Chameleon Boy (Part 3)
Chameleon Boy (Part 3)

Pairing: Gryffindor!Jin x Ravenclaw!reader
Words: 10.7k
Warnings/rating: SFW (but the spice is finally here), cursing, reader remains in denial of her feelings (but Jin is literally the most patient and sweet ever), all the floof, Beomgyu is a chaotic MESS (and may or may not have his own follow up fic tumbleweeding around in my brain...)
Author's Note: It's the final installment of my piece of the @homeofbangtan Hogwarts collab! Thanks to all the usual suspects: @ttaetae for the banner, @min-yoon-kween for beta reading, @hyungieyoongi for being a great bestie, @sunshinejunghoseokie for talking me through the spice, and @mochi-molala for the JinMin content!
The next few weeks go by quickly, and it feels like you have fallen into a comfortable routine. Breakfast in the Great Hall with Joon, classes, dinner with Sunny, and homework with Jin in your common rooms, switching off depending on the day. You’ve come to love the roaring fire and plush armchairs of the Gryffindor common room, it’s much cozier than drafty Ravenclaw Tower. You’ve spent so much time there, you’ve gotten to know Jungkook better, who likes to join you for homework sessions sometimes. You can tell he respects and admires Jin more than he would ever admit out loud, and it makes you smile every time you catch him trying to emulate him.
Jin has also gotten to hang out with Joon more because of being a semi-permanent fixture in the Ravenclaw common room. He’s even made good on his promise to include Yoongi, inviting him to your study sessions. It’s worked out rather nicely, since your common room is a more neutral space for the two of them. Ever since the showdown after the Hufflepuff game, Yoongi and Jin have dropped the pretense of their friendship being a secret, and started to hang out in the open. You know that if they met up in their respective common rooms, they would be inviting speculation and questions which they wanted to avoid (they would never tell you this, but you had a hunch). You found Yoongi a steady presence-he was quieter, much quieter than Jin, but he was kind and rational.
Your project has come along rather nicely with all your study sessions, in fact, you’ve found yourself ahead of your classmates. Which is how you currently find yourself being pulled by Jin out to the Quidditch pitch to watch the Gryffindor-Ravenclaw match. His fingers intertwined with yours, he laughs as you drag your feet and try to act like you aren’t excited.
This was now normal for you two...intertwined hands, always spending time together, falling asleep on each other’s shoulders when you stayed up too late working on homework. There had been no more almost-kisses, but you were comfortable like this. You weren’t sure what exactly all of it meant, but you were happy that you were back to feeling safe with Jin.
He laughs again as you protest. “If you’re making me go to this game, we’re sitting in the Ravenclaw section. You’re the one who’s benched for punching someone, so what I say goes,” you huff with a pout on your face.
“Oh fine, we can sit on your side. Only since I’m not playing...if I was, you’d have to sit on the Gryffindor side and cheer for your favorite player.” He shoots you a playful wink.
“You wish,’s all over now that I know Jungkook, he’s my favorite. AND he’s funnier than you!” you exclaim, using his appalled silence to drag him over to the sea of blue and bronze on the Ravenclaw side of the stands.
The two of you climb up to the top of the seats, Jin insisting that the higher up you go, the more he can see of the game and make sure his players are following his game plan.
The game starts, the players mounting their brooms and taking off to the skies. The first half of the match goes smoothly, no sign of the Snitch from either Seeker. Every time there’s any kind of close call with any of his players, Jin tenses beside you, his hand jerking and grabbing your wrist. The third time a Chaser dodges a Bludger, you quietly slip your hand in his just before he goes to grab you. He looks over at you with a soft smile on his face and gently squeezes.
“Why are you so nervous? Don’t you trust them?” you ask.
“Implicitly, yes. I just want them to do well, that’s all-” he starts to reply, before rapid motion catches his eye. “JEON, WATCH OUT!” he suddenly bellows with no warning.
You turn your gaze to the pitch, only to see Jungkook narrowly miss a Bludger that had been aimed at a Chaser nearby.
Jin squeezes your hand again in apology. “Sorry I just yelled in your ear, I just don’t want him hurt.”
“You can’t yell for Gryffindor in the Ravenclaw section,” you tut, pulling out your wand with your free hand, “but I know an easy fix.” You wave your wand, and all of the red and gold on Jin’s robes morphs slowly into blue and bronze.
He looks down at himself in horror. “What did you do?! I’m the Gryffindor captain, I can’t wear Ravenclaw colors! Fix it, please?” He looks at you with big eyes, silently pleading with you.
You simply laugh and shake your head. “Nope. You dragged me to this game, you are sitting in the Ravenclaw section, and you will cheer for Ravenclaw, I don’t make the rules. Plus, you look cute in blue and bronze, maybe you should wear them more often.” You give him a cheeky wink to rival his own, and his cheeks go pink.
“I-you-,” he splutters. “You’re lucky I like you, you know that?”
“I’re the best, Jinnie.” His cheeks go even darker upon hearing the new nickname, but he can’t help the enormous grin that spreads across his face.
“Ravenclaw it is, then.”
His choice to cheer for your team turns out to be wise, as Ravenclaw’s Seeker manages to nab the Snitch in a neck-and-neck race with Jungkook about an hour later, winning the game for your house.
“Aren’t you upset?”
“’s just a game. I mean, don’t get me wrong, I love Quidditch, but I don’t live or die by our stats. My players followed the plan, and played excellently, what’s there to be mad at?” Jin’s leading you out of the stands, his broad shoulders carving an easy path to follow through the crowd.
You smile at his response, though he’s too busy saying ‘excuse me’ to people to notice it. As the crowd starts to thin out, you see Jungkook exiting the locker room.
You wave to get his attention and he smiles in your direction. “Good game, Jeon!” You rush forward to give him a hug, which he eagerly reciprocates.
“Thanks...wish we would’ve won though,” he sighs. He then catches sight of Jin approaching the two of you. “Kim, what are you wearing?” As you pull away from Jungkook, you see the look of utter disbelief on his face, eyebrows furrowed and his nose scrunched.
“You like? They’re this one’s doing,” he motions at you. “She said since I made her come to the game, I had to sit on Ravenclaw’s side with her, and then she had the audacity to charm my robes to her house’s colors. The gall, honestly.” Though he’s pretending to be annoyed, his eyes are sparkling with mirth and something else you can’t place as he gazes at you.
“Oh, get a room,” Jungkook rolls his eyes watching Jin banter with you, but can’t help laughing. “Seriously though, how was execution? I thought we were a little sloppy towards the middle of the game, including me…” Jungkook’s face scrunches up in thought.
“Jeon? You were fine, I couldn’t have asked for better execution. You’ll make a great captain next year. Keep it up.”
The Seeker’s eyes go wide at Jin’s statement, a grin slowly spreading across his face. “Really? Captain?”
“We’ll talk about it later, I need to make sure Nerd here gets back to her common room safely without getting distracted by the library or something else academic.” Jin waves goodbye to Jungkook, then grabs your hand and the two of you set off toward the castle.
“Distracted by the library, really?” You raise an eyebrow at him with a glare.
“I’m kidding...I just wanted to hang out with you alone.” He wiggles his eyebrows at you.
Your face pales, your hand dropping out of his out of nerves.
“Relax, it’s okay!” he quickly blurts out. “I made you banana bread, that’s all. Didn’t think you’d want to share with Jeon.” He reaches for your hand again, and you allow him to take it. He starts tracing soothing circles onto it, and you feel like you can breathe again.
“No funny business, I promise. Unless you want there to be,” he smirks at you. When you respond with silence, his eyebrows raise in surprise, but he doesn’t say anything. He simply leads you up the staircase towards the Gryffindor common room so he can grab your banana bread (that he hopes you’ll share with him), before the two of you head up to Ravenclaw Tower. You’re lost in thought the entire time up, not realizing you’d arrived until you hear the eagle door knocker asking its riddle of the day.
“Which came first, the phoenix or the flame?” the eagle asks in a melodious tone.
Of all things, it had to ask this. You’re honestly not sure...just as you think you’ve landed on the answer, another thought pops in your brain to disprove it.
“Neither,” you hear Jin’s baritone beside you. “It’s a cyclical relationship, and circles have no end. Or beginning.”
His answer is acknowledged by the door swinging open and letting the two of you inside. You gape at him in surprise.
“What? I’ve heard that thing ask enough riddles to figure out what kind it likes, and I’ve been able to guess most of the answers in my head by the time you answer. This is one of the easier ones, I reckon. Figured I’d help you out.” He shrugs and plops down on a couch.
You suddenly have the overwhelming urge to fling yourself at him and kiss him silly for being so cavalierly intelligent, which alarms you. Instead, you decide to sit down beside him and curl into his side with the piece of banana bread he offers you.
“See, no funny business.” He smiles down at you, wrapping his arm around your shoulder to draw you further into him. You sigh contentedly at the deliciousness of the bread, but also at the fact that you’re warm and cozy despite the wind whistling outside the window.
No funny business.
But what if you wanted something more to happen? What then?
A few days after the Ravenclaw-Gryffindor game (the last of the season), it’s confirmed over dinner by the headmaster that the Triwizard Tournament will be occurring. You’d talked with Sunny about the rumors swirling around, but you’re in disbelief that it’s actually happening.
During your study session that night (burrowed deep into a comfy armchair in the Gryffindor common room), you notice Jin seems preoccupied more than usual.
“Bee in your bonnet, Kim?” He looks up at you and smiles.
“Just thinking about the Triwizard hasn’t happened in so long. Not since 1994, I think?” Jin muses aloud.
“Yes, and for good reason-someone DIED. You’re not thinking of putting your name in, are you?” You narrow your eyes at him.
“I mean, it would be kind of cool-”
“Kim Seokjin, absolutely NOT! You are not going to enter the Triwizard Tournament, it’s way too dangerous, and don’t you have enough to be getting on with anyway?” You’ve put your homework aside, standing up and starting to pace in agitation. “You’re Quidditch captain, Head Boy, studying for N.E.W.T.s, and you want to be TRIWIZARD CHAMPION on top of all that?!” You’ve worked yourself into a frenzy, starting to emphatically emphasize each point you’re making with large hand gestures, refusing to look at the boy you’re yelling at.
“Hey, hey, hey...look at me, please?” Jin’s quiet voice breaks your rant. You look over at him, hands falling to your sides in defeat. “Come here.” He pats the space next to him on the couch. You collapse beside him, head falling back onto the cushion behind you.
“I said, come here.” He picks an arm up and places it across the top of the couch, motioning with his head for you to come closer. You scoot in, placing your head on his chest, his arm enveloping you once you settle.
“I just can’t have you getting hurt...or dying on me,” you murmur into his chest, not sure you’re loud enough for him to hear.
There’s a moment of silence where the sound of the crackling fire is the only thing filling the room.
“I won’t do it if you don’t want me to, love. If it worries you that much.” Jin’s voice is muffled through your hair, as he places a kiss on top of your head. The term of endearment has your heart beating so loud in your chest you’re sure he must be able to feel it. If so, he doesn’t say a word.
Instead, the two of you sit there in comfortable silence until you both fall asleep late in the night, only leaving when Jungkook shakes you awake gently with a knowing smile on his face.
The next Defense Against the Dark Arts class is a review of boggarts, your professor correctly assuming that everyone’s minds are preoccupied with the Triwizard Tournament and the choosing of the champions.
You expect the class to go by quickly, but a minor hiccup occurs when Jimin goes first to face his boggart. Two cold, icy blondes step out of the cabinet your professor is using to house the creature, and you can only assume they are his parents. Sunny quickly intervenes in the situation when she senses Jimin losing control. Once the boggart is contained, Jimin storms out of the classroom in embarrassment, Yoongi following closely behind to check on him. The chaos and distraction take up most of class, though your professor asks Jin to stay behind since he was the only one who didn’t get a chance to face the boggart.
You linger behind as well once the professor gives you a kind nod, agreeing that you can watch. Jin reaches in his robes, grabbing his wand and readying himself. What happens next startles both of you.
A carbon copy of yourself strides out of the cabinet, looking way more confident than you’ve ever felt. She smirks at Jin as she draws closer to him, beckoning him forward with a crook of her finger. You see him stumble forward a few steps, forgetting that she’s not you. As he leans down toward her, you hear her quiet voice.
“Kim Seokjin…” the boggart sounds almost seductive, pulling him closer with her words. She lays a hand on his arm. “You know no one really likes you, right? All your effort, for nothing. We’re just pretending,” she sneers, her voice cold and venomous. You see his eyes go wide and your heart clenches.
“That’s enough,” you step forward, wand at the ready. Your clone turns to you, calculating its next move. “Riddik-”
Before you can get the full spell out of your mouth, your own cruel smirk is replaced by one belonging to someone much taller with broad shoulders.
An eerie copy of Jin steps closer to you, eyes void of any emotion. It’s your turn to be caught off guard, wand clattering to the floor.
“You really thought you were different, hmm?” Boggart Jin sneers in derision at you. “Gryffindor’s Head Boy and Quidditch captain and some nameless Ravenclaw nerd? I could do much better.” He raises an eyebrow, daring you to disagree.
“And that’s quite enough for this class!” Your professor steps in front of the two of you, banishing the boggart back to its cabinet. She waves you off as you both try to apologize profusely, shooing you out the door.
You look at each other once you’re out in the hallway. You’re sure that the shell-shocked look Jin is giving you is mirrored on your own face. “Can we-” you start.
“Was that-” he says at the same time. You both laugh a little, though it feels stilted.
“...I don’t really want to talk about it, if that’s okay,” you confess.
Jin looks surprisingly relieved. “Yeah, I don’t think I want to either. I need some time to wrap my head around it.”
You sigh in relief. There’s no way you want to tell Jin how much it would hurt you if you were just a waste of time to him.
The following days are a blur. Champions are announced for each school, with the stunning revelation that Sunny had secretly put her name in the Goblet of Fire as some sort of plan to make it less likely to choose Jimin. You were hazy on the details, but the fact that one of your best friends was competing, possibly to the death, made you feel sick to your stomach. You felt like you had no way to help her, but instead insisted upon Jin teaching her flying techniques once you found out the first task involved dragons.
“I don’t know how much help I’ll be, honestly. I don’t do agility flying, I’m there for the muscle,” Jin argues. “Besides, isn’t Park helping her? He’s a Seeker, much better equipped for that.”
You glare daggers at him.
“...but since it’s your best friend, of course I will help her,” he sighs in defeat and trudges away, going to find Sunny.
He reports back several hours later looking worse for wear, muddy and exhausted.
“Well, I helped. And that will be the last time I help.” He runs his hand exasperatedly through his hair. Before you start to protest, he cuts you off. “No, listen to me. Park was there helping too, and it was awkward. We were more of a distraction together than help, I promise you that. I apologized to him for punching him, by the way...I think we’re good now. As good as it’s going to get, anyway. But, as I was saying-Park’s got this. He’s got talent, he can help her, he cares about her. Let him do this. Can’t believe I’m saying that, but here we are.”
“...thank you,” you whisper.
“You’re welcome. Now, I’m going to go shower before this mud sticks to me permanently. I’ll see you later tonight.” He smiles at you before heading off to his common room.
Now you just hoped Park Jimin could figure out a way to make sure your best friend came out of this alive.
The day of the first task comes too soon for your liking. You can’t help but clutch Jin’s hand tightly on the way to the arena, worried sick for your friend (who for some reason did not seem as worried about herself as you were).
You’d agreed to sit with Jungkook, Namjoon, and one of Jin’s other friends, a Hufflepuff named Hoseok. You’re surprised when you arrive to see Yoongi, Jimin and another black haired Slytherin boy in the same area. Stranger things have happened, you were all cheering for Sunny, since she was the Hogwarts champion.
The announcer states the order of the champions facing the task, with Hogwarts being named last. The first two champions’ face-offs with their dragons seem to fly by, as Jin and Yoongi make sure to keep you distracted with conversation. Just as Sunny’s about to be introduced, the black haired Slytherin boy you don’t know turns to you.
“Hi, I’m Taehyung, one of Jimin’s friends. You’re pretty, how come we’ve never met before?” He throws a boxy grin your way, and you feel your cheeks go pink.
“Yes, she is really pretty, isn’t she?” Jin inserts himself in the conversation, making a point to put his arm around you.
Taehyung simply nods, grin never leaving his face, and turns back to his friends, continuing his conversation with them.
You glance up at Jin, who still has his arm slung around your shoulders.
“Jinnie, are you jealous?” you hum in amusement.
Before he has the chance to answer, the announcer’s voice booms out over the arena, announcing the beginning of Sunny’s task. As soon as she takes off from the ground, you squeal in nervousness and bury your face in the sleeve of Jin’s robes. Every so often, you peek at the chaos occurring, enough to know there is a smaller copper red dragon chasing your best friend, who is attempting to pluck a golden egg from its nest.
Even though your face is hidden, Jimin’s reactions combined with Jin’s running commentary (who knew he knew so much about dragons??) help you piece together what’s happening during the task. At one point, Jin’s gasp drags your attention to the action, where you see Sunny get injured. “She’ll be okay,” he murmurs in your ear as your eyes go wide as saucers and you hide again.
Around 15 minutes later, Jin is pulling you off his side. “Look! She did it, she got the egg!”
You see Sunny triumphantly holding the egg in her hands. You whoop and cheer loudly with your fellow students-your best friend managed to have the fastest time, putting Hogwarts in the lead coming out of the first task.
You hug Jin tightly in excitement, and don’t miss the relief painted across Jimin’s face.
Maybe you didn’t need to be so worried about Sunny after all.
It’s a gray, cold day several weeks later when you feel like you’ve forgotten something major. You look through your belongings, and you have everything you need. You weren’t meeting up with Jin until later, and Joon had just left from having breakfast with you, saying something under his breath about worms? You can’t figure out what it is you’re forgetting, if anything at all.
You decide to go to the library to shake off the feeling. Surely working on homework will help focus your brain.
An hour deep into studying, you feel like you’re being watched. Just as you’re about to get up and search through the stacks to see where the feeling is coming from, a small ball of feathers crashes onto your open textbooks.
“HooDini?!” you exclaim, as the tiny owl rights himself. He’s got feathers sticking every which way, and you can see a little sliver of blue on him.
“What’s this, then?” He hops in your hand when you place it in front of him and you bring him up to eye level. There is a small blue bow tie around the owl’s neck, which leaves you confused. Owls have clothes? They make clothes for owls? Why is he wearing a bow tie?
HooDini sticks out his leg, which has a small velvet pouch attached to it. You untie it gently and shake its contents out onto your hand, a small folded note. You open it, and you see Jin’s handwriting, alongside a drawing of two stick figures dancing.
Yule Ball with me?
Ah, so that’s what you forgot about. The large, ever looming dance for all three schools participating in the Triwizard Tournament.
You smile at his drawing, which includes convenient labeling of ‘You’ and ‘Me’ over the two figures. Snow dusts your hand and the top of HooDini’s head as you continue to look over the note. Wait...snow? You look up and a little cloud has formed over your hand and the note, soft flakes collecting over the surface of your palm. Poor HooDini keeps having to shake the fluff off his wings and head, but at least the snow isn’t cold.
As you watch, the cloud slowly disintegrates as if it was never there. The last flakes form a small pile in your hand, and you notice it feels heavy. You breathe out slowly, sending the flakes flying to the ground, and underneath you see something that wasn’t there before. A dainty gold snowflake necklace. Your eyes go wide, and even HooDini cocks his head, attention drawn by the shiny object.
You look back at Jin’s note, and see that another sentence has appeared underneath the first.
A pretty necklace for an even prettier girl. Hope you’ll say yes.-Jinnie
You feel dazed as you place HooDini down on the table, fastening the gift around your neck.
Gathering yourself, you scrawl out a response in the affirmative, sending HooDini back to his owner with a grin you can’t seem to erase.
The days leading up to the Yule Ball are filled with excitement throughout the castle. Christmas decorations go up, even more extravagant than normal. Though you love the season anyway, it brings an extra wide smile to your face every time you see professors enchanting bits and baubles to hang from wreaths and trees scattered throughout the halls.
Though Sunny is a Triwizard champion, even they are given some time off to enjoy the excitement as well. The two of you plan a trip to Hogsmeade to catch up and to buy dresses for the upcoming dance. You’re not surprised when she tells you that she will be attending the ball with Jimin after all the time you’d noticed them spending time together. She even manages to pick a dress that will match his tie.
Sunny squeals when you tell her how Jin had asked you to the ball. “That’s so romantic,” she sighs. “Have you gone on a date yet?” You look at the floor in response. “Yah, what is wrong with you?! He’s clearly head over heels! I’ve been extra busy lately with the tournament, but even I’ve had time to notice the two of you being all snuggly on the couches in the common room, him feeding you his baked goods of the week. Is something wrong?”
You look at your best friend and sigh. “No? I mean, he’s good. Great. I think I’m what’s wrong…”
“What do you mean?”
“Well, remember how I told you about that night I snuck down to the kitchens to make cookies with him and we almost kissed?” Sunny nods, you had to tell someone about what had happened that night.
“Then the curse thing happened, and I thought he was mad that I didn’t kiss him, but he wasn’t, it was the watch...and then from there we just kind of fell into this routine of holding hands and hanging out and, and...I don’t know!” you exclaim, drawing stares from other customers of the shop you’re in.
“Do you like him?” Sunny’s question bounces around in your brain and makes your stomach queasy.
“I don’t know!” you repeat, quieter this time. “I like spending time with him...he’s kind, and he’s smart. Good at Quidditch, not that that matters in the long run, really. So funny. Is friends with everyone, and genuine about it. Obviously handsome.”
“Obviously?” Sunny snorts.
“You’ve seen him, haven’t you?” you glare at her. “You’re the one who pointed out his broad shoulders to me! Anyway, he’s all those things. Plus his baked goods are to die for.”
Your best friend hums in agreement, she’s been the recipient of some of your leftover treats.
“...and I kind of wanted to kiss him once when he answered the riddle to get into my common room?” you finish, your cheeks going bright red.
Sunny can’t help the wide grin that spreads across her face.
“I’ll ask you again then, since you didn’t actually answer. Do you like him?”
There’s a moment of silence as you wring your hands, looking anywhere but at your best friend.
“...yes?” you pitifully whisper, looking at the ceiling.
“What was that? I couldn’t hear you.” She leans in toward you with a hand cupped around her ear.
“I like Jin,” you manage to squeak out.
“Well now that you’ve finally admitted what we’ve all known for months, let’s find you a dress that will knock his socks off.”
You nervously smooth down the skirts of your dress, the movement causing the gold sparkles to catch the light in your room. This level of fanciness was entirely out of your comfort would much prefer to be in your robes or a simple top and pants.
Instead, you are in a deep red dress that has a sparkly gold overlay over the bottom half. Your hair is pulled back into a low bun, showing off the necklace Jin had gifted you alongside dangly gold earrings. Though you are nervous, you can’t help smiling at the fact that you had thought of dressing in his house colors. You figured it was only fair, seeing that you’d forced him to wear Ravenclaw colors during the last Quidditch game of the season.
You head down to the Great Hall with Sunny and one of your housemates, who you’re pleased to find out is meeting Jungkook as her date. As you arrive at the main landing of the Grand Staircase, you smile as Jungkook approaches the three of you and offers your housemate his arm. After waving them off, you and Sunny continue downstairs to the entrance hall in front of the Great Hall.
You’re nervous, fiddling with your necklace when you see Jin waiting with Jimin at the bottom of the staircase. He looks nervous as well, making sure his normally messy hair is smoothed back off his forehead with one hand, the other hand pulling at his tie to make sure it’s not too tight. As you get closer, you can’t help but laugh. He looks very dapper, almost like a prince has been ripped out of one of your childhood fairytale books and placed in front of you. What makes you laugh is that his dress robes are deep blue, his tie bronze. A Ravenclaw prince.
His eyes light up when he sees you, his long legs taking wide steps to get to you as fast as he can. He offers you his hand when he reaches you, and you gladly accept. He pulls you away from the wall, spinning you in the middle of the entrance hall, your dress flaring out around you.
“You look absolutely stunning,” he breathes as you feel his gaze travel down your body. He pulls you closer to him, his hand lightly trailing over your exposed collarbone until he lands on your necklace. His touch feels like it’s leaving fire in its wake. “You wore it,” he smiles, his eyes meeting yours again.
“You gave it to me, of course I did.” You grab his hand, intertwining your fingers and holding him at arm’s length. “Seokjin, you look so handsome.” Both of you flush at your comment.
“And you look like a princess...a Gryffindor princess, at that,” his lips quirk up into a smirk.
“Seems we both had the same idea then,” you smile, gesturing at his outfit.
“You said I looked cute in blue and bronze, I only dress to impress, my lady,” he says, offering you his arm. You take it, and he guides you into the Great Hall.
You gasp as you walk in. There are giant Christmas trees everywhere, a live band, and the ceiling is enchanted deep as the night sky, stars twinkling while snow falls, disappearing just above the crowd of students milling around.
The two of you watch as the champions begin the festivities with a ceremonial dance. As soon as it’s finished, Jin immediately pulls you out onto the dance floor. Dancing is not something you’re great at, but with Jin’s lead, the two of you manage to look like you’re floating. Is there anything he’s not good at?
After a few dances, you weave your way through the crowd to get drinks. As you approach the large punch bowl, a younger boy with shaggy long black hair walks up, clapping Jin on the shoulder.
“Kill ‘Em Kim, murdering the dance floor, too?” The younger boy laughs.
“Beomgyu, what are you doing here?” Jin matches his smile.
“Yule Ball’s for fourth years and up, remember? Plus I invited Adélie...and she said yes.” Beomgyu cackles with glee, pulling a flask out of the inside of his robes.
“The Beauxbatons champion?!” Jin splutters in disbelief. He just nods, as if it’s no big deal.
“What are you doing?” you ask, catching the younger student’s attention as he unscrews the lid of the flask.
“Making this ball more exciting, that’s what. I’m Beomgyu, by the way-since Kim’s too rude to introduce me. 4th year, Gryffindor’s star Keeper.” He reaches out with his free hand, grabs yours, and brings it to his lips.
“Hey, that’s no way to speak to your captain!” Jin has his eyes narrowed at Beomgyu, but they’re sparkling with mirth.
“Yeah, gonna tell on me Head Boy, or look the other way?”
“What are you doing?” you ask again.
“Laughing Potion,” he shrugs, tipping the flask toward the punch.
Jin catches his wrist just as the liquid is about to pour out, and leans closer to Beomgyu, making sure his next words can’t be heard by anyone but the three of you.
“You’re sure you’ve brewed this right, and won’t be sending half the school to the hospital wing in hysterics?”
The younger Gryffindor scoffs. “I’m top of my year in Potions, or did you forget? As much as all the Slytherins hate it.”
Jin lets go of his wrist and smirks. “I didn’t see anything. Have fun with your date, Beom.”
The two of you walk away from the punch bowl. A few minutes later, you see Beomgyu walk over to a group of French students like nothing ever happened.
You join Sunny and Jimin at a table where they’re taking a break from dancing as well.
“I’m getting want anything?” Jimin goes to stand up, looking at Sunny to see if she needs a drink.
“I wouldn’t get the punch,” you giggle.
“Why?” Sunny raises an eyebrow at you.
“It just tastes...funny.” Jin makes eye contact with you, emphasis on his last word. You both burst into laughter, Jimin and Sunny utterly confused.
Just then, Jungkook and his date walk by your table, the former covering his mouth looking alarmed at the loud laughter that’s pouring out of him.
Your eyes find Beomgyu across the room, and he salutes you with a smirk.
All of a sudden, Jin grabs your hand and pulls you towards the door.
“Where are we going?” you ask.
“I wanted to escape before the ball breaks down into a cackle of hyenas...nothing can be traced back to us then,” he grins. “Plus, I wanted to show you something.”
Jin leads you to the Grand Staircase, up and up and up seemingly endless amounts of stairs.
“How...much...further?” you huff, breathless.
“We’re here.”
He opens a door to the top of the Astronomy Tower. You step through, him following behind you.
The night is crisp and chilly, the stars burning brightly in the sky. It’s even more beautiful than the Great Hall had been. When you turn back to Jin, he’s holding out his hand.
“May I have this dance?”
“You may.” You grab his hand, and he pulls you in close, his hands on your waist. Your hands snake around his neck as the two of you start to sway, no music necessary.
“I wanted to show my favorite person my favorite place in the castle. And maybe I’m selfish and wanted you to myself for a little bit.” Jin smiles softly down at you, his forehead leaning against yours.
You sway in silence for a little bit, his fingers tracing absentmindedly over your hips. His touch feels like fire again, even through your dress. You lean your head against his chest and close your eyes. This feels...right. You can’t explain it.
“You remember in class when we had to face our boggarts?”
You hum in acknowledgement of his question.
“I know we talked in the Owlery about how I feel a lot of pressure to do well, including in my relationships with friends and family. So I’m sure you understand why the boggart said what it said about people pretending to like me.”
There’s silence between the two of you. You can sense there’s more he wants to say, and you allow him the time he needs to say it.
“But I couldn’t figure out why it was you at first. Wouldn’t it make sense for it to be Yoongi, or my parents? Jungkook even. But then I realized...I would be heartbroken if the one person who really sees who I am was pretending.” Jin sighs.
You pull gently away from him, looking him in the eyes. He’s being completely truthful, you can tell. His emotions are written all over his face.
You reach out and wrap your hands around his.
“I would never pretend,” you breathe quietly, but it feels like you’re screaming. “Never.”
“I know.” Jin is looking at you with that same emotion you couldn’t place after the Ravenclaw-Gryffindor Quidditch game.
You take a deep breath. “My boggart…”
“You don’t have to talk about it just because I did.” Jin squeezes your hands in reassurance.
“No, I want to. My boggart caught me off guard because I didn’t expect to care so much about you so quickly.” You sigh. “I couldn’t stand the thought of you thinking I was a waste of your time.”
His face falls at your statement, his hands dropping from yours to cup your face instead.
“You could never be a waste of my time. Ever. I love spending time with you, I-,” he starts to stumble over his words.
“You what?”
He’s tapping his foot on the stone floor, looking seemingly everywhere but you. When he finally brings his gaze down from the heavens to you, it looks like some of the stars have been transplanted from the sky into his eyes. He’s looking at you with that same emotion you can’t name, the one that’s appeared more and more frequently lately.
“...I think I love you. And I think I have for a while.”
Your mouth drops open. The fire that was localized to his touch is now spreading through your entire body, contrasting with your brain that feels completely frozen.
Jin’s hand is now carding through your hair as your brain tries to play catch up.
“You don’t have to say anything right now, I know you, and I know you need time to process. I’ll wait for as long as you need. But for now, I’m just glad you said yes to me. To this moment.” He drops a kiss on top of your head.
Jin’s right. Your head is spinning, and you can’t completely figure out what’s happened. What you do know is you are very much in awe of the man standing in front of you.
“How in the world are you so brave?” you wonder out loud.
“I think you’re just as brave as I am, you just have to let your heart be courageous when it wants to be,” he smiles, interlocking your fingers once again. “Plus I’m a Gryffindor, remember?” You shove against his chest with your joined hands, laughing.
“Come on, Prince Charming...let’s go make sure our friends haven’t collapsed into a permanent fit of laughter, yeah?”
The two of you head back to the Great Hall hand in hand. You can’t help but notice the fire Jin had set burning inside you has settled into a warm, cozy feeling that only grows each time you see him look at you.
That’s what that feeling was that you kept noticing but couldn’t
The next morning you’re eating breakfast with Sunny when she casually mentions that Jimin kissed her at the Yule Ball.
“What?!” you squeal, bacon dropping off your fork back onto your plate.
She just grins back at you, nodding her head in affirmation.
“Well, are you dating now, or what?” You steal a glance over your shoulder to the Slytherin table and see the blond boy chatting with Taehyung and Yoongi.
“I don’t think so...we didn’t talk about it. The tournament is kind of my first priority.” Sunny looks slightly perturbed, but you don’t press the subject.
It’s her turn to be shocked when you tell her about your conversation with Jin on top of the Astronomy Tower. Her mouth forms a small o, gaping at you.
“Okay, but what did you say back?” she hisses, trying not to draw extra attention to the two of you.
“Nothing yet. He knows I don’t do well in the moment with feelings sometimes, so he just said what he wanted to say and that was the end of it.”
“ what are you gonna say back? You’re going to tell him you love him too, right?” Her eyebrow is raised expectantly.
“I mean...I think so? I’ve never been in love, so this all feels weird. I like him a lot, I know that much,” you shrug.
Sunny rolls her eyes and turns back to her breakfast.
“And I thought I made my life complicated.”
Things between you and Jin feel surprisingly normal after his confession. He knows he needs to give you time, and doesn’t push you to say anything. Instead, he devotes himself to showing how much he cares for you through his actions.
During your study sessions in the library, he brings your favorite baked goods (that just so happen to be his favorite to make).
Jungkook and Beomgyu become his personal delivery boys, bringing you freshly conjured flowers each week. Each week is something different, until he notices how much your eyes light up the day you receive purple roses. Every delivery from then on is full of the purple blooms.
His favorite moment, however, is the final night of working on your Defense Against the Dark Arts project. Despite the roar of the fireplace, he’d still noticed you shivering every so often. He gives you one of his sweatshirts, a deep gold with his last name and Quidditch number embroidered in maroon on the back. It absolutely swallows you whole, shoulder seams falling halfway down your arms and the length could almost pass for a dress.
It makes Jin’s heart beat double time to see you wearing his last name, and it takes everything in him not to just grab your face and kiss you. Instead, he sits next to you on the couch and continues talking with you about your final presentation on the Imperius Curse.
You feel surrounded by him. His voice, his warmth as you curl into his side, his scent that lingers on his sweatshirt you’re wearing. Nothing fancy, just a clean smell, always with a hint of cinnamon from his baking.
“Earth to Nerd, hello?” He squeezes your shoulder to grab your attention.
“H-huh? What?”
“I asked if this looked okay to you.” He points at the last paragraph of your presentation notes.
You spare a quick glance over what he’s motioning to, nodding your approval. Just then, a clock strikes eleven.
“I should get going, it’s late. I don’t want Jungkook to have to wake me up again.” You stand and stretch, beginning to remove Jin’s sweatshirt to return it to him.
He stops your motions by grabbing your wrist. “Keep it, it looks good on you,” he smiles softly.
“Are you sure?”
“Absolutely positive.” He walks with you across the room. Just before you exit, he grabs you and pulls you into a long hug. “I’ll see you tomorrow in class. Try to get some sleep, please? Sweet dreams, love.” He gently kisses your forehead.
Once you return to Ravenclaw Tower, you can’t bring yourself to remove Jin’s sweatshirt, instead opting to sleep in it. You stare at the ceiling of your four-poster bed for a while, thinking back to what Sunny had asked you earlier-what are you going to say back? Because right now, you only have one thought continuously running through your head like a heartbeat.
I love you too.
A few days later, you’re still riding high on the Outstanding marks you’d achieved on your project, gushing to Namjoon over lunch about how excited you were that your hard work paid off, how proud you were of Jin for the compliments his work had received.
Suddenly, a large bouquet of purple roses moves toward you from across the room. As it gets closer, you see shaggy black hair peek around the sides.
“Hey Beom,” you greet the younger boy as he shoves the flowers toward you.
Instead of greeting you in return, he scowls. “If you don’t tell him how you feel, I will put love potion in your pumpkin juice and force you. I know he’s patient, but I’m not...and I am not a flower delivery service.”
“You wouldn’t…” You narrow your eyes at the Gryffindor Keeper.
He matches your stare as you take the roses into your arms. “Try me.” And with that, he walks back over to his table.
Joon laughs into his goblet of juice as you struggle to put the bouquet on the table.
“He’s right, you know. You should tell him.” Your friend smiles gently over at you, amusement dancing across his features as you finally get the roses to sit without toppling onto your plates.
“I know. I’m just...nervous.” You fiddle with the small snowflake around your neck.
“What about it makes you nervous? What you’re going to say? Or how he’ll react?” Joon has turned toward you, intent on making you feel heard and supported as best he can. After all, you’d helped him work out his own feelings towards a certain Hufflepuff.
“I think how to say it, or what to say exactly? I already know how he feels, so I know it will be a good reaction. Or I hope, anyway.”
Your friend lays his hand on your arm and squeezes gently in reassurance. “Hey...I know you think things need to be perfect, but love is...messy. Dirt included, in my case.” He chuckles. “What I’m trying to say, though, is there’s no perfect way to be in a relationship with a person. Whatever you decide to say, however you decide to say it, I’m sure Jin will love it.”
“But how do you know?” you plead, searching Joon’s gaze for the answer.
“I know because I know Jin. And Jin loves you more than I think even he realizes.” He gestures behind you to the Gryffindor table. As you look over, you see Jin animatedly telling a story to Jungkook, Beomgyu, and the rest of his Quidditch team, arms windmilling around in large circles. He looks over and sends you an equally over the top wink and blows you a kiss.
Even as your cheeks darken, you stand abruptly and start gathering your things.
“Where are you going?” Namjoon questions, curious if what he’s said has helped.
You glance over at your best friend, grinning.
“I’m going to make scones.”
Several hours later, you are covered in flour and dough residue as you make your way up to the Ravenclaw common room. It had taken three tries to get it right, but you have a tin of cinnamon chip scones tucked under your arm that you are planning on giving to Jin after class the next day...and then you would tell him you loved him too.
You smile to yourself as you set the tin on your nightstand and crawl into bed. You’re still nervous, but after talking to Namjoon, you’re mostly excited.
The next morning, you walk into Defense Against the Dark Arts just before class begins, only to see your tablemate suspiciously missing. This was not how this was supposed to go. Jin’s absence makes you nervous...did something happen? Was he sick? You nervously tap your foot against your chair for half the class, the professor asking you to stop several times because it’s so distracting.
As the clock strikes 30 past the hour, you can’t take it anymore. You hastily throw your books in your bag and sprint out of the classroom with a quick apology, Jimin, Sunny and Yoongi staring confusedly after you.
You barrel your way up to Gryffindor Tower, and arrive in front of the Fat Lady’s portrait out of breath.
“Are you okay, love?” You look up to see the portrait in question staring at you with concern. You give a barely perceptible nod, still trying to catch your breath.
“Oh, you’re that sweet Ravenclaw that our Captain and Head Boy is seeing...I always thought you’d be cute together!” she coos as you finally stand up straight. “Where is he?” She attempts to peer around you, as if Jin will magically appear.
“That’s what I’m trying to figure out...he didn’t show up in class this morning, so I thought I would check here first,” you explain.
“Well, I’m not supposed to let non-Gryffindors in without an escort…”
“Please, I-he told me he loved me, so I need to give him these scones and tell him I feel the same way-” You’re not sure why you’re telling the Fat Lady all about your life and feelings, but she cuts you off.
“Say no more! Password?” She smiles down at you.
“Fizzing Whizzbee?” You ask, hoping the password hasn’t changed since you were here last.
The Fat Lady’s portrait swings open, granting you access to the Gryffindor common room. You think you hear her murmur something about ‘young love’ as you enter.
You glance around the room, the boy you’re looking for nowhere to be seen. You decide you’ll wait for a little bit to see if he appears. Rounding the large armchairs, you’re surprised to see Jungkook half asleep in one. He jerks fully awake as you sit down beside him, his eyes widening when he realizes it’s you.
“How’d you…?” he starts.
“I knew the password. Jin didn’t show up in class and I don’t know where he is. So I figured this would be a good place to start.”
Jungkook nods. “Be my guest. I haven’t seen him today, so he may still be upstairs.” He watches as you start to nervously tap your fingers against your tin of scones. “You okay?”
“I think so...actually, you can help me.” The younger boy raises an eyebrow expectantly. “Try one of these scones for me and tell me how it is?” You lift the lid and push the tin towards him. Jungkook is so used to trying Jin’s baked goods, he doesn’t even question it, grabbing one from the top and taking a bite.
You watch nervously as he chews, looking deep in thought. “Well?”
“...pretty good. It’s a little dry though. Not as good as Jin’s.” Your shoulders sink in disappointment.
Just then, you hear steps on the staircase up to the boys’ dormitory. You look over to see Jin rubbing his eyes, hair mussed from sleep. His eyes widen as he catches sight of you.
“Nerd? What are you doing here? How did you get in?” You grab your tin from Jungkook and walk towards Jin, the Seeker using the opportunity to slink out of the room to give you privacy.
“I remembered the password from the other day. You weren’t in class and I got worried, so I figured this would be a good place to look first?” You answer shyly.
Jin gives you an embarrassed smile. “That’s sweet of you...I overslept, that’s all. Thus the hair.” He points to the unruly mess on his head and chuckles.
“I brought you scones.” You lift the tin towards him, and he takes one and bites into it, chewing thoughtfully.
“Did you make these yourself?”
“By hand,” you nod. “What do you think?”
“I think...” he starts, grabbing the tin from you and setting it on a table, “ might be the best scone I’ve ever-”
His sentence is interrupted as your lips crash into his own. You’re not sure what exactly had come over you, but you don’t have time to figure it out because everything is suddenly Jin.
He smells like soap, he tastes like cinnamon, and he feels...he feels simultaneously safe and dangerous all at once. The kiss had surprised him, but once his body unfreezes from the shock, one hand wraps around your waist, the other finding its way into your hair. As his hand toys with the hem of your shirt, fingers tracing over your bare skin, you gasp into his mouth.
Your gasp elicits a low moan from the back of his throat as his tongue makes its way into your mouth. The fire you felt from his touch at the Yule Ball reappears, exploding into an inferno. As you explore each others’ mouths, you pull him backwards onto a couch, where you awkwardly fall into his lap. The two of you break apart momentarily, Jin breaking into a husky laugh. Then his mouth is attached to yours once again, your hands roaming over his chest and sneaking under his shirt to discover that feeling his abs for yourself was so much better than the sneak peek you had gotten all those months ago in the kitchens.
His grip tightens around your waist as if he’s afraid you may slip out of his grasp. You move your mouth from his down towards his neck, his breath growing ragged as you start to leave a wet trail of kisses from his jawline to his collarbone.
“If I would have known complimenting your baking was all it took, I would have asked for scones forever ago,” he growls in your ear, sending shivers down your spine.
You lean back to look at him, his dark eyes blown out with want. “I think it’s a little more than just the scones, don’t you think?” you ask, landing a kiss on his temple. He cocks his head to the side in response.
“I didn’t come up here to do this-”, you motion between the two of you, where you still sit on his lap, “-I came here to tell you I love you too. My heart decided it wanted to be brave.”
His eyes immediately soften and he leans in and kisses your forehead. “That scone really was the best I’ve ever had, then.”
Though the two of you hadn’t had a formal conversation about your relationship and where it stood after what you both starting referring to as the ‘infamous scone incident’ occurred, Jin quickly made his intentions known when he showed up to breakfast one morning with a large package of Fizzing Whizzbees from Honeydukes. He sat down beside you, placing the candy in front of you.
“Be my girlfriend,” he blurts unceremoniously. Namjoon can’t help but laugh from across the table. Jin glares at him and turns back to you.
“What I mean to say is, would you be my girlfriend? These are for you,” he pushes the Fizzing Whizzbees in your direction. You raise your eyebrow in question.
“The password to the Gryffindor common room the day of the infamous scone incident,” he smirks. You proceed to turn as red as his tie. Jin chuckles and leans in for a quick kiss, causing you to go even redder, if that was even possible. “What do you say, Nerd?”
“I say...I’d love to,” you bring yourself closer to him, “And I love you.” You tap your finger on the tip of his nose, causing him to go slightly cross eyed following the motion, nose scrunching at your touch.
“C’mon loverboy, we have things to do.” Jungkook pulls Jin up by the hood of his robes, laughing. The older boy starts to follow him reluctantly, but not before dashing back to give you another quick kiss on the lips.
“I’ll see you later!” you call out to his hastily retreating form, turning back to Namjoon.
“You two are gross, you know that, right?” he smiles, and you can’t help grinning in return.
“I know.”
Surprisingly, there isn’t that much that changes once Jin is your boyfriend. You still have meals with Joon and Sunny, classes go on as normal, and the two of you still switch common rooms each night to work on homework.
There are small changes that make you smile, though. Beomgyu and Jungkook are no longer flower delivery boys, Jin bringing you fresh blooms instead. Sometimes you make Jin baked goods, though nothing compares to that first batch of scones you brought to the Gryffindor common room. If he’s feeling cheeky, Jin will pull you into the restricted section of the library for a quick (sometimes not-so-quick) makeout session, whispering in your ear about how you’re his favorite nerd.
Sunny manages to survive the second task of the Triwizard Tournament, though it’s almost a close call for Jimin. She had to rescue him from the bottom of the Black Lake. After watching from the sidelines, you feel like you’re being extra clingy with Jin, getting lost in imagining what you would have done if it was him dragged to the bottom of the lake. However, he’s the one that surprises you that night, turning to you outside the Ravenclaw common room to say goodbye.
“Hey...I’m glad you talked me out of putting my name in the Goblet of Fire. I don’t think I could have survived you being taken from me like that.” He traces small circles on your skin where your hands are intertwined.
Tears suddenly form in your eyes as you bring your free hand to his face. “Me either. I love you. So much.” You lean forward to kiss him.
“I love you more, Nerd.” He squeezes your hand before letting it go, watching you reluctantly enter your common room.
The third task occurs towards the end of the year, a month before N.E.W.T.s. Sunny ends up passing out from an injury before she can find the Triwizard Cup in the Forbidden Forest, but you’re honestly just relieved everything is over and your friend hasn’t died like Cedric Diggory did all those years ago.
You and Jin are regular visitors at the hospital wing until she’s released, but it seems like Park Jimin never leaves her side. It makes you smile to see the normally cold Slytherin’s mask fall the more he’s around your best friend. Jin whispers conspiratorially to you that he thought they would be good together since the Gryffindor-Slytherin Quidditch game, and you just roll your eyes.
Once Sunny is back on her feet, Jin invites you, her, and Jimin on a double date to Hogsmeade to celebrate the end of the year. You and Sunny are wary of keeping the two boys in the same space for an extended amount of time, but there is a surprising lack of glares and snide remarks between them. They even offer to accompany each other to The Three Broomsticks for butterbeers while the two of you shop for clothes. It gives you a chance to catch Sunny up on everything she’s missed while she’s been in the hospital wing recovering, including all the juicy details of your relationship with Jin. You’ve missed her. Joon was great, but there was just no replacing your best friend.
On the way to meet up with the boys, you pass a small secondhand bookstore, which you drag Sunny into.
“What are we looking for, exactly?” she asks.
“We’re just looking, that’s the don’t know what you’ll find,” you state, eyes growing wide with excitement as you look at the tall bookshelves surrounding the two of you.
30 minutes later, you’re exiting the shop with a large bag full of books. The Healer’s Helpmate and Healing at Home with Herbs, so you could take notes on your future career. An old copy of The Beaters’ Bible, so you could better understand your boyfriend’s Quidditch position. A Muggle cookbook that you’d found shoved on a back shelf that you were planning on surprising Jin with later. And A Magical Attraction, just for fun.
You’ve only walked a few steps when a pair of arms envelops you from behind. “I missed you,” Jin whispers in your ear as you giggle. He releases you and you turn towards him. “What’ve you got here?” He reaches into your bag and pulls out the romance novel that’s sitting on top. “A Magical Attraction? I didn’t know you were into centaurs…” He points at the male lead on the cover, a ridiculously muscular half man, half horse hybrid. You reach to grab the book from Jin, but he moves it out of your reach. “My abs are definitely better than this guy’s...or did you need an in-person reminder?” He smirks dangerously at you, reaching for the hem of his shirt. “I seem to remember you telling me that they were one of your favorite features of mine.” You burn scarlet as you quickly jump up and grab the book out of his grasp and shove it back in your bag.
“Remind me to never go shopping with you again.”
You’re sitting in the Ravenclaw common room a few days later, reading A Magical Attraction away from your boyfriend’s prying eyes, when you see HooDini tapping on the window.
Scurrying over to the window, you let in the tiny owl who looks like he’s about to be blown away by the wind. He lands on the arm of the chair you were just sitting in, sticking out his leg with a note attached. You pet his head as you untie the note, the owl tilting his head and looking at the writing as if he can understand his owner’s message.
Study date in the library tonight instead of Gryffindor common room? Meet me in the restricted section. ;) -Your favorite boyfriend
You stifle a laugh as you send HooDini back with your answer.
True to his word, you’ve barely set down your things that night and said hello before Jin is pulling you behind a bookcase, his lips finding your neck.
“J-Jin…” you stammer.
He hums in response. “Say my name again.”
“Jin…” you repeat, your thoughts starting to cloud with desire. He grabs your hands and guides them under his shirt, over his toned stomach.
“You’re so beautiful, you know that?” Jin pulls away from your neck to kiss both cheeks, finally landing on your lips.
You drag your fingers across his abs, and he shudders. “Is this your way of proving you’re more attractive than a fictional character?” you laugh.
“And what if it is?” he pouts, removing his backwards ballcap to run his fingers through his hair.
“It’s working.” You reach out and grab both sides of his face, pulling him down into a kiss that he smiles into.
“Good. Now, I believe I promised you studying?” He grabs your hand, intertwining your fingers and leads you back to your table.
By the end of the night, the two of you are exhausted, making each other yawn every ten minutes or so. During one particularly large yawn, you take advantage of his distracted state to slip the cookbook you’d bought a few days before into his bag without him noticing.
You smile to yourself as he walks you up to Ravenclaw Tower, knowing he’s none the wiser. He refuses to let you answer the door’s riddle, the door swinging open for his display of intelligence. You kiss him goodnight, and tell him you’ll see him in class the next day.
When he arrives back at his dormitory, he throws his bag on the bed and flops down beside it, causing his books to spill over the edge and onto the floor. He leans down to pick them up, and notices an unfamiliar text. He grabs the blue cover and turns it over. Simply Scones.
He flips through the pages, a piece of paper fluttering out onto the ground. When he picks it up, he notices your simple neat handwriting.
I picked this up for you the other day in that secondhand shop and wanted to surprise you. I’m sure we can use some of these recipes to fuel N.E.W.T. study dates, and I wouldn’t even mind a repeat of the infamous scone incident. ;) -Your favorite Nerd
P.S. I’d choose you over a centaur any day.
He smiles to himself as he places the cookbook on his bedside table, crawling under his covers and turning out the light.
He hopes you’ll be his favorite nerd forever.
Taglist: @alpacaparkaseok @hyungieyoongi @derinxfam
Check out my other work here!
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More Posts from Delacyrose224
Content Tag Game
Tagged by @hyungieyoongi!
1. What fandoms have you written for (but do not currently)?
Once upon a time in middle school and high school, I wrote Harry Potter, Teen Titans and Nightmare Before Christmas fanfic...
2. What fandoms are you currently writing for?
BTS and TXT in the works!
3. How long have you been writing?
Since I was little! My family used to own a typewriter, and I would write on that for fun, and then I started fanfic. I recently got back into writing, which has been great for my creative side and my mental health overall.
4. On which platforms do you post your stories?
5. What is your favorite genre to write?
Angsty fluff for sure!
6. Are you a pantser or a planner?
Depends on what I'm writing tbh. Shorter one shots I'm usually a pantser, but I was definitely a planner for my recent Hogwarts story. And apparently the follow up Hogwarts story I'm creating.
7. One shot or multi-chapter?
Usually one shot, but then Chameleon Boy turned into a monster...
8. What is the perfect chapter length in your opinion?
Somewhere between 5-7K.
9. What is your longest published story? Is it complete?
Chameleon Boy is a whopping 24.3K, and is now complete!
10. Which story did you enjoy working on the most?
Probably Chameleon Boy (I really fell in love with that version of Jin while writing), but also A Sky Full of Stars (thanks for the influence @hyungieyoongi...who knew I needed to write a dad fic?)
11. Favorite request you've have written and why (if any?)
I've never had one, but open to them!
12. Are there reoccurring themes in your stories?
Um, does Jin count as a theme? Haha...In actuality, the only theme really is they're all loosely based on songs.
13. Current number of wips? that's actually got some things written, and a nameless Beomgyu Hogwarts fic in the ideas stage. Whoops.
14. Three things you have noticed about your own writing?
(1) I get really wrapped up in plot, which is why my brain doesn't quite work in drabbles...but I don't mind it, because I can think of plot quickly when I hear a song that could work for a fic.
(2) As I've written more, I've gotten better at writing in general, but also my characterizations. I think I've gotten Jin nailed down pretty well, as well as Yoongi and Jungkook to a degree. I just need to tackle Joon and Jimin...they scare me.
(3) I have weird amounts of backstory I could tell you for characters in my stories, or how they would react in certain situations (this goes for members and OCs).
15. A quote you like from a published story
Goodbye, I will never be over Gryffindor!Jin:
“I think you’re just as brave as I am, you just have to let your heart be courageous when it wants to be,” he smiles, interlocking your fingers once again. “Plus I’m a Gryffindor, remember?”
16. A quote from an unpublished story
“I can think of better distractions.” Jin murmurs under his breath, hoping you don’t hear, but to no avail.
“Such as?”
Such as kissing your cherry painted lips, for starters.
17. Space for you to say something to your readers
THANK YOU ALL FOR READING MY THINGS!! Truly, you could be doing so many other things with your time. I have met some of the coolest people through this platform, and I'm very thankful for that as well. :goes off to my emo corner:
Oh hello my dear I am loving the new icon !! Jin finally in the top spot as he deserves 😍

Love you bb 💜💜
Thank you, thank you, I thought it was time to change things up…JK had his time in the spotlight, now it’s time for Jin to shine. This gif hurts, so I will repay you with one…

Love you too friend! 💜
Tagged by the lovely @joyfulhopelox!
game: post a pic of you and your top 3 ults and let your oomfs/randoms choose who suits you best.

Hi hello, this is me and three boys I find very very cute…curious to see who people say fits me best!
Tagging @hyungieyoongi @alpacaparkaseok @mochi-molala @sunshinejunghoseokie!