Pearl - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago

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1 year ago

Give us the Pearliest Pearl that ever Pearled, please!

Your request is an order, buddy! Huhuh

Give Us The Pearliest Pearl That Ever Pearled, Please!

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4 years ago
A Polaroid Illustration Tats Going To Be Part Of My Kickstarter Project. Its Gong To Be A Whole Collection

A polaroid illustration tat’s going to be part of my kickstarter project. It’s gong to be a whole collection of plants like this along with a cook book to go with it.

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5 years ago

Bar 3

Bar 3

If the Squidbeak Splatoon was just drunkℒ️...

- Pasta

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5 years ago

I think I’ve said enough...

I Think Ive Said Enough...

An edgy Steven.

Seriously, those episodes made everyone worried. Get help, Steven.

Also, I’ll be posting links to some fanfics of mine soon, so stay tuned!

- Pasta

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5 years ago

So... That leak, huh?

So... That Leak, Huh?

I lowkey didn’t believe the corrupted Steven theory at first but now I’m legit terrified?! Our babey is not okay?! Also the gems are handling it really badly, like absolutely abysmally?! IS GREG OKAY?!!

Okay just needed to get that out of my system, thanks for listening.

(Two posts in a day? New record!)

- Pasta

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5 years ago

Question for y’all

How would you feel about a Steven Universe high school au? It would be based off those promo drawings of the gems, but set in America rather than Japan. Let me know what you think.

Here are some of the drawings btw:

Question For Yall
Question For Yall
Question For Yall
Question For Yall
Question For Yall
Question For Yall
Question For Yall
Question For Yall
Question For Yall
Question For Yall

I got them off the wikia, in case you were wondering

- Pasta

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5 years ago

Steven Falls Over

Hmm... this could be foreshadowing....

Steven Falls Over

Or maybe Pearl pushed Steven onto the rink...

Steven Falls Over

I dunno, just saying. Those are some skinny hands...

- Pasta

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5 years ago

Episode 15 & 16 Analysis Bits

This is a analysis post of all the little things that I, and probably some of you guys noticed in the latest 2 episodes.

The Diamond Essence

So Steven used all the diamond essence. Everyone knows that. But the contrast between how the essence blends in episode 1 and 15 is pretty interesting.

In episode 1 of SUF, the blend of essence looks very smooth, bright, and wavy. It sparkles in a very nice and harmonious way.

Episode 15 & 16 Analysis Bits
Episode 15 & 16 Analysis Bits

However, in the latest episode, the blend looks far more... fragmented. Unstable. Dark.

Episode 15 & 16 Analysis Bits
Episode 15 & 16 Analysis Bits

This is probably a representation of his mental state being far more jarred, unstable, and just unhealthy. Rather than spreading evenly and properly, his essence just spreads, like a stain. Or a corruption scar....

Steven's forms

Steven has changed shape, size and even color this season. There are some things to take note of:

Steven's form changes either uniformly or chaotically. This probably indicates weather the change is a reaction or an internal change. That's why Steven grew so chaotically and unsustainably in Growing Pains, but grew in a β€œhealthier” way during Fragments. Not that the way he grew was healthy at all.

We know from the series that gems, including Steven, change form depending on their mental state. Steven changed into chad Steven because he felt stronger. Steven might change into the wyrm because he feels out of control, like a corrupted gem.

Pink Diamond Resembelence

Steven underwent a number of physical changes during Fragments, but one of the most significant ones was his increasing resemblance to his mother.

Episode 15 & 16 Analysis Bits
Episode 15 & 16 Analysis Bits

He's taller, about quartz height. His hair is poofier, like Pink's hair, and it even has the same tufts as hers. And the eyes? People have been pointing out that they have white pupils like White's , rather than Blue and Yellow's black pupils. And that must be deliberate.

White said she wanted to fix things. When she couldn’t, she moved ahead. Steven wants to fix things, but he can't live without a purpose. His family saw him as a burden when he couldn’t do anything. That has fed into his current state, if not created it.

Betraying Every Single Crystal Gem Value

This is probably one of the things that hit me the hardest in this episode. He managed to:

Destroy organic life


Enjoy violence and causing pain

Within 3 days. All things that his mother fought so hard to prevent from occurring. Perhaps this is why he has decided to do it. His mother didn’t want it, so in an attempt to prove that he's his own person, he does all of the things that would cause disapproval from anyone but Jasper.

It's convoluted and awful, but in a way it makes sense. If he does what his family wants, they will always want more. They'll never want more of this.


When Steven said β€œYou’re just like mum”, I was astounded by how offensively Greg took it. Astounded for a good reason. He realises that Rose wasn't an entirely altruistic person.

I think this actually shows an incredible amount of strength in Greg. I feel like Steven overreacted in the situation, but Greg has grown nonetheless.

He did get carried away though. He whisked Steven through his youth, without any regard for his feelings. Instead of sitting and talking, he tried to distract Steven. And that CD... context, Greg. Context.

Also, they way that he implies that Steven was β€œfree” shows how little he helped bring up Steven after he moved in with the gems.

Anyway, that was a lot to unpack. I hope you enjoyed reading it! If you have any thoughts, let me know.

- Pasta

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4 years ago

Pearl Memes

Pearl Memes
Pearl Memes
Pearl Memes
Pearl Memes
Pearl Memes
Pearl Memes

Image 1 based off Bismuth Casual, Images 2 and 3 based off Homeworld Bound.

Have some shitposts. Just take them.

- Pasta

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my new obsession is Steven Universe. and ive been doing a little fanart. i started with Pearl, but then realized that i got all the colors wrong, so i got really frustrated. so then i started Blue Diamond, and holy shit.


she is wonderful im choking

idk if her hair is right.

i took some artistic liberties and changed her Diamond/Gen up a bit. sadly ive already finished all of SU, even the movie and Future, so i wont see more of her :((( but i am thinking about rewatching the first series bc some early things are getting foggy. anyway hope yall like the drawing :)

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9 months ago
The Song Brutus By The Buttress Inspired Me To Make This Drawing Of Pearl

The song β€˜Brutus’ by the Buttress inspired me to make this drawing of Pearl

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1 year ago
A Little Speedpaint I Did Of A SuAU With Some Ocs So I Could Try Out Some Colouring/background Drawing

a little speedpaint i did of a suAU with some ocs so i could try out some colouring/background drawing techniques :)

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9 years ago
My Pearl... - Episode 45: Roses Scabbard

β€œMy Pearl...” - Episode 45: Rose’s Scabbard

As always, many thanks to Rebecca Sugar.

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