delacyrose224 - eternallygyu

Just a 30-something K-Pop stan.Masterlist: The Jukebox

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Chameleon Boy (Part 1)

Chameleon Boy (Part 1)

Chameleon Boy (Part 1)

Pairing: Gryffindor!Jin x Ravenclaw!reader

Words: 6.3k

Genre: Hogwarts AU, also pretty sure I created the new genre of Idiots to Morons to Lovers...

Warnings/rating: SFW (but with a fun sprinkle of spice), cursing, reader is emotionally constipated, Jin is somewhat of a perfectionist, mild violence

Author's Note: This is part of the BTS Hogwarts collab hosted by @homeofbangtan! Loosely based on the concept of the song Chameleon Boy by Blue October. I enjoyed writing this fic SO MUCH, y'all. So much that it became a behemoth novel of a thing, totaling 24.3k in total (parts 2 and 3 forthcoming)! Special thanks to @ttaetae for the banner, @min-yoon-kween for being my official beta reader, @hyungieyoongi for being my unofficial beta reader and official hype woman, and @sunshinejunghoseokie and @mochi-molala for putting up with me sending you ideas and snippets of story for over a month straight!


“Kim Namjoon!”

You wince over your Full English sitting in front of was entirely too early in the morning for anyone to be yelling that boisterously across the Great Hall. You look over your shoulder to see Kim Seokjin, Gryffindor’s Head Boy and Quidditch Captain, walking purposefully towards your best friend, Kim Namjoon, who’s sitting next to you.

“Kim Namjoon!” Seokjin repeats, clapping him on the shoulder and sliding onto the bench between the two of you. His broad shoulders push you down the table.

“...yeah? What do you need?” Your friend smiles up at him, dimples forming in his cheeks.

“I wanted to pick your brain about the essay we had for Herbology. I know the Venomous Tentacula is poisonous and turns you a color if you drink its juice, but for the life of me I can’t remember which one, and I couldn’t find it in the to help a friend out?” Seokjin smiles at Namjoon pleadingly.

“What, had one too many bludgers to the head and can’t remember?” You scoff. Seokjin swiftly turns towards you, suddenly remembering you’re still there. His movement shoves you further down the bench, conveniently towards the edge, where you proceed to topple off completely and land on the cold stone floor of the Great Hall. You can hear sniggers from the Slytherin table as they watch the whole exchange.

“Are you okay?” Seokjin asks, eyebrows raised in concern. He leaps off the bench and offers you a hand to help you up.

“No thanks to you, Seokjin,” you huff, refusing his hand and standing up on your own. You dust yourself off and start to gather your books to leave.

“Call me Jin, everyone does,” he offers up, trying to get you to look at him so he can properly apologize for his carelessness.

You continue to scoop your books into your bag, and only turn to face the boys after you’ve slung the bag over your shoulder.

“Joon, I’ll see you later in the common room. Jin, was it?” You smile with sarcasm dripping from your voice. He hums in acknowledgement, too afraid to push his luck with an actual sentence.

“Venomous Tentacula juice turns the drinker purple. It’s on page 394 of Flesh-Eating Trees of the World.”

Jin stares helplessly after you as you stride away.


“Smooth, Kim.” Jin turns around, only to see Park Jimin, Slytherin’s Seeker, rolling his eyes at him from the next table over.

“Mind your business, Park.” Jin snaps, ears starting to turn red.

“You made it my business when you shoved that poor girl onto the floor in front of the whole school. I’m sure she loved that,” Jimin sneers.

“I said mind your business, Park. You forget I can dock Slytherin points for you talking back to the Head Boy.”

Jimin just glares in response. Jin turns back to Namjoon, gives a hurried goodbye, and heads back over to the Gryffindor table.

How in the world was he going to make up for embarrassing you in front of everyone at breakfast? He knew he had to figure something out, and fast.


Jin is still wracking his brain trying to come up with ways to apologize to you as he walks to Defense Against the Dark Arts. Maybe he could do some fancy charm-yes, that sounded good. But wait...what was he going to do, knit you a scarf? He rolled his eyes at that thought and went back to square one in his head as he opened the door and headed to his seat.

Maybe he could bake you something? He was good at kitchen charms, he had the evidence (or should he say lack of evidence) to prove it every time he made treacle tarts or pumpkin pasties for his team. Jungkook would never shut up, asking him continuously about the next time he was planning on making something. Little did JK know, he was planning on making something special for their first game against Slytherin the following week. He smiled to himself thinking about it as he pulled out his quill and paper, prepared for whatever the lesson of the day was. He had to make sure he was on top of his game if he wanted to be a Curse-Breaker after graduation.

A minute till class starts, the door to the classroom bursts open forcefully and you sprint through it breathless. You frown as you see that the only empty seat is next to...Jin. Of course it is. You sigh and take your seat before the professor shows up, quickly pulling out your supplies.

Jin leans in to whisper something to you, but before he can say a word, the classroom door bursts open again to a frazzled, gray haired witch who marches to the front of the room and immediately begins lecturing.

The two of you furiously scribble as she talks, looking over at each others’ notes occasionally if you aren’t able to catch something she said. Jin’s broad shoulders bump into yours several times throughout class, luckily not sending you to the floor this time.

Towards the end of class, the professor mentions that there will be a semester-long project over some form of advanced dark magic.

“Your table mates will be your project partners for the semester!” The professor chirps cheerily.

You smirk across the room at your other best friend, Sunny, who is sitting at the same table with none other than Park Jimin.

“Sunny and Jimin, your project will be over horcruxes,” your professor smiles at them before turning to you.

The smirk that had been on your face falls instantly as you realize who your project partner is.

“Seokjin and Y/N, your project will be over the Imperius Curse.”

Jin turns to you with a nervous smile. “Hey...partner.”

“...hey,” you return in a small voice.

“Do you want to on our first essay at the library this weekend together? I’m sure you probably have a better handle on this than I do already, being a Ravenclaw and all.” Jin smiles at you more genuinely this time.

“And what exactly is that supposed to mean?” You question, eyebrow raised.

“Oh, um. Just that you’re smart and stuff. You knew about Venomous Tentacula poison without even double checking the textbook this morning. So I figured you’re probably really good at essays...I just have to work a little harder sometimes at school stuff, I promise I’m not dumb!” he rambles, pink dusting his cheeks. He’s cute when he’s flustered, you think.

“I know you’re not dumb, idiot,” you smirk up at him.

“...but you just called me an idiot?” he questions, eyebrows furrowed.

“I know you’re not dumb, Jin. You wouldn’t be able to be Head Boy if you were. Plus Joon doesn’t associate with idiots,” you smile warmly, a true grin gracing your face.

Jin chuckles in response, running his hand through his hair to push it out of his eyes. “So meet me in the library this weekend?”

“...I bet you say that to all the girls,” you reply, grabbing your things and walking out of the classroom laughing.

Jin is left dumbstruck staring after you for the second time that day. As he turns back to his notebook, he sees your handwriting in the top corner of his notes. When you had time to write that without him seeing, he has no idea.

Meet me in the restricted section at 4pm on Saturday.

Jin smiles to himself as he finishes packing up his things and heads out. This was going to be a fun project.


You busy yourself the rest of the week with your studies, hanging out with Joon, and making fun of Sunny, who is agonizing over being partners with Jimin-who you’re pretty sure she has a huge crush on.

Come Friday, you’re sitting in the Ravenclaw common room poring over your notes for Potions, when you hear a strange clicking sound. You look around the large armchair you’re in and don’t see anything. No one else is in the common room currently because it’s the middle of the afternoon-everyone else is either in the library or out enjoying the sunshine while it lasts. So where is the clicking noise coming from?

As you continue to look around, it becomes louder and more insistent. You can tell it’s coming from outside, so you look towards the window only to see a tiny pygmy owl frantically tapping its beak on the glass.

You immediately jump up from your chair and rush over to the window, opening it as quickly as you can. The little owl flutters in and lands on the arm of the chair you were in before, seeming to scowl at you indignantly for not letting it in sooner.

“I’m sorry, little one. I didn’t realize you were at the window, I thought someone had left Exploding Snap or something out, I would have let you in much sooner had I realized!” You reach forward to pet the owl’s head with your finger, it being much too small to touch with your entire hand. It trills softly at you as you pet it, and you think it may have forgiven you for leaving it outside so long.

“Who are you looking for, hmm? You’re incredibly adorable, you know?” The owl preens under your compliment and sticks out its leg to you, where you can see there is a small folded note with your name on it.

“For me?” You’re surprised-no one ever sends you things unless it’s for your birthday or a holiday. Christmas is more than a month away, and your birthday isn’t until spring term. You reach out and gently remove the note from the owl’s leg, and it promptly hops into your lap and bumps its head against your finger for more affection. You oblige as you unfold the paper, only to see two lines in a messy, loopy scrawl.

Chocolate or cinnamon?-KSJ

P.S. This is HooDini, he likes attention. Maybe too much, actually.

You can’t help the smile that tugs at the corners of your mouth as you look down at HooDini. He’s made himself at home in your lap, looking as if he’d like to fall asleep under your touch. You scoop him into your palms and place him back on the arm of the chair so you can pull out a quill to respond. He looks highly offended, and turns his head away.

“Sorry, HooDini, I didn’t want you to fall,” you laugh softly at the owl’s antics. He peeks his head back around at the mention of his name, settling for watching you write out an answer to Jin.

...cinnamon, for sure. Chocolate is overrated.

P.S. Your owl is cute and I think he might like attention as much as his owner does.

You aren’t sure why Jin is asking about chocolate or cinnamon, but you can’t be too mad. You needed a break from working on your Potions homework, and being able to pet an owl was the perfect, if Jin cared enough to write a whole note, you figured you would indulge him. You tie your response to HooDini’s leg and carry him over to the window.

“Don’t be a stranger, okay?” You give him one last pet, and he nips your finger affectionately before taking off. You head back over to your armchair and start flipping through your notes again.


A few minutes later, HooDini comes flapping through the Gryffindor boys’ dormitory window, crashing onto Jin’s four poster bed with his leg stuck up in the air.

“Hoo, you alright, mate? That was quick!” Jin scoops his owl up into his hands, bringing him to eye level to make sure he’s okay.

HooDini hoots softly, insistently shoving his leg towards Jin. He takes the note off the owl’s leg and places him on the blanket at the end of the bed. HooDini immediately makes a burrow for himself and stares at Jin while he reads your response to your question.

He was hoping you’d say cinnamon instead of he knows just what to make you for your study date. Or, not date. Whatever it is. He shakes the thought away. Just because you were cute, did not make this any kind of anything. You barely knew each other anyway. He rummages around in his trunk until he finds what he’s looking for-his mum’s Muggle cookbook he brought from home, as well as a magical cookbook he’d picked up from Flourish and Blotts at the start of the year. He rolls up his sleeves and starts to flip through the pages, making notes from each.

He’s determined-he’s going to make you the best bake of his life.


The next day, after lunch and working on Herbology homework out in the greenhouse with Joon, you head to the Ravenclaw common room to pack up for your trip to the library to meet up with Jin. You quickly shove as many books about dark magic as you can into your bag without splitting the seams, and sling it over your shoulder. As you do so, you notice dirt smudged on your sleeve. You attempt to rub it off, and it just smears more into the fabric. You shrug to yourself-you’ll use a spell to get it off later. Jin can deal with a little bit of dirt, it’s just a trip to the library. You head out of Ravenclaw Tower, hoping you won’t have to wait too long for Jin to arrive once you get to the library.

To your surprise, he’s already there once you make your way to the back of the library, and he’s set up a table for the two of you. From the looks of it, he’s been there a while...his hair is mussed from running his fingers through it and he lets out a deep sigh as you approach the table.

Hearing your footsteps, he glances up, startled.

“Oh...hey! Grab a seat,” he reaches to try and straighten up his belongings that are strewn about everywhere with one hand while simultaneously trying to pull out a chair for you with his other hand.

You grab the chair from him and slowly pull it out for yourself.

“I can do that myself, thanks…” You raise an eyebrow at him.

“Of course! I mean, I know that. Sorry,” his ears go slightly pink at your statement as he meekly pulls his hand away from the chair.

You sit down and pull out all your books one by one, his eyes going wide as the stack keeps growing.

“How many do you have in there? is one of those bottomless bags? How does it work?” His eyes alight with curiosity.

You stifle a laugh (you are in a library, after all), and shake your head.

“It’s not a bottomless bag, you doofus. I just know how to pack efficiently is all...and I think I have 7 in here? Just things I had that I thought could maybe be useful for our project.”

Jin smiles at you softly as you finish your explanation.

“What?” You look over at him, not understanding what’s amusing about you packing books to use for your project. Doesn’t he want a good grade as well?

“Nothing, you’re just a nerd.” His soft smile doesn’t leave his face as he answers you, but he’s not able to keep eye contact for long.

“Oh, I’m the nerd? Don’t think I didn’t see what you just put away as you were trying to clear the table...Advanced Arithmancy, I think it was?” You smirk, knowing you’re right as his eyes grow wide.

“Well, how else am I supposed to become a Curse-Breaker after graduation? I have to take that class...doesn’t mean it’s not kicking my arse in the process though. It’s why I look like I’ve been electrocuted, it’s stressing me out so much I’m pulling my hair out!” He exclaims, pointing to the mess of hair sitting on top of his head.

“You’re lucky I know what electricity is, otherwise I would think you’re crazy right about now.” You smile as you reach forward across the table, smoothing down an errant strand of Jin’s hair that’s managed to find itself standing straight up in the air. He freezes when your hand makes contact with his head, eyes going even wider than before.

As you pull away, a faint pink dusts your cheeks. Maybe you shouldn’t have gotten in his personal space, seeing as you don’t know each other that well. Before you can dwell on it too much, you notice Jin smiling at you again.

“I forget that not everyone knows what electricity is...goes to show what a Muggleborn I am. You too?” He inquires, genuinely curious to hear your answer.

“Pureblood actually.” You can see his face fall slightly at that, and you rush to clarify. “I absolutely do not buy into the pureblood shit that a lot of the Slytherins like to brag about. I’m not better than you, or anyone else, just because my parents happened to be a witch and a wizard. It’s just dumb luck, that’s all.”

“ how in the world do you know about electricity then?” Jin cocks an eyebrow at you in confusion.

“I’m in Advanced Muggle Studies, that’s how. I think Muggles are fascinating,” you shrug, the answer seeming simple to you.

You notice a smirk slowly making its way onto Jin’s face, though he is clearly trying to fight it.

“Oh, what now?” You roll your eyes as Jin gives in to the smirk, his eyes twinkling in mirth to match.

“ really are a nerd, aren’t you?” He chuckles and ducks out of the way as you swat at him with one of your books.

“Shhh!!” The librarian shushes you both as she walks by your table. You’re honestly surprised that it hasn’t happened before now with how loud the two of you have been.

You both duck your heads down, burying your faces in your books while stifling laughter. Once the librarian is out of sight, you raise your head to look at Jin over the spine of Secrets of the Darkest Art.

“So, our project. The Imperius Curse?” You question.

The two of you get to work, poring over endless amounts of books for hours on end, scribbling notes down about anything even tangentially related to the Imperius Curse. Jin comes up with the idea for your first essay to be over the creation of the Unforgivable Curses, and historically how the Imperius Curse has been most frequently used. You’re pleasantly surprised to see he’s prepared an outline of his ideas before showing up to meet you.

Your stomach growling breaks up your study session hours later. Jin glances up at the sound, then looks over at the clock on the wall.

“It’s nine already! I’m so sorry I kept you here this late, you could have left me to go down to the Great Hall for dinner...they’ll have cleaned up already,” he exclaims worriedly looking back at you.

“It’s fine, I’m not that-” Your stomach interrupts you with an even louder sound. You can’t help but laugh at your stomach’s protest.

“Lucky for you, I’m here,” Jin bends down to rummage through his belongings. You peer over, curious.

He pulls out a covered tray of some sort, putting it down on the table. You raise an eyebrow in question. Jin whips off the lid with a flourish, looking extremely proud of himself.

The library is immediately filled with the scent of buttery cinnamon goodness. Your mouth drops open in surprise, and Jin’s eyes sparkle when he sees your reaction.

“Cinnamon chip scones...for you. An apology for embarrassing you at breakfast earlier this week, since I never properly apologized. Thanks for answering my note-I would have hated to have made chocolate chip scones instead. A travesty, really.”

“Jin, you really didn’t have to-” You try to protest, but as you move your hand in front of you to shoo the idea of him feeding you away, he’s placing a scone and napkin in your hand instead. The warmth seeps into your hand through the napkin, a welcome difference from the damp chill in the library.

“How is this still warm? You’ve had them in here for hours…” You’re confused, this isn’t how baked goods work.

“A semi-permanent warming charm, I can teach you sometime. I’m surprised I found something you don’t know about...nerd.” He smirks at you again, enjoying that he’s found something he knows about that you don’t.

Instead of giving him the satisfaction of an answer, you take a bite of the scone instead. It may have been a better bet to try and give a sarcastic comment back to Jin. As soon as the scone hits your tongue, it starts to melt and you let out an involuntary sigh of delight.

“...good?” Jin looks nervous, glancing at you, trying to gauge your reaction.

“...delicious. I think it might be the best scone I’ve ever had?” You admit, as much as you don’t want to.

Jin’s cheeks warm at your praise, a large grin breaking out across his face. He reaches across the table to you suddenly, and before you have the chance to react, he’s brushing his thumb over the corner of your mouth.

“You had a crumb,” he laughs, then furrows his brow and moves his thumb across your cheek. “And...dirt?” He asks, dumbfounded.

You pull away, embarrassed yet again in Jin’s presence.

“It’s from working in the greenhouses earlier today with Joon,” you murmur as you bury your face in your hands, frantically wiping at any other dirt that may still be on your face. Why did you care so much anyway?

Jin laughs goodnaturedly. “Don’t worry about it, I just figured I’d help you out while I was already at it with the crumb...but you’ve been working on homework all day? You need to get out more,” he states matter of factly.

You glare at him across the table in response.

“I’ve got it! You should come to the Gryffindor-Slytherin Quidditch game next week, it’s the first game of the season. Jeon and Park will be at each other's throats, so it should be entertaining for you at least.” Though he labels it as entertaining, his face scrunches in thought while he’s talking.

“And of course, you can come see yours truly, ‘Kill ‘Em Kim’, in action.” He winks at you. “I didn’t become Quidditch Captain for nothing, y’know.”

“I was considering saying yes, until you decided that winking and referring to yourself as ‘Kill ‘Em Kim’ was a good idea.” You roll your eyes as you gather up your belongings to head back to Ravenclaw Tower. Jin follows you as you exit the library.

“Don’t make me Imperio you to come to the game!” He calls down the hallway after you.

You turn on your heel to face him. “You couldn’t Imperio me if you tried, and even if you did, I’m strong enough to break it. Plus it’s an Unforgivable Curse, did you forget? You’d be arrested,” you huff as you turn away and march off to your common room.

“...nerd.” Jin chuckles under his breath as he turns to make his way to his own common room.

When you finally make it to your dormitory, you shrug your bag off your shoulder onto the bed and sink down beside it. You’re exhausted after working on schoolwork all day. You open the bag to unpack its contents-all seven of your textbooks, copious notes, and-what’s this? Even after taking out all your books, there’s still a weight to your bag. You reach inside and pull out Jin’s container of cinnamon chip scones. When had he managed to sneak this inside your things?

There’s also a note in his messy scrawl sitting on top.

One’s not enough if you didn’t eat dinner-consider it a midnight snack. Maybe I can show you that semi-permanent warming charm sometime, or even better, how to make cookies the Muggle way, since you’re so fascinated with us. ;) Hope to see you at the game (supporting Gryffindor, of course)! -Kill ‘Em Kim

You smile to yourself, before tucking the tin into your bedside table drawer...after all, you might want a midnight snack later.


“Come on...please? Pretty please come to the game with me? Jin invited you anyway, you should come!” Sunny whines at you over breakfast the morning of the Gryffindor-Slytherin match. She’s made her way over from the Hufflepuff table just to plead with you with big doe eyes.

“Excuse me, you just want a reason to watch Jimin play since you’re not in either house. You’re using me as a cover because I was actually invited!” You accuse, pointing your fork at her across the table.

She laughs goodnaturedly. “Yeah, so what? I want to watch him play, but I also don’t want to go alone. Please-” Her pleas are cut off by a loud commotion across the room. You both look over to see Jin and Jeon Jungkook, Gryffindor’s Seeker, being clapped on the back by housemates as they laugh and head out of the Great Hall down to the Quidditch pitch to get changed for their game.

Sunny turns back towards you while you’re still staring after the two of them.

“Don’t think I don’t see you admiring his broad shoulders!” She accuses, making you tear your eyes away and look at her again.


“My point exactly. You’re coming with me, and you’re gonna see Kill ‘Em Kim in action,” she demands.

“Fine,” you sigh as you get up from your table. “Why is his nickname Kill ‘Em Kim, anyway?” You roll your eyes as the name falls off your tongue.

“Have you never been to a game before when Gryffindor’s played?” You shake your head. “Oh, you’re in for a treat then.” Sunny smirks as the two of you walk out of the Great Hall.


A few hours later, you and Sunny are weaving and dodging your way through throngs of people on the Gryffindor side of the pitch, trying to find the third member of your trio. You had promised Joon you would meet him at the game. You eventually collapse onto a bench once you find him, already sweating. Before you can get too comfortable, a booming voice echoes through the pitch, and the crowd immediately erupts into cheers and collectively stands on their feet. The match must be starting, you suppose.

The announcer welcomes the Slytherin team to the pitch first, giving them all individual introductions. The crowd surrounding you boos lightly throughout each name, until Park Jimin steps on the field. As he hops on his broom and alights from the ground, the boos around you grow in volume. Sunny, seemingly oblivious, claps excitedly and draws stares from several students around you.

“Sunny, people are staring. You can’t cheer for Slytherin in the Gryffindor section,” you hiss under your breath.

“Oh yeah…” She lowers her hands, but can’t seem to wipe the grin off her face as she watches Jimin fly around the pitch.

“And now for our Gryffindor team!” The announcer bellows loudly.

The boos turn into cheers, screams, and stomping around you. It feels like the stands may collapse under you if it keeps up like this.

The announcer introduces the Keeper, three Chasers, and a redheaded girl who’s one of the team’s Beaters.

“Jin’s next!” Sunny squeals in excitement, elbowing you harder than necessary, you think.

Sure enough, the next words out of the announcer’s mouth are-

“Give it up for Gryffindor’s other Beater, and Team Captain, KILL ‘EM KIM SEOKJIN!!”

The cheers around you are’s very clear that Jin must be one of the team favorites. However, you are caught completely off guard by what happens next.

As Jin kicks off from the ground and starts to soar at eye-level with the crowd, he pulls his hand up to his mouth and begins to...blow kisses.

You are utterly confused, but before you have time to think, shrieks from female fans drown out any thoughts you may have had. It’s completely overwhelming, but as you look around, you can see the girls around you practically melting into puddles. It’s not just’s literally girls from each and every house.

“Kill ‘em with kindness, get it?” Sunny laughs from beside you. You look at her bewildered. Why had you even agreed to come to this stupid game?

As you look back towards the pitch, you find Jin looking your way and you lock eyes. He stops blowing kisses, but has the widest grin on his face because he’s noticed you.

The redheaded Beater comes up behind him and taps him lightly on the head with her bat, and makes an impatient motion with her other hand, clearly trying to communicate that he needs to get his head in the game. He nods at her, and goes to get in position for the start of the game, but not before turning back to you and sending you your own personal kiss and a wink. Now you’re the one that would like to melt into a puddle, and from the looks of some of the girls around you, they’d also like you to melt into a puddle-albeit for a completely different reason.

Sunny shrieks beside you as she grabs your arm. “He blew you a kiss! Kim Seokjin just made eye contact with you and blew you a kiss!”

“I thought you were here for Jimin, yeah?” You look over at her, still a little dazed, but recovered enough to whip out your signature sarcasm.

Before she can answer you, the announcer starts speaking again.

“And finally, Gryffindor’s Seeker, JEON “GOLDEN BOY” JUNGKOOK!!”

The cheers seem loudest for Jungkook, but you’re too busy following Jin’s movements across the field to care much.

The game is intense-Gryffindor’s Chasers are top notch, scoring goal after goal, but Slytherin’s Beaters are fast and furious, frequently sending Bludgers not only towards the Chasers, but also towards Jin and his counterpart, trying to take them out of commission. There’s even a moment where Jin gets sideswiped by a Bludger in his non-dominant arm while having to duck out of the way of the other Slytherin Beater swinging their bat towards his face.

Meanwhile, Jimin and Jungkook are circling the match from above, searching for any glimpse of the Golden Snitch. The game goes on for quite a while, each side occasionally scoring, but it seems the Snitch is nowhere to be found.

Suddenly, both Seekers nosedive towards the ground-you know they must have seen the Snitch, but you can’t seem to find it.

“There, there!” Sunny screams, pointing to the ground near the Slytherin goalposts, where sure enough, you can see a glint of gold in the waning sunlight.

Both Jungkook and Jimin chase relentlessly after the elusive ball, reaching beyond their brooms as much as they can. You can see Jungkook adjusting his position where it almost looks like he’s trying to stand on his broom to get more leverage.

The two Seekers zoom past your area of the stands, following where the Snitch goes. As they pass, there’s a loud crack as Jin winds up and uses the momentum and power of his broad shoulders to blast a Bludger Jimin’s way. The Slytherin ducks out of the way while still reaching his hand out to attempt what seems impossible in the moment-but you see it as well as everyone else does. His hand closes around the Snitch at the last second.

There’s a collective groan throughout the Gryffindor crowd, but then a mumble of confusion.

“It seems we’ve got an interesting result on our hands, folks...Park Jimin catches the Snitch for Slytherin and ends the game, but Gryffindor wins the match!!” The announcer seems as stunned as everyone in the crowd.

The stands around you erupt with noise.

“We won! He won!” You scream in disbelief at Sunny, more excited than you ever thought you’d be about a sporting event.

“Yeah he did!” Sunny shares your enthusiasm. “Should we meet the boys outside the pitch? Congratulate Jin?” She wiggles her eyebrows at you.

“Sure,” you roll your eyes in response. “And you can console Jimin,” you add with a laugh.

By the time you’re able to make it through the stands and to the outskirts of the pitch, the sun has started to set and the crowds have mostly dispersed. The two of you hang around outside where you know the locker rooms are for a little while-just as you’re about to give up and walk back to the castle, players start to file out of the pitch.

Jimin is one of the first to come out, looking rather disgruntled. Sunny looks at you questioningly, wordlessly asking you if you are okay with her leaving to go talk to him. You smile and nod, and she breaks out into a grin as she skips toward him. Though he looks upset, you can tell his mood lifts a little as she makes her way over to him.

“What’re you grinning about?” A deep voice in your ear startles you and you turn to see Jin smiling at you.

“Young love, I think,” you reply, gently motioning towards your friend as she walks away.

“Park and Sunny? Cute, he needs someone to lighten him up a little.” Jin clearly must have just stepped out of the shower, because he keeps having to push wet hair out of his eyes and he’s in a casual tee and pants instead of his Quidditch robes. As he sweeps his hair off his forehead, you notice a blue and purple mark starting to bloom on the outside of his left bicep.

Without thinking, you grab his arm as he brings it down beside him to take a closer look. “Is this where that Bludger sideswiped you?” You ask softly, running your fingers gently over the mark.

“What? Oh...yeah, guess so.” He looks unbothered by the injury.

“Doesn’t it hurt?” You look up at him, and he is taken aback by the concern in your eyes.

“I mean...a little, but it’s not a big deal. A risk of the game, y’know?”

“Yes, but the Slytherins were playing way too rough!” you exclaim. “They sent a Bludger your way while the other one tried to take your head off-that’s against the rules!” You’re getting more riled up the more you think about it-who did Slytherin think they were exactly?

Jin chuckles in response. “The Slytherins always play dirty, and the refs don’t always catch it. I knew what to expect. It’s cute that you’re so fired up about it though.” His signature smirk made its way onto his face yet again.

You roll your eyes at him, but keep your hand on his arm. “Let me take a closer look at this, please,” you plead while looking at him. “At the very least, it’s good practice for me.”

“...practice?” He cocks his head to the side, somehow managing to look like a confused dog.

“I want to be a Healer when I graduate,” you state matter-of-factly. You take his arm and gingerly move it in your hands to take a look from multiple angles.

“It got you pretty good, Jin. I think it might be a bone bruise, it’s hard to tell though with all the pooled blood under the surface.” Your diagnosis is quick-you’re just glad he doesn’t have any broken bones, to be honest. You whip out your wand from your bag and point it at his arm.


The blue and purple marks on his arm slowly vanish, as if being siphoned away. As his arm returns to its normal color, he stretches it out experimentally.

“How does it feel?” You ask, wanting to both make sure that he’s okay, and that your spellwork was up to snuff.

“Good as new. Thanks, Nerd.” He smiles down at you, genuine in his gratitude despite the nickname.

“No problem,” you smile back.

The two of you begin to walk back to the castle, sunlight almost completely gone from the horizon. There’s silence, but it’s comfortable. As you walk through the main doors, Jin turns to you.

“So what did you think of the game, hmm?” He has a mischievous twinkle in his eyes as he asks the question.

“I thought it was fun, and I’m glad you guys won.”

“Now you know why they call me Kill ‘Em Kim,” he winks obnoxiously at you, and you roll your eyes.

“Yes, because apparently the entire female population of this school wants you to blow them a kiss. You’re in high demand.”

“And’re the one I blew a kiss to. You must feel special.” He raises an eyebrow at you, daring you to disagree.

“So special,” you laugh. He tries to keep a serious face, but ends up laughing as well.

You both reach a landing in the Grand Staircase where you need to separate to head to your common rooms.

“Well, this is me,” you gesture upwards at the many stairs you still need to climb.

“Yeah…” Jin rubs the back of his neck, looking like he doesn’t want to leave just yet. “Thanks for coming to the game, and thanks for healing my arm for didn’t have to do that.”

“Of course I did! You were hurt, and like I said, practice for me,” you grin up at him.

Jin leans in to hug you goodbye, which is a welcome surprise. You find that he feels warm and comforting, and smells a little like cinnamon-even though he’s just showered. He leans down mid-hug and murmurs in your ear.

“I blew you a kiss because you are special, whether you feel like it or not.” As he pulls away from the hug, he lands a quick but chaste kiss to your cheek.

Before you can say a word, he’s disappeared around the corner with a small wave in your direction. This was not how you thought today would go.

Kill ‘Em Kim, indeed.


Part 2

Taglist: @alpacaparkaseok @hyungieyoongi @derinxfam

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3 years ago

I stand by my statement: the softest of the Hogwarts Bangtan Boys is Namjoon by a long shot! 🥺 He’s just so freaking precious and cute. Love Nerd’s sass, love that Soobin is also just precious. Such a sweet read to lift anyone’s spirits (aka written by a true Hufflepuff)!

Blooming; knj.

Blooming; Knj.

Pairing: Ravenclaw! Namjoon x Hufflepuff! Reader

Genre: Fluff. A little angst. Hogwarts! AU. Non-Idol! AU.

Summary: As your seventh and final year at Hogwarts is overshadowed by the return of the Triwizard Tournament, you find that it's the small moments and little thing hold the most magic.

Rating & Warnings: PG. A little mutual pining. Namjoon is really soft, Reader is very much in love. Choi Soobin makes a cameo appearance as our reader's best friend.

Word Count: 4.7k.

A/N: This piece is for the BTS x Hogwarts collab hosted by @homeofbangtan. I want to dedicate this to @joyfulhopelox, @delacyrose224, @hyungieyoongi, @imyourhobiii, and @rosietae. You guys are as much a part of this fic as I am. You are my inspiration and my motivation. Thank you for all that you do. A HUGE THANK YOU to @hobipaint for taking the time to beta this and to @ttaetae for creating the stunning banner!

Like my work? Join my taglist!

Sixth Year, Spring Term.


You wouldn’t say that you were one to handle unforeseen circumstances with grace and dignity. Maybe that’s the reason you found yourself here now, an empty bucket caught in your white-knuckled grip with a very surprised, soil covered Ravenclaw boy standing near the greenhouse entrance.

“Seriously?” The Ravenclaw chokes out, dusting the dirt off of himself, a quick wince shifting his features when his fingers pluck an earthworm from his silver hair. “Did you really just throw potting soil at me? Are you insane?”

“I’m sorry! I wasn’t exactly expecting anyone else to come waltzing into the greenhouses tonight! Especially not this late!”

The boy stared at you incredulously, trying to wipe some of the dirt from his robes. “So you attack me with dirt?! How could that have possibly seemed like a good idea?”

“I said I was sorry!” You take a few steps closer to him, careful to avoid knocking off the freshly potted plants from the table as you set down the now empty bucket. “Are...Are you okay? What are you doing in the greenhouses so late?”

“I’m fine. I couldn’t sleep and I like it here.” He admits without hesitation. “Why are you here?”

“Same as you. Professor Longbottom turns a blind eye as long as I help out with the chores around the greenhouses he can’t get to during the day.”

He peeks over your shoulder to see what you had been working on prior to the all of the commotion before stepping up to the edge of the work table to get a closer look. He picks up one of the pots, holding it away from him as he gives it a thorough examination before placing it back down and repeating the process with the other.

“These are Moonseed and Fanged Geranium, right? I’ve read about them in Goshawk’s Guide To Herbology. ”

“Yeah. They are.” You nod, impressed. “Both highly poisonous as I’m sure you’ve learned through your research, so no more surprises, okay?”

“You have my word.” He holds his hands up in mock surrender, the ghost of a dimpled smile tugging at the corners of his mouth.

“I’m Y/N, by the way.” You hold out a dragon-hide gloved hand in his direction.

“Nice to meet you, Y/N. Initial impression aside.” He takes your hand in his, dimples further denting his cheeks as his smile grows wider. “I’m Namjoon.”

He moves to shrug out of his dirty robes, pushing the sleeves of his shirt up to his elbows.

“Mind if I help you? I’ve always wanted to get my hands on Fanged Geranium.”

You grab your spare pair of gloves from the table and hold them out for him to take.

“Be my guest.”

Seventh Year, Fall Term.


“They can’t be serious, right? They’re bringing the tournament back after what happened last time?” Your best friend and fellow Hufflepuff - Choi Soobin - leans over, eyes wide and jaw gaping. “This has got to be some kind of joke! The last time they held the tournament, Barty Crouch Jr., a literal Death Eater, spent most of the year disguised as a professor while he kept the real Mad Eye in a trunk! Voldemort hijacked the maze task and kidnapped both of the Hogwarts champions! Someone died!”

“I don’t think this is a joke, Soobs.” You spare your best friend a solemn smile, the knot forming in your stomach tightening.

“I’m going to be sick.” Soobin pushes away his plate full of half eaten roasted chicken and fried potatoes, reaching for his goblet to wash down the bitter taste left in his mouth by the announcement of the tournament with a large gulp of pumpkin juice.

With the return of the infamous Triwizard Tournament, your seventh and final year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry was bound to be unlike any that had come before it. Long gone were the dreams of days spent curled up on the couch near the hearth in the Hufflepuff common room and late nights tucked away in the greenhouses covered in soil as you listened to the sound of the crickets singing into the darkness.

No, the halls of the castle would be abuzz with the excitement brought on by the three tasks, each more daunting than the last. The normal sea of black robes would be intermingled with the silky blue dresses of Beauxbatons Academy and the red velvet and fur trimmed uniforms of Durmstrang Institute.

“This is insane! Surely the headmaster has lost his mind!”

You catch Namjoon’s eye from across the Great Hall, his own look of surprise surely mirroring the one etched onto your features. His dark eyes are wide, normally rosy cheeks flushed and pale. You wish you could read his mind and know what he’s thinking, what is running through his mind as his teeth latch onto his bottom lip, gnawing absently on the plump flesh. His fingers are threaded together, elbows resting on the deep mahogany of the Ravenclaw table.

He had written to you over the summer break, sharing the hushed conversations he had overheard his mother and father having late into the night as the new term had drawn closer. His father, the right hand of the current Minister of Magic, had heard rumors floating around about the return of the tournament but Namjoon’s father, and Namjoon himself, took it with a grain of salt.

There was always talk of it reemerging, but nothing ever came to fruition in the past.

Not until now.

Seventh Year, Fall Term.


“Are you going to Hogsmeade this weekend?”

It had become routine, sitting together in the classes you shared, partnering up for projects and sharing whispered conversations as the professor’s lectures droned on in the background. At night, you would steal away to the greenhouses long after the castle had gone quiet in search of each other's company.

Kim Namjoon spares you one of his heartstopping dimpled grins and a little wave as he slides into the empty spot to your left. He sets his books and wand onto the table in front of him without much thought, each in pristine condition unlike your secondhand tomes, the binding cracked and threatening to fall apart at the seams.

“Have you ever known me to pass up a chance for butterbeer or Honeydukes, Joon?”

The dimly lit potions classroom leaves shadows dancing across Namjoon’s features. Even the darkness of the castle dungeons can’t seem to dull the shine of the smile that spreads across his lips, dimples indenting his cheeks.

“That’s true.” He laughs, taking out his parchment form last class, the page filled with his slanted, messy scrawl. You had always found his handwriting endearing, messy and utterly Namjoon. “You’ve got to have the biggest chocolate frog and peppermint toad stash out of anyone I’ve ever met.”

“Hey!” You knock your shoulder against his, flipping your potions textbook open to the page marked at the front of the room on the chalkboard. “I wouldn’t have to keep so many if you didn’t steal them out of my bag all the time!”

“You’re the one who always asks me if I want one!”

“It’s called being polite!”

“Saying no when you offer me one wouldn’t exactly be polite, now would it?”

“Whatever.” You huff, rolling your eyes in jest. “I should make you pitch in to replace the ones we’ve eaten if you’re going to keep eating them, too.”

“Okay.” He picks up his quill as the professor begins the lesson. “Guess that means we’re going to Hogsmeade together then. Meet me in the courtyard at eight Saturday morning?”

Blooming; Knj.

Saturday morning, the air is crisp and cold, the wind stinging at your nose and cheeks as you walk the cobblestone streets alongside Namjoon, taking refuge in one of the many shops when the cold seeps through your coat. After seeing you shiver, Namjoon takes the tabongin off his head and pulls it over yours, making sure to cover your ears to shield them from the cold.

“There.” He pats the top of your head after the knit is secured to his liking. “Better?”

“Much.” You nod, chalking up the burning in your cheeks to the chill and not the result of his warm gaze lingering on you. “Where should we go first?”

Namjoon simply smiles, leading you towards the entrance of Dogweed And Deathcap, Hogmead’s one and only herbology shop.

Namjoon buys an assortment of herbology and astronomy books from Tomes And Scrolls and a new set of quills and ink from Scrivenshaft’s.

You drag him along behind you in Zonko’s Joke Shop, pointing to the products you had taken home after last year and telling him the stories of the pranks you had played on your muggle parents.

By the time you’re stepping out of Honeydukes, bags of peppermint toads, chocolate frogs, and sugar quills in hand, you’re more than happy to slide into one of the tables at The Three Broomsticks with a mug of warm butterbeer warming your numb hands, both of your closest friends joining you.

“Wait, so you’re the reason Joon comes back to Ravenclaw tower every night covered in dirt?” Namjoon’s best friend, playfully dubbed ‘Nerd’, nearly chokes on a sip of butterbeer after he introduces you. She sputters out a cough, Namjoon’s hand patting at her back in an attempt to help her recover.

“In my defense, the only time it was my fault that he ended up covered in dirt was the first time when we met last year! Every other time, it’s on him! I have never seen someone drop as many pots as him! Last night, he was reaching for one full of dragon dung to fertilize some puffapods and tipped it over and ended up covered in it! Oh, and last week he-”

“Okay, okay.” Namjoon cuts you off, pushing a fresh butterbeer towards you. “I think we get it. I’m a klutz.”

“I’m just teasing you, Joon.” You take a sip, the drink warming your throat.

You miss the way Namjoon’s face falls when Soobin reaches over to wipe away the foam left behind on your top lip after you take a sip of your drink, eyes following the movement of the younger boy’s thumb brushing across your skin.

“Don’t worry too much about. Y/N thinks you being clumsy is cute. It’s pretty much all she-”

You nudge Soobin in the side, elbow colliding with his ribs hard enough to make him wince and shoot a glare in your direction.

“Anyways! What do you guys think the first task is going to be?”

Seventh Year, Fall Term.


You don’t know how long you had been pacing, surely carving a path into the greenhouse floor. The knot in your stomach and lump in your throat refused to ease up, your chest aching as your heart hammered against your ribs with the force of a jackhammer.

Namjoon was late.

Would he even come at all?

The first task had ended hours ago and you hadn’t seen him since. You knew that seeing Sunny collapse after her bout with the dragon had gotten to him, the sight of the Hogwarts champion and one of his closest friends unconscious wracking him with anxiety.

When the greenhouse door opens with a creak, you snap your head up to look at him. You move on instinct, meeting him a few steps into the room. Your arms wrap around his waist in a tight hug, eyes welling up with tears.

He lets out a heavy sigh, arms enveloping you back to return your embrace, cheek resting against the top of your head.

“I was worried about you.” Your voice is muffled by his chest but you can’t bring yourself to care. Not when he’s here, not when you know that he’s hurting. “Are you okay? How is Sunny?”

“She’ll be okay. She’s in the infirmary right now.”

“And you? You’ll be okay, too, right?”


You lift your head to look at him. He reaches a hand up, thumb brushing away a stray tear that had started to fall down your cheek. He lets his touch linger, even if only for a moment, before he steps back.

“I’ll be okay.”

There it was again.

The unspoken feeling that seemed to hang over you in moments like this, moments where Namjoon seems less like a friend and more like something deeper, more tangible. Something...more.

Seventh Year, Fall Term.


“Go to the ball with me.”

“What?” You freeze, your lunch all but forgotten as you stare at Soobin in disbelief.

“Go to the ball with me.” Soobin repeats himself with a shrug, shoveling another bite of hash into his awaiting mouth. “It’s not a big deal. If someone else has already asked, it’s cool. I just figured it’d be fun to go together if neither of us already had a date.”

“No one’s asked me, at least not yet, but-”

“But you’re waiting to see if Namjoon does?” He quirks an eyebrow in your direction, smirking. “The ball is in three days, Y/N. If he was going to, I think he would have by now.”

You know that Soobin’s right, the bitter truth of his words sinking in and leaving you feeling like nothing more than a balloon that’s lost all of its air.

“Yeah. You’re right.” You sigh, pushing what’s left of your food around on your plate with your fork. “Sure. Why not? I’ll go with you.”

“Great!” Soobin grins, all wide eyes while he chomps on his hash. “It’ll be great!”

Blooming; Knj.

“Hey, Kim!” Park Jimin slings his arm across the back of Namjoon’s shoulders, easily falling into step with the taller boy. “Excited for the Yule Ball? Found yourself a pretty little witch to spin around on the dance floor?”

“I’ll probably just go with Y/N.” Namjoon is quick to roll his eyes, shrugging off Jimin’s arm and putting a bit of distance between them.

“That’s the Hufflepuff girl you’re always hanging out with lately, yeah? I hate to break it to you, buddy, but another Badger asked her if she’d go with him at lunch this afternoon.”

“What?” Namjoon stops dead in his tracks, hands tightening on the books in his grasp. “Did she say she’d go with him?”

“Would you say no to Choi Soobin? I mean, c’mon. Even I’d say yes if he asked me.”

“No you wouldn’t.”

“Okay, yeah, I wouldn’t. I wouldn’t blame her for saying yes, though. He’s got the whole boy next door thing going for him. It’s the pout, I swear. How can anyone say no to that?”

“Earthworm...Y/N doesn’t like him like that.” Namjoon can feel his cheeks burning, heart thundering in his chest. “They’re just friends.”

Namjoon’s not sure who he’s working harder to convince: Jimin or himself.

“Whatever you say. You’re the expert on the subject. But between you and me? If you wanted to ask her, you should have before someone else beat you to it.” Jimin snickers and holds his hands up on surrender, turning on his heel to walk the opposite way down the hall towards his next class.

Blooming; Knj.

Namjoon’s feet move on instinct towards Ravenclaw tower, the common room password falling from his lips absently.

If anyone ever asked, Namjoon wouldn’t hesitate to say that the Ravenclaw common room was the best of the four houses.

At the top of a winding spiral staircase on the west side of the castle stands a door without a doorknob nor keyhole. The only indicator that it is a door at all is the bronze knocker in the shape of an eagle that rests at eye level. If one wishes to enter the Ravenclaw common room, they must answer a carefully constructed riddle posed by the eagle. If answered incorrectly, the student would find themselves waiting at the top of the staircase, hoping that another student came along sooner rather than later and was able to answer their riddle correctly.

The domed ceiling reflects the stars etched into the midnight blue carpeting, the patterns creating makeshift constellations. The walls of the wide, circular room are draped with blue and bronze silks, the fabrics swaying in the breeze on the days where the weather was nice enough to permit opening the arched windows. From the tower, you can see everything from the castle grounds and beyond - the Forbidden Forest, the Quidditch pitch, the Herbology greenhouses, and the towering peaks of the surrounding mountains. Portraits of famous Ravenclaw alumni are hung about, a white marble statue of the founder, Rowena Ravenclaw, stands next to the door leading to the dormitories. At night, the wind sings as it passes through the staircase leading to the tower, the perfect lullaby to drift off to sleep to.

Namjoon’s favorite part, however, is the house’s own personal library. While it may not be as large as the castle's main library, he was willing to bet it had just as many - if not more - books stacked on the shelves. He often found himself tucked into the back of the shelves perched on the divan in the farthest corner when he wanted a little alone time, flipping through whichever of the many books captured his attention.

He knows when he hears the sound of his name being called that his peace and quiet was about to be cut short. His best friend - affectionately dubbed as ‘Nerd’ by none other than the Gryffindor quidditch captain, Kim Seokjin, himself - finds him in the niche. He closes the book in his hands, his wand resting between the pages as a makeshift bookmark.

“Kim Namjoon. You and I need to have a talk.”

“A talk about what?”

Nerd rolls her eyes, settling into the empty chair across the small table from him. She lets the stack of textbooks and rolled parchment fall onto the tabletop with a huff, the items cluttering the surface.

“Are you really going to sit here and sulk?”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about. I’m not sulking.”

“You totally are! You’re sulking! Look, you’re even pouting!”

“I am not!” Namjoon forces his features to morph into a tense smile, the upturn of his lips awkward. “See?”

“I’ve known you since we were in diapers. It’s going to take more than a fake smile that is quite honestly a little disturbing to convince me. What’s going on?”


“Liar.” Nerd slouches in her seat, arms crossed over her chest. “Does it have something to do with Y/N?”

“Y/N? What, no? Why would me being upset, theoretically, have anything to do with her?”

“Oh, I don’t know, Joon. Maybe because you’re in love with her?”

“What? No, I’m not! We’re just friends!”

“Oh really?”

“Yes! Really!” Namjoon’s cheeks are burning, flushing more red than pink.

“Tell me the truth, Joon!”

“Fine! You want to know? I’m jealous that she agreed to go to the Yule Ball with Choi Soobin and not me!”

His outburst captures the attention of the fourth year, Taehyun, sitting at the table adjacent to where they’re sitting. The younger boy shakes his head as Namjoon mutters a quick apology.

“Are you happy now?”

“No.” Nerd frowns, the downturn of her lips makes guilt pool in the pit of Namjoon’s stomach. “I just...I want you to be happy and I know that she does that. Makes you happy.”

“She does.” He doesn’t bother fighting anymore, letting the emotions he’s spent months pushing down bubble up to the surface, threatening to overflow and completely consume him. “But what if I don’t make her happy? What if I couldn’t?”

“You’ll never know unless you try, Joon. I hate seeing you like this. All of the pining from afar is driving me mad. Especially when it is painfully obvious that Y/N is crazy about you. So, are you going to let her slip through your fingers and miss your chance? Or are you going to do something about it?”

“I...I’m going to do something about it.” A small, playful smirk takes over Namjoon’s face when he sees the relief coloring his best friend’s eyes. “Now, what about you? Are you going to take your own advice and finally say something to Jin?”

“Hey!” She raises her wand, fully prepared to send a hex in his direction. “This isn’t about me!”

Fall Semester, Seventh Year.

December, Christmas Eve.

Nestled in a nook on the right hand side of the kitchen corridor, concealed behind a stack of barrels, stands the entrance to the Hufflepuff common room. There is no password needed to reveal the entrance, no, instead you must tap the barrel two from the bottom, middle of the second row, in the rhythm of ‘Helga Hufflepuff’. When done correctly, the lid of the barrel will swing open, exposing a passageway that will lead to the basement if you crawl.

The basement itself is earth and warm. The close proximity to the kitchens always left the room smelling of freshly baked bread and sweets. The room is always sunny, the circular windows providing a view of dandelions and rippling grass. Plants are scattered about, hanging from the ceiling and lining the windowsills. The head of House, Pomona Sprout, is to thank for the greenery found in the common room and dormitories. She was always happy to encourage those with an interest in Herbology, sharing plants with them that could do everything from blooming only under the light of a full moon to singing and dancing. The Hufflepuff common room is the only of the four houses to have a portrait of their founder, the framed likeness of Helga Hufflepuff hung above the hearth. The wooden fireplace is enchanted to be fireproof, the grains carved with intricate patterns of badgers and lush woodlands.

There are various underground tunnels leading off from the common room, two of which are tucked behind perfectly circular doors that lead to the boy and girl’s respective dormitories.

Tonight, the common room is empty, the fire in the hearth warming the space and casting the room in a golden light.

When you push through the door of the girl’s dorm, you see Soobin standing alone off to the side of one of the many overstuffed sofas adjusting his tie. He’s wearing his best dress robes and sports a smile, giving you a once over.

“Y/N! You look incredible!”

You do a little spin, the silk of your skirt moving with ease, following your movement.

You had seen the dress in the window of Gladrags Wizardwear back in October. It had taken nearly a month to convince yourself that it was justified to spend a rather large chunk of your galleons and sickles on the gown.

“Thank you, Soobs.” You link your arm with his when you reach him.

“Ready to get this show on the road?”

“As ready as I’ll ever be!” You nod, allowing him to lead you towards the entrance of the common room.

Blooming; Knj.

Your eyes search the crowd of students gathered before the entrance of the Great Hall, looking for an all too familiar dimpled smile only to come up short.

“Wait, I’ll be right back.”

You let go of Soobin’s arm, lifting up the hem of your gown as you descend the final steps of the grand staircase when you spot Nerd standing near the entrance to the Great Hall.

“Hey, hi!” You spare an awkward half wave. “Is Namjoon here?”

She smiles, the sight of it bittersweet as she shakes her head.

“No, he made it out of the common room and decided he wasn’t going to come.”

“What? He’s not coming? Where is he?”

“He said he needed to clear his head.” She gives you a knowing look.

The greenhouses.

You nod, thanking her before making your way back to Soobin, weaving through the crowd carefully so you don’t knock into any of the witches or wizards milling about.

“Hey, I am so sorry but I have to go. I have to find Namjoon.”

“Go. It’s okay.” He reaches forward to pull your jacket tighter around your shoulders. “Tell him how you feel.”

“Thank you. I promise I’ll make it up to you!”

“There’s no need.” He rolls his eyes. “You’re my best friend, Y/N. As long as you’re happy, that’s enough for me. Now go!”

“Okay, okay!” You hold your hands up in mock surrender, pulling him into a quick embrace before turning on your heel and heading towards the courtyard and away from the Great Hall.

Blooming; Knj.

The sleeves of Namjoon’s wrinkled shirt are pushed haphazardly around his elbows. His suit jacket is laid forgotten at the edge of the table, his tie hanging loosely around his neck - the knot undone and ends hanging at uneven lengths. The thighs of his dress pants are covered in dust and dirt, thoroughly ruined.

He doesn’t hear you enter and you take advantage of that, watching the way he works. He handles the plants and tools laid out before him with care. Your heart breaks when he lets out a muttered curse under his breath and his shoulders slump, hands gripping at the edge of the table and head hanging limply on his neck.

You feel it then, the gravity of what you feel for him.

Your heart is nothing more than a piece of glass in Namjoon’s hands. Any slip of his hands - any tremble or stumble - would leave you shattered and ruined. But, none of that matters. Not when you would still choose to give it to him if you had to do it all over again.

And again. And again. And again.

“Joon? Are you okay?”

“Shouldn’t you be at the ball?” He ignores your question, instead posing one of his own.

“Why would I want to be there when you’re here?”

He straightens, keeping his back to you as he messes with the flowers spread out in front of him, holding the petals of the lilac gently between his fingers.

“You’ll ruin your dress.”

“I don’t care.” You refuse to budge, taking a step closer to him, the bottom of your dress brushing across the floor of the greenhouse. “Talk to me. Tell me what’s on your mind.”

“I just…” Namjoon lets out a sigh, setting the pot in his hands back onto the table beside him before turning his attention to you. “I look at you, I hear the sound of your voice, and I can’t help but feel like you’re special. Like the universe took it’s time making you. And when you look at me...I feel like flowers grow in my chest, blooming until it’s impossible to catch my breath.”

His soil stained fingers reach forward to cup your cheek and you find yourself leaning into the warmth of his touch. His palm is warm, the feeling of it pressed gently against your skin comforting.

Up close, Namjoon smells like the earth, of the plants he spends countless hours nurturing under the moonlight and fresh parchment stained by a bottle of freshly opened ink. You can’t help but wonder what shines brighter, the little flecks of gold near his pupil or the view of the stars from the astronomy tower in the dead of the night.

“I should have told you sooner. I’m sorry if I’m too late.”

“You’re telling me now, Joon.” Your hands find his waist, clutching at the hem of his dress shirt and fisting it in your grip.

“Do you know what lilacs mean to muggles?”

“Love. First love.”

“Yeah.” He nods, cheeks dusted an unmistakable shade of pink, even in the dim light of the greenhouse. He motions to the other flowers on the table. “Sunflowers mean loyalty and adoration. Daffodils mean chivalry and new beginnings. I wasn’t...I’m not the best at telling you how I feel. So, I figured I’d show you in a way we both could understand. Through this, through plants and flowers.”

“You did all of this for me?”

“I did."

The smile that overtakes Namjoon’s face, his thumb brushing across the apple of your cheek in slow, lazy circles, is enough to leave your resolve cracking. Fracturing and splitting apart, caving to the warmth of his touch and soft glow shining in his eyes. You look away, all of it too much, letting your head rest against his chest. The steady beating of his heart leaves your own aching in your chest.

“I love you, Earthworm.” He means it.

“I love you, too.” You mean it, too.

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3 years ago

Tagged by @hyungieyoongi!

Dynamite Era

You're so goddamn cheerful and positive it's almost annoying at times but you give all your friends a pick me up whenever they need it and they appreciate it. Smiles all around! there's no worries here at all, just come vibe with me, we'll get coffee and dance around a store to the songs on the radio. 10/10 good friend award goes to u

Oh, we WILL dance around stores my friends. With coffee. 🤩

Tagging @sunshinejunghoseokie @mochi-molala @joyfulhopelox

which bts era are you?

@parkandblues viola babie thank you for tagging me!

black swan era

gifted kid burn out vibes, god tier aesthetic/style, you listen to classical music to study or just because you like it, but please for the love of god stop being so hard on yourself, those expectations that are placed on you come from people who will never be able to relate to you and never have to experience the things they demand of you, they do not define you, you chose who you want to be.

why is my result so loud? why do i feel so called out? ... but i actually rlly needed to hear this

tagging: @softbobamilktae @tilli-san @intokook (only if you guys want to!) + anyone else interested!

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