d1ckchunks - gay paradise
gay paradise

105 posts

D1ckchunks - Gay Paradise - Tumblr Blog

6 years ago

No matter what happens on Friday, just remember…

No Matter What Happens On Friday, Just Remember


6 years ago

If we’re all going down I'm going the way I lived, making shitty memes in the face of peril.

6 years ago

She’s just yelling “I GOT BANGS!!” repeatedly

6 years ago

total nsfw ban on dec 17

obviously, this means the blog I just fought to restore after an accidental ban will be actually, legitimately banned because tumblr’s taking a new kiddie approach to its platform. I expect the faded blue to become a pattern of primary-colored puzzle pieces. BUT HONESTLY, this weird victorian sex-negative attitude that they mask by appeals to wholesomeness and positivity (“We recognize Tumblr is also a place to speak freely about topics like art, sex positivity, your relationships, your sexuality, and your personal journey.”), the very opposite of being able to browse a variety of different bodies and human beings in acts of love and lust, men and men and women and women and enbies and enbies, 100% disgusts me and alienates me as a homosexual and a member of the larger LGBTQ+ community who wants true, real, adult, mature representation on social media. (“In doing so, it became clear that without this content we have the opportunity to create a place where more people feel comfortable expressing themselves.”) this policy targets artists, some of whom sustain themselves on nsfw commissions. this policy targets photographers, authors, curators, and the simple passer-by who appreciates nudity in full view, not hidden behind broken sin-based beliefs, the same beliefs those same people wield against us whenever they can and use as a foundation for fucking legislation to force us out of public view, invalidate our identities, prevent us from raising kids, enable employers to fire us just for existing, and, honestly, whatever else they can get away with to prevent us from doing just that.

I’m no longer welcome here. my blog and its full archive will remain until dec 17 when their mass-purge begins, so please browse and follow the thousands of artists on pixiv, furaffinity, or twitter that I’ve showcased over the years.

as a final note, if you’re a sex-positive adult who’s benefited in any way from access to nsfw content, leave tumblr. make it clear to all other platforms that we’re not to be treated like children who can’t stomach the sight of genitalia or ‘FEMALE PRESENTING NIPPLES’ whatever the fuck that means. 

thank you for supporting my blog all these years, please take care of yourselves out there, and goodbye!

6 years ago
6 years ago
d1ckchunks - gay paradise
Yamasks Revenge
Yamasks Revenge
Yamasks Revenge
Yamasks Revenge
Yamasks Revenge
Yamasks Revenge
Yamasks Revenge
Yamasks Revenge
Yamasks Revenge
Yamasks Revenge

Yamask’s Revenge

Twitter | Patreon Relevant dex entries:


Previously: Sad Litwick & Phantump comic 

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6 years ago
Bakusquat. Bakusquadt.
Bakusquat. Bakusquadt.

Bakusquat. Bakusquadt.

6 years ago


6 years ago
Art By: @lothlenan
Art By: @lothlenan
Art By: @lothlenan
Art By: @lothlenan
Art By: @lothlenan
Art By: @lothlenan
Art By: @lothlenan
Art By: @lothlenan
Art By: @lothlenan

Art By: @lothlenan

Instagram: @artwoonz

6 years ago
d1ckchunks - gay paradise
1) We Knew

1) we knew

2) we stan

6 years ago
d1ckchunks - gay paradise


6 years ago
d1ckchunks - gay paradise
d1ckchunks - gay paradise
6 years ago

“The double agent for the patriarchy is basically just a woman who perhaps unknowingly is still putting the patriarchal narrative out into the world. Is still benefitting off, profiting off and selling a patriarchal narrative to other women. But it’s a wolf in sheep’s clothing. You know, just because you look like a woman, we trust you and we think you’re on our side, but you are selling us something that really doesn’t make us feel good. You’re selling us an ideal, a body shape, a problem with our wrinkles, a problem with ageing, a problem with gravity, a problem with any kind of body fat. You’re selling us self-consciousness. The same poison that made you clearly develop some sort of body dysmorphia or facial dysmorphia, you are now pouring back into the world. You’re like recycling hatred. I find that really dangerous and I think it’s unacceptable and I don’t care if you’re a woman. I think constructive criticism is needed for anyone to ever evolve. For our gender to evolve we need some sort of constructive criticism. As long as we do it in a somewhat careful way. (…) So many of the worst things in the world have happened motivated by greed. And I just don’t think that’s an acceptable excuse anymore. How much money do you need? Really how much money do you need? How much money do any of these huge influencers who are worth millions or billions sometimes… why are they still promoting appetite-suppressant lollipops to young girls? And it’s not a fight against obesity. They have young, already slim girls, in their adverts for Flat Tummy company, this company that are absolutely everywhere, and they’re even being advertised in some of the most mainstream magazines, women’s magazines, and they have a billboard in Times Square. The money is built on the blood and tears of young women who believe in them, who follow them, who look up to them like the big sister they never had. It’s so upsetting and it feels like such a betrayal against women.”

Jameela Jamil explains why she thinks the Kardashians are “double agents for the patriarchy”

6 years ago

my homosexuality after I tried to pray it away

6 years ago

happy halloween! here is a ghost duet

6 years ago
I Exist In A Reality Where This Is The CanonI JUST WANT MY HAPPY GAY SPACE DADS

I exist in a reality where this is the canon I JUST WANT MY HAPPY GAY SPACE DADS

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6 years ago

Lotor attempts car keys Audio from  AJLoCascio on twitter

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6 years ago

@ porn blogs who keep following me


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6 years ago
6 years ago

This is art

Art By IG: @sketchsharkInstagram: @artwoonz
Art By IG: @sketchsharkInstagram: @artwoonz
Art By IG: @sketchsharkInstagram: @artwoonz
Art By IG: @sketchsharkInstagram: @artwoonz
Art By IG: @sketchsharkInstagram: @artwoonz
Art By IG: @sketchsharkInstagram: @artwoonz
Art By IG: @sketchsharkInstagram: @artwoonz
Art By IG: @sketchsharkInstagram: @artwoonz
Art By IG: @sketchsharkInstagram: @artwoonz

Art by IG: @sketchshark Instagram: @artwoonz

6 years ago
d1ckchunks - gay paradise
The Great Diamond Authority
The Great Diamond Authority
The Great Diamond Authority
The Great Diamond Authority

The Great Diamond Authority

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6 years ago
My Reaction For The Year

My reaction for the year

Steven’s Secret Rap Career | Music Video

ever wanted to hear a wholesome original Steven Universe song performed by Zach Callison (voice of Steven) himself? Look No Further!!!!!

This is a project I first started talking with Zach about over a year ago now, and it’s been amazing seeing it through to completion. got to give shout outs!!!

Zach Callison, rap lyrics and vocals

Mykal Williams, backing track and mixing

@l-a-l-o-u, those adorable credits icons and the Iconic Pearl shutter shades animation

Thanks so much for the support and patience, I hope you like the video!!

View here in HD!

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6 years ago
Ive Realized Something Terrible

i’ve realized something terrible

6 years ago

Omg yesssssssssss Queen

Happy Pride!

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