Age: 26 years -- Pronouns: She/Her/They/Them -- Orientation: Asexual -- high functioning autistic -- dealing with anxiety and some PTSD -- but I'm still friendly! -- Loves writing, voice acting, music, and more -- My old account: https://www.tumblr.com/goldleafgardenia -- My PKMN IRL account: https://www.tumblr.com/illusions-of-the-forest
390 posts
I Think I Read That They're Actually The Shrine Names Spelled Backwards.
I think I read that they're actually the shrine names spelled backwards.

some of the names of the shrines/roots are very inspired
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More Posts from Darkforestdreams

I will NEVER get over the fact that I can write stories. Like I can weave threads of whimsy in a whole new world and make people feel things if I weave them well enough???? Stories are worth so much!!! Lines of poetry are literally currency to me like I get to write little lines and then writing little lines helps me notice things when I read other peoples' lines????? Magic! Whimsy! Characters! Words! Words! Words!
Autism. Is. A. Disability. Autism is a disability!! How many times do people have to say it? It’s not just a neurotype, it’s not just our brains working differently, it’s not JUST THAT. I’m angry by this stupid debate. If your autism doesn’t affect you as much, great! But sometimes it affects people. It affects them greatly. I can’t go out by myself, I have meltdowns, I can’t cook complicated things, I can’t be alone for extended periods of time, I’ll never live alone probably, I have bad sensory issues. THATS A DISABILITY. MY AUTISM IS A DISABILITY. If you can’t say the word disabled or think it’s bad, then you need to do some self reflection. I’m tired of this debate. It’s getting old and frustrating. Stop it. You can identify as you want I don’t care, but don’t go around telling people how they should identify.

sunshine amidst the storm... 🥺
You're right. You're absolutely right. I keep trying to tell myself this, but I keep going back to feeling like what I do is some kind of performance.
It's hard for me to change mindsets, and it takes a long while, but I'm determined to be a creator that loves doing what they do.
for the love of god, write all the self-indulgent scenes you want. be utterly shameless about including every last fantasy. i know everyone likes to share quotes and quips about how miserably hard writing is, but please please try thinking of it as a joyful act where you get to be a messy human who makes art rather than some pain filled quest for icy perfection.
The sweet boy doesn't know what's coming, yet he recovers so fast when it does!