83 posts
I Won't Lie, Things Are Getting Difficult. So Many Favorites, So Few Votes. But I Just Had To Spare One

I won't lie, things are getting difficult. So many favorites, so few votes. But I just had to spare one for Heather. Neph needs her girlfriend in the game yesterday.
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More Posts from Dangerouseggwolfangel
You all are getting excited for Altina, and yet fail to recognize the real reason why her inclusion is awesome smh.
Altina is awesome because she was one of the characters who were arbirtarly excluded from CYL. And yet here she is. Which means one of two things:
1- Cyl isn't so important as we thought.
2- They are finally adding the previously excluded but requested charaters to CYL.
Either way this is wonderful news for everyone who has a very obscure fave.
If you really want Bramimond from FE7, Bryce from PoR, Senno from Fates, Chagall from FE4, Lekain from RD or another character like them you are finally allowed to hope again.
You're welcome.

People complain about how the anniversary was handled and I can see why. But my luck has been so good with me. Witch Nowi that escaped me for two years and Lyn who broke my curse of never getting ranged armors.
Honestly, I chose Red and Blue because I didn't have any unit except Camilla in both cases, and I would have liked the extra camillas since they are good units, but it's nice that the RNG felt like giving me some of the best options instead. I know it might sound hypocritical coming from someone who was this lucky, but even if you got someone you already had six copies of, well that's just another step closer to a fully merged hero, and if you got someone new that you really do not like, remember that is still free 5.000 Hero Merits and fodder.
I guess what I'm trying to say is, even if you received a gift you didn't want, always look at the bright side.

Edited by @clericallis

This is the highest pity rate I have ever achieved and I do not regret the results from it. I went from 330 to 70 orbs real quick.
This post is blessed by two brides, a son coming to his mom’s wedding, and two other people wishing them well. Reblog and/or like to prevent early pity breaks and to pull multiple 5* units in the same session.
Damn... I'm so sorry and I don't even know what to say. If that happened to my family cat I would feel terribile :(
Really makes you think about the things we take for granted. I'm gonna kiss my pet just as much as I normally do, but today it will be with your regards
One of my cats died, not even an hour ago.
Three days ago, somehow she caught a jaundice and her liver failed. It all went so fast. Yesterday, I had brought her to the vet, and she spent the day and the night there.
Today, I came to talk with the vet, and she had fallen into a coma. She was so cold to the touch. Euthanasia was the only thing left to do. She was only 4.
I was prepared for it, and there was nothing else to do for her, so I don’t feel as awful as I thought I would.
But do me a favor and go give a big kiss to your pet and tell them you love them for me.