Brain: What Do We Do When We Are Very Sad And Don't Have Time For Anui?

Brain: what do we do when we are very sad and don't have time for anui?
Me: make an another new sideblog! :D
Brain: that's right, exercise, drink water, go to bed before midnight, socialize a little, organize plans- what the fuck.
More Posts from Deathshadowed
If you were a deity, what would you be the God of?
winter and death

you’re known for your self-discipline and rigidity. although you may be perceived as cold and intimidating by those who don’t directly worship you, you’re actually quite fair and polite. your followers pray to you for a safe winter and peaceful death.
@iobartach also broke into Karma's house & “Speak for me again and I’ll detach something from you.”

The last encounter was also the last straw. After the disaster she was still finding cobras, taipans napping under surfaces, thanks to her floor heating. Not to mention the carefully arranged now scattered bullet supply. Or the missing, newest fine tuned other weapons.
An almost leisure sitting position on her couch, long finger methodically tapping against the black leather, waiting. She didn't have to till a portal opened again in her godforsaken living room.
“I sssaid.”

Came the already vicious hiss betraying her outer calm
“Fix your shit. If an another entity wrecks my laboratory, I will find a way to return the favor.” serpent slit eyes bore into the him like daggers sharpened to perfection, entirely unfazed by the threat or his presence.

The mockingly soft hiss might have been unnecessary; but Karma had more than enough with the last intruder. Not to mention...the cleanup process took days, days without her ‘second job’. Days without emptying her venom into something or someone. And it was still her house, she was the most familiar with the layout and the secret surprises hidden all across the mansion, not just the six inch barreled revolvers in skilled fingers.

Sooo I was messing around with the incorrect quote generator @deathshadowed

What type of villain are you?
No Moral Compass

You are cold, analytical, and you strive to be as objective as a person of flesh and blood can be. Either don't understand the concepts of good and evil, or you understand it perfectly and think it's a load of bull. Some may call you selfish, some may call you unfeeling, but you're just doing what you believe will yield the best results, plain and simple. Why bother with petty ideals of right or wrong when you can do what will actively help those you give a fuck about? Your goals may be selfish or noble or anything in between, but you will not let anyone make you feel like garbage for going after them. You couldn't care less about what people brand you as. You just care about getting shit done by any means necessary.

Long day, without the end of it in sight. At least it was quiet, away from prying eyes; deep in the laboratory which changed everything. She learned how to be indifferent and efficient by now, locking memories into containers just like...snakes. Her venom glands were acting up to the point they were causing discomfort, she was even recommended a dentist from her colleague.
It was time for a refill anyways. Submerged in the careful task of filling special bullets, a tiny hole drilled with precision into the point, only allowing the syringe to pass through and fill the cavity with her venom. Because of the modified structure, the bullet would be ruined upon impact and even if the wound itself wouldn't be lethal, the venom sealed the fate. Technically and legally, it classified as a biological weapon but Karma never felt the need to lament on ethics.
The activity eventually lulled her into productive serenity, until her laboratory started rattling, vials shattering, carefully arranged bullets scattering as a portal opened right there.
“MÉG A LÓFASZNAK IS VAN VÉGE!” (Even the horsedick has an end too!)

She snapped up from her chair with a furious exclamation at the sight of whatever the fuck invaded her space now.
“Ha megtalálom a felelőst hogy MINDENKI nálam köt ki, úgy faszon lövöm, hogy a következő életében is érezni fogja!” (If I find the one responsible that EVERYONE lands at me, I'm going to shoot him in the dick that he will feel that in his next life!)
“TAKARODJ PICSÁBA KI A HÁZAMBÓL!! ” (Get the fuck out of my house!) Revolvers already loaded, cocked and ready to be used