delta-gambit-au - A Deltarune AU visual-novel game done from scratch 🛠️
A Deltarune AU visual-novel game done from scratch 🛠️

Hello and welcome. I'm your local friendly GentleDarkner and this is the main blog to focus on my project and to engage with other Spamton, Swatch and other Deltarune enjoyers 😁(Addisons living rent-free in my 🧠)If you want a 3D model of your DR/UT OC for VR I'm open for orders: they are Addison OCs the better ; including Spamtons)INTJ/INFJ (thanks for pointing that out lol) - NB - ACE - He/Him They/Them (SPA/ENG)(I'll keep walking forward no matter how bleak the future turns out to be)

71 posts

Some More Voice Line Experiments (NEO Voice )

Some more voice line experiments (NEO voice 🤖)

I'm experimenting a little with voicing for the NEO parts, but I'm not sure if the mechanical effect I achieved is good enough 🤔

Like, I'm trying to learn the ropes of doing all the effects on my own using Audacity, and understanding how to use the Equalizer graphic and the Wave to turn the sine into reverse sawtooth (I found that it sounded best with that). I also plan to make a little animation to go with these voice lines but all in due time. In order from my first experiment to the last (warning to lower your volume if you are using headphones because I still don't know how to export sounds with less punching power):

Nothing else, just some things I did on a Saturday morning because working on a game from scratch makes you to delve into learning a ton of stuff from graphics to sound to coding.

Also for a blessing of good news, finally got hired and had the on-boarding this past Friday. This is a probatory of 3 months though so hope they like the work while it lasts and hope that they renovate it at the end of September. Le busy.

(they have a Slack group with almost everybody using cartoon character avatars -- wat?)

And this next week my new PSU should arrive. Installing it will be a nightmare but I hope I can manage to do it without destroying the computer.

Oh well, that's it. I have a ton of chores to do on Sunday and I'm already procrastinating enough. See you next post.

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More Posts from Delta-gambit-au

8 months ago

And here it is the piece 🖼️

A splendid job made by @indecisive-vermin that brightened my day 👏👏👏

Also thank you for the shout-out 😊I love your style too asdkjhgfkjadshalp 💞

(ah first time I do a reblog -- I hope I'm doing this well 😳)

First Attack Of The Day I Finished Earlier!

first attack of the day i finished earlier!

for @delta-gambit-au (their stuff is really cool go look at it!!)

artfight link here

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7 months ago

Comfort food for Spamton?

I'm right now having breakfast and pondering stuff about my AU while at it.

I was wondering what could be Spamton's comfort food if he had any. I thought it could be ramen but Cyber City's style with noodles made from thin coaxial cables and sliced phone dongles, or something of the sort for example. Ramen is almost the staple food of many Japanese hard-workers, from the construction one to the one working at the office or tending to the fields, and ties with the fact that it's also considered street-food but not deemed junk-food because ramen is actually quite healthy, and can be made with diverse ingredients that cater to both the carnivorous and the vegan.

Made me think that Spamton actually could even try and save kromer just to go to a ramen stall and buy some for the good ol' times and to change his diet of fished up edibles from the trash. He wouldn't go back to the old cyber-grill by obvious reasons, so eating on the street would be more up his speed, even if he hides himself at the back-alley of a corner store to eat in peace.

I don't know, just a thought because I want to give Spamton a better more comfortable life (also because I want to give Cyber City a more ample selection of "cyber cuisine" and other delectables made from strange choices of random hardware).

I'm open to ideas and suggestions if you have any. Just drop them at the reply section and I'll read them with all my might 👀

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7 months ago

It failed. Despite putting everything back together, the PC turns on for a second and turns off not allowing me to even use the power button to jog it back to life.

Little else to say but that my frustration scalated exponentionally after all of these hours juggling with cables, smol screws and the wind (only had space at the terrace).

I'll sit for a moment and think, while I try to look up a solution online with the phone. Until then.

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6 months ago

Wanted to give you these badges because wow that art style is really good! Please keep it up!

Wanted To Give You These Badges Because Wow That Art Style Is Really Good! Please Keep It Up!

The old birdman once said that “Patience has its rewards”. For me, it was always [[NO PAIN NO GAINS]], but he would change it back to “Nothing ventured, nothing gained”. Our conclusion, keep working and walking forward, and someone will eventually appear to give you a nice surprise when less you expect it. It was my case with Sears and the rest of my friends, and for Master Swatch — though in a more grim situation — he was shown mercy whilst being at the border of [[THE PRECIPICE OF SANITY]]. We are very grateful for these gifts Anon. And lo they have lit a flame in our [[DIRECTOR]], a good one mind you. [[PANIC !!! THE FURNACES HAVE BEEN STOKED !!! ]] Let’s not waste this kindness. We’re all in great [[HUNGER]] of that. Here’s to you, bucko, may your [[HYPERLINK BLOCKED]] remain unfettered from today on till the next [[ADPOCALYPSE]].

((You don’t know how surprised I was to have all of sudden like 6 pings in my inbox and then saw their contents — you really made my day in that moment Anon, and you still do today 😉))

((but seriously thank you a lot from the bottom of our combined hearts askdhgdffdgskj))

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7 months ago

Just asking a question

Because I can't make proper 2D art on my computer, but certain vermin friend shown me the way to use Ibis Paint on my phone... Painting with the finger is something I never did before (heck, I only use my phone to chat and make calls) and attempting to do any details is very frustrating without zooming enough so that I can see where the line beneath the finger is. The art is horrid and subpar but it's something I can do in some minutes before going to bed.

I wanted to ask if you would like to see those arts, even if they look like horrible oekaki pics. They'll be related to my AU mostly, at least until I can fund me the new tablet (you can help me with that by donating here if you feel generous). Is to don't leave this blog silent for too long. I want to practice to draw Spam and the other Addisons a lil more and maybe sketching them on my phone will help me out to resume the concept arting that was pending since the end of June. What ye think?

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