disasterousduo - Dangerous and Disastrous
Dangerous and Disastrous

Hello and come in. If you dare! My drawings and drawings of my AUs and OCS will be here. If you have questions about one of them, let me know or if you want to chat or show me some fanart, that's ok to.AO3 account- DisasterDuo

840 posts

Explaining Something

Explaining something

I’m the BloodSun au, the room he was talking about was the ones they had in the daycare.

In Happy Apocalyptic au, it’s the first house they had at the VERY beginning. (The Minecraft one, im going to add more to it though.)

just to make that more clear

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    ninaaxolotl liked this · 8 months ago
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More Posts from Disasterousduo

8 months ago

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8 months ago

Guys, I think I might like jesters

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8 months ago

NOT THE STICK!! (The Sun and Moon Show Fan-Animatic)

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8 months ago

Ch. 2 The New Sun

Moon’s view

As I leave the daycare, Vanny decides to start talking to me, ‘So… glad he’s gone, now you won’t get distracted with your miss-‘


As I continue to argue with Vanny in my head, I bump into someone, when I look slightly up, I see it’s Monty.

“Moon! Buddy! So… how are you? I’m g-“

“What do you want?!” I growl out.

“Sheesh, you don’t have to be that rude.” Me and Vanny roll our eyes, “Anyways, I have a new business idea, ya interested?”

“No, I’m busy.”

“With what? That dumbass brother of yo-“

“SHUT UP!” I could feel the killcode take over slightly, with the help of Vanny.

“Ok! Ok… speaking of the du- champ, where is he? I have something for him.”

“You mean scam him?” I ask, with slight venom, in my voice.

“I mean… not really… ok ya… sooooooo, can I see him or?”

“No! I mean… he’s busy..”

‘Smooth.’ She replies sarcastically.

“Shut up.” I mutter.


“Uhh.. nothing.” and with that, I leave Monty to himself.

I continue to walk, until I’m in the lobby of the pizzeria.

‘What’s that?’ Vanny asks.

“What’s what?” I ask, looking around.

“THAT!” As she slightly controls me, she moves me closer to this… blue glowing… portal?

“What is that?”

‘A portal you idiot.’

“I know, but why is it here?”

‘Idk! Why are you asking me?!’

“……. Ima get closer.”

As I walk closer, I can hear Vanny yell things like, ‘THATS A FUCKING STUPID IDEA’ ‘Moon!’ ‘Are you even listening?!’ Then she basically just gave up as I continue to walk towards the portal.

‘Fine, whatever! Go in there and possibly die for all I care! Your brother will be a better vessel for him anyways then you….’

“What did you just s-?!”

‘Fuck! Uhhhhhh…….’ I got interrupted when, somehow, she pushed me into the portal.

“VANNY YOU BITCH!” I yell as the portal sucks me in.

When I get dropped out, the portal disappears, and I can see, I’m back in the daycare.

“I’m back in the FUCKING building again?! My god!”

Sunny’s view

“Thank you for all your help Moon.”

“No problem, now, I have to get going, my Sun is probably worried sick about me.”

As he goes to leave, I ask, “Umm, would it be ok if I came with you? I have nothing left here.”

He turns around and looks at me, pity, just like her… mom Vanessa… Pity, that’s all people look at me with! I’m not something to pity!

I snap out of my thoughts as I hear him talk, “I think one Sun is enough, I don’t think I could handle two.” He jokes, but… I hear some seriousness in his voice… “I’ll visit though.”

My heart breaks, but it’s nothing new.

I then hear him whisper to himself as he gets into the ball pit portal, “I feel bad for him.”

My heart hurts more, “I’m not a boy…” I mutter as I mess with the computers by the security desk.

The computers started working properly again, but after an hour, one started having sparks come out of it, and exploded, then the rest. One by one, the computers were gone.

Moon was gone.

I would get dismantled…

Tears started to come down my eye.

“I’m back in the FUCKING building again?! My god!”

I perk up slightly, was Moon back? What if it’s not him… what if it’s the security guards? I don’t want to die…

“Who’s there?!” I yell, hoping my voice sounded threatening, getting all of the tears out of my eyes.

Moon’s view

I hear someone yell… wait.

It sounded like…


I went to yell out something, but remembered……. Sun’s dead…

I go to hide behind one of the play structures, and look slightly over, and there I see… Sun, but, he looks different… more… cartoony looking, with ankles and feet that look like a Moon’s…..


I can feel the killcode try to break free, but I do nothing as I continue to panic, I feel tears come down my eyes.


I then feel someone grab my hands and take then away from… oh… was I clawing at my neck again…?

I look up and see……………

Sunny’s view

“Are you ok?” I ask worried, I look him up and down.

He looked like Moon, but I could tell this wasn’t him, Moon did talk a lot about dimension traveling… maybe this guy did that? The poor guy looked scared and confused.

I felt him put one of his hands on my face, all the while muttering, “This isn’t real… your not real…”

“I’m sorry to say, this is real.” I responded softly.

Immediately after that, he hugs me, which was… unexpected, but I… I liked it. I hug him back. We stayed like that for awhile, until he lets go slightly let’s go.

“If you’re fine with it, could you answer some questions?”

“Sure…” he says quietly and softly.

Moon Moonrise’s view

“What’s your name?”

“Moon-“ I was going to answer just Moon, but… I wanted a fresh start, to be someone completely new, so I answered with the first thing that came to mind, “rise. Moonrise.”

“Nice to meet you! I’m Sunny. Next question, what gender are you? I don’t want to assume you’re a guy. I’m female.”

Female? But Sun’s a- this isn’t my Sun….


“Um, could you tell me what happened to make you freak out like that? You don’t have to!”

I… I don’t want to, but maybe he- she could help me.

So, I tell him everything, well… not about the killcode, Vanny, or Glitchtrap.

I can see his her face looks sad and worried for me.

“I’m so sorry.”

I chuckle, “It’s not your fault.”

She was about to answer, but then started to yawn. She checks her battery, it shows %10 battery.

She again, was going to say something, but got interrupted by me picking her up, without any effort, and takes her to a charging station. When I put her down, I see she’s already asleep. I charge her myself, then charge myself.

As I cling to her, I mutter, “I couldn’t protect my Sun, but I’ll make sure I protect you, even if I have kill other people to do so.”


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