Fluffy Stuff - Tumblr Posts

11 months ago

One Of Those Days

Leonard McCoy x reader

⚠️: none

word count: 414

Leonard slumped into his quarters, kicked off his shoes and carelessly tossed himself on the couch. I looked up from my place on his bed just in time to see him turn over onto his back and sigh heavily. “One of those days, huh?” I ask him delicately as I saunter toward where he lay on the couch. I kneel by him and run a hand through his hair. Leonard grabs my wrist to stop my motion, bringing my hand down to his lips, he plants a few kisses in various places on my hand. “Darlin” he starts before leaving a kiss on my wrist, “it’s been one of those days for the last two years” he mutters through a yawn. I frown at him a little as I bring my other hand up to his face and rub soft circles on his cheek. “Anything I can do to help?” I ask softly, trying not to frazzle him further, “Just keep being wonderful you and try not to do anything to cause a disaster” he sighed before bringing the hand he had been kissing down to rest on his chest with his own hand. I lay my head by his on the couch, “Come to bed?” I pout, “mmm, only if I can bring myself to get up” he replied with a groan at the thought of moving. I waited a few moments longer before detangling myself from him altogether. Leonard gave a discontented look to me as he watched me sit up. I pushed his shoulder upward a bit, “If you aren’t going to move to bed, you could at least make room for me here” I muttered in fake exasperation as I pretended that moving him was an exhaustive act. “Mmm” he hummed and sat forward just long enough for me to slip onto the couch behind him. He shimmied back so he was sat between my legs and flush against my chest. I brought my hands back to his hair and felt some of the tension melt away as my nails ran over his scalp. Eventually I felt his breathing even out, he was certainly going to complain about being sore in the morning, but I wasn’t going to try and move him. It’s not worth waking him, sure I’ll be sore too, but I’m not sure when the last time he actually slept was. One night on the couch won’t kill me, I thought to myself as I drifted off.

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11 months ago

Crosswords In A Bottle

Spock x reader

⚠️: none

word count: 222

If I could save time in a bottle

The first thing that I’d like to do Is to save every day ‘til eternity Passes away The music droned softly in the background as Spock and Y/N sat quietly in their shared quarters. Y/N sat on the floor in front of Spock, who sat on the couch reading. He would occasionally look over at Y/N as he his hand over their back and through their hair. Just to spend them with you If I could make days last forever If words could make wishes come true Y/N sat with a magazine in their lap, folded open to a crossword puzzle. “Hmm” they muttered softly and tucked their pencil behind their ear. “What is it, T’hy’la?” Spock questioned in a low tone as he looked over the edge of his book. “Eight letter word for an athletic field” Y/N said, scratching the back of their neck. “A puzzle indeed, I believe ‘coaching’ would fit the given parameters” Spock informed lovingly as he took extra care to scratch Y/N’s scalp before going back to reading. I’d save every day like a treasure and then Again, I would spend them with you If ever there was a moment Spock wanted to freeze and live in forever, it would be this one. Just him and Y/N.

Crosswords In A Bottle

I would have made it longer but that seemed as good a place to stop as any, also ya know, 222

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11 months ago

Turn The Lights Down Low

Leonard McCoy x gn!reader

⚠️: none

word count: 296

Sort of inspired by this song

The door to Leonard’s quarters closed behind Y/N with a familiar swishing sound. The lights were only on half brightness and there was music floating from the kitchen. ‘It must be Wednesday’ they thought as they wandered into the kitchen. The smell of peach cobbler and stir fry grew stronger when Y/N reached the kitchen. “Mmm, smells good” Y/N breathed out as they leaned against Leonard. “Glad ya think so, it’s almost done, darlin” Leonard said as he briefly turned to press a kiss to their forehead. “Do me a favour an’ get the hot pads outta the drawer?” He asked softly as nodded in the direction of the drawer in question. “Course” Y/N muttered as they reached into the drawer for hot pads. Handing them to Leonard, Y/N briefly stopped him for a kiss on the cheek. Leonard opened the oven and the smell of warm peach cobbler wrapped around the both of them in a hot puff of air. “Oooh, can we have that first?” Y/N asked impatiently, “I suppose it will be cool sooner than the stir fry” he chuckled, setting the cobbler on the counter before turning to check the stir fry again. Y/N turned the music down, just a bit, before coming up behind Leonard and wrapping their arms around his waist and resting their head between his shoulder blades. “Whatcha doin, darlin?” He asked without moving. “Shhh” Y/N let out, “it’s so nice and quiet” they sighed before placing a kiss to Leonard’s back and loosening their grip. Y/N walked away to sit down at the table. It was only a moment before Leonard walked out with two slices of cobbler, “can’t have dinner if you don’t eat your dessert” he joked. “How will I ever live?” Y/N dramatised lovingly.

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11 months ago

Purr-fectly Tipsy

Jim Kirk x gn Vulcan!reader

⚠️: drinking, tipsy reader, extra clingy drunk

word count: 500

Sure, neither of you really drank much, but it was a night after a long shift and everyone was gathered in the recreation room eight. So now you were a little buzzed and looking for your boyfriend because, "I miss his pretty face," is what you had said when Bones asked. You had been pointed to one of the pool tables by Chekov. When you looked over your already flushed face lit up and you made a beeline for him. "I missed you!" You let out when you reached him, clinging to his despite the fact that it hindered his ability to play. "Hi sweetie," Jim cooed and booped your nose. You preened at the affection and leaned even further into him. His pool cue now planted firmly on the ground as he turned his attention to you fully. "Love meeee," You demanded as you shifted your weight and were now practically hanging off of the man. "I do love you sweetie. How much have you had to drink?" He didn't mean it as an insult, he was just concerned that maybe it was time to take you back to your quarters. "Not that much," you bubbled, Jim briefly glanced at Bones who was still at the bar and pointed at you with a questioning look. When Bones gave him a silent thumbs up in response Jim turned back to you in acceptance. "Okay," he answered, putting down his pool cue and leading you to a chair. He sat you down in a chair and then moved to his own, only to have you ditch your seat to climb into his lap. He wasn't complaining by any means, but it was unusually clingy of you (at least for there being so many people around). "Hello there," Jim joked as you put your face in the crook of his neck and nudged him with your nose. You sighed and tugged at his sleeves, getting the hint Jim wrapped an arm around you and began to rub your back. If it were even possible, you melted even further into his touch and purred, a soft vibrating that came from deep within your chest and radiated through your whole body. "Woah!" Jim exclaimed, Spock smiled slightly at his reaction. "They do that sometimes, it's a vestigial trait of Vulcans," Spock explained from across the table. "Would've been nice to know before you nearly gave me a heart attack," Jim whispered to you and you giggled. "I've never done it while sober, so I never really thought bout it," you mumbled truthfully. Jim hummed in response and continued to rub your back, beginning to feel comforted by the purring that was emanating from you. "Mmm, maybe it's time to head up to bed," Jim thought out loud to you, "mmph," you grumbled, not opposed to sleep, but opposed to moving. "What?" He asked, "don' wanna get up," you mumbled. "Fine," Jim conceded and swept you up bridal style, "How's that?" He asked you triumphantly.

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11 months ago

The Things We Do For The Fleet

Chapter 3: Appointments To Keep

💙eventual Leonard McCoy x fem!reader💙

⚠️: tiniest bit of language, drinking(Bones pours himself one drink)

word count: 842


Y/N and Uhura stuffed away their food as quickly as they could manage without choking on it, which Y/N did anyway, but was back in action after a few pats on the back from Uhura. They were practically buzzing with anticipation as they put their trays on the rack next to the replicators. “Come on!” Uhura urged, “I need to smell this cotton candy flower!” she shouted as they ran off the mess deck and down to the botanical labs. As they came up on the fluorescent lights of botanical lab 3, Y/N unlocked the door and ushered Uhura in. “Shh!” Y/N giggled, “We have to be quiet, you’re not meant to be here because I haven’t finished all my tests,” Y/N warned lightly through a slowly dying fit of giggles. “What’s it do so far?” Uhura asked in wonder as she reached out to touch it,

The Things We Do For The Fleet

“I wouldn’t touch it unless you’re prepared to be really happy” Y/N said as she batted Uhura’s hand away. “What do you mean?” she asked. “Well so far it’s pretty harmless, aside from the fact that when you touch it, it opens up its blooms and spurts a puff of pollen. I don’t quite understand the chemical breakdown yet, but when you inhale the pollen you get a bit of a dopamine high” Y/N said as she turned a bright shade of pink. “How’d you figure that out?” Uhura asked with a raised brow and a smirk. “I touched when I was studying its petals, I spent the rest of my shift giggling to myself with the lights set on blue” Y/N admitted. A knock came at the door, Y/N jumped at the noise, “Quick, hide behind the aquaponics shelves” Y/N pointed at the shelves and pushed Uhura that way. Y/N opened the door, “Oh, hello mister Spock” she greeted quietly, “I wasn’t expecting you, what brings you around?” Y/N wondered to him. “I’m here to inform you of the new rooming arrangements,” Spock stated, “Uhm, new rooming?” Y/N asked nervously as she twisted the cuff of her uniform shirt. “Yes,” he started as he flipped through his padd briefly, “You will be roomed with Dr. McCoy. I understand that it is not customary to room a male and female, but unfortunately Dr. McCoy and yourself were the last two picked, so there really isn’t the room to switch your roomings,” Spock informed, paused for a short while to look down at Y/N. “Okay,” Y/N accepted meekly, “You have until the end of the week to notify myself or Captain Kirk, of who’s room you’ll be consolidating into,” Spock nodded curtly before turning on his heel. “Also, Ms. Y/L/N, please send lieutenant Uhura up to the bridge,” Spock noted as he turned back momentarily to glance at the aquaponics shelves. “Uhura, I think you’ve been caught,” Y/N giggled softly as Spock opened the door again and walked away. “Well it was nice to see this thing anyway,” Uhura said sadly as she followed Spock out the door. I don’t think I’ve met Dr. McCoy, Y/N thought as she went to mist the new flower.

The Things We Do For The Fleet

Where the hell is that green blooded pocket calculator?!? He’s late, what happened to all that punctuality nonsense from the other day!?, Leonard was waiting, rather impatiently, at his desk for the aforementioned Vulcan to show up for his physical. “About time!” He hollered as Spock finally walked into the medbay. “I apologise for being late, I had one more errand to attend to, there was just one more person who needed to be informed of the new rooming arrangements,” Spock explained himself. These words were to Leonard’s utter horror, as he realised this meant Y/N had been told before he could get to her. Not that Jim’s gotten back to me on where to find her, he began leading Spock into an exam room. “Where are Y/N’s quarters right now?” Leonard asked as he finished Spock’s exam. “I believe that at the moment her quarters are only three doors to the left of your own,” Spock informed with a raised eyebrow. “What?” Leonard asked, “We’re about to live in the same quarters, this is the least personal thing I’ll learn about her,” Leonard defended. “I’m sure that’s true,” Spock agreed as he left the medbay. This is gonna be awkward, he entered his office and slid into his chair before pouring himself a glass of whiskey. He downed his glass and headed back to his quarters. He began to put his things neatly into boxes, he already knew that anyone on board had to have more things than he did, so it just made sense that if all he had was paperwork and clothes, he should bring his things to Y/N’s quarters and not the other way around. Leonard looked around his quarters to see it tidier than it had probably been since he first moved in. Wow, it doesn’t even look that different, he looked around seeing for the first time that it had always been fairly empty.

The Things We Do For The Fleet

I feel like I’m on a roll here. I didn’t even think I had it in me to write a multi part fic. Anyway, hope you like ❤️

~I used Pixlr to generate an image of what the cotton candy flower might look like~

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11 months ago

Sudoku Challenge

Spock x gn!reader

⚠️: language

word count: 493

You were going through your things when you stumbled across a book of sudoku. You weren't even sure why you had it, you hated that stuff. You think that maybe you bought it before you knew what Sudoku was and just never threw it away. You were about to throw it away now, but then a brilliant idea and immense curiosity struck you. You took it with you down to the bridge.

"Hey, Spock!" You called when you saw him, he turned slowly to look at you. "Yes, Lieutenant Y/L/N?" He asked with a raised eyebrow. "I bet you thirty credits that you can't do this whole book in two days!" You said as you walked nearer to him, waving the book in front of yourself the entire time. "An interesting hypothesis, Lieutenant," Spock replied, taking the book in his hand and flipping through the pages.

"Have you a pen?" He asked, still looking down at the Sudoku. "Uh, let me see," you paused, patting yourself down, you didn't have any pockets but you usually kept one clipped to you somewhere.

You finally found behind your ear, "here," you said handing spock the pen, "Good luck, " you chuckled as you walked back into the turbo lift and headed down to engineering.

*There's no way he'll finish it in two days, that thin is like 300 pages, four puzzle a page*, you thought to yourself as you stepped out of the turbo lift. There was a medical bed sitting at your station, a whole fucking medical bed.

"What happened to this thing?!?" You called to scotty as you stood in front of your station. "I'm not sure, but it started zapping patients, McCoy had it taken away entirely," Scotty explained, "Alright," You let up as you picked up your tools and slid down to the ground.

You opened up the panel on the side of the bed and slid in. Looking at it for five minutes, you figured out that there was a quantum breakdown in the phase rubidium core, a simple fix, the electro-ceramic shell just had to be uncoupled.

You quickly got to work removing the electro-ceramic shell in question, but it was a very delicate matter and time consuming too.

"Lieutenant Y/L/N," Spock deadpanned, scaring the shit out of you, you hit your head on the underside of the medical bed. "Crap! What's up Spock?!?" You asked as you slid out from under the bed.

"I believe you owe me thirty credits," He stated with a slight smile, handing you the book and pen as you stood. "You're kidding, right?!?" You asked incredulously, "I assure you I am not," He said as you flipped through the book.

"Well damn," you huffed, "I guess I owe you thirty, " you chuckle. Spock looked around for a moment to make sure no one was around. "Don't worry, T'hy'la, I won't hold you to it," He assured you, pulling you close to him for a kiss.

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11 months ago

The Things We Do For The Fleet

Chapter 4: PJ’s

💙eventual Leonard McCoy x fem!reader💙

⚠️: none

word count: 1,420


Leonard had looked back at his quarters and the three neatly packed boxes in the corner near the door. It probably said something about him that all he had to pack up were two boxes of paperwork and a box of clothes, but he tried not to mind it as he left to go and find Y/N’s quarters. Three doors to the left Leonard thought to himself as he walked down the hall. “Don’t be weird, that’s all you gotta do” He told himself as he came to Y/N’s door. “It’s not like either of us chose this, we’ll just work it out together,” he said as he brought his hand to the pad that would set off a bell of sorts inside. Don’t be nervous, it’ll all be fine Leonard rocked back and forth on his heels. Alright so she’s not here, better luck next time he turned back the direction he came from, but just then he heard the door slide open. Leonard turned back to see two things: 1) The girl he had frightened near to death this morning, 2) She was soaking wet and wrapped up in nothing but a little periwinkle towel. Where’d she even get that? The Star Fleet only issues plain white towels, it was just as this thought crossed his mind that he recognized, with wide eyes, that he had been staring. “I’m so sorry!” Leonard apologised as Y/N looked at her feet and blushed. So much more awkward than I thought it would be. “I suppose it is your turn to be sorry” Y/N mumbled shyly, but jokingly as she continued to look down. Leonard chuckled, “Hey, listen it’s kinda awkward, but we’ve been roomed together” He told her as he now scratched his neck and looked down at his own feet. “Oh,” Y/N gasped airily, “You must be Dr. McCoy then,” She murmured, holding out her right hand for him to shake while the other clung to her towel. “I guess I must,” Leonard joked lightly as he took her hand in his. They looked at each other for a moment and then jumped apart as though electrically shocked when they realised that they were still shaking hands. “Would you like to come in? I’ll only be a moment changing, and then we can discuss who’s quarters we’ll be moving things into,” Y/N offered, “Oh there’s not much to discuss, I only have uniforms and paperwork, I figured I’d end up moving my things to your quarters, seeing as I don’t have many things,” Leonard attempted what he hoped was a charming smile, but probably came off as a tight lipped grimace. “Well you could come in and wait anyways, and then I could help you start to bring your things over, if that would be okay,” Y/N asked, eyes still glued to her feet, “I would love to come in,” Leonard replied softly, trying to match her quiet and small energy so as not to scare her too much more. “Okay,” She seemed to perk up a bit more at his acceptance of her offer. She beckoned him in, in a manner that seemed to show that they had been standing out in the hall like this for some several minutes. “Oh,” Leonard began in slight shock, I’m not sure what I expected, but somehow this wasn’t it, although it does fit her he looked around the room, “It’s very… I guess it’s very uh, angelic” Leonard stumbled over his own words in an attempt not to insult the sheepish girl in front of him. “Oh, that’s okay, we can change if you like,” Y/N scrambled to offer in a bashful tone of voice. “No, no, I like it, it’s so much more peaceful than the rest of the ship. I can see myself very relaxed here at the end of the day,” Leonard assured her. “Okay, but if you change your mind, we can still change it,” She told him, “Umm, anyway, I should go change,” Y/N seemed to have just remembered they were still only wearing a towel.

The Things We Do For The Fleet

Y/N walked into the bathroom, where the tub was still full of, now tepid, water and half dissolved bubbles. She let out a crestfallen sigh as she drained the bath. Oh well, better luck next time I guess Y/N turned away from the bath and put her pyjamas on to the sound of water swirling down the drain. She watched herself in the mirror, did she really want to go back out to that man in these pyjamas? The longer Y/N looked at herself the more she wanted to crawl into the small space between the counter and the hamper and never come out. Maybe this wouldn’t be happening if you would just buy yourself normal, grownup pyjamas she looked at her reflection sternly in a silent admonishment. She couldn’t really stay in the bathroom forever, eventually Dr. McCoy would come looking for her. With one more long look at herself she tied back her hair and opened the bathroom door again. Dr. McCoy looked up from his spot on the couch, Y/N could feel her cheeks grow warm as his eyes roved over her form. After a long moment of silence he finally opened his mouth to speak, “Cute PJ’s, darlin. Wanna come help me with my things or would you rather stay here?” Dr. McCoy asked Y/N. She just nodded her head numbly, Darlin?, she thought as she continued to nod slowly. “That’s not exactly an answer to an A or B question,” Dr. McCoy remarked with a small smile. “Oh! What was the question?” Y/N asked and was about to apologise, "You wanna come with me to get my things?” He asked, stopping her before she could begin to say sorry again. “I’ll come with you,” Y/N nodded and slowly walked up to the couch. Dr. McCoy stood up and put a hand on her back to guide her out the door. Y/N stiffened at his touch and his hand fell away, she couldn’t help but berate herself for reacting in such a manner.

The Things We Do For The Fleet

She walked out of the bathroom, dressed in an adorable cloud nightgown with little bows on the sleeves. Gee, I guess we’ll both be wearing nightgowns to bed he took in her whole form with the nightgown draped over her, “Cute PJ’s, darlin. Wanna come help me with my things or would you rather stay here?” Leonard offered her. She nodded at him blankly, Right, the light’s on, but whoever was home just left, “That’s not exactly an answer to an A or B question,” he told her with a soft smile. “Oh! What was the question?” Y/N asked and Leonard could tell she was about to let another apology spill from her lips. “You wanna come with me to get my things?” He rephrases the question for her and she nods once more. “I’ll come with you,” She walked up to the couch to meet him as he stood. Leonard put a hand on her back to lead her out the door and she stiffened at the touch. She must not like to be touched much, he pulled his hand away and let it fall by his side as they walked back to his quarters. Leonard punches the pin into the keypad and the door opens to reveal an empty room with just the three boxes he left by the door.

The Things We Do For The Fleet

The door opened and his quarters were empty save three boxes just inside the room. “Where are the rest of them?” Y/N asked not meaning to be impolite, although she couldn’t help but feel that she came off that way. What can he really have if it all fits in three boxes?, “Nothing else, it’ll be easy, light lifting,” Dr. McCoy assured her. “You take the one marked clothes, I’ll get the other two,” Dr. McCoy ordered. Y/N picked up the box she was directed to and began to walk out the door, she heard his footsteps follow behind her shortly. It’s not that it was a very long walk to begin with, but it certainly felt a lot longer when she was just staring at a cardboard box and hoping she didn’t run into anything. Y/N put down the box and pressed the pin into the keypad before kicking the box the rest of the way in the door.

The Things We Do For The Fleet

This sound is awesome, it’s what I’ve been listening to the entire time I’ve been writing this fic.

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11 months ago

The Things We Do For The Fleet

Chapter 5: Tea And Poetry

💙Eventual Leonard McCoy x fem!reader💙

⚠️: didn’t proof read this one

word count: 1,965


Dr. McCoy came in the door behind Y/N and put down his boxes as well. “Where should I put my things, darlin?” He asked looking down at his boxes. There’s that darlin again, “Well, I’m not sure what’s in the other boxes, but we can push some stuff back in the closet and you could hang your clothes up in there,” Y/N suggested, “The other two boxes are paperwork and files is all, they might as well stay in the boxes for now,” Dr. McCoy explained with a hand on his hip. Y/N went over to the closet and began to push some of her own things to the side and pulling things she didn’t wear often off the hangers and folding them up so she could switch them out for Dr. McCoy’s clothes. “Okay” Y/N called from within the closet, “There’s room now, if you wanna hand me your clothes I’ll start putting them on hangers,” She said, holding out a hand expectantly. He began to hand her clothes: shirt, shirt, shirt, shirt, shirt, shirt, shirt, all uniform shirts. Pants, pants, pants, pants, pants, pants, pants, all uniform as well. Nightgown, nightgown, nightgown, nightgown, nightgown, nightgown, nightgown, all plain white. Y/N held her hand out again for a moment before pinching her fingers together and making a grabby hand, “Is that all Dr. McCoy?” She questioned tiredly. “You can call me Leonard and yes it is,” Leonard told her, placing a hand on her shoulder. “Okay, Leonard. If you wanna get into your pyjamas for bed, I’ll make some tea while you change, if you want some of course,” she offered, holding out one of his nightgowns. “That’d be great, I’ll have mine with lemon,” Leonard requested. He took the nightgown from Y/N’s hand and mosied on into the bathroom to change. Y/N half tumbled into the kitchen and filled the kettle with water and put it on to boil. Normally she would wash up her face while the water boiled, but Leonard was in the bathroom at the moment so instead Y/N picked up her own folded clothes and put them in the box that Leonard’s things had come in. “So,” Leonard came out of the bathroom in his own plain nightgown. “It just occurred to me, should we try to move my bed in here tonight, or should I take my clothes for tomorrow and go sleep in my own quarters?” He offered the two options. “Well,” Y/N seemed to be considering her next words very carefully. “I could sleep on the couch, and you could sleep in the bed. That way we wouldn’t have to do any work on it until tomorrow,” Y/N fumbled with the suggestion. “That’s a sweet offer, darlin, but I couldn’t make you sleep on the couch,” Leonard admitted. “Then we’ll both sleep on the bed,” Y/N stated innocently without thinking about what she was really saying. That was so stupid, so you have any idea what that sounds like?, Y/N internally scold herself for the comment.

The Things We Do For The Fleet

“Then we’ll both sleep on the bed,” She had said it like it wasn’t a big deal, and maybe to her it wasn’t. Regardless of how she felt about sharing a bed, they both remained in silence from their respective places for a long moment. Leonard finally cut into the silence, “I dunno, do you steal bedding in your sleep?” He asked lightheartedly. “I wouldn’t know,” Y/N confessed to him with a slight shrug. “But if I do, there’s extra blankets and stuff in the bottom drawer of the dresser,” Y/N proposed as compensation for any sleep thefts she might commit. “Alright then, I call dibs on the left side,” He cheered, trying to push his own ill at ease feelings to the side for the time being. There’s no way this can end-, his thoughts were cut short by the kettle. “That’ll be tea,” Y/N perked up and stated, seemingly more out of habit than actual concern that Leonard might not know what the whistling sound meant. “What kind do you want?” She asked as she scrambled into the kitchen to take the kettle off of the heat. “What kind do you have?” He shot back in a form of noncommittal answer. Leonard could hear the shuffling of small paper packets before her answer, “Chamomile, mint, chamomile-lavender, mint-lavender, and radiantly raspberry,” Y/N rattled off the list, “Radiantly Raspberry?” He asked with a raised eyebrow. “I dunno, I’m not in charge of naming them, it’s raspberry, take it or leave it,” She followed the ultimatum with a small giggle, that Leonard swears he would have missed if he blinked.

“Alright, darlin, I’ll take the chamomile,” His statement was promptly followed by a small tearing sound from the kitchen. maybe havin a roommate won’t be such a terrible thing, Leonard thought to himself as his eyes followed Y/N as she walked out of the kitchen in her cloud white nightgown with her hair out of her face, a mug of tea in each hand. “You’ll have to let it cool awhile,” Y/N warned through a cloud of steam, her usually quiet tone even softer as she handed him his requested tea. Leonard watched the steam rising from the mug and felt the heat radiate from it and seep into his hands. “Thank you,” He drawled, still looking at the steam, “It’s not a problem,” Y/N assures him as she puts down her mug and reaches for a book. Y/N flips through the pages intently before finally settling on a page, she sticks her thumb in between the pages and lets the book fall closed as she comes to sit down next to Leonard on the couch. When she lands on the couch she curls her legs under herself and nestles herself further into the couch, seemingly unaware of his gaze tracking her movements the whole time. Y/N opens up the book again and a look of complete and utter, inner peace melts her previously nervous posture and facial expression. I wonder what she could possibly be reading, Leonard does his best to discreetly catch sight of the title or even just the words on the page, but the way she’s almost protectively curled herself around the book doesn’t lend itself well to his attempts. “What are you reading?” He finally asks with a curious look. Y/N looks up at him in near shock at the question, she relaxes a little, but still hesitates before opening her mouth to speak. “Robert Frost,” She says quietly, looking back down at her book. “I think I’ve heard of him, something about two roads,” Leonard tried to relate, “Diverged into a yellow wood,” Y/N murmured, finishing the line. “What was that?” He asked, genuinely not having heard what she said. “The poem you’re thinking of,” She began, “The Road Not Taken, is what it’s called,” She only looked up at him for a flicker of a moment, “Yeah, that sounds right,” He admitted, still searching his memory for anything he might know about it, but nothing came to mind.

“Would you read it to me?” Leonard asked, “I can’t actually remember any of it,” He explained himself. She looked to him with a demure smile, “Two roads diverged in a yellow wood, and sorry I could not travel both and be one traveller, long I stood and looked down one as far as I could,” Y/N started not having looked back at her book, but keeping her eyes trained on her cup of tea. “To where it bent in the undergrowth; then took the other, just as fair and having perhaps the better claim, because it was grassy and wanted wear; though as for that the passing there had worn them really about the same, and both that morning equally lay in leaves no step had trodden black.” Y/N looked to him now, “Oh, I kept the first for another day! Yet knowing how way leads on to way, I doubted if I should ever come back. I shall be telling this with a sigh somewhere ages and ages hence: two roads diverged in a wood, and I— I took the one less travelled by, and that has made all the difference.” “Wow,” Leonard started, “I don’t think I could remember all that,” He said in what he meant as a compliment to her. “It’s easy,” Y/N said, still looking at Leonard. I think this might be the longest she’s actually looked at me, “You read it because you love it, at first you can only recall bits and pieces when you aren’t focused on anything else,” She interrupted his thoughts. “Then you wake up one day, distant from where you started, and you can remember all of it without thinking, you can recite it while doing other things. One day when you really know it, you can think and feel how each word feels on your tongue without even saying any of it.” She finished thoughtfully, Leonard wasn’t sure she was talking to him so much as she might have been talking to herself. “Very poetic,” Leonard commented softly, trying not to scare her out of her daze. “Oh, thank you,” She exclaimed softly, appearing to remember that she was actually talking to someone. “Just loose thoughts,” She dismissed her own outburst of poeticism as nothing. “No, it was very nice, where did you learn it?” He asked Y/N, “Nowhere really, I just sort of thought it,” She shrugged to herself. “Well, I thought it was a very- I don’t know, but it was filled with feeling, like you meant it,” Leonard seemed to be forming the thought as he spoke. “You seem surprised by that,” Y/N murmured with a light blush before taking a sip of the tea, Leonard reached for his own forgotten mug of tea, “Sincerity isn’t something there’s a lot of in the universe,” He said with his own shrug as he drank his tea.

His eyebrows furrowed at the taste, “Is it alright, I can go make you something different?” Y/N tried to reach for the mug, but Leonard pulled it back from her reach and drank the rest of it before she could get to it. “No, it’s fine really,” Leonard insisted, “Just a little heavy on the lemon,” He conceded and put the mug back on the table. “You should finish up your tea and we’ll go to bed,” Leonard suggested, moving to put his own mug back in the sink, when he came back he offered to take hers as well. “Okay,” Y/N agreed, waiting for him to come back from the kitchen and then leading him back to the bedroom. She stood shakily in the doorway as he went ahead of her, Leonard looked back at her, “Unless you’re gonna sleep standing up, you should probably come in,” he smiled comfortingly. Y/N timidly walked into the room, waiting for Leonard to take his place first. When he realised what she was waiting for he got into bed on the left side and worked his way under the covers. Y/N waited for Leonard to settle and then slowly came up to the right side of the bed and got in as well, laying as close to the edge as possible. “You can lay further in on the bed, right now if you breathe funny you’ll fall off,” Leonard assured her. Y/N nestled a few inches closer to the middle of the bed, still being sure to give him as much space as she could reasonably manage. “Sweet dreams,” Leonard said, turning off the light, “Goodnight,” Y/N returned the sentiment and rolled over onto her side. They both laid awake, vividly aware of the other laying next to them. Eventually an uneasy sleep overtook them both.

The Things We Do For The Fleet

I don’t know what I’m doing anymore, but let the chaotic times roll. Or something like that

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11 months ago

The Things We Do For The Fleet


eventual McCoy x fem!reader (you heard me, SLOW BURN)

Last update: 17/8/24

Current word count: 17.7k

Chapter one: Rise and Shine

Chapter two: Little Run ins

Chapter three: Appointments to Keep

Chapter four: PJ’s

Chapter five: Tea and Poetry

Chapter six: Clumsy Greetings

Chapter seven: Cold Spill

Chapter eight: Not So Secrets

Chapter nine: Miles

Chapter ten: Tea Unattended

Chapter eleven: An Evening To Forget

Chapter twelve: Orange Peels

Chapter thirteen: The Dearly Disliked

Chapter fourteen: COMING SOON

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11 months ago

sorry, is meant to say agere, not where 😇


Jim with agere reader Headcanon

your wish is my command

Absolutely adores you to no end (not that he doesn’t anyway)

loves the opportunity to take extra care of you

This man IS huggable teddy bear shaped

if he learns that you’re super clingy and prone to fits when he has to leave

Sorry, Is Meant To Say Agere, Not Where

You cannot tell me he doesn’t get you one of these

Definitely melts every time he sees you dragging the little fella around with you

will watch cartoons with you on his off time

seriously spends all day on the couch with you, in a blanket fort watching whatever cartoon you pick.

Also, matching pyjamas are a major yes for him, especially comfy fuzzy pyjamas

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11 months ago

TOS headcanon reacting to finding your nest in their quarters

Ostaran!reader (I mean the implication of nesting is kinda fem, but no pronouns or real description used for reader, so take it as you will)


Losing his mind

Like OMG, You put your nest in his room?!?!

Loves it so much

can’t believe you feel comfortable enough to put one so near his bed

tries so friggin hard not to even breathe in its direction

if you invite him to snuggle in it he will die

if you let him, he’ll start collecting you more blankets and pillows and things

like you’ll come to your new nest and find a new pile of materials near by


Honoured, but a little put off by the fact that you made it right in the doorway

Still won’t move and avoids stepping in it like the plague

will ask very kindly if you might move it to a more convenient location

would even help you to move your nest if you allow it, otherwise he’ll just read his book and let you do your thing.

the internal mushy feelings are real though

like won’t let anything happen to your nest at all

if you invite him to snuggle in your nest he will await your explicit instructions so as not to mess it up

Might start brining you little pieces for your nest that you express any interest in


Okie dokie

Doesn’t mess with it, but won’t bring it up unless you do first

it if you wait too long to bring it up he’ll look at you over the edge of the bed with a raised eyebrow as you snuggle into your nest

“Did you wanna join me?” He just shakes his head, “not what I meant,”

his words do not however match the action that is instantly plopping into the nest with you

he won’t go super out of his way to bring you more material, but he does think your nest looks a little sparse so if he sees something he thinks you’ll like he’ll get it for you.

he also definitely leaves little snacks next to your nest for you.

seriously, you accumulate a whole stash

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11 months ago

The Things We Do For The Fleet

Chapter 6: Clumsy Greetings

💙eventual Leonard McCoy x fem!reader💙

⚠️: minor injury, slight language

word count: 2,907


There was an incessant pinging sound coming from the living room, Why in god’s name would anyone be here before my alarm even goes off?!?. Leonard grumbled and rolled over when a yelp came from beneath him. “Oh! I’m sorry, darlin!” He nearly fell out of bed, and took the blanket with him trying to roll back to his own side of the bed. “Don’t worry about it, I’ll get the door. You should get more sleep if you can,” Y/N encouraged as she walked out of the room to see what was happening out there. That’s nice of her, I coulda gotten it though, Leonard thought as he went back to sleep, seeing as he hadn’t been particularly awake to begin with.

The Things We Do For The Fleet

Y/N opened the door to be met with Captain Kirk, she stepped outside the door and let it close behind her. “Good morning Captain, what can I do for you?” She greeted, voice still laden with sleep. “Have you seen Bones?!? I called him, but no one picked up, went to his quarters and no one was there! I’ve been checking rooms between his quarters and here looking for him!” Kirk rushed to explain in a single breath. “Why do you ask?” Y/N followed, fully aware of where the Doctor was, but not willing to give him away to the captain unless it was actually necessary. “For one thing his shift started fifteen minutes ago, and for another we have an injury on the bridge,” He explained to her in a voice that told her she probably should have answered the question instead of asking her own. “Aren’t there other doctors?” Y/N asked, fiddling with the cuff of her nightgown. “Yes, but-” Kirk was cut off by the sound of Y/N’s alarm sounding from inside her quarters. “Y/N what do you want me to do about this damned thing?!?!” Leonard asked, muffled by the door. The captain smirked, “I see, you’re keeping him to yourself. Just tell him I told him it wouldn’t be so bad and that he’s late,” Kirk pressed, continuing to walk away with a devious grin plastered to his face. She wasn’t sure what he meant by ‘it wouldn’t be so bad’, but she went back into her now shared quarters anyway. She took a stop in the kitchen and put the kettle on again before she walked back to the bedroom. As she stepped into the doorway of the bedroom she stopped to see Leonard up now and toying with the alarm to get it to stop. Y/N took him in, now seeing him for the first time this morning in all his early morning radiance: hair mussed and nightgown rumpled. “I guess you’re late,” Y/N announced, now making her presence behind him known. “Shit, am I really?!” Leonard asked looking back to the clock in his hands, he looked back up to her, “How did you know that?” He asked. “That was the Captain, he came to say you were late and that he couldn’t find you,” she relayed, “Gah, dammit Jim!” Leonard exclaimed as he ran to the closet for a uniform. Y/N giggled in his wake and grabbed a uniform for herself as well, opting to change in the bedroom since Leonard was already in the bathroom. “Bye, have a good day doing whatever you do!” Leonard shouted, followed by the sound of the door opening and closing. Y/N was still tying her shoes when she heard this and giggled at the thought of him running down the hall. Maybe having a roommate will be fun. She walked out of their quarters with a pair of gardening gloves half tucked into the waistband of her pants. Y/N turned down the hall just in time to see the turbo lift doors close with Leonard behind them. Y/N decided on skipping breakfast that morning, something she knew she would regret later, but wasn’t worried about at the moment. She took the stairs down to the botany lab, a time consuming route she could afford to take because she was already early. She had a lot of reports to fill out on that Cotton Candy Flower, including giving it an actual scientific name instead of continuing to call it cotton candy. When Y/N arrived in the botany department she found it empty, something that wasn’t surprising as most botany personnel tended to be at breakfast right now. She sat down at the bench with her cotton candy flowers, tapped on her padd to turn it on and hit the audio recording button. She always preferred recording her notes as she went because the gardening gloves didn’t allow her to use the touch screen.

The Things We Do For The Fleet

Leonard caught a glimpse of Y/N down the hall just as the turbo lift closed, he would have caught the door for her, but it was mostly closed by the time he caught her eyes and he wasn’t about to catch his fingers in the door just to be polite. Of course you overslept, you didn’t set alarm, He felt like an idiot, Leonard would have to do his best to avoid the bridge today. He walked into his office and fell gracelessly into his chair. Just what I always wanted, more paperwork, Leonard grumbled as he sat up to take a look through all of his newly acquired papers. If I just strap everyone on this death trap to their bed, then no one can get hurt, job done, Leonard thought to himself as he rifled through to find some of the most terrifyingly ridiculous injuries he’d seen. Nurse Chapel walked into his office, “The captain’s here to see you,” She informed and walked away without leaving room for him to argue with her. Today must be my lucky day, Leonard straightened in anticipation of Jim’s entrance. “So,” Jim started as he walked in and took a seat without being asked, “Enjoy yourself in Y/N’s bed?” He asked with a devious smirk. “My doings are none of your concern, and I’ll have you know she slept so far to the other side of the bed, I’m surprised she didn’t fall off,” McCoy retorted sternly. “Alright, alright, I get it. Grumpy cause you didn’t get any,” he joked with his hands up in mock surrender, earning himself an even stronger brand of glare from Leonard. “Did you come here for something other than to harass me?” McCoy asked venomously, “Just saying hi,” Jim defended, standing up, “Well you’ve done that now,” Leonard was absolutely not in the mood, not that he usually was, but today he already seemed worse than usual. Jim walked out of McCoy’s office, requesting that the rest of the medical staff leave Leonard alone unless it was an emergency. Clearly something was eating at him and Jim would hate for unsuspecting patients and staff to be caught in the crossfire. Leonard sank further into his chair with a hand over his face before standing up and leaving his office to check in on his patients. As he walked through the medbay the whole medical staff did their best to stay as far out of his way as possible.

The Things We Do For The Fleet

Y/N stood from her station to get some petri dishes for soil samples, she put on her headphones before leaving the room, a habit she had developed in order to avoid awkward conversations. With her headphones on and her music playing as loud as was reasonably possible, Y/N headed to the supply closet. Opening the door and walking in she tripped over a plant pot, she let out a squeal as she fell forward. Y/N gritted her teeth in pain as she felt that her ankle had twisted in a way that it definitely shouldn’t be able to under normal circumstances. “Sulu!” Y/N called, knowing that in his spare time he liked to hang out in the botany labs. Nothing, he wasn’t there, Guess I have to do this myself. She gripped the door frame for support as she pulled herself up, Y/N stood leaning against the door for a moment more. Breathe in, breathe out, now walk She swung on the doorframe trying to keep weight off of her ankle and began to limp towards the turbo lift as she dragged against the wall. Of all the times to get hurt, I picked a time when somehow no one’s around Y/N heaved as she got to the turbo lift, she would have to step away from the wall to get in, and she really didn’t want to. Here goes nothing she braced herself as she stepped away from the wall, pain shot through her leg, she was starting to wish she had just waited for someone to find her in the supply closet. When the door opened she slowly moved in and fell against the wall, taking a breath of relief as her ankle was relieved of pressure, “Medbay,” Y/N groaned and tried not to think about her ankle or about the looks she would get when she got off the lift. The door opened again to reveal medical personnel in a sea of blue shirts, one looked over to see Y/N pulling herself out of the lift and rushed to help. “Here,” the girl said, taking Y/N’s arm to put it over herself. “How’d it happen?” the nurse asked, “Tripped over a planting pot,” Y/N answered, trying her best not to sound too pathetic. “Botany personnel or just stealing their supplies?” The nurse joked in an attempt to distract Y/N as she sat down on a chair in the waiting area, “Don’t worry, someone will get to you in a moment,” The nurse reassured before leaving to do whatever it was she needed to do. Leonard was walking back into his office, “Oh, hi Len,” Y/N waved with a smile. “Oh, hi Y/N,” Leonard greeted without looking up from his padd as he continued. He stopped abruptly, looking back at Y/N, “What are you doing here?” McCoy asked with a raised eyebrow. “Just thought I’d sprain my ankle for funsies!” Y/N joked downtroddenly with a quick look at her ankle. “Oh for the love of god,” Leonard murmured, “Come on,” He said as he picked you up. Leonard took Y/N into his office and sat her down, he left her in the chair and searched his desk drawers for a tricorder. “Well,” He said, reading the tricorder, “At least you didn’t break it, the best we can really do is wrap it and keep you off of it,” He told Y/N with a smile that disappeared in an instant. "You can stay there if you want," Leonard offered as he sat back down in his own chair behind his desk.

The Things We Do For The Fleet

Looking up to see the clock, Leonard sees the time, “you hungry?” He asks, seeing as it’s almost noon. “Starving, honestly,” Y/N replies, remembering that she had yet to eat today. “Alright, what do you want?” Leonard asked, ready to bring back whatever she requested. "Whatever you bring back, I'm not picky and it's all replicator food," Y/N answered, trying to find a way to settle her ankle. "Alright then, but don't complain if I bring back something you don't like," Leonard warned. He tended only to do what he absolutely had to, but for some reason he found himself jumping at the chance to do something for Y/N. it was just that they had to live together indefinitely, he told himself this repeatedly as he left his office and went down to the officers mess for food. Leonard couldn’t actually decide what to pick as far as food, he tended to air on the bland side, that way he couldn’t be disappointed by the fact that the replicators very rarely got flavours right, they were always just a bit off. Y/N probably favoured sweeter flavours, Leonard thought as he found himself sifting through the dessert cartridges. Leonard didn’t think he’d ever felt so much anxiety over what food to pick. Is Y/N really a sweets person or is that just a silly assumption?, as he asked himself this footsteps came up behind him.

“Oh, hey, Bones! Fancy seeing you here,” Jim greeted as he gave Leonard a clap on the back. “Could you not?” He grumbled as he continued to pretend considering what he was gonna pick for lunch. “You don’t usually eat lunch. What’s up?” Jim lightly questioned, “Well maybe if you didn’t get so many people injured on away missions, I wouldn’t be too busy to eat!” Leonard shot back without regard for anyone nearby who might be listening, or really just within earshot. He opened his mouth to continue having it out with Jim when his ears closed in on the sound of uneven and inconsistent footsteps, accompanied by a more stable set of footsteps. Leonard looked away from Kirk and focused on where the steps were coming from. Dammit, why won’t anyone listen to me, he began to fume as he saw Y/N walking up behind Jim, supported by Christine. “What are you doing?” Leonard asked, a strange combination of anger and concern boiling inside of him. Y/N Looked up to him with a pained smile as she let go of Christine to wave at him. Jim looked behind him to see who McCoy was talking to and turned back to Leonard with a raised eyebrow.

“You said you would bring back lunch, but I didn’t think I would have to wait three to five business days for you to come back with it!” Y/N smiled, some of her sass, which Leonard hadn’t seen before, peaking through. Jim looked at Leonard with a pressing glance and a smirk, he shot back a ‘not now’ glare. “I couldn’t decide what I thought you might want,” He admitted, briefly looking down at the floor and stealing Y/N’s signature move. Y/N smiled deeper and attempted to move closer, only to lose balance of her weight and fell into Leonard’s arms. He readjusted her so that she was more comfortably resting her weight off of her bad ankle and leaning into his side. “I told you I’m not picky,” Y/N reasoned in a near whine, pressing even further into Leonard’s side to punctuate her point. Leonard briefly considered the idea of wrapping his arm around Y/N’s waist, in the name of keeping her stable of course. In the end he decided he had better not do it in case she didn’t like it or it made her uncomfortable. “Well you should have just told me what you wanted to eat instead, then I’d already have brought you food and you wouldn’t be here walking on your ankle,” Leonard added the last part rather sternly. “Well just grab me a Y/F/F smoothie,” Y/N said, turning around and nearly falling over trying to reach for the cartridge. Leonard quickly caught her with both arms caged around her waist, “Maybe just let me get that for you,” Leonard kindly offered as he put back the cartridges Y/N had knocked out of place and grabbed one for a Y/F/F smoothie. All the while keeping a hand firmly pressed into her side. “Alright, walk with me here,” Leonard said as he began to guide Y/N towards a table where she could sit down. He carefully lowered her onto the bench, making sure not to bother her ankle. “I’ll be right back with your smoothie, don’t move this time,” Leonard ordered as he walked back to the replicators, cartridge in hand. “Getting a little handsy over there,” Jim remarked while wiggling his eyebrows, “I can’t help that she’s too clumsy for her own good. Now get out of the way,” He said, shouldering Jim. McCoy stood in front of the replicator and waited a moment for the little door to slide up again to reveal Y/N’s smoothie. So I wasn’t entirely wrong with the sweets thing, he told himself rather proudly as he popped in the cartridge for his sandwich and waited again. Leonard walked back to the table where Y/N sat across from Christine, Sandwich and smoothie in hand. “Do you wanna try eating here or head back to medbay?” He asked, glancing at Y/N’s ankle as he placed the food on the table. She looked down at her ankle and then to the bench, “Back to the medbay?” She asked, seeming to have decided that it wasn’t worth the work to get her legs over the bench. “Whatever you like,” He said as he sat down next to you and put an arm around your waist. “Ready?” Leonard asked, Y/N gave a nod and prepared herself. “And up,” He guided her up in one swift motion. They stood still together for a moment, being sure of their balance, “Ready to try walking?” Leonard asked, looking down at her. “I think so, yeah,” Y/N replied. “Nurse Chapel,” He turned his head to look back at Christine, “Would you grab our food and follow us back to the medbay?” Leonard asked her as politely as he could manage. “Of course,” Christine answered, picking up the food and following behind them. The walk was slow, but not too uncomfortable for Leonard, although he was becoming tired of leaning so far to the side so that Y/N wouldn’t be too uncomfortable.

The Things We Do For The Fleet

I hit a brick wall like halfway through writing this chapter and dead stopped writing it for three days. 💀☠️

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9 months ago

New level of fanfiction addiction unlocked: I was just editing a piece and thought I fucked up because my brain replaced “Y/N” with my actual name. I looked again and I was wrong 😑

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9 months ago

Spock x agere!reader


*blows dust off* it’s, it’s been in the drafts for a minute 👀

Is very understanding of the whole idea

definitely went down a research rabbit hole to find out everything possible

is as accommodating as anyone could possibly be

i definitely see him as the type of cg to just carry around a bag of everything he thinks you could possibly need/want if you slip

Spock X Agere!reader

This blanket

THE blanket

most certainly goes with you everywhere

It has been lost before

tantrums were thrown

search parties were sent out

not really but it did take a ridiculously long time to find it again

Spock probably keeps it basically pinned to your uniform after that experience.

He makes the best pancakes 🥞 (he just does alright?!?)

He’ll do chocolate chips or strawberries and whipped cream

he used to do faces, but quickly found that you felt bad about eating them

he admittedly found it adorable, but also a bit irritating, you still have to eat breakfast after all

king time keeper

he knows exactly what time it is, basically always

it always remembers exactly when everything is supposed to happen

and very very rarely cuts loose on the scheduling

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7 months ago


wolverine x reader headcanons

Fuck it, I have very little energy as of late. So I’m just gonna put the thought out there

Wolverine giving you the most bone crushing hug (safely of course)

like the kind where you put your head to his chest and just listen to his heart for awhile.

maybe if you linger too long he’d just pick you up and take you to the nearest place to sit, or just slide onto the floor.

and you just end up sitting there for a bit because existing is stressful

I think that at first he’d be a little hesitant to touch you too much, but then he’d start rubbing your back or just sort of almost petting you


I-I don’t need a hug 😭😢🥺

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7 months ago

TOS headcanons

Bones x Agere!reader

Now Bones ~yeah, I guess I have to take care of you 💙~ McCoy

Will go to great lengths to make sure you know he likes taking care of you because he DOES

King of “Yes you really do have to eat your vegetables”

Also really great at cartoons and sleepy cuddles

honestly probably really good at all things bedtime

definitely picks the comfiest pyjamas, unfortunately you probably vote to just steal his instead, but hey, he tried

has a book mark in a well worn collection of bedtime stories on the bedside table

boy? Girl? Both? Neither? Just exist? Doesn’t matter your quarters are probably coloured a very soft shade of blue and people simply can’t go in without becoming instantly sleepy

its like visiting the bear on the box of sleepy tea

his most common phrases consist of: “you can’t do that,”, “I told you that you’d get hurt, now come here so I can fix it,”, and “please, for the love of god, let’s have some quiet time,”

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7 months ago

Just a Small Hang Up

💛 Jim Kirk x gn!reader 💛

⚠️: none

word count: 523

Y/N’s shift had just ended and they were on their way back to their quarters, their steps echoing behind them and their quarters just within view ahead of them. With each step closer their mood lightened, knowing that Jim was probably already there.

With a smile on their face Y/N punched in the key code. As the door opened their smile gave way to a look of sheer shock. They numbly stepped in and closed the door behind them.

“You’re umm,” Y/N began as they stared at Jim, but couldn’t quite find the words, “What are you doing?” they finally managed to ask.

“Just hanging out,” Jim smiled at Y/N as he hung upside down from the ceiling, wrapped up in what Y/N could only assume was several bedsheets. 

Stepping closer so the two of them were more or less face to face, Y/N began looking over the way the sheets all looked as though they intertwined seamlessly.

“You’re certainly doing that,” Y/N started again as the shock wore off, “But uh, why, and perhaps better yet, how?” Y/N asked as they began trying to plot how they would get him down, preferably without hurting him.

“Well I wanted to be like a bat,” He said it as though it were the most obvious thing in the world.

“Alright Bat Boy, now how about telling me how and also why I shouldn’t start hiding the bedding when I leave,” Y/N said, poking Jim in the side as they did.

“Well once I got an engineer to bolt the bedding to the ceiling I just had to get myself wrapped up,” Kirk explained with an odd and uncomfortable looking attempt at shrugging.

Y/N closed their eyes for a moment to consider what they had just heard. “You mean those sheets are ruined and stuck there until an engineer comes back?” They asked as they now considered just leaving him there.

“Well…” Jim started with a sheepish grin, “In a manner of speaking,” he admitted 

“Right fine,” Y/N said with a sigh, “Hold on I’ll be back with scissors,” they said as they wandered into the kitchen.

“Well I can’t exactly go anywhere!” Jim called after them.

“Good!” Y/N called back to him. “Alright,” they said as they returned, scissors now in hand.

“Just hold onto the sheets here, and I’ll cut around you from below that point and you can twist yourself out,” Y/N explained as they watched Jim move his hands as directed.

“Great,” They muttered as they began cutting. “You’re absolutely insane,” Y/N said as they cut the last bit of fabric.

“I prefer creative,” Jim said with a smirk as he flipped himself out of the sheets and back onto the ground.

“Compromise,” Y/N started and then gave Jim a kiss, “Creatively insane, but insane is nonnegotiable,” They said with a smile.

“But you still love me,” He said with a false pout as he brought Y/N closer by the waist.

“At times much to my detriment,” Y/N agreed and gave Jim another kiss.

Just A Small Hang Up

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7 months ago

A bit thorny

💙Leonard McCoy x gn!reader💙

⚠️: mentions of small injury

word count: 562

You had gone out on a simple exploratory mission, you know basic stuff: Can you breathe here, will the inhabitants kill you, are there even any inhabitants, can you eat the plants. So far it was pretty chill, no one had been eaten alive, you went out with three redshirts and still had three redshirts, which was impressive because they seemed to have a knack for being the first ones down.

Finding that there were no inhabitants, but that there were plenty of plants, everyone, botany department and otherwise, had been assigned to collecting plant samples. With no perceived danger, the landing party had been permitted to separate into smaller groups, so of course Y/N and Leonard had gone off together.

Kirk had made his jokes about the pairing, but quickly shut up when Bones shot back that, “We all already know you’re going off with Spock, and you aren’t gonna get any real work done!”. Certainly Jim had been a bit embarrassed, but everyone else had a good laugh at the captain’s expense.

Y/N knelt down by a vine of blue flowers, “This would be very pretty to keep in your quarters,” they softly commented, looking up at Leonard for his reaction. Leonard held his tricorder up to its leaves, “I don’t think so,” He said, focusing on the tricorder reading, “It reads as poisonous,” he informed. 

“Oh!” Y/N exclaimed, hopping back from the plant and putting on gloves. “But,” Y/N started as they knelt back down to take a sample, “Your quarters could still do with a plant to liven the place up a bit,” Y/N remarked. “That’s what I have you for,” Leonard chuckled, Y/N looked back at him with a raised eyebrow.

“Well I can’t sit there and look pretty all the time you know,” Y/N said as they closed the petri dish around the sample. Moving over a few inches, Y/N went to inspect a different plant that didn’t have flowers at all, but rather thorns.

“What about this one for your quarters?” Y/N asked, briefly tugging at one of the branches to indicate which plant she was referring to. “It’s just like you, I’m sure you’d be great roommates,” Y/N remarked as they attempted to avoid being stuck with thorns.

“Ha, ha,” Leonard replied humourlessly, lightly kicking up dirt in Y/N’s direction. They coughed a bit as they inhaled some of the dust that was now floating around, reflexively squeezing their hand around the branch they had been holding in the process.

“Crap,” Y/N bit out in shock at the sensation of the thorns puncturing the palm of their hand. Leonard kneeled by their side to have a look at Y/N’s hand.

“You’re in the botany department, I would have thought you knew not to touch these things,” He lightly scolded as he began cleaning the small puncture wound.

“Maybe,” Leonard began as he wrapped up Y/N’s hand, “It’s time to go back before you hurt yourself too much more,”

“Mmmm,” Y/N considered the idea briefly, “Is there a nap and cuddles involved in this going back  plan?” they asked, now holding their hand to their chest.

“Of course that’s involved,” Leonard promised. He pulled Y/N’s hand away from their chest and planted a delicate kiss firmly on their palm.

A Bit Thorny

This sat in drafts sooo long and I finally gave it an ending 🥲

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7 months ago

Nowhere To Be

💚Spock x fem!Ostaran!reader💚

⚠️: none, just slow morning thoughts

word count: 142

The only indication that it was morning was the time shown on the nightstand. Y/N began stretching when a pair of arms wrapped around her waist and pulled her back.

“There’s nowhere to be,” Spock muttered, still attempting to pull Y/N closer yet as he ran his fingers over one of her ears.

“Hmm,” Y/N hummed quietly as she rolled over in Spock’s tight hold to face him, “I guess you’re right,” she mumbled in agreement as she buried her face into his chest. “You know you can’t leave now, right?” Y/N asked as she moved to rub her cheek against his neck.

“I didn’t intend to go anywhere,” Spock said and one of Y/N’s ears twitched as he scratched just behind it.

“Mmm,” she relaxed and simply melted into him for the rest of the morning.

Nowhere To Be

Sleepy thoughts

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7 months ago

TOS headcanon

How they react to you wearing their clothes


Stunned speechless, for once

When he does gather his thoughts again he’s all over you

“You look better in my clothes than I do” whispered while laying kisses all over your face

In all honesty he might have to take it off you later ;)

Almost annoying because he seriously will not leave you alone now.


Briefly glances up from paperwork

Goes back to what he’s doing

10,000% double take

Might not say anything, but definitely spends a lot of time just admiring you when he catches sight of you throughout the day

At some point there’s also probably a moment of realisation: “So this is where my clothes have been going”


You might actually have given him a heart attack

He’s turning the brightest shade of green as soon as he sees you

if you didn’t know any better you might almost mistake him for sick

Can’t tell if he should tell you because maybe you don’t know or be flattered because maybe you do know

TOS Headcanon

Idea from here

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