I sometimes dump art here I guessOr ramble about MHA shit lol(Background thingy is not mine)
167 posts
Darkcomets - I Have No Idea What I'm Doing - Tumblr Blog
I wish I could talk to people more on this platform because everyone seems so silly and nice
It’s so scary though lmao
I literally have a heart attack whenever I see a DM ;-;
"B-b-but what if ur not actually aro!! What if u just haven't met the right person yet?? Ur still young 🥺"
Than I'll stop using the aro label. I'll realize that I was incorrect and go on with my life. No one's changed my mind yet though. I haven't met that "special someone 🥺🥺🥺🥺" "yet" so I don't care about this entirely hypothetical person.
Aphobes are stupid ngl. Realizing that this label doesn't fit me (which it will almost definitely still fit me as I get older) isn't going to be some world shattering event. I'll move on, I'll accept my mistake. Lol
I'm not ace, but this post wasn't about being aroallo so go wild, I se you aroaces and aces, y'all r cool so you can tag it as ace and aroace
A teacher during sex ed in primary: Well, you may not like it now, but someday all the boys in this room will fall in love with a girl, and someday all the girls in this room will fall in love with a boy.

The way that exclusionists treat ace and aro people often reminds me of how the average person would treat me when I started being open as non-binary. I’ve said it once and I’ll say it a thousand times, we are not enemies. Our experiences do not oppose each other, they are intertwined. If you’re ace, if you’re aromantic, if you’re any variation thereupon; your home is here. You belong here, too. You are beautiful, and powerful; and you don’t have to explain yourself to anyone. You are a valued part of this community.
Someone fell first..

Someone fell harder.

Bound by strings only them can see.

Be careful of Asexuals y'all, I heard they aren't fucking around

6- Ritual (Sarah the Maid)
A scene I wanted to try draw out :)
If all you ever do is look down on people, you won't be able to recognize your own weaknesses.
Bakugou Katsuki, My Hero Academia.

Like damn!!!?? IT WAS BEAUTIFUL!!!

5- Doll (Jane Doe from Ride the Cyclone)
‘Jane Doe is what the coroner said. They found my body, not my head. No parents came, and so, they never learned my name, or who I used to be. My life, an unsolved mystery. From ashes I was made, and ashes I return, and so I walk alone and wonder why.’ - Jane Doe’s entrance

4- Disembowlment (Keroba)
‘His body swayed in the air. All hopes and dreams with broken necks, wrung out of the throat that sang them. His insides were spread across the floor on display, the puzzle pieces of the malevolent soul that no longer remains buried in layers of deceit and smiles.’

Hands down the most gorgeous character in this show I’m just AWESTRUCK by his beauty

This man is ART.
I finally started watching the S7 episodes again and my GOD ITS AMAZING SORNEOCNRWOIEKWFN
All things aside, this reminds me horribly of wishiwashi 😭

TW!- Abuse (bruises)

3- Abuse (Lillian)
‘Pleas and begs, sobs and terrified screams, all left unheard in the silence of a mouth stitched shut by unseen fears. A figure left crumpled at the hand of her creator, with an artwork of agony across her body.’

2- Smile (Charlotte)
‘What lies behind a smile may be a toothy grin dripping with malice and stained with the blood of those who dared trust. Behind every smile is a twisted lie.’

how it feels to have gore tomorrow

1- Rose/Thorns (Huolán)
‘What started as the beautiful bloom of a chance soon grew into a binding chain, the poison planted and spread like a diseased weed. An ugly promise that leads to a bloody future, filled with deceit, pain and perhaps an agonising demise, painted by the hands kept cold in the thorn’s embrace.’
Me wanting to text and talk to my mutuals:

My social anxiety:

A fantasy au movie of Bakudeku is a MUST need! Still can’t believe we never got an ova or some sort of movie of this concept? Like Bones let me see Bakugo and Deku working side by side in another universe please 🙏

If I had to give my world to save your life, I would sacrifice everything and wouldn't even think twice.
Official MV from the "My Hero Academia" (Kohei Horikoshi) × "Polaris" (BLUE ENCOUNT) Collaboration

the closet is GLASS
if you can’t eat a whole meal, eat half. you ate, that’s what is important.
if you can’t get out of bed, try and sit up instead of lying down. it’ll be better for your back and your blood pressure.
if you can’t shower or have a bath today, try and brush your teeth and clean your ears. it’ll keep you a little cleaner, and we often forget those areas.
if you can’t get dressed today, change underwear and use some deoderant. it’ll leave you a little fresher until you have the strength to change fully.
and remember, i’m very proud of you. your best will look different every day, and that’s okay.