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figured id post this last fnaf art before i succumbed to the csh fixation

i made this little drawing! i know it’s not that good with how messy it is but i’m kinda proud of it! i used a reference/tutorial but lost it in my files .(had to delete from my camera cause it was taking up too much space)
if anyone knows where the image is please tell me! i’d like to link it but don’t have it right now. (i used adobe sketch! incase anyone was wondering)

reposting a drawing i made earlier! (with a change in background) i used a reference/toturial but lost it in my files, if anyone knows please tell me. i’d like to make a link to it!
i’m still learning and i’m pretty new to art so constructive criticism is welcome! (i made this on adobe sketch incase anyone was wondering)
With Fire And With Blood.

Warning: violence, killing, blood, gore, Daemon being possessive.

Y/N stood frozen in fear as she watched her husband, Daemon Targaryen, approach her. He was covered in blood, his blond hair matted and his face splattered with the crimson liquid. His eyes were wild and filled with madness as he reached out to touch her face with his bloody hands.
“Lo nyke emagon naejot ossēnagon lī qilōni hog aōha undying jorrāelagon se attention syt issa pār sīr sagon ziry issa dāria,” he spoke in High Valyrian, his voice deep and almost inhuman.
Y/N didn't understand the words he spoke, but she could sense the intensity and desperation in his tone. She was afraid, not just for herself but for their unborn child as well. She had never seen her husband like this before, and it scared her.
She tried to back away, but he grabbed her gently, his touch surprisingly gentle despite being covered in blood. His dark eyes locked with hers, and she could see a glimmer of love and obsession in them.
Y/N felt tears welling up in her eyes as she tried to make sense of the situation. Daemon had always been possessive and protective of her, but this level of violence was something she never expected from him.
Looking down at her swollen stomach, she knew that she couldn't let anything happen to their baby. She wrapped her trembling hands around her belly and whispered words of protection, hoping that her husband would come back to his senses.
But instead, he leaned in closer to her, his lips brushing against her ear as he spoke again.
“I will do anything to keep your attention and love. I have killed thousands for you, and I am not afraid to kill more. You are mine, and no one else's. You belong to me,” he said, his voice low and almost begging.
Y/N could feel his hot breath against her skin, and her mind was racing with fear and confusion. She never thought that her husband could be capable of such violence and obsession.
But deep down, she knew that his love for her was genuine, even if it came with a darker side. She couldn't help but feel a strange sense of gratitude for his protectiveness and possessiveness, even if it had led to bloodshed.
“Daemon, please,” she pleaded, her voice trembling with emotion. “I love you too, but this is not the way. Killing for my attention and love will only push me away.”
Daemon's grip on her tightened, and for a moment, Y/N was afraid that he might harm her. But instead, he leaned in and pressed his bloody forehead against hers, his eyes closing.
“I will do better,” he whispered. “I will show you that my love for you is greater than my need for your attention. Just please, don't leave me.”
Y/N could see the genuine sincerity in his eyes, and she felt her heart soften. She knew that it wouldn't be easy, but she was willing to work things out with her husband.
As he pulled away, she saw the remorse and regret in his eyes as he looked at his blood-stained hands. He knew that he had crossed a line, and he was willing to make it right.
Y/N reached out and took his hand, pulling him towards her and leading him towards their bedroom. As they stepped inside, she could see the destruction and chaos that her husband had caused in his desperate attempt to win her love.
Instead of being angry, she felt a deep sense of sadness and fear. She knew that she needed to help him overcome his need for violence and obsession in the name of love.
As she lay down on their bed, Daemon joined her, his eyes never leaving hers. They lay there in silence, his hand gently resting on her stomach. For the first time in a long time, Y/N felt at peace, knowing that her husband truly loved her and was willing to make amends for his mistakes.
In the days and weeks that followed, Y/N worked tirelessly to help Daemon overcome his dark desires. She showed him love and affection, and slowly but surely, he began to let go of his need for violence and bloodshed.
Their love grew stronger, and as their child was born, Daemon promised to be a better husband and father. With Y/N's love and support, he was able to become the man that she had always believed he could be.
From then on, their love was stronger than ever before, and Y/N knew that no matter what challenges they faced, they would always overcome them together.
Lo nyke emagon naejot ossēnagon lī qilōni hog aōha undying jorrāelagon se attention syt issa pār sīr sagon ziry issa dāria - If I have to kill those who hog your undying love and attention from me then so be it my queen.


didn't have motivation to color it, i hate coloring anyway >_>

“…does another challenger approacheth?"🗡🌿✨

Mouse embryo (day 12.5) stained for motor (red) and sensory (magenta) nerves and nerve endings (cyan)
By Dr. Gist F. Croft, Lauren Pietila, Dr. Ali H. Brivanlou (The Rockefeller University - Laboratory of Stem Cell Biology and Molecular Embryology)
Technique: Light Sheet Microscopy and Tissue Clearing (iDISCO)
Magnification 1.8x (objective lens magnification)

my illustrations for FRANKENSTEIN pt. 1/2
part 1 / 2

<< Am I beautiful? >>

<A bit worse for wear, I'm afraid.>

Van Palmer + werewolf
Yellowjackets October Prompt: YJ character as classic horror monsters
carrion choir. Van was supposed to die. She knows that. The dead know that. The Wilderness knows that.
Winter starts bad and gets worse. Van hallucinates.
(horror oneshot, rated M, 4.7k words, taivan. So, so much body horror.)
Written for yjoctober 2023. Prompt(s): 1. Horror element or trope from the show (hallucinations and madness) 8. came back wrong
You're dead. You're dead and you're still hungry. Your worm-riddled stomach dribbles acid from countless bite wounds, slowly eating itself. You chew on pine nettles, boot leather, your own hair. You shuffle through the cabin like one of Romero's zombies, rotting and starving all at once. You stare at your living friends with crawling envy, craving their heartbeats, their breath. Their warm, sweet, living flesh. Necrotic purple bruising spreads across your torso. You make sure it's always hidden. Your fingernails fall out, one by one. You bind your hands in more cloth. Strips of skin peel away from your arms and legs. You clumsily stitch them back together with Akilah's needle, swallowing your screams. You tell no one.

hooked on you

Imposter syndrome
blossom within the skull. They’re not themselves anymore by the time they escape. They’re not even human anymore. (oneshot, 7k words, taivan and jackieshauna. A kinda-sorta Annihilation au. Written for yjoctober2023. Prompt 4: Yellowjackets reimagined as a different genre)
The children pulled themselves from fire and steel and into Its home, staring with wide scared eyes at the deer with vines spilling from an open wound in its flank, the owl with thorns and nettles poking out between its feathers, the corpse in the cabin with chanterelles erupting from its eyes, yarrow blooming from its gaping mouth.
The corpse, they called it, until they saw it breathe.
In the attic, under a bearskin rug, a journal. The pages molded beyond recognition, except the last.
If you are reading this you are already changing.
Ceramic Bunnies I Official Trailer
for yellowjackets october: yellowjackets re-imagined as a slasher [youtube]