damsel-dhampir - Meduka, Rabu
Meduka, Rabu


567 posts

More Things From My Labrumisu Triforce Au.

More things from my Labrumisu Triforce au.

It’s called the triforce trio au for the time being.

Fun facts under read more

Mithrun has desires but they are very muted due to him being in isolation for so long. He just doesn’t care about watching his words anymore.

Laios can turn into his chimera form but that caused problems for him in the village he grew up in.

His party members are his council!

Monsters tend to avoid him in a, we will spread across the world under his will sort of way, Laios who just wants to study (and eat) them is very disappointed by this.

Laios is very polite to Mithrun. He knows it wasn’t him but the triforce of power still disrupts Mithrun sometimes.

He thinks Kabru enjoys killing and eating the monsters he sends so he sends more. Kabru…Does not.

Kabru is very quick to jump into action due to his courage, he also overthinks so the entire time he’s fighting he’s freaking out in ten different ways. He will do it again, every time.

Kabrus village was attacked by monsters that where under the winged lion/goats control when he was power due to plot things.

Mithruns past self cared about the hero in a very, I am the prince/triforce of wisdom, obviously the hero will come for me way. Current Mithrun admires Kabrus tenacity.

The conflict in the background is how the trio are trying to deal with leftovers from the winged lions reign.

  • thelittleherbalwitchthatcould
    thelittleherbalwitchthatcould liked this · 5 months ago
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    cantfunny liked this · 6 months ago
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    wyld-alien liked this · 6 months ago
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    sky0uwu0 liked this · 6 months ago

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