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"Damnit Jim!"

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Just A Small Hang Up

Just a Small Hang Up

đź’› Jim Kirk x gn!reader đź’›

⚠️: none

word count: 523

Y/N’s shift had just ended and they were on their way back to their quarters, their steps echoing behind them and their quarters just within view ahead of them. With each step closer their mood lightened, knowing that Jim was probably already there.

With a smile on their face Y/N punched in the key code. As the door opened their smile gave way to a look of sheer shock. They numbly stepped in and closed the door behind them.

“You’re umm,” Y/N began as they stared at Jim, but couldn’t quite find the words, “What are you doing?” they finally managed to ask.

“Just hanging out,” Jim smiled at Y/N as he hung upside down from the ceiling, wrapped up in what Y/N could only assume was several bedsheets. 

Stepping closer so the two of them were more or less face to face, Y/N began looking over the way the sheets all looked as though they intertwined seamlessly.

“You’re certainly doing that,” Y/N started again as the shock wore off, “But uh, why, and perhaps better yet, how?” Y/N asked as they began trying to plot how they would get him down, preferably without hurting him.

“Well I wanted to be like a bat,” He said it as though it were the most obvious thing in the world.

“Alright Bat Boy, now how about telling me how and also why I shouldn’t start hiding the bedding when I leave,” Y/N said, poking Jim in the side as they did.

“Well once I got an engineer to bolt the bedding to the ceiling I just had to get myself wrapped up,” Kirk explained with an odd and uncomfortable looking attempt at shrugging.

Y/N closed their eyes for a moment to consider what they had just heard. “You mean those sheets are ruined and stuck there until an engineer comes back?” They asked as they now considered just leaving him there.

“Well…” Jim started with a sheepish grin, “In a manner of speaking,” he admitted 

“Right fine,” Y/N said with a sigh, “Hold on I’ll be back with scissors,” they said as they wandered into the kitchen.

“Well I can’t exactly go anywhere!” Jim called after them.

“Good!” Y/N called back to him. “Alright,” they said as they returned, scissors now in hand.

“Just hold onto the sheets here, and I’ll cut around you from below that point and you can twist yourself out,” Y/N explained as they watched Jim move his hands as directed.

“Great,” They muttered as they began cutting. “You’re absolutely insane,” Y/N said as they cut the last bit of fabric.

“I prefer creative,” Jim said with a smirk as he flipped himself out of the sheets and back onto the ground.

“Compromise,” Y/N started and then gave Jim a kiss, “Creatively insane, but insane is nonnegotiable,” They said with a smile.

“But you still love me,” He said with a false pout as he brought Y/N closer by the waist.

“At times much to my detriment,” Y/N agreed and gave Jim another kiss.

Just A Small Hang Up
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7 months ago

The Things We Do For The Fleet

Chapter 8: Not so secrets

đź’™Eventual Leonard McCoy x Fem!readerđź’™

⚠️: insinuations of something 🌶️🌶️🌶️, but no 🌶️🌶️🌶️

word count: 1,044


Leonard stood stiffly against the other side of the door as he waited quietly. Good god, what’s wrong with you? Of course she doesn’t want you there when she changes, he internally reprimanded himself for his inconsideration.

He didn’t have a terribly long time to dwell on the thought as the door fell open behind him and he stumbled backward a few steps. “Oh! I’m sorry!” Y/N let out and got up to help him before she could think better of it.

Regret instantly racked her body as pain shot up her leg. “No, really it’s fine,” Leonard insisted as he put a hand to her waist and pressed her back into sitting down.

“You really don’t need to hurt yourself more for my sake,” He said sort of wryly as he took his own seat again.

Once seated and collected he finally had enough time to take her in as she wore his shirt. It wasn’t terribly big on her, but it certainly didn’t fit, the most noticeable thing was the way Y/N had to roll the sleeves back to keep them out of the way.

 “Anyway,” Y/N said in a way that intimated that she had already been talking for quite some time before Leonard actually tuned back in. “Maybe we could play a game or something? '' She said, shrugging and sipping the remnants of her smoothie.

 “And what game do you suggest?” Leonard asked, raising an eyebrow.

 “I dunno, we don’t really know each other. Maybe truth or dare, or twenty questions or something,” Y/N tossed out the first ideas that came to her mind.

“Alright, then, shoot,” Leonard said, taking a bite out of his sandwich.

 “Err, okay,” Y/N tried to think of something interesting to ask him. “Oh! Okay, your first kiss?” She asked excitedly and seemed pleased with herself for thinking of it.

Leonard sat pensively for a moment before looking at her, “The girl next door brought me a juice box, we were best friends at the time,” he answered shortly as if the sentence burned him. “ We were maybe five,” Leonard explained as an afterthought.

Y/N sat thoughtfully for a short while, “ That’s very sweet,” she said, “I suppose that makes it your turn,” Y/N said, readjusting in her chair.

Leonard stared at the wall behind her for some time before looking back to her again, “How about this, what’s an odd or embarrassing little thing about you?” He asked the question carefully.

 “Oh that’s a good one,” Y/N started and put her glass down on the desk, “I would have to say the fact that I love oranges, but can’t peel one for myself is both a bit odd and a bit embarrassing,” she admitted softly, still looking down at the glass now collecting condensation around the rim.

 Now that’s cute, Leonard thought as he looked at the girl who looked as though she were adamantly avoiding his eyes. “Alright then,” He paused for a moment, “Believe it’s your turn,” he said, returning to his sandwich.

They went on this way for quite some time until there was a sudden knock on the door. Y/N nearly fell out of her seat in surprise. She held hand over her heart as Leonard did his best to refrain from laughing at her.

“Come on in,” Leonard called out to whoever was on the other side of the door. The door began to open and revealed one of the nurses peeking in.

“The captain is here to see you Dr. McCoy,” The nurse announced. The silent question as to what should be done, hung in the air after her words.

“Tell him I’m not here right now,” Leonard said without hesitation and shooed the nurse away quickly. She left without any sort of hesitation or even surprise at the order.

“What do you think he wants?” Y/N asked, looking at McCoy with large, curious, doe-like eyes. Good god, that look’ll kill me, Leonard sighed and rubbed his eyes.

“I dunno, I just hope he leaves it be, whatever it happens to be,”  he said before he looked up at her suddenly, “I never did ask I don’t think, how’d you hurt yourself?” he asked, a look of curiosity now plastered over his own face as well.

“Well, umm,” Y/N began and started to fidget with the sleeve’s end, “I just tripped over a pot in the supply closet,” She said so quietly, as though it were somehow the most embarrassing thing to ever happen to her. Though this certainly wasn’t the most embarrassing thing to happen to her by a long shot, everything felt embarrassing for her at the moment for some inexplicable reason.

“Well then, I-” Leonard started, but was abruptly interrupted by the door swinging open in a way that had the hinges creaking.

“See, I knew you were lying to me!!” Kirk bellowed as he pointed an accusatory finger at McCoy. At this moment Y/N sat stiffly in silent shock.

Leonard briefly looked over at Y/N before turning his attention back to Kirk, it was really nothing more than a flicker of his eyes, but it was still enough to draw the captain’s attention to whatever Leonard was looking at.

“Why didn’t you tell me you had company?” Kirk asked, full of a certain smugness that grated on McCoy’s nerves.

“Because it wasn’t any of your business,” Leonard hissed as he gripped the arms of his chair. Y/N fidgeted nervously with the sleeves more intently, an action which drew Jim’s attention.

“I see, I wouldn’t want company for such activities either,” Kirk said with a smirk and a wink in Y/N’s direction. She turned bright red under his gaze and the insinuation of his words. Leonard on the other hand, absolutely seethed at it, he stood and slammed a hand on the desk.

“I know exactly what you’re implying and I do NOT appreciate it. Not only is that not something for you to speculate about, but nothing of the kind happened here!” Leonard exclaimed at the top of his voice. Jim was taken aback, yeah he had irritated McCoy before plenty, but he had never reacted this way before.

The Things We Do For The Fleet

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7 months ago

on the same work? Maybe 2,000. Just in general? Maybe 5,000 or 6,000

reblog with how much can you write on a good day

for me it’s around 4,000 words, but i’ve managed 6,000 when i really really pushed it