. and even though it doesnt always happen according to them, he's happy for the most adorable daughter who unmistakably takes after him (except for his obsession with tigers tho, which makes him pout), and for the most beautiful wife who he continues to love every single day. he's happy for this small family that he has now, but he's even happier looking forward to expanding it and maybe even have a football team of children. whatever you're up for.

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More Posts from Cxffecoupx

8 months ago
@simpxxstan Saw You In Another Dad Seungcheol Post And Ran Back Here And Found You But I Get It Bestie.

@simpxxstan saw you in another dad seungcheol post and ran back here and found you😭😭 but I get it bestie. something about dad! cheol is just too exciting and endearing

cheol as a boy dad

Cheol As A Boy Dad
Cheol As A Boy Dad
Cheol As A Boy Dad
Cheol As A Boy Dad

boy dad! seungcheol fluff, requested warnings: reader has a womb, cheol being down bad for his baby boy word count: 705 author's notes: requested by anon (thank you so much!!) I hope you like it. i never really thought about boy dad cause cheol's definitely a girl dad for me but I loved writing this so much! Lemme know what you think :) check out 'cheol as a girl dad' here.

Cheol As A Boy Dad

boy dad! cheol who starts crying in the hospital seeing a junior version of him. his big boba eyes are yours, no doubt, but the little pout that finds home on his baby's lips are unmistakably his — even he can't deny it. his eyes start watering when his baby boy holds his index finger with his whole palm.

boy dad! cheol who litters gentle kisses on your sweaty face, murmuring the sweetest of praises on how you did so well and how your baby is a sweet healthy boy who looks like the best of them both. your tears melt into his as you both happily sob over this moment of joy.

boy dad! cheol who you always find around your baby, smiling and cooing at him, playing with him and his toys and always bringing a wide grin to your baby's face. the child's laughter fills your little home and you can't help but sigh in content.

boy dad! cheol who always traces the baby's features delicately: the eyes that reflect the same shine that yours hold, the lips that pout the same way he does, the little button nose and the cheeks that seungcheol withholds the urge to bite because they're so chubby and so.... biteable (the cuteness aggression is so real right now!!)

boy dad! cheol who loves to dress your child in matching clothes as his. you search for seungcheol as you browse through the women's section, only to find him approaching you with two same shirts in different sizes. everytime you all go out you stand out because you're walking around with two same people, just different fonts.

boy dad! cheol who wraps his hands around your waist and kisses your neck, surprising you as you make dinner. who always takes time to appreciate you about all the struggles you had to deal with during the pregnancy, and how you've made him more happy than any man in this world.

you turn around and start kissing him, but just as things were about to dive deeper, your little trouble-maker stumbles up to you both and starts tugging on your pants. seungcheol grabs the child and tucking him in between you both, gives you and your child a bone-crushing hug that ends up making your son giggle endlessly. cheol gently whispers how he's holding his world in his arms right now, and your cheeks hurt from smiling so hard.

boy dad! cheol who pouts and whines everytime your son ignores him and runs to you. you don't realise how, but your son takes more liking to you, running to you first whenever you return home from somewhere, or whenever he needs something. although seungcheol loves to see it, he lowkey hates how he's just left there, hands outstretched for a hug hanging in the air. he dramatically falls to the floor, kicking his feet and whining which makes your son run from your arms to fall onto his dad's chest, giggling with how cheol tickles him.

boy dad! cheol who gets so excited to take your son to the first day of his school. although having to leave him makes his sad, he's excited for his son's new step in his life and will be all ears to hear him talk all about whatever happened at school. he sneakily gives his son a sweet treat without you knowing (it's their little secret now) as he tells everything he learnt in class that day.

boy dad! cheol who always teaches his son to respect everyone he meets in his life. he hopes that his son learns from watching the way he treats you, his wife, with all the love and respect he could give. he hopes that one day, when his son grows up, he treats his wife the same way seungcheol treats you now.

boy dad! cheol who, even though secretly wished for a baby girl, becomes extremely elated with his precious little baby boy, in whom he sees both you and him. hes feels like the luckiest man on earth — with a wife he loves with every inch of him and a lovely son who he wants to keep happy for the rest of his life. his little, happy family.

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8 months ago

omgomgomg just read your soonyoung as a girl dad and it was so cute!!!! but what if it was joshua but twin girls😭 imagine him struggling who is who because they keep on messing with him in their toddler phase, cause that would be so chaotic 😆 plus what if it was jeonghan who gave the twins that idea, i think joshua would lose his mind if he found out.

sorry for the random thought i just needed to get it out😭😭😭😭

I LOVE your random thought shut up-

but but imagine this:

your twin girls are so identical that you're basically the only one who's able to tell them apart. so to make it easier for everyone, you come up w distinguishable features like maybe one pigtail for one and two for the other, or or the colour of their clothes and stuff like that. that's literally how even joshua tells them apart (he thinks he's sneaky, but he's not).

and then one evening, shua asks jeonghan to babysit the girls so that you and him can have a date night and jeonghan accepts because he loves the girls, but only realises later about the fun he can have in pranking josh with the help of the girls. with fun uncle han's ideas and plans, the evil twins 2.0 (han and shua remain the og evil twins) return home and start with the elaborate plan.

no. 1, changing their hairstyle. let's say they exchange the way they tie their hair, so the one who used to wear one pigtail, jiwoo, now has two, and the one with two pigtails, jiwon, now has one.

no. 2, changing their clothes. they decide to exchange their reds and greens. now jiwoo who used to wear red has a green skirt on, and jiwon who loves her green top has a red one on.

no. 3, and the final one. jiwon going when jiwoo is called. they've basically exchanged their names too.

you see, jeonghan was very very elaborate while planning this. but that does not make you not notice the way jiwoo now wears her hair in two pigtails unlike her usual one, or how jiwon runs to her dada when jiwoo is called. you quickly catch onto their tricks and play along with them, because what's wrong with a lil fun?

and then chaos ensues. he's feeding carrots to who he thinks is jiwoo, but it's in fact jiwon who HATES carrots with a burning passion. joshua almost cried at his daughter's tantrum, but doesnt notice the way you and jiwoo laugh behind his back as he runs around to think of a damage control.

or, when he's putting on a frilly skirt on jiwoo who starts screaming because she likes the shorts more than those irritating frilly, weird looking skirt.

i dont think this would last long though, like joshua's bound to fall onto the bed and worry about how he still can't figure out his girls. and while you try to calm him down saying that it's okay, the girls — who he had just put to sleep — climb up the bed and on shua's back and tell him all about the plan they had made with uncle jeonghan and that they were actually just pranking him. he sits up almost instantly and calls all curses in his mind, until the girls mention your part in this lil game and you swear you hear his heart break. needless to say, you've got two mature kids and a pouty adult to take care of now.

joshua turns to seungcheol to babysit the girls after this fiasco.

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8 months ago

imagine them silently pulling her aside and going, "babygirl, you need uncles to lock up your dad in a cage cause we've definitely planned that before too" or asking if she was held at gunpoint for this😭😭 I can just see the way they'd sigh the moment they saw y'all in the onesies😭😭

soonyoung as a girl dad

Soonyoung As A Girl Dad
Soonyoung As A Girl Dad
Soonyoung As A Girl Dad
Soonyoung As A Girl Dad

girl dad! soonyoung fluff, smut (just a lil), requested warnings: reader has a womb, soonyoung absolutely whipped for his baby girl, mentions of him wanting a lot of kids, sex (again, i tried) wc: 925 author's notes: thank you, anon, for requesting this, because i loved it way too much. i got carried away a lil heh, but i hope you enjoy this. (and i might do a boy dad! soonyoung too, maybe)

Soonyoung As A Girl Dad

girl dad! soonyoung who starts jumping up and down in excitement when he sees his little baby girl. he is emotional of course, but his happiness somehow overpowers with the way he keeps smiling giddily and kisses the little baby in his arms. runs over to you to tell you how adorable she looks with his eyes and your smile, but he talks so fast that you cant really keep up with him, but just keep smiling because his happiness is so damn contagious.

girl dad! soonyoung who is always so ready to shopping for baby items. he was so so excited to buy a little rocking cot for the baby before the delivery. now he buys a ton lot of plushies and toys, and you only notice at the checkout that most of them are tiger shaped ones.

girl dad! soonyoung who disappears almost immediately when you enter the clothes shop, only to return 10 minutes later with not one, not two, but three matching tiger onesies, complete with hood and all. you dont even argue with him because you know he's been waiting for this. hell, he'd been planning this ever since he's fucked a baby into you. buys a LOT of more matching clothes, but he's always eyeing the onesies with the brightest of smiles.

girl dad! soonyoung who is always around you and the baby, cooing and giggling at her while telling you jokes. he has his hands interlinked with you whenever you're together, and you know he'll he around to offer you as much help and support you need during this difficult time.

girl dad! soonyoung who learns from his mom, how to take care of your baby. learns about how to feed her, when to feed her, how to burp her, how to change her diapers, how to know why she's crying. he rushes over whenever she starts crying at night, but not before telling you to go back to sleep and that he'll handle it.

girl dad! soonyoung who dresses her up in her tiger onesie when his friends and family come over to meet her. when they arrive, they find the door open and the first thing they see when they enter is two and a half tiger looking people. jihoon asks you to blink twice if you need help, and you cant help but shake your head and sigh watching soonyoung keep up his tiger persona.

girl dad! soonyoung who feels like she grew up within the blink of an eye, and starts missing her baby days when she becomes one year old. but at the same time, he starts to learn how to tie and braid her hair, starts to buy more fashionable clothes for her because to him, "she's either going big or going home". his words, not yours.

girl dad! soonyoung who starts trying for his next baby right after his first child hits one year. he had already told you how he wanted to have a football team of children with you, and although you scoffed at him then, you did discuss to have at least 3 children. "the rest", he said, "we can decide later".

soonyoung who, although swears he loves his baby girl, is absolutely ecstatic when he learns that his mother has volunteered to babysit her for one night. and he promises to take full advantage of it. he pushes your face down into the mattress the second you agree to have more kids and thrusts in deep to make sure that you're pregnant by the next day. his low groans elicit louder moans from you, and he's never been more thankful for his mother, he thinks later.

girl dad! soonyoung who dances with his daughter every single day. it started very unexpectedly though. you were all in the living room and watching music videos until a song came up and your daughter started throwing random moves outta nowhere. this was enough for soonyoung though, to jump up from the couch and hold your baby's hands and dance with her. it didnt take long before they pulled you in too, just three people goofing around in their living room.

girl dad! soonyoung who, even though has a passion for dancing, never forced your daughter towards it. agreed, that seeing his daughter dance to songs makes him feel very proud. and although he'd love to see his daughter has a dancer like he is, he never ever wants to push her to something she doesnt like. which is exactly why he's over the moon when she asks him to take her to his dance studio or practice rooms.

girl dad! soonyoung who is always at the front row seats whenever your child's school has any programs. he's always the first to jump from his seat and give a standing ovation for anything your daughter does on stage, whether it be a dance performance or a speech or singing. he's just very very proud of his baby girl, forever.

girl dad! soonyoung who had a lot planned for his family before his marriage. and even though it doesnt always happen according to them, he's happy for the most adorable daughter who unmistakably takes after him (except for his obsession with tigers tho, which makes him pout), and for the most beautiful wife who he continues to love every single day. he's happy for this small family that he has now, but he's even happier looking forward to expanding it and maybe even have a football team of children. whatever you're up for.

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8 months ago

im doing well KIND OF i was busy with so many assignments and stuff so i didnt have time to get on rhe app 💔 i think ill stay more active rn. also i reread your 'about me' post and it hit me that you're into nct and i was like YAY because i love finding people who love svt-nct or svt-tripleS or nct-tripleS!! my ults 🙏🙏 excitef for anything else that might be coming up from you (insert whitr dog gif)

oh I know the feeling. i remember staying up until 4-4:30 in the morning to complete writing my practical journal and i STILL WASN'T DONE😭 we just gotta fighting haeyaji thru it, my friend😔

oh I LOVE nct; they literally got me thru the pandemic induced depression. I'd just gotten to know them at that time and I was so deep into the group. IM SO HAPPY I CAME ACROSS AN NCT FAN HERE!!!

also I've been listening to tripleS nowadays and I love their songs they're so addictive????!!!! got me moving my hips w the lalalala parts🤌 i still struggle w the members tho😭 you'd think being an nct fan would help w learning 24 members, but nah my brain just farts😔

I- widbendjd you keep too much hope in me😔 but I'm glad you do cause I'd hate to disappoint you now.


here you go

Im Doing Well KIND OF I Was Busy With So Many Assignments And Stuff So I Didnt Have Time To Get On Rhe

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