Cyanasks - Tumblr Posts
Love your artstyle
thank you so much for the compliment and ask! :D
I definitely like my current art style more than I ever have been but, I plan on expanding/adjusting it and probably will forever, because that's how a lot of artist are I think :P
YEAH YEAH YEAH 2, 16, 17, 18
and 20 ! i like asking 20 (asks aren't open on your ace attorney sideblog btw)
(Oops maybe side blogs can't accept asks? Oh well I'll just have to answer them on my main blog instead of my ace attorney side blog then :P)
2: a headcanon you weren't sure about at first but have come to like!
Before playing aa4 and aa5 I wasn't sure about hcing Apollo as a trans male and Athena as a woman and austic. But once I finished both characters intro games I've come to adopt these hc's myself as I can see both of them socially transitioning as kids. Plus Athena having super sensitive ears and struggling more with that as a kid is very relatable as that's an austic trait I have (unfortunately it doesn't allow me to hear peoples emotions and just means I can't cope with vaccum cleaners and hand dryers (TT O TT)) so her backstory definitely led me to hc her as austic lol.
16: a tiny detail in canon that you want more people to appreciate
I think the visual choices for sure. From both Miles and Franziska mimicking Menfred in both design and sprite animations (with Miles doing it more as a rookie and Franziska doing it even more than Rookie Miles), to small details like Phoenix having slightly shorter hair in aa3's flashback case (which I don't think enough people notice and often draw "Feenie" with same hair length, probably because it's that length in every other design, including child design), Ema's adult outfit having references to highschool uniform even in SOJ but doesn't straight up look like a highschool uniform thank goodness, Klavier looking more like his brother at 24 than at 17, and the list can go on and on and on!
17: the thing in canon that everyone loves and that you also love
I think I've seen enough people talk about how much they love this for it to count as an answer :3. The diversity of relationships. I'm all for romantic and/or sexual ships (I am a mulishipper lol) but, I do appreciate that in canon we have so many positive and friendly relationships between siblings, co-workers and friends with no hint of needing to "take things further" because they don't need to! Even with huge age gaps, characters can and will get along as friends! Which in society is seen as strange (at least it's seemed that way to me growing up. I remember in primary school I once got in trouble for having a friend that was "too young" & was told I was weird as a teen for getting along with adults??? So strange).
An example of a fun interaction between characters imo is in case 5-3 is when Athena is talking to Phoenix early on the case (I think before the body was found, can't quite remember sorry) because he clearly see's her as both his young employee, but also as a friend, and Athena both looks up to him, and is also able to joke/jabs about him, like saying she thinks he probably looked scary in college XD
18: a fandom tag that you track
I don't follow tags, I've looked at a few tags and honestly don't enjoy using Tumblr like that. Much prefer to look at the for you and following tabs instead of going there the popular posts in a tag :P
20: your very first fandom!
So even though I've casually observed fandom spaces since I was 12 I never engaged in fandom spaces until my late teens. It's hard to pin point which was my first fandom since my early fandom experiences consisted of jointing a bunch of Facebook groups (which wasn't really fun as only one group didn't have consistent drama and infighting) but I think it's a tie between the Gorillaz fandom (as in the band, been a long time since I've listened to them lol) and The Sims fandom (which I'm still kinda apart of, Sim fans are definitely more chill on Tumblr, but I mostly stick with Sims 2 side of fandom).
thank you for sending this ask ✧◝(⁰▿⁰)◜✧ it was a lot of fun answering all the questions
Fandom asks post can be found here!
Thank you XD as much a I loved having my Cassandra Goth fanart for my pfp, I knew I had to change it to to Maya Fey eating a burger because it's so fun X3