Hello and welcome. I'm your local friendly GentleDarkner and this is the main blog to focus on my project and to engage with other Spamton, Swatch and other Deltarune enjoyers 😁(Addisons living rent-free in my 🧠)If you want a 3D model of your DR/UT OC for VR I'm open for orders: https://ko-fi.com/spwatchton(if they are Addison OCs the better ; including Spamtons)INTJ/INFJ (thanks for pointing that out lol) - NB - ACE - He/Him They/Them (SPA/ENG)(I'll keep walking forward no matter how bleak the future turns out to be)
71 posts
Delta-gambit-au - A Deltarune AU Visual-novel Game Done From Scratch - Tumblr Blog
Wanted to give you these badges because wow that art style is really good! Please keep it up!

The old birdman once said that “Patience has its rewards”. For me, it was always [[NO PAIN NO GAINS]], but he would change it back to “Nothing ventured, nothing gained”. Our conclusion, keep working and walking forward, and someone will eventually appear to give you a nice surprise when less you expect it. It was my case with Sears and the rest of my friends, and for Master Swatch — though in a more grim situation — he was shown mercy whilst being at the border of [[THE PRECIPICE OF SANITY]]. We are very grateful for these gifts Anon. And lo they have lit a flame in our [[DIRECTOR]], a good one mind you. [[PANIC !!! THE FURNACES HAVE BEEN STOKED !!! ]] Let’s not waste this kindness. We’re all in great [[HUNGER]] of that. Here’s to you, bucko, may your [[HYPERLINK BLOCKED]] remain unfettered from today on till the next [[ADPOCALYPSE]].
((You don’t know how surprised I was to have all of sudden like 6 pings in my inbox and then saw their contents — you really made my day in that moment Anon, and you still do today 😉))
((but seriously thank you a lot from the bottom of our combined hearts askdhgdffdgskj))
Some Addison 3D teasers

Just a few teasers of some Addison OCs that are still in WIP state. CEO the yellow Addison belongs to @fragonreal and is the most complete, only needs the visemes, a few expressions, some weight painting corrections, a tongue, and will be ready to dump into Unity 3D to turn it into a VRCHAT avatar. The pink one is called Valentine and belongs to Derpy. Most of the body is complete, but needs more floof and to model the asymmetric parts, before I can make the clothes, the armature, visemes, expressions... It could be said that it's at a 63% completion 🤔
This Tuesday is being slow, which means some bits of free time to waste on my own. Hooray.
I had a dream with Spamton in it
I could barely sleep last night because my brain decided to be on fire juggling with scenarios and what not, and when finally around 3 AM the system shut down, I had a weird dream...
There were other things in it ngl but the most picturesque thing I saw was Spamton... But it was not fully Spamton, but a friggin' digimon with Spamton's features. The guy looked like enjoying his new form and powers, and wrought some havoc in that random city while at it. What a cute happy villain boi. Why I keep falling for this kind of characters...
I saved that oneiric image in my mind and hope I get some free-time to turn that image into a sketch some day. I'm not sure if there are any other Spamton!Digimon around the place already but what I saw in my dream was kind of cool, unique, but also a tad horrific (depends of your perspective or taste about digimons -- I like Digimon if none have guessed it already lol).
Well, I just wanted to say that, while I'm finishing eating this whole orange which is my current dessert. Oranges are delicious. Lunch break over.
Comfort food for Spamton?
I'm right now having breakfast and pondering stuff about my AU while at it.
I was wondering what could be Spamton's comfort food if he had any. I thought it could be ramen but Cyber City's style with noodles made from thin coaxial cables and sliced phone dongles, or something of the sort for example. Ramen is almost the staple food of many Japanese hard-workers, from the construction one to the one working at the office or tending to the fields, and ties with the fact that it's also considered street-food but not deemed junk-food because ramen is actually quite healthy, and can be made with diverse ingredients that cater to both the carnivorous and the vegan.
Made me think that Spamton actually could even try and save kromer just to go to a ramen stall and buy some for the good ol' times and to change his diet of fished up edibles from the trash. He wouldn't go back to the old cyber-grill by obvious reasons, so eating on the street would be more up his speed, even if he hides himself at the back-alley of a corner store to eat in peace.
I don't know, just a thought because I want to give Spamton a better more comfortable life (also because I want to give Cyber City a more ample selection of "cyber cuisine" and other delectables made from strange choices of random hardware).
I'm open to ideas and suggestions if you have any. Just drop them at the reply section and I'll read them with all my might 👀
I thought others would feel curious to see the work in progress, and how I got progressively angrier with the days on the sketch. The canvas was like blown up to 10K and was reduced around 7K for the rest.
I haven't had too much luck uploading videos before though. Hope it works this time. I'm still learning as I go...
![[[AVE VASTATOREM ARCUS IRIDEM]]](https://64.media.tumblr.com/9a6e98ab1c74caf254f41ca430b28f18/0cf8419b1a0d9241-8b/s500x750/a000157a478b40ba95e41839d74e6c125ba0b0c1.png)
“From all the Guru Meditation EXCEPTIONS, this one was the most mysterious of all. It slumbered for a week at the Starlit Lake, then rose for a day, picked a random location in the world to rain destruction on it, paint it black, and finally return to roost. It would sometimes land on top of another rampaging EXCEPTION and whisk it away back to its nest. (…) We prepared for a year to deal with this one… Readied a trap to wake it up… And when we were close to victory, he begged to be deleted… However, Queen had other plans for him… Sometimes I wonder if we should have followed his request, but I don’t regret to be working side by side with him today. Perhaps it was for the best; ORDER never had a better ally than him after dispensing CHAOS mindlessly for so long...” — Tasque Manager
Link to the bigger resolution.
It’s been very busy days… What with work, family responsibilities, being driven into further debt by an obnoxious relative, and going to the doctors because everyone decided to take vacations on August and piled up all appointments within the first week. I only wanted to plop on bed and bite my pillow to kill my sourness, because I fear I'd end hurting someone in the process, thus I isolate myself as much as I can to avoid this...
From all of those turbulent emotions, I spawned this as a result. Here, enjoy a Swatch during his EXCEPTION days when TROIANUL had him in its thrall (he isn’t particularly proud of those times). And yeah, Swatch really shrunk a lot after Queen claimed him, and lost most of his feathers in consequence plus the wings (he ate them as a sign of fealty). My AU is weird, but so are battle butlers that happened to be “hunted” and “tamed” by their masters.
For good news, I was told I’m not at risk of getting a glaucoma, but that I need to control my blood pressure more (quite the feat to achieve with all the stress that surrounds me daily). At least I have that for a blessing, I was afraid I was going to become blind.
Let's see if I can have some peaceful weekend so that I can advance those pending things I owe. 3D takes long, and if you barely have the weekends to work on them... That's also another of the things that frustrates me a lot, not being able to use your spare time accordingly because someone else saw to take them from you (otherwise the guilt tripping is unbearable -- sometimes I wish I was the only sibling in my family...).
These sodding strings... When will they stop getting in the way and stop strangling my courage... Always a source of unending consternation... [[ANGEL -- BESTOW THIS SERVITOR THE FORTITUDE TO ENDURE THROUGH ALL THIS EGREGIOUS MONTH]] I could really have some vacations, but as it's usually said, no rest for the sinner, if one wants to have bread on the table and keep the internet working, walk forward forward [[FORWARD]].
Mental Crop Rotation
When farmers grow the same crop too many years in a row, it can leave their soil depleted of minerals and other nutrients that are vital to the health of their fields.
To avoid this, farmers will often alternate the crops that they grow because some plants will use up different minerals (such as nitrogen) while other plants replenish those minerals. This process is known as “crop rotation.”
So the next time you find that you need to step away from a project to work on something else for a while, don’t beat yourself up for “quitting” that project. Give yourself permission to practice “mental crop rotation” to maintain a healthy brain field.
Because I’ve found that when that unnecessary guilt and pressure are removed from the process, a good mental crop rotation can help you feel more energized and invigorated than ever once you’re ready to rotate back to that project.
Happy belated Yaoi Day

“(…) Time and time again, it replayed in my mind like a broken record… All the good days before 1997… All the peace he could finally enjoy and embrace after toiling for ICARUS ever since he had memory — before that thrice dashed old fashioned phone of his started to ring, ruining everything we laboured to achieve in our first year together… We were robbed from our peaceful life and I only have my coward self to blame..." — Sears
I know I'm late by 2 days but I couldn't work on it faster 😞At least it is finished and I'm happy to see them together, even if for that part of the flashbacks.
It's just them, Spam and Sears from when Spam landed at their place to live there as he couldn't live at ICARUS any more without putting his life and memories at risk. Also MIKE loafing like a donut because that's importants too 🐈
I'll start to put tags correctly so that they don't get mixed with other Tumblr-wide tags.
Help me choose the night attire for Spam

In light of the results of the previous poll, then I shall share the scribbles I do with the finger on the phone to brainstorm concept art ideas for the AU. I still don't feel very comfortable using that smol screen and the finger and I needed to blow up the canvas to 5000x5000 almost to get better detail. I shall persevere and practice more with it but right now I can only do lineart, some basic paint bucket fills and some layer shenanigans.
Anyway, at least the blog will not go silent while I'm saving for a new tablet. And yes, Spam has several landmarks on his body like all of his other siblings living in the Conglomerate Building at ICARUS. That performed heart-port is a literal "window" to his Darkner soul but I can't reveal for what because spoilers. All of them are marked with their subject number, from #001 to #499. The rest is the standard Addison body with the segmented hands, though he still might look like an Addison in his teen years because of how short Spam is (155 cm // 5.08 inches). By the time he meets with the Addison marketing group, he should be like 21 years old, and by the time the visual-novel starts (around when Spamton meets with Kris for the first time in that back-alley) he should be like between 35 and 45 I believe.
If you have any other questions or suggestions, you can do them freely at the Reply section of this post. I'm all ears 😁 Now time for me to go sleep... 😴
Just asking a question
Because I can't make proper 2D art on my computer, but certain vermin friend shown me the way to use Ibis Paint on my phone... Painting with the finger is something I never did before (heck, I only use my phone to chat and make calls) and attempting to do any details is very frustrating without zooming enough so that I can see where the line beneath the finger is. The art is horrid and subpar but it's something I can do in some minutes before going to bed.
I wanted to ask if you would like to see those arts, even if they look like horrible oekaki pics. They'll be related to my AU mostly, at least until I can fund me the new tablet (you can help me with that by donating here if you feel generous). Is to don't leave this blog silent for too long. I want to practice to draw Spam and the other Addisons a lil more and maybe sketching them on my phone will help me out to resume the concept arting that was pending since the end of June. What ye think?

I'm sorry for any lack of updates. Been kind of busy with responsibilities and spending the remaining spare time advancing some 3D avatars for two people (a couple of Addison OCs I'll post here once they are done).
Because I saw that the GIF format destroyed most of the work of pixel art I did, I thought I'd upload a close up of the dot-matrix that took me ages to reproduce so that it looked more like an LCD screen of old that moved the points across a grid. I still has some vague fond memories of the mini-games that were inside the VMU of the Dreamcast. Aww man, how I wish I could play the old Panzer Dragoon games again... <longing sigh>

It's past midnight, but we found the problem. These 6 pins, one of them was the one that gave power to the power button and because it was not in its proper metal pin, the power was cycling back to the PSU. Fortunately the motherboard had enough internal safeties to protect everything before it cooked itself. With all those tiny cables back in their position, everything works now but... My tablet isn't. Energy gets to it but is not able to find the stylus at all (is a battery-less stylus). Right now is just a glorified small screen but nothing else.
My artistic hands are tied just like this. I opened a goal on a Ko-fi page to see if little by little I can get enough to buy a new one. For now I'll only be able to do 3D art (avatars for VR mostly).
I'm very sad that I'll not be able to complete my side of the Art Fight encounters with something in 2D. 3D takes longer and barely there are 8 days left to do anything worth to be shown. I want to give you something back regardless even if in the end it will not score points for the event. 'Tis thing is personal now (at least for me).
I must rest now. Been working on fixing the computer for... what? 14 hours? Not counting the 30 minutes I spent on lunch and dinner, then just 13 hours I guess. I can count my blessings that at least NEO is still alive and kicking, with a new beating heart and cleaner components. That's enough for me even if I can't draw until I can get a new tablet. Maybe it's time to up my ante and tackle 3D too (even if I'm still a noob on that). Hope you don't mind seeing 3D art here about Deltarune OCs (because right now that's the only thing I'm interested to practice). When I get enough confident in my skills I'll attempt to do my own AU related characters in 3D too. For now, must keep walking forward and not lose courage.
It failed. Despite putting everything back together, the PC turns on for a second and turns off not allowing me to even use the power button to jog it back to life.
Little else to say but that my frustration scalated exponentionally after all of these hours juggling with cables, smol screws and the wind (only had space at the terrace).
I'll sit for a moment and think, while I try to look up a solution online with the phone. Until then.
Playing Computer Surgeon
I apologize for any lack of updates or of activity. This week has been stressful, and let's just leave it like that because I tend to ramble too much about my grievances when I shouldn't do it in front of others.
For a little blessing, the new heart for the computer arrived:

I'm very grateful that my friend went on a limb to buy me the replacement and pay the shipping expenses. If you didn't know yet, the PSU of the computer started to fail in the past two months and giving less and less juice to the components, to the point of disabling the stylus detection of my tablet or not letting me to play any games without the computer blaring fans and overheating like I could cook an egg on top of it. Heck, even playing YouTube videos puts the fans on a fritz.
So... it's time to play surgeon and replace the heart of this old NEO (yeah, I call my computer NEO by no reason apparently <coff coff coff>) with a brand new one with some odd but cool LEDs. I'm a bit scared though because it's been aeons since I fiddled with computer components and I fear that I'm going to break something irreparably and then I'll be cooked because I need the computer to work. But if I don't replace it, NEO will die regardless so... I installed Tumblr on my phone so that I can at least post an update if everything goes south.
And if it goes well, I hope this new PSU will give juice to revive the tablet. If the tablet is still not working after all of this... Well, as Sears would say "Never try to heal the wound before getting it on yourself". I'll go and just channel my inner Spam engineer and just do it. Doing nothing would be far worse anyway.
<goes to make password backups on paper and unplug everything>

I'm still itching to draw stuff but I can't until I get the PSU this coming week :cri:
I wanted to upload something related to my project even if it's old art. Here's the first sketch study I did of teh guy around January, Spamton after hijacking the body of Swatch. Would go for more iterations but one must start from something. I think this would make his birthday around January 28th, though since they both share the same body, that would make it for 3 anniversaries in a single year, Spamton's around May 3rd and Swatch's is February 19th. Lucky guys! 😅
I'm dying to draw him again... asdkljhfgdfjfkjdkj 😭 <crawls back into the beetle pit>
Edit: I forgot to mention that tomorrow I need to go to a doctor appointment to get some pachymetry done. Apparently the pressure of my eyes is 20/20 or something and they want to check if something is afoot that could end with me getting a glaucoma. I'll 🤞 that they don't find anything of import because the last thing I want is to get eye surgery to make my eyes to drain better the liquid inside them. I don't want any sharp or pointy tools getting any close to my eyes 😰
Some more voice line experiments (NEO voice 🤖)
I'm experimenting a little with voicing for the NEO parts, but I'm not sure if the mechanical effect I achieved is good enough 🤔
Like, I'm trying to learn the ropes of doing all the effects on my own using Audacity, and understanding how to use the Equalizer graphic and the Wave to turn the sine into reverse sawtooth (I found that it sounded best with that). I also plan to make a little animation to go with these voice lines but all in due time. In order from my first experiment to the last (warning to lower your volume if you are using headphones because I still don't know how to export sounds with less punching power):
Nothing else, just some things I did on a Saturday morning because working on a game from scratch makes you to delve into learning a ton of stuff from graphics to sound to coding.
Also for a blessing of good news, finally got hired and had the on-boarding this past Friday. This is a probatory of 3 months though so hope they like the work while it lasts and hope that they renovate it at the end of September. Le busy.
(they have a Slack group with almost everybody using cartoon character avatars -- wat?)
And this next week my new PSU should arrive. Installing it will be a nightmare but I hope I can manage to do it without destroying the computer.
Oh well, that's it. I have a ton of chores to do on Sunday and I'm already procrastinating enough. See you next post.
Characters' sound-bits
I'm testing uploading some sounds here to see how they look like on Tumblr, don't mind me. I'd like to have some feedback on them because I'm going in blind with my sound experiments (and yes no real voice-lines because I highly doubt I'll ever get enough money to get me some VA's, plus the sound-bits are more faithful to the original game).
In this case they are the SOUND-CUEs that are going to be used for the dialogues while the characters talk. You might be familiar with the sound-bits that many characters in Undertale and Deltarune has.
Well, since I need to make up many as many Deltarune characters lack of their own sound-bits -- plus the fact that the original ones needs to be tweaked enough to be of rightful use -- I took the time to create a few SOUND-CUEs for these ones:
Spamton >> Using the original one and tweaking it a little so that it sounded more natural.
Swatch >> He originally had the default sound-bit for his dialogues in Deltarune, so I needed to make something unique for him. I always likened Swatch's voice as low bass, to go with his big and more somber nature because of his origins, and to contrast with Spamton's which is more high-pitched.
Spwatchton >> Is just the fusion of both Spamton's and Swatch's voices, but needed to tweak it a bit so that both would mesh together without stepping on each other's voice. What do you think? 🤔
Tasque Manager >> She was the hardest to come up. Since her sound-bit is inexistent and Toby recorded his voice to give her some voice-lines during the fight against her, I tried to come up with something that would sound feminine but still mature and kind of electric because how she is stylized kind of robotical. I'm no expert and just experimented a little but maybe this one is the one that needs the most feedback. I'll listen to any advice or reference that you might suggest.
And as last freebie, some placeholderish reference (NOT FINAL) experiment for a voiceline that should go on the logo intro of the project -- guess which character is speaking here 👀(you may want to lower the volume because I see that it sounds kind of loud after I recorded it 😅) (the phrase in English translates roughly to "from the filthy world of CHAOS, we rise anew")
A lil of game-devving (first Dev-Log?)

Today some development while we wait for interviews and other confirmations to the job hunting of Friday -- or at least something I can still do with the mouse. (all of the pictures used above on the block-out are just mere placeholders to fill up the empty gaps)
It's GUI prototyping time!
I've seen before in the past that many visual-novels and even some RPGs allow the player to fast forward dialogues and skip back and forth across them if they were already seen. I had a mind of adding these buttons too but in a less default position, to balance a little the visuals of the GUI.
So, the idea is that the upper and bottom sections would show the zone where the current scene is playing, as some sort of decoration ribbon. Since I already planned the height and width of the main screen where the scene and dialog box will appear, there's a ton of empty space around that must be filled with something! I had an idea of making use of that widescreen space not only to hang the dialog buttons, but also to show a split portrait showing the status of the character from where we are having the POV of the scene.
For example, if we are in a scene from the POV of Tasque Manager, her portrait will appear on both sides. These are to show the mental status of the character, as the player takes decisions that could possibly upset the character or make them happier. The idea is to keep track of this as is the only visual cue (if the player isn't taking mental notes of what are they doing with the current character) to see if you are going through a good route or a bad route.
The mental status of the character will also open venues for other dialogues, just like in graphic adventures of old, you could explore questions for the lulz or just cut to the chase to go faster. It can also lock you from knowing more as other characters that you angered on purpose will refuse to elaborate or will reply with something else, or will see you too upset to let them speak up.
This can serve to further move towards a different path. I plan to add different outcomes to certain decisions depending of your behaviour, though upon release only one path will be available as I want to focus on the main plot-line and add the side paths with future updates for those avid to squeeze the lore of its last remaining juices.
In a sense I believe the paths could be categorized in Light, Neutral, Dark and Darker. Obviously the Darker paths would be the ones with the most downers, and might end abruptly or perhaps open a new unseen chapter, as corruption sets itself in the characters. As said, will only add those in the future if the game gets well received and we manage to stabilize our life enough to dedicate myself fully to the project. The default path will be always the Light one by the way.
And nothing else. Must not forget to add quick buttons to Save, Load and Quit To Title... Though adding them to an ESC menu could be redundant, I rather move these buttons tastefully to improve the looks of the general GUI that the players are going to stare at 95% of the time (that's why prototyping the Game's GUI is a very important part of the development). The other parts that should receive some attention would be the Gallery and the Chapter Selection... I was wondering if adding a list of quick jumps to all the scenes could be done, so you could replay your favourite parts again, or go there to pick a different set of dialogues. In a sense the main bones of the game are just that:
Title Screen
Chapter Select
Credits/Disclaimer (absolutely skippable after reaching the end of a chapter)
Yeah, 7 bones. I don't see anything else to add. I believe the most fun part to make would be the Chapter Select. My idea for it is quite unusual and I haven't seen it done before. It could work.
I don't have anything else to show or to ponder publicly at the moment. Hope you enjoy to have a lil glimpse on the developing of the visual-novel as I make it from the scratch.

I've been holding this idea in the back of the head ever since my tablet stopped working this past week. I didn't commit to it until today and it took me many hours to understand how to do the animation properly and drawing Spam with pixels with the mouse and nervous clicks, and then doing the case... I was hyperfixated on this all day and it's almost 5 AM now sdkjhadfkhfgd
It's a charm of good luck, to attract love and kromer 😁 Use it wherever you want and might it bring you riches and affection 💌
I'll head to sleep... feeling so wasted but I guess this practice was worth it. Who knows, maybe I can make one for Swatch some day, but first I need to recover from this work hyperfixation 😴
(I saw a new attack on my Art Fight -- I'll get back at you when I get some rest)
And here it is the piece 🖼️
A splendid job made by @indecisive-vermin that brightened my day 👏👏👏
Also thank you for the shout-out 😊I love your style too asdkjhgfkjadshalp 💞
(ah first time I do a reblog -- I hope I'm doing this well 😳)

first attack of the day i finished earlier!
for @delta-gambit-au (their stuff is really cool go look at it!!)
artfight link here
I got somewhat emotional today
To be honest, when I joined for the first time the Art Fight of this year, I only expected myself to do the first attacks and get some kind defences or revenges, to hone my art skills and make some new friends in the process with any luck. But because of my sad situation with the computer that disables my tablet that I also used as screen, I can't do art properly. You don't know my surprise when I was checking my socials and I saw that someone made an "attack" on me on the website today, and when I saw what it was, I couldn't contain my tears.
Perhaps I'm a softie or something, but really, I didn't expect someone I barely knew to draw something for me without me doing the deed first 👉👈 And to top it all, as how things are going, it really is the first "fanart" I get of the characters of my AU, so the surprise was deeper for me, and I melted in the process, because it was not a single character but both of them in the same picture which is really optional but 🍏(hope you don't mind the ping @indecisive-vermin ) just made my day (or even my entire month) by drawing Spam and Sears together and... asdkjhfgkdajgfshfdgñ I don't know how to express my gratitude for that 💝
Because I'm waiting for the original author to post it on his blog first so that I can reblog it and give the credit accordingly, I can't upload it directly here. His style is loveable and colourful, a nice treat for the eyes 👁️
And well, bear in mind that all fanarts I receive of my AU will be featured in the gallery inside the game when it gets done. I'll reach to the authors by then to ask them for permission to be added to the game as special mentions.
And as for other updates, the tracker says the new PSU will arrive around the 10th, but I'm afraid that Customs will withhold it for a little longer because of the category of item and the price. I'll just have my fingers extra crossed that nothing blocks me from that replacement for this old computer.
Also, no news about our employer. The 3rd another test was requested and completed, but I believe because of the 4th of July, maybe we'll not get any news from them until next Monday. The waiting is killing us... like, we're awaiting for any response from the 3 employers to see if we're any lucky to land on any of them. Feels like we'll spend this weekend job hunting again because one should have always something in the backburner just in case the current 3 fails to contact us with a "YES U HIRED" by Monday. The interviews and the tests are long so, the quicker you get them done, the better. Man, being an 🦄 is hard in this industry...
Yesterday I got to ponder on the designs of the Tasquelings. What it's giving me a bit of headache is the design of their parlourmaid suits and how that will interface with their bodies -- if to give them the classic uniform like the Swatchlings has their own butler uniforms, or to give them something unique... I had a mind of adding a Roomba companion to them for floor cleaning, while the Tasqueling works on something else in the guests rooms. Should I add cat ears to the Roomba? Decisions decisions 🤔In a sense while encountering the Tasquelings you should "fight" against the Tasqueling and a Roomba. I think I should stylize the name of the Roomba because of copyrights... Purrmba? HAH, I think that fits if I add the cat ears to it 😁
A mirthful surprise
Someone who would like to remain as anon found in himself the [genorisity] to get us a new PSU upgrade so that we can resume our artistic work without delay.
I'm beyond words to express my gratitude.
I must make the most of this gift and push my limits. The upgrade will also help out with the lack of energy for other components since 650W was never enough after we got the new tablet when my old Wacom went caput 4 years ago (wow it has been this long already?).
Now, to wait until the item reaches its intended target...
As for other news, we should know next week if we got approved for the new job. One of the employers told us that there was nobody else available to fit the profile they needed, so that gives us hope. The only "problem" is that after us there was another person in the interview queue 👉👈 I don't want to desire this one bad luck but, I hope they pick us instead because we were first and... [[IN THIS WORLD IS TO EAT OR BE EATEN]] *coff coff coff* I'm sorry. You didn't see that 😅
I'll repay this [genorisity] in kind once we manage to stabilize ourselves. Hopefully soon... 🙏
Faulty power supply or faulty tablet?
It has been a trend with my tablet in recent memory, it started to work wonky and freezing sometimes while I worked with it starting on April. Yesterday it had more freezings than normal but I managed to finish the last character profile at least. Today I wanted to draw something nice because I received a surprise in my Tumblr inbox, but the tablet wasn't working at all (would lit up but the stylus didn't work plus the software not detecting it was connected).
I'm going to go on a limb and uninstall the software and reinstall it just in case it's just the software of the tablet being the culprit (nope, no dice) but knowing that the power supply was starting to cough so much, I still believe the juice is giving is not enough for everything on the computer I use. It's a very old MOBO too (from around 2017) not even Windows 11 wants it, but that's fine by us.
The problem is I don't know how to fund these replacements. We are still jobless and I can't work on commissions because of this to scrounge some kromer and get a cheap replacement. Heck if we don't get a job this July, I don't think I gonna make it to this August... I could try and do commissions with the mouse and using 200% stabilization on the brushes but man... This is so awful. Wish I had more cheery news but this is my current situation. Either I get lucky with the external [genorisity] or I'm screwed.
Until then, I'll not be able to keep making graphic content for my AU.
Stay frosty (I know I should always be).

(zoom on the preview and open in new tab to be able to read the info-boxes) Finally, after a lot of back and forth and interruptions, this should be the most updated depiction of Sears, one of the Addison co-workers for which Spam is going to work with on behalf of the conglomerate. Because they were the last one to join the office, Sears is often used by the others as the "legman". Sears doesn't mind this though as they love to be useful to others and doing errands is not much pressure on their schedule.
Sears is a very storied character, so I apologize for the spam of info-boxes 😅Also because their pet has some mild relevance for the plot, I needed to add him within the same profile because they are kind of inseparable (though Sears never notices the creepy side of the glitchy cat they adopted because MIKE tries his best to keep it a secret). Sears gave him the name MIKE because of the "M" the kitty had branded on his back. They are very clueless about the origins of that stray kitty but loves their pet regardless, as MIKE keeps his side of the relationship by acting like the walking anti-depressants cats are known to be 😸(yeah that fur is very fluffy by the way thick short coat but fluffy). Lastly, MIKE is a homage to a real cat and to old data storage devices (punch-cards and floppy disks). There are other more interesting engineering details about him but I'll reserve those for the game when the time comes 👀
As for the logo of PRODINAMI, it should represent the increasing revenue of your company after using the marketing services they sell. It also represents a very stylized Addison and it's inspired by two important companies from the past (I dare anyone to guess which ones when the clues start to appear).
Not much else to say but that I need to keep practicing painting (if RL stops nagging me so much). Gah, I'm [[SO HUNGRY]] I could eat an octorok now...