👽Dan It🖍️He 👽 art tag #cyanart👽✧ Currently super into Ace Attorney ✧🌈 Artist and crafter who loves Sims, alt fashion (especially decora), and Kandi 🌈
321 posts
Love Your Artstyle
Love your artstyle
thank you so much for the compliment and ask! :D
I definitely like my current art style more than I ever have been but, I plan on expanding/adjusting it and probably will forever, because that's how a lot of artist are I think :P
More Posts from Cyandreamz

today i was briefly possessed by the spirit of someone who can draw a MEAN athena cykes. everybody say thank you benevolent lawyer drawing spirit

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So I noticed Blackquill says “bloody” a lot (not in relation to actual blood)
So I hc he’s actually British and thus was inspired to create this

Ema deserves to be loved more she is my favorite weirdgirl AHHHH! ! ! ! ! Anyway shes me