deltaswapjevil - Good and Bad AUs
Good and Bad AUs

AUs I made I can't tell if they're good or bad you tell me

211 posts

SpongeBob Au Day 16

SpongeBob au day 16

SpongeBob Au Day 16
SpongeBob Au Day 16
SpongeBob Au Day 16
SpongeBob Au Day 16
SpongeBob Au Day 16
SpongeBob Au Day 16

Human....but in Picrew

Was gonna draw.....but....Didn't have a pencil and I was already screwing around on Picrew so I made a challenge to pick a random Picrew and try and make the SpongeBob human form on there

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More Posts from Deltaswapjevil

10 months ago

Underfell Toriel

Underfell Toriel

Toriel: Prisoner of the Ruins Once a powerful queen her husband started taking his frustrations out on her with verbal and sometimes physical abuse. She learned to stay mostly quiet until her beloved child Chara was killed by her husband She lashes out and got a good portion of her face burnt She was banished to the Ruins where she slowly went insane. She became detached from reality Refusing to believe anything has changed. She made herself her own fake family out of training dummies from the Ruins They don't talk so she talks for them. Any human she falls she thinks is Chara.....and when they leave she relives that moment when she lost her family and shuts herself away for a week, not eating or sleeping before returning back to her delusional self again. She is dangerously over protective, killing any monster who talks to you when she's around. She has severe abandonment issues. Staying with you most of the Ruins When you try to leave she decides to destroy the Ruins exit once and for all but after being forced to fight you she plans to destroy the entire Ruins Because if she can't have one can. Asgore can't get your soul if she does right?Ultimately she lets you go. Before going back to her stuffed family.... baking pies with the dust of monsters....

9 months ago

SpongeBob Day 10

Trigger warning death+suicide

SpongeBob Day 10

Creepypasta Au

Different from the horror au

I call it HashSlinging Slasher

In this au plankton brainwashes SpongeBob to be the hashslinging slasher and kill all his friends

The first victim is Mr. Krabs who is after hours at the Krusty Krab counting his money and is attacked and knocked into a grease trap

The murder of Mr. Krabs is all over the news and Sandy suspects it was no accident so she enlists spongebob to help investigate

When his brainwashing kicks back in the next night he targets Squidward but isn't able to get him but raises suspicion with Patrick

Before SpongeBob can go after Patrick Gary attacks him because he notices SpongeBob is not himself but SpongeBob bashes the poor snail to death

The next night SpongeBob gets Squidward alone, cuts off two of his legs, and chokes him with his clarinet but just then Sandy and Patrick arrive but SpongeBob flees

Sandy then confronts SpongeBob and tries to save him she succeeds but not before he's already slaughtered Pearl, Larry, Bubble Bass, Fred, and Mrs. Puff

After he regains his senses he doesn't stop trying to grab Sandy but she pushes him away confused not realizing he was trying to save her from a bomb that was planted in her suit during the scuffle

Now SpongeBob confronts Plankton and Karen

Karen informs SpongeBob that she knew this was going to far and had to be stopped and that Plankton captured and began torturing Patrick to make him the new killing spider and to make it irreversible. She tries to help him but it's too late for that and SpongeBob smashes her screen.

He then confronts Plankton who begins explaining his plan but while he's distracted SpongeBob snags a bottle of acid and burns plankton with some acid bubbles but not before Patrick is released and sent after SpongeBob

In the battle of the friends SpongeBob is force to kill Patrick

Afterwards he picks up Patrick's gun and finishes himself off

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9 months ago

Spongebob Anniversary Day 2

Spongebob Anniversary Day 2

Technically the first day of this still but like I said yesterday I made the human au but didn't post til today

Anyway today is swap Au

Wonder if you can guess who the characters are swapped with

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9 months ago

SpongeBob Au Day 15

SpongeBob Au Day 15
SpongeBob Au Day 15
SpongeBob Au Day 15

Not one but actually a group of characters from different Aus The SpongeBob version of the Spider Society or the Good Sanses

These aren't the only members and imagine some characters from previous Aus like Horror Sandy, Fell Plankton, and Spongetale Patrick would also be here too. But these are basically from Aus I had ideas for but didn't feel like fleshing them out fully

30s SpongeBob: SpongeBob as a 30s cartoon....not much else to him

Cat Squidward: Squidward as a cat

Lego Patrick Man: Inspired by the Lego Patrick Man series by Crazyfilms1121 that took up a huge portion of my life

Apocalypse Squidward: In an au of the SpongeBob SquarePants Movie where SpongeBob and Patrick actually failed to get Neptune's crown and died in Shell City. Squidward Managed to escape control but burnt off half his face and had his legs cut off. But he escaped to start a rebellion against Plankton

Human Sandy: Meant to write musical Sandy.... Sandy from the musical

Nuclear Plankton: An au I was gonna work on but didn't like and scrapped where Plankton got so desperate he nuked the Krusty Krab resulting in a nuclear fallout in Bikini Bottom where he implants his brain in a robot and tries to right his wrongs by trying to rebuild while surviving

Survivor Krabs: Au of the second SpongeBob Movie where SpongeBob and Plankton got lost in time and never make it back. Everyone starves except Patrick and Mr. Krabs. Krabs loses his sanity but he's put on this team cause he's not actually evil just unstable

Ink! Patrick: Ink! Sans but Patrick

Handsome Squidward:.....c'mon....if he wasn't here it wouldn't be complete

Pat-Tar: Idk why he was invited but he go unga bunga and must be well fed

Horror Mermaid Man: This is from my Horror au where he and Barnacle Boy were unaffected but Barnacle Boy was eaten by the elderly fish. Mermaid Man blames himself and is secluded in his lair. His starfish at his lower face. Sandy tries to ask him for help but he's given up on being a hero and just sits in solidarity with Barnacle Boys corpse. He was brought here against his will

Gangsta SpongeBob: That one thing of SpongeBob gangster

SpongeBoy: The one they all stem from. Not necessarily a god or anything but just the original who's universe was wiped away so he works to make sure the same never happens to any other universe. He's the leader....or was

Cyber-Eye: Her past is unknown but she helped found the team by travelling through dimensions for recruits and has been slowly working to overthrow SpongeBoy to wipe out any au she deems useless or chaotic and wants to bring a balance to the universe

Some members I didn't draw:

Bubbles: The third founding member who Cyber-Eye kicks off the team

TV Spongebob: SpongeBob with a TV head from another scrapped au I did. He's just a creepy TV SpongeBob obsessed with entertaining people and doing anything for a laugh

Jimbob: Saving him for later

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