Realm of seclusion, forseer of realms unexplored, peered through nigh terrors. House of the Dark Dream Theorist, scrive of plagued visions
99 posts
How I Would Write A Boom! Power Rangers Turbo Origin Story:
How I would write a Boom! Power Rangers Turbo origin story:
NOTICE: Long post. still editing
[Inspired by Channel Awesome's Fanscription series]
What if Power Rangers Turbo panned out differently? what if it used most but all elements of Carranger? What if all but the remains of the Zeo Crystals powered their new Turbo Ranger suits and zords via a young wizard mechanic from a star system of gearheads?
This outline's my attempt at a proper Zeo-Turbo power shift and major overhaul of the PRT series worthy of a Boom comic adaptation. No Divatox, no Lerigot, no inviso-chimp Bulk & Skull! It will, however, use a majority of Carranger material to try and balance out lighthearted and intense moments ala IDWs Ninja Turtles.
Roadwiz by Carlos “Carl Carson” Carona (now with 60% Carranger)
Part 1:

The Command Center receives a holiday vidcard from an unknown alienoid from an unverified star system, Prandal of Valan-8 (Hazardian Dapp), an Automage apprentice/big time Ranger aficionado, currently residing in Metroland Resort, located within the Intergalactic Highway (Baribarian), an orbiting metroplanet made of rows upon rows of interwoven roads and highways.

The vidcard plays a standard goodwill greeting, albeit wedged with plenty of distracting cheese-ball FX & b-roll:
“Axlent Greetings, Power Rangers! Prandal here, wishing you good times from Metroland Resort, where guests check in, but don’t wanna check out! Normally, I’d be studying Automagic with the other wizard mechanics on Valan-8, but they and the other guests from a bunch of different star systems are hooked with games, food, and music, plus the midnite show at Hailey’s Comet Bar with Star Dancer Radiel, Rygog’s favorite show! You guys should come stay for a few days from Earth. Oh, and you don’t need an astrocar or rocket to get there in who knows how many light years! The Intergalactic Highway will come to your star system and pick you, and any other inhabitants, right up! Metroland, Where All Roads Lead to Paradise!”
Analyzing the message, however, Alpha combs out bits of a distress signal within the vidcard’s code, cunningly hidden in those low-grade 80s graphics, along with coordinates to meet him in private at the afformentioned bar. Unscrambled, Prandal was merely warning the Rangers about Metroland & IGH’s true intentions:
“It was actually Rygog’s (Gynamo) Base for his Belt Duster crew (Bowzock), cosmic bikers bent on bedlam from across many galaxies, and Earth’s next! It siphons entire planets of its resources while their rides, buffets & shows distract the “guests”. Just as they are about to check out, a whopping service bill puts them to debt and their planets have already been sucked dry, dooming them to life as grunts for Rygog’s gang; a devious plan concocted by General Havoc (Ritchihiker), acting as Resort Manager. Prandal needs their help to save him and the imprisoned travelers, along with his Automage masters, and return those resources to their proper planets before Earth gets hooked into this tourist trap. He also says his reason for trusting the Rangers and his fellowship to their cause came about from heresay of those trapped in Metroland recounting the times Dex’s planet from the Plague Patrol, and when they dismantled Machine Empire (tech with Rita/Zedd’s backstabbery)”.

Prandal devises an elaborate rescue plan: a prisoner exchange with Rygog; his life for the Zeo Crystals. Before they realize they swapped the crystals with fakes, he’ll have infused them to his model cars with Automagic (kurumagic), giving the Belt Dusters a suprise attack by The Turbo Rangers and their mighty Turbo Megazord, ready to buff the skid marks off their grimey comet tail!!

He asks the Rangers to meet at the coordinates encoded in the vidcard for the exchange, Hailey's Comet Bar (BB Saloon). Sensing a possble trap, Zordon hails Billy on Aquitar to aid in the exchange. Alpha insists on tagging along since he & Prandal were pen pals after Edenoi was saved and the Machine Empire fallen by the Zeo Rangers

Billy arrives on Earth in a bent-out RADBUG with two protective attachés for the Zeo Crystals, picking up Alpha at the Command Center as they head back to Angel Grove in need of parts to soupe up RADBUG for deep space travel. One stop reunites Billy and Alpha with Tommy Oliver at his uncle’s auto shop Stallion Motors (Pegasus Auto Garage)!

At the auto shop, Alpha goes into "sleep mode" beside the garage entrance while Billy meets up with Tommy, reminiscing on old friends in college, globetrotting, Kimmy in Paris, etc.
Oliver's pit crew of Angel Grove freshman are taking extra credit at Stallion Motors, awe-gapped they'll be upgrading Billy's science fair project, not just for space travel, but make it a pleasing street legal ride: TJ assists Tommy with performance testing; Carlos helps Tommy & TJ repair & customize RADBUG while checking the books on recent repairs; Ashley's designs are given to Carlos; and Cassie spreads word of Stallion Motors to potential clients *some aspects of Carranger's team are shared between Turbo Ranger's teammates
A while later, Angel Grove’s new Smart Guy Justin arrives at the auto shop, ecstatic to hear of Billy's return, hoping he could be his mentor & guide, and help fix Ernie’s Juice Bar Builder for the Youth Center
Justin tells Billy how Ernie got a bar maker kit for his latest venture to create on-the-go jelly blocks with his specialty fruit drinks, even calling them Juice Bars for the pun alone, but after deputy cops Bulk & Skull swapped the fruit with root vegetables & tubers for a lark, the starch gunked the juice compressor and Ernie’s left with a small batch of veggie blocks (Imo Yokan). Lt. Stone asked Justin to fix his rookies’ mess given how much of Billy he saw in the boy and based on his high Aptitude score jumping him to high school
Later, Justin sees Alpha-5 resting by the garage entrance next to the tuned-up RADBUG-2, thinking he was a tutoring aide Billy built for a robotics museum, then checks the case containing the Zeo crystals
As he was about to inspect the Zeo Case further, Justin drops it and the crystals fall as Billy was heading back to his Souper Cooper leaving for his Ranger Mission
Justin kneels to grab the crystals before Billy could notice any tampering on the case, but his backpack zipped open and the compressor, veggie blocks, and some white carrots the same shape as the crystals drop to the floor. A panicked Justin stored the crystals in his pack and puts the carrots in the case
Billy & Alpha head off, RADBUG-2 ready for liftoff! But as Justin heads back to the Youth Center, he sees the Zeo Crystals in his backpack and Billy has the compressor and Zeo Carrots in RADBUG-2.
Has Justin discovered the Rangers’ secret identities? What fate lies in Justin How will he fix the Juice Bar Builder when it’s 7 Lightyears away from Angel Grove?!
Part 2:
Billy & Alpha arrive at the Metro planet orbiting Valan-8, landing near a gas station by their drop spot Hailey’s, a juice bar for alien travelers.
Disguised as an Aquitar nomad, Billy takes RADBUG-2 to a Shrek-eared mechanic to stow it in his garage
However, Alpha was in rest mode the whole trip and is captured by Manic Mechanic (MM Shuurisukii), fully knowing he’s Zordon’s assistant and the Rangers ally & friend
Manic Mech messes with Alpha’s systems by inserting a disc that programs him to only speak in nineties slang
Inside Hailey’s, Billy negotiates with Elgar (Zelmoda) & Porto (Grotch) for an exchange with their leader: the young automage for the Zeo Crystals, as Rygog heard of their tremendous power that could up the Dust Belter’s rep
The bar crowd silences as the floorshow begins, on stage was Radiel (Zonnette), Rygog’s GF who was actually an older princess of the Crysahliss Empire kipnapped by him and brainwashed by Porto
comment story edits for this outline. May not b good, still say major improvement on the 2nd PR movie
ciciultrafangirl liked this · 10 months ago
mysticalpersonapsychicegg liked this · 1 year ago
More Posts from Darkdreamtheorist

For Nostalgia Critic Commercials series
Pluto Rises* (Paul Rudish Mickey short fanstory)
I’ve been looking deep into the Goofy-Pluto Paradox in all of disney media, where regular and anthropomorphic animals coexist yet there are others (**Doug Walker**) who flip out on the logic, can’t get how some animals are in clothes and gloves and others are naked and as pets. Now I did see the Paul Rudish Mickey Shorts on Youtube then Disney+, like the one where Goofy took Pluto’s place for a Dog Show BUTT NAKED ON FOURS, and one with Donald getting treated for Flipperboobootosis by the same bear that attacked him now in full doctor gear, when he chased him Mickey n Goofy for some honey on the sore. Yeah these are meant to be enjoyably chaotic for younger kids, maybe older ones n teens too, but normal thinking grownups see this and its some psychotic naked man on fours, or a furry. DON’T OVERTHINK THEM OLDS!
But I would like to see how far this paradox can go, push the envelope and see how disturbing it would get, with a Mickey Short of my own (*comment for a better title):
As Von Drake demonstrated his new telepods at the same science expo he showed his shrinker, Goofy and Pluto smash into a pod together, coming out the other fine at first,but in Jeff Goldblum Fly remake fashion, slowly yet humorously turn into one another. Mickey needs to return them to the pods and thru usual hapcap antics reverse their “curse” before they remain like this for life! (until the next short, these are episodic serials y’know!)
Certain key points for this short:
They only start switching body types and not voices til later; Pluto still barks even as a Dogman in Goofy’s hand-me-downs and Goofy still talks to people and even other dogs in his four-legged state, unaware how its disturbing the peace and sanity of other folks. Midpoint in the short is when they gradually become one another: Pluto speaks for real telling his mouse owner and Ludwig of the dilemma they need to fix, and as Goofy enjoys his Dog Days, he exhibits more canine instincts he can’t fully control, like chasing Peg-Leg Pete cuz he is a cat or fetching thrown things like sticks and frisbees then burrying them, leading him to the Pound at some point.
The transformations don’t need to be too graphic like the Fly remake I mentioned, but not so exaggerated where the bodies start morphing to and fro. As Pluto starts stretching awake, he begins to stand up and scratch himself with his front paw, followed by both paws becoming his hands and feet, while Goofy at some eatery drinks his water with his long tongue and his back aches only to now stand on fours on his newly formed paws, his gloves don’t fit him and takes them, his shoes and clothes off looking like a stray. Meanwhile Pluto goes to Goofy’s house and wears his clothes for the time, feeling blushed at his nudity as a Dogman, still wearing the collar.
Would it work as a real Rudish Mickey Mouse short, or should I bury the idea? save your thoughts in the comments

Thank you @dr-0-shadow and everyone who got me to 10 reblogs!

Sling Set extras (20 Sep, Last of Marsupilamis pt.1):
private chat w/Matt on Benton-Night’s computers
When I told him about Bluebottle’s decease in the 40 years since the Whale Sub Incident, heck even before that, I teased his knowledge of marsupilamis as I told him about my trip to Aguapiche, Bolivia with cousin Meg the cheetah, looking for Turnip tree beets for his hun-bun Jack O’Hare, their pulp and juice used as aphrodisiacs when ripe.
As we camped out beside a mature turnip tree, jamming to some samba station, a beet beaned me on the head and a distinct “Houba” was heard from the branches above us. I clawed up to the source, seeing the doc swayed to the rhythm of the night, then stopped once he saw me.
I heard Meg’s growling discomfort in her tent, doc thought the poachers were there ready to skin him. Vowing i wouldn’t rat him out if we were captured, I checked on my cuz back at the site, but not before Moira called me back to restock fresh paper for the printers. tbc
Sling Set, 20 September (Last of the Marsupilamis, part 1)
🐯: Heard of Dr. Bluebottle?
🏜🐺: Navy science shrimp, whale sub?
🐯: yep
Sea Monster Scoops Soft Serve Savings| Variety, Duckburg (September ‘89)
Need 2 file an update on his wanted status
🏜🐺: Can it wait? Sarge still bitter bout that APB Navy relayed on his escape near mid-atlantic. 📝 What do u know of him?
🐯: Cancel the search. He ded ☠️
🏜🐺: 😱 No Way! WHEN? HOW? WHERE?! What time?
🐯: 40 years, Bolivia, roughly 4:35 Central, stampede, least according to him
🏜🐺: 📝 Heavy ink. 😕😞 I’ll ask Lt. Biscuit to relay the intel to Adm. Grimmace—⚡️😵
🐯: 💢 Baskett & Grimitz, Lowbrow! ur slip-ups costing them taser money
🏜 🐺: 😵💫 😵💫 😵💫 Got it, Jo! Wait how culd doc tell u his death when u said he ded? Why did he tell u? Itz cuz of Slink? tail buddies amiright?
🐯: 💯 real talk: What if I told u that Bluebottle wuz rly a Marsupilami dressed in dogman clothes?
🏜🐺: Those leopard-monkeys with the long tails that go “Hoo-Haa”!? 🫤 rnt those comic book critters?
🐯: “Houba”! Bubo’s his name btw. N theyre no cartoon. last of his kind. his fur, Navy Blue, prized by poachers n rich ladies rdy 2 line their coats. N yeah, my long ass tail wuz plenty trust to tell me
🏜️ 🐺: musta bn like family to see a fellow tail bud, mad respect ✊
🐯: 😭 Better than Megara 🐆I’ll say. C iz Like this: “Jacky Buns” 🏜 🐇 pre-ordered some Turnip Trees off a village in Bolivia, Aguapiche, ripe for liquid viagra, but fam biz roped him out, he asked her to get them around August after monsoon season
🏜🐺: And she roped u for the rough stuff while she got hubby pts 4da nips?
🐯: WITH SLINK ON MY NECK! T_T. I held the gear, she handled beauty
🏜🐺: Wut r Turnip Trees byw?
🐯: Edible trees, wit else? First their turnip shape seeds, then grow to huge ass baobabs in 14 months if left unearthed, n they span the Aguapiche plains.
🏜️🐺: Howdu meet the Marsup?
🐯: As we camped out by a clearing btwn these babs, I tund the radio 4 weather updates but got Mambo 40s, volume at 9. Almost messed Meg’s routine. Just then, I could swear I heard cheering n steps from above the tree, a faint “Houba” or two
🏜️ 🐺: 😮 The ‘Lami
🐯: xctly. Turnip bud conked me awake. climbed up searching for the noisy critter when I caught Bluebottle jitterbugging to the sounds of samba.
🏜🐺: u ask why?
🐯: Couldn’t help it rly. Something about him in this tree tho, he felt at home, as if he was returning to his roots so to speak. He couldn’t member much after becoming Bluebottle
🏜🐺: SUS!
🐯: ditto! Convo broke from a growl near camp. poachers, he thought, looking to skin him. I swore not to out him if they caught me or my friends on the campsite ⛺️.
🏜🐺: Oh my!
🐯: afk, OL Mo needs 🖨 📄, tbc
🏜🐺: KMP!