for she filled their lives with sunshine .
463 posts
Dawnsrose - . - Tumblr Blog
♡ · location: philrora's place ✧ @philipcharmont

❛ I GOT YOU SOMETHING and you can't say no~ ❜ aurora announced in a sing - song voice , skipping her way in after closing the front door . although her new job at the flower shop was exciting and an excellent distraction , it was also very tiring , even more so considering how fatigued she felt most of the time . while the princess knew it must have to do with losing part of her light , she also knew there were more important things than letting such a little hiccup show : philip , for example. he was the most important thing . ❛ for you , ❜ she brings forward the bouquet of tulips she'd been hiding behind her back , a bright smile on rosy lips . ❛ i thought i should be the one giving you flowers for a change ... ❜
♡ · xbellerousseau
-ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ-
belle looked up from the poetry book she was annotating, one she’d already pored through a dozen times, but this time she wanted to decorate her battered copy. in the middle of drawing a sunrise on the page of ‘the sun rising’ by john donne, she looked up at aurora with a curious expression. “ the orchid … how did they choose this year to be the orchid’s year ? ” the mention of children stopped belle in her tracks, mid-scribble. “ um … that sounds vaguely concerning, but yes. now i must know how you’re going to word that message, ” belle teased. “ dear friends … i must warn you about … children. ”

❛ THAT IS A GOOD QUESTION , actually ... i'm not sure how they do it , but it's still nice . it might help people choose what flower to decorate their home with ! ❜ and aurora was a firm believer that one could never have too many flowers around them ; after all , who would want to be surrounded by so much beauty and life ? she found them to be necessary , especially now that part of her light was gone . ❛ as hilarious as that would be , i don't want to give people the idea that children are dangerous , especially with so many little ones around . ❜ a tiny smile graces her lips , ❛ what were you like as a kid , belle ? i bet you were always reading big , heavy books and asking all these questions that nobody had the answers to ! ❜

♡ · h0wlingatthem00n

adam had made it a habit to wander out of the dark walls of the castle. small initiations to get out of the shell that he had constructed. at least that was the sole purpose. to feel closer to the mortal side; to nourish the human and further himself away from the beast within.
yeah right.
belle would be proud of the little efforts. he had found comfort in the gardens, they were quite, leaving him to his thoughts and ideas. he was strolling through rolls of rose, when he turned in the direction of a question
“does it no depend on the color of the orchid?”

as he spoke, adam ran his fingertips over the petals of an orange orchid. “i certainly hope that your peers are capable of making their own decisions; you don’t need to monitor them.”

❛ NOT NECESSARILY , though i suppose there's no real issue in going with the color of the year for good measure . which , i might as well tell you , is magenta . ❜ the very kind of magenta she supposed flora would liked . aurora could only hope the fairy would've been made aware of such news by now , much to dear merryweather's displeasure .
a tiny chuckle followed as she heard the man's words , which she took as well wishes . ❛ thank you , but i don't see it as monitoring them . i'm more than happy to look out for those i care about , ❜ and aurora figured most people could share the sentiment . ❛ surely you would do the same for your loved ones , no ? ❜

head tilts curiously as her violet gaze catches sight of him touching the orchids , ❛ pardon my curiosity , is orange your favorite color ? ❜
♡ · ofsundropsx

☀️ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ─────────── “ i didn’t ! ” reagan told her friend as she gazed upon the flowers. if there was on place the princess loved in elias it was the botanical gardens. reagan felt a special connections to flowers mostly due to the fact the sundrop had saved her mother and her - essentially giving reagan her powers. she nodded along as aurora spoke of the properties of the flower. at the mention of many, many children reagan did step away a bit from the flower. “ i feel a warning is needed. juuuuust in case. ”

❛ DO YOU THINK it'a a good enough reason to bring everyone together for tea and snacks ? as if we even need a reason for that sort of thing , ❜ aurora rolled her eyes at herself , although truthfully she couldn't help but look for any reason for a distraction these days . it was as though she was waiting for something dreadful , yet unavoidable . she knew she was . seeing reagan step away from the orchid made aurora break into laughter , the sort that made her cheeks hurt . ❛ you can still stand close to it , reagan ! it's not going to magically give dear ben a sibling , i promise . speaking of which , how is he doing ? ❜ lips curl into a tired yet excited smile , ❛ i feel i've missed so much , you have to bring him to our next tea party ! or just bring him over any time you want . you can bring flynn too , if you'd like , ❜ winking at the other girl , aurora started to walk towards the next couple of flowers . ❛ he came over to visit a while back , it was very sweet ! brought some flowers too , which i'm sure a certain someone helped him pick . ❜ because while aurora knew flynn was a great guy , he definitely didn't look the type who understood the language of flowers .

♡ · xkitcharmont
“ i think he’d like the idea, ” kit encouraged. “ the more the merrier. and … and perhaps a change of scenery too. if you and philip wanted to … to get away for a while, or stay someplace else other than your home now, i would support you. i’d send you off if i could, ” he joked. but he knew if aurora and philip let him, he would do it in a heartbeat. get them far away from this place, as far as possible. though she was the ‘newest’ charmont, kit felt just as protective over aurora as he did his brothers. “ … ah, well, it’s a humble little full name : christopher reginald lancelot charmont, ” he chuckled, shaking his head at it.
“ and i will keep you to your word, i’m sure aunt flora and i will have a lot of things in common. ” kit opened his mouth as if to say more, to keep the light conversation going, but now that the topic had been opened, he couldn’t stray from it. he set the jug of lemonade down and sat on the couch next to aurora, looking quite serious now. his expression only cracked when antoinette meowed at him from aurora’s lap; kit couldn’t help but smile.
“ as someone who values looking to the future, aurora, i would usually be inclined to agree. but knowing the person you had made this exchange with, it seems unwise to assume that what maleficent could have asked for is something immaterial or insignificant … no matter how willing you were to part with it. forgive me, ” he added in a quiet voice, bowing his head a little out of instinct. “ so i cannot treat this as small change. you matter too much, ” he said more firmly. “ i want nothing more than for you and philip to live peacefully, but … will maleficent’s request put that peace in jeopardy ? ” the prince furrowed his eyebrows, looking straight into aurora’s eyes. “ what did she ask of you ? ”

DESPITE KNOWING KIT WAS ONLY trying to humor her , aurora was well aware that a part of him still meant what he said . that he would willingly help her and philip find a little place of their own away from this town , and a way to keep them safe . it wasn't necessary , not after her deal with maleficent , but it was deeply appreciated . ❛ you're the best of us , kit . i mean it . but he and i will be okay , he just needs time ... oh wow , that is quite a mouthful ! ❜ aurora giggled , not having meant to come across as rude but , it was true . ❛ i see my dear in laws had a lot of fun naming all three of you ! it's sweet . ❜
the sound of the kitten's gentle meow brought a feeling of reassurance to aurora , as if telling her that everything would be okay . maybe kit would be disappointed at first , perhaps even angry , but things would eventually sort themselves out . they always did . it wasn't until his last couple of words that the princess froze in place , save for antoinette who still rested comfortably on aurora's lap . would maleficent's request put that peace in jeopardy ? no , it couldn't . it simply couldn't .
after a seemingly endless moment of silent , she spoke again . ❛ she wanted my light , ❜ aurora confessed , her voice smaller than before . ❛ not all of , just a little . i'm not sure what it means but it seemed like a fair trade . some few years of my life in exchange for him . ❜ whatever confidence she held in her eyes faltered the more she kept her focus on kit , ❛ please don't tell him , i- ... i had no choice ! but i'm fine , it's not half as bad as it might sound , ❜ yet anyone who took a good look at aurora would be able to tell that something wasn't right . ❛ you can't tell him what i did , you can't tell anyone but especially philip . at least not yet ! ❜

❛ — REPLACE YOU ?! no no , dear , i wouldn't dream of it ! nothing like that at all . ❜ the princess was quick to assure her friend , not only because marie deserved every little bit of kindness and absolutely no worries , but also because she couldn't bear to have yet another person worrying about her . questioning her well - being , her health . it was already enough to face kit and florian's reprehensive looks ; the last thing she needed was for her friends to do the very same thing .
giggling at the many , many promises marie bombards her with , aurora could only nod eagerly , actually excited about the prospect of spending more time with the other girl . very few things brought her any form of excitement these days . ❛ every class then , no if's or but's ! if you skip on a single lunch date with me , i'll have no choice but to find another partner or worse — we'll never have tea together again ! i'll be keeping all of those delicious macarons to myself , ❜ she threatens in her most pompous tone , which falters after just a few seconds . she could never do that to marie , or anyone really .

❛ a movie and a guest spot ? my , that's fantastic news ! will there be a theatrical release ? philip and i will be there for the first screening , i can promise you that . ❜ a faint blush comes to her cheeks , happy to just be able to mention philip in conversation again , to make plans for both of them . ❛ i've been ... things are better now that philip is awake . i couldn't ask for more , really . but yes , i did receive your wonderful basket ! oh , you have no idea how good it was , especially the madeleines ... i must say i've stopped baking much , and my cooking hasn't been doing much better either . ❜ which she confesses with slight embarrassment . ❛ do you think you could give me the pâtisserie's number or a way to contact them ? ❜
⊱ ♡ ⊰ location: ballet studio
❛ aurora! ❜ marie ran into her open arms, joy and sadness a bittersweet cocktail as she embraced her good friend tightly. their time apart had only been magnified after receiving a call from another ballet mate about aurora’s disappearance in their ballet classes for a while. she hadn’t been able to tell marie much, for she had called just to see if aurora was alright but she had mentioned phillip and marie knew there was only one thing that could keep aurora away from dancing. her forever dance partner.
❛ please, please don’t replace me. i’ve missed you so much. ❜ she pleaded, burying the side of her face against aurora further. ❛ i’m back in elias for a while now and i’ll be coming to class and we’ll be having lunch very, very often. like every class! ❜ pulling away reluctantly marie took stock of her friend. she seemed pale. a little less colorful than marie remembered. her heart clenched abruptly, forehead creasing as she silenced her inner voice. awareness of where they were and timing telling marie that her many questions would have to wait a little longer.

recovering quickly, marie pulled away from their embrace. ❛ i’m well! i was away filming, auditioning … same old, same old. i just wrapped up a movie and a guest spot that went a little longer than i anticipated, which is always a good thing but i definitely didn’t intend to be gone for so long. ❜ her lips contorted into a frown, nod accompanying her words. ❛ but enough about me. how are you? did you get the baskets of sweets and bread i sent along. you were in my thoughts constantly. i mean you’d think a trainer would be motivation enough but no one keeps me in sync the way you do in this class. ❜ she had tried to be subtle in her gesture. she had been unable to reach aurora after hearing from their mutual ballet mate. and never one for gossip herself, marie figured a helping hand disguised as a random large gift would do better than a phone call where she asked probing questions. marie knew it was best to be delicate in this situation.

Phoebe Dynevor for the 28th Annual Critics Choice Awards (2023)

getting lost in an old forest and finding yourself here

La Pointe Courte (Agnès Varda, 1955)
♡ · location: botanical garden

❛ DID YOU KNOW THE ORCHID is this year's flower ? ❜ aurora mused as she stood before the flowers in question , ruminating about them . while most things seemed to have lost their ability to spark joy since her conversation with maleficent , she still found comfort in nature — especially flowers . ❛ they represent lots of things , too . love , beauty , wealth , children . many children . ❜ blinking at the thought , she pauses momentarily . ❛ ... i should probably warn my friends . ❜
♡ · prettyboyflorian

florian does not, in fact, stop looking at her like that. in all likelihood, he’s being more obvious about it now that it’s just them. he falls into the chair beside her, letting all the confident airs he’d been wearing around philip drift away as he does so. out here, he’s free to just be concerned about his sister-in-law. the questions drag a sigh and a petulant eye-roll from him - because old habits die hard - but he answers anyway. “yes, he’s awake. and yes, i’m happy. but, aurora,” he leans forward, making sure to catch her eye before continuing, “in my experience, people don’t wake up thanks to wishing alone.” he doesn’t know much about magic, but he knows that much. if wishes were horses and all that. there’s a surgical precision to the words, being careful not to veer into accusation, but with the weight of the past months (and the hurt before that). gentle, but firm. “so forgive me if i’m waiting for the other shoe to drop.” because he knows what he’d do for philip, if he had the opportunity. and he knows that sometimes his mind and aurora’s work similar enough that he wouldn’t put it past her to do the same. especially after seeing how she’d been while philip was asleep.

PEOPLE DON'T WAKE UP THANKS TO WISHING ALONE . whatever tiny part of aurora thought she could get away without mentioning her deal with maleficent was quickly shut down by that single statement . it wasn't that she'd taken florian or kit for fools — on the contrary , they were incredibly inteligent . it was only that she'd been too blinded by the thought of having philip back , and that was more than enough to cloud her judgment . a long pause stands between them as she contemplates just how much she is willing to share , how much she should share . this didn't have to be a huge deal ; it shouldn't be . ❛ i made a deal with maleficent , that's all . ❜ the princess stated simply , easily . her violet gaze wandered for a moment , ❛ i had something of interest to her , so i let her take it . not all of it , just a small bit . just enough to bring him back , ❜ and enough to leave aurora feeling like a lesser version of herself . as her attention returns to florian , she lets out a deep breath . ❛ and i would really , truly appreciate it if you could keep this between us , florian . please . ❜

𝔞𝔲𝔯𝔬𝔯𝔞 𝔠𝔞𝔭𝔲𝔩𝔢𝔱 - 𝔠𝔥𝔞𝔯𝔪𝔬𝔫𝔱 : ch. study
fauna , flora & merryweather
♡ · xkitcharmont
kit was in the middle of piping the dough when she asked. grateful for the many lessons in subtle multi-tasking he’d had to learn over the years, he had to smile at her question. “ no, i had no idea. that may be why she’s taken a shine to you. ” he hazarded a glance up, checking to see how aurora was doing. “ i’m not sure i’ve ever heard your full name, ” he said, his voice lifting at the end as if it was an invitation to hear it, “ or perhaps it’s just been a while. i only have two middle names, myself, ” he chortled. the prince hadn’t wanted aurora to feel as if his invitation for afternoon tea was a veiled reason to interrogate her; he was more than happy to bake them something and wait for an opportune moment to ask, but he was grateful when aurora broached the subject first.
he looked up at the same time she did, catching his gaze with a sympathetic smile. “ i’m not trying to bribe you with a delicious treat. i’m trying to bribe you with three, ” he smiled. “ though it is three of the same ones. courtesan au chocolats. one moment. ” as he finished preparing the tray, he popped it into the oven and set his timer. kit set to work pouring a glass of lemonade for them each — his mouth set in a determined line as he went. “ … and i can’t begin to tell you how grateful i am, how grateful we are, that she’s let go of philip. but … i do wonder if there was anything that had to be given in exchange for such a blessing. ”

❛ DO YOU THINK SO ? why , i've taken a shine to her , too ... i wonder how philip would feel about bringing a furry friend into our lives . ❜ as it was no secret that aurora missed having animals near . sure , they had samson , but he was moreso philip's friend and of course , they couldn't quite fit the horse inside their home . a puppy or cat , however , would be more than welcome . ❛ i don't blame you , i've only heard someone else use my full name once , ❜ a chuckle . ❛ aurora josephine antoinette capulet ... charmont , ❜ she emphasizes the last name , rosy cheeks becoming a deeper shade of red . lifting her gaze from the kitten on her lap , aurora raised her eyebrows expectantly as she looked over at kit , who seemed quite invested in his baking . ❛ and yours ? i never knew kit was short for christopher , not until philip told me so ... i'm not sure what i expected though , ❜ she laughed .
when he corrected her assumption from one baked good to three , aurora's eyes went wide . he really wanted answers , didn't he ? the princess couldn't keep from chuckling at the fact ; how very much like kit to persuade her in the kindest manner . ❛ three courtesan au chocolats ... remind me to introduce you to aunt fauna as soon as possible , i'm sure she would love to learn a few tips and tricks from you ! ❜ not to mention she believe the eldest charmont would get along quite well with the fairy . then again , it was hard not to like fauna . watching as kit poured a glass of lemonade for her , aurora pressed her lips together , nodding slowly . ❛ i see . suppose there was an exchange ... wouldn't it be best for us to focus on what we have now , rather than on something that's lost ? ❜ she questioned , violet eyes turning their focus to her glass . ❛ i wouldn't have parted with something i wasn't willing to let go of , you see . there's no reason to worry — and no reason to worry him . ❜

Jonathan Bailey, Phoebe Dynevor and Luke Thompson in some BTS photos from Bridgerton s1
♡ · location : ballet studio / @aristochaton

❛ I WAS STARTING TO WONDER if i'd need to find a new dancing buddy ... but , who could ever replace you ? ❜ a gentle smile appears on the princess's lips before she opens her arms wide , bringing the other blonde into a hug . not only had the two always struggled to find time to hang out , mostly due to marie's busy schedule , but the recent events in aurora's life had also taken her away from the things she loved to do , such as dance . this was her attempt at finding joy in the things that one sparked said emotion within her , to find some normalcy within herself . her new self , that is .
pulling back from the hug , she reached for marie's hands . ❛ how've you been ? i'm sorry i didn't call , things have been- ... well , it's alright now . everything is well . but how are you , chérie , where have you been ? ❜
sisterhood is so important you guys. I really cannot stress this enough. protect other girls even if you don’t know them. sit next to girls that sit alone. stand up for other girls. don’t just sit and watch another girl be disrespected.
♡ · location : kit's home / @xkitcharmont

❛ — DID YOU KNOW ONE OF MY middle names is antoinette ? ❜ the thought comes to her as she continues to play with one of the two cats ; the one whose name matches her middle name . something about having antoinette and vienna nearby was comforting to her . perhaps because it felt familiar , reminded her of how she used to feel . sometimes she wished she was still living in a cottage in the glen . ❛ i often forget i have such a long name . sometimes i'm not even sure of how to introduce myself ! ❜ the tiniest chuckle escapes her , though it isn't a very lively one . taking a deep breath , she allows herself to lift her gaze towards kit , who'd made it his mission to bake something for her . maybe he was a stress baker , much like aurora herself . ❛ with all due respect , kit , if you're trying to bribe me with that delicious treat , i'm afraid it's for naught . i've already told you all of what happened ; i spoke to maleficent and now he's awake . ❜
♡ · location : philrora's backyard / @prettyboyflorian

❛ ... STOP LOOKING AT ME LIKE THAT . ❜ aurora scolds the moment she feels it's safe to , taking a seat in one of the comfy chairs around the tea table . while her voice isn't cold or snappy , it's not the same sweet dulcet tone that came so naturally to the princess . it's tired , a little lifeless , and she supposed it reflected how she felt . while aurora liked to believe she'd been doing a fair job at keeping up appearances around philip , there was no point in pretending with florian . both the other charmonts boys knew too much . ❛ he's awake , isn't he ? we should be celebrating ! are you not happy that it's all over ? ❜ a nonsensical question she obviously knows the answer to , but still . ❛ i don't know what you're expecting , there's nothing to tell ! ❜
♡ · flynnridcrs
closed starter for: @dawnsrose location: aurora’s home

it had been a little while since flynn had seen aurora - between his job and reagan’s, as well as her painting sets for that play ( and him watching ben a little bit more as a result ), he hadn’t had much time to set aside for the princess as he might have liked. she was going through it after all, with pip still down for the count. so today while everyone had a day off and no one had to paint, he picked up some flowers - peace lilies by reagan’s suggestion - and decided to go knock on aurora’s front door.
“ hey ! ” he said with a smile as the door cracked open. “ i was in the neighborhood so i just thought i’d check in. how are you doing ? ”

WHILE REAGAN WOULDN'T have been an unexpected visit ( on the contrary , she was always welcome ) , seeing flynn wasn't in aurora's list of things that might happen today . that , however , didn't mean he was unwelcome — on the contrary , it was always a chance to become closer with someone who meant so much to her best friend . a tiny smile graces the princess' lips as she opens the door . ❛ hi flynn , ❜ she greets , making a conscious effort to not call him eugene . a sort of agreement between them .
❛ oh ? visiting reagan i presume ? ❜ there's a light playfulness in her assumption , though aurora brushes it off by turning her attention to the flowers . ❛ peace lillies ... thank you , they're beautiful ! come in , please don't mind the mess , ❜ spoken as she stepped to the side to let him in . ❛ i'm ... i guess i'm getting by . that's the good thing , isn't it ; people grow accustomed to things at one point or another . ❜ which wasn't to say that she was happy about philip's current state . much on the contrary . ❛ but i have a plan , so ... things should be back to normal soon . do you want something to drink ? i don't have anything too fancy but i do have tea and , um , water . ❜

sick! of not living in a cottage with the love of my life and our several large dogs!
♡ · ofmalevolence

“Frankly, dear, you care too much and I don’t care at all. So save your little speeches, hm?” Maleficent rolled her eyes. She’d entertained this long enough. She was not going to be made feel guilty by a princess who would wander off into a happily ever after blissfully unaware of the blood that ran through her family tree. “You’re a princess. You’ll have to cry a little harder if you want me to even think about caring about what you have to say.”
There really wasn’t anything she wanted but she supposed she could gain something from this. The whole thing was tedious now and she knew she’d get no rest until the prince was awake. She was eventually going to lift the curse but if Aurora wanted to sacrifice something then fine. “You are a pure soul, I’ll grant you that compliment…but it’s the only thing worth my while. A piece of it will give me something of value and I’ll wake your darling prince. You’ll lose years of your life, of course, but that’s the deal.” Maleficent sighed as she looked at her. “So quick to dismiss the pain of others. As if a wound so great could be healed with words and sentiments. Keep them I don’t want them. Mistakes are small things. What your father did was calculated, cold, and disastrous and try as you might to push it away, it will haunt you and your family for generations to come. That kind of debt will not be paid so easily.”

WHILE AURORA HAD NO DOUBT of how little maleficent cared for her , her loved ones or the rest of elias , she couldn't believe there was nothing in the world the fairy cared for . she couldn't accept it . it must be a terrible way to live and , in a way , it made her pity the other . not that she'd mention it , but still .
she takes the compliment as more of a solution than anything else , unable to appreciate it at a moment like this . whatever it was that a having pure soul meant , it seemed important enough to bring philip back and in aurora's eyes , that was the most important thing . bring him back and have maleficent out of their lives . the princess would happily part with it , not really stopping to think about what it might mean — what's a few years anyway ? ❛ and you'll leave us alone ? at least his family . ❜ it didn't sound too bad , it couldn't be worse than the life she was living .
❛ i didn't mean to sound- ❜ she trails off , understanding that there was no point in trying to reason with the mistress of evil . she didn't want to be understood , nor would she let aurora try . but the princess knew there was only honesty in maleficent's story ; she wasn't lying when she spoke about her father . she also didn't seem hesitant when talking about generations to come , which terrified her . ❛ still , i apologize , and i'll keep trying to fix it . ❜ she had to . the princess looked down at her toes for a moment , then at maleficent once again . ❛ a piece , is it ? ❜ aurora took deep breath , then nodded agreeingly . ❛ take it . it's yours . ❜

♡ · princess-fiestypants
“hi,” anna greeted, again, feeling the nerves ever-so-slowly draining out of her now that she was face-to-face with aurora. maybe it was just that the door opening felt like half the battle already, or maybe it was just that the woman on the other side of it had the kind of presence that put her at ease. a little of both, probably. nonetheless, when she stepped through the door it was with hesitation. she felt a little like she was intruding, for all the gentleness of aurora’s welcome.
at aurora’s offer to show her philip, she blinked in surprise. “oh! right.” she hadn’t really thought that far ahead. “mess is fine,” she added as an afterthought, nerves skyrocketing again as she followed aurora. what would she even say to philip? just… anything? then again, it wasn’t like she didn’t have experience with one-sided conversations! she’d figure that bit out, she was pretty sure.
anna frowned, however, at aurora calling her one of philip’s friends. it didn’t quite sit right. “i’m not really… it’s been a long time since i’ve seen him,” she explained quietly. “but i’m happy to meet you too! and it’s kinda funny, because last time i saw him, he would’ve definitely thought you had cooties. we used to tease his brother and my sister about being betrothed - mostly because it was funny, but he was full ‘romance is gross’ back then.”

ROSY LIPS CURL INTO A SMILE with anna's comment , taking it as a little blessing of sorts , a way of knowing there was nothing really wrong with their home even if philip wasn't there . well , not completely . deep down , it wasn't the mess itself that bothered aurora ; she'd made her peace with it . it was the fact that the entire place felt less like half philip's and more like a perfect representation of aurora's coping mechanisms . namely the remnants of stress baking , an unfinished puzzle and a pile of books she couldn't find the interest to read .
her eyes went a bit wide as she led the redhead inside . was it common for all royalty to just disappear from each other's lives ? ❛ oh ? he's definitely missed you then . philip has a wonderful memory , ❜ she assures with a small , knowing it to be true but also all too happy to gush about her husband . then , something else caught her attention , ❛ cooties ... what are those ? why , i bet he had cooties himself ! ❜ a proud huff escapes her , only for a tiny giggle to follow after . the first semblance of real laughter from her in a while . ❛ which brother would that be ? i've met both , hopefully things are amicable between them and your sister . ❜ and if not , aurora would be happy to help .
the thought of a younger philip finding romance gross comes as both endearing and beyond belief . ❛ i can't imagine that , he's always been so romantic with me . even when i first met him ! a bit forward- well , very forward , but not in a bad way at all . maybe you would've laughed at him . do you or did you also use to think romance is gross ? ❜ aurora asked , curiosity in her words . when the two women reached the door to the bedroom , her expression changed a bit . it saddened . slowly , after taking a deep breath , she opened the door and spoke quietly to anna . ❛ take your time , he'll probably be happy to hear someone that isn't me or kit or florian ... i'll make something for us . do you like tea or coffee ? ❜ head tilts to the side , ❛ maybe hot chocolate ? ❜