83 posts
I Got Incredibly Lucky With The Spring Banner And With Little Over 200 Orbs I Went From Having Zero Of

I got incredibly lucky with the spring banner and with little over 200 orbs I went from having zero of the 1st year's bunnies, to having all of them. Which means in one clean swoop I completed both my Camilla and Lucina Collection (and Chrom collection, but there's no space for him).
I must say, having a goal in mind makes playing the game a lot more fun, so I'm really glad I decided to strive for a complete collection ever since Brave Camilla.
But now I need to find some other goal (unless Bride Camilla is coming, but you didn't hear it from me). I was thinking about completing all the CYL heroines which wouldn't be too hard. I already have all Celicas (including Duo Alm), all Lucinas, all Micaiahs and all Camillas. I'm missing only one Lyn (the Bride which I can try for in a month), one Veronica (the Mythic one which could be a little tricky depending on my luck) and I already have base Edelgard and Lysithea and considering I get one of them for free it means I basically need to hunt for 3 units.
Wish me luck, and let's hope the new banners don't distract me too much.
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Well, my pulls were kind of alright for about 350 orbs.
And yeah that Charlotte there means I also dipped a bit more in the Bride's banner and it paid off. I know I am 3 Lutes away from the goal, but I have a month, there's no rush. Plus I got +Atk so I don't risk having to pull more than 11 of her. And that spare Lilith will give her Joint Drive Atk. I'm pulling all the stops, MY Lute needs to be superior after all.
Good luck for you summons friends, hopr they are as good as mine.

In the end I had to give my last vote to someone with actual chances of winning. Bernadetta is one of my favorites from Three Houses who I never expected to be so popular. Good job Bernie, you did amazing. You already are the bracest hero in my heart!
I could have given her more votes but... I like pretty much all the characters in top 20 this year so whoever ends up winning will be a good choice in my book. We will have to wait a few days for the results, so in the meantime let's practice how to respect each other's choices and opinions. In the end this is just a game and even if we lose, we have a new shot at winning each year. No need to get salty or mad about CYL
So the new banner is exciting but... now that we have seven Tikis I have to admit something.
Something that many of you will hate. I really want a character to have 8 versions.
Doesn't matter who, Tiki, Camilla, Takumi, Ike, Hector, Roy, Lyn, Ephraim, Eirika, Edelgard, Claude, Dimitri, Veronica or even Wrys.
I want this to happen because I really want a voting gauntlet with 8 characters who have the same name AND the same gender AND are absolutely the same person in soul and mind. No possession like Lyon (but regular brainwashing like Tiki is fine) and no gender splits who are a bit of a cheat.
It's because in my mind it would be the most dank thing that could ever happen to this game. A VG that deadass just asks you "here is a character, which outfit do you prefer?"
It would be the biggest meme and we can't let our memes be dreams. My biggest hope is that before this game ends something like this happens. There, I said it. Think of me what you want.
Holy crap, what is wrong with people?!
I'm hearing of people receiving death threats over a stupid popularity contest. Of voice actors getting harassed by salty people. This is wild!
I thought the Camilla hate in CYL 3 was horrible but at least there were no death threats (that I know of) and people didn't harass her VA or the Fates team or anyone. Man, I'm sorry for you all Gatekeeper fans that have to put up with this crap, and I'm sorry for McCarley.
The "Fire Emblem fans" that complained to him personally on Twitter are not clowns, they are the entire circus! How did they come to the conclusion that what they did was in any way reasonable? Even if there was actually something wrong with GK's high placement (like botted votes) you should go complain to IS, not some innocent voice actor.
Sheesh, it's scary what this popularity contest can do to people. It's a good thing I don't use twitter and can't see the worst of it.
But even here I see some bad takes that put a bad taste in my mouth. What I'm about to say should be obvious to anyone over the age of 6 but maybe some of you never grew up.
Everyone is allowed to their opinion, but you also have to RESPECT people who have the opposite opinion as you.
Just because you can't see anything good about a character it doesn't mean that something isn't there, just that the character is not for you. And there's no such thing as a "fake character" or "unworthy character".
Every single character votable in CYL has a personality and a role they play.
Even the one-off bosses like Gromell (his personality is being cocky and dumb), Haitaka (his personality is being extremely loyal to his country and nationalistic) and Brigand Boss (his personality is being a low-life as*hole who kidnaps young girls to do horrible things to them. Completely unredeemable bad guy).
And for the rare cases like Cain from Thracia and his one line of dialogue, or Altina and her zero lines of dialogue, getting in the game can be an opportunity to actually give them a personality. It worked wonders for Altina and other very minor characters like Ronan, Mustafa and Leila, so what's the loss if a character wins/gets in instead of another?
No vote is a wrong vote, and no character is a non-character, least of all the sweet Gatekeeper, so stop being mean to him!
And Gatekeeper supporters, don't think you are completely off the hook. I've seen some of you acting pretty bad too (bad apples are in every group larger than 5 people after all). You are right to defend your fave, but don't do so by saying he has way more personality and character than Chrom (worded in a way to make it seem like Chrom has no personality) to the Chrom stans for example. It's possible to praise a character without bringing every other character down, and every single votable character is surely someone's favorite and there really is no need to call them bad and boring and their fans stupid. Remaining civilized and being careful not to be mean to other people even unintentionally should be the main goal here. At the end of the day this game could close down before they even make this year's brave banner so what's the point of fighting like animals?
To all the people who vote for a top scoring character hoping that they can keep their position or rise to the podium, you are all valid.
And to all the people who are voting other characters, keep doing you! Your fave isn't less deserving of a vote than any other character who is more "popular" or "important".
Anyway, before I forget, I voted for Eirika today too, gotta keep her first.