Hello and come in. If you dare! My drawings and drawings of my AUs and OCS will be here. If you have questions about one of them, let me know or if you want to chat or show me some fanart, that's ok to.AO3 account- DisasterDuo
840 posts
Moon With No SunCh. 1 Broken
Moon with No Sun Ch. 1 Broken
Moon’s view
I was in pain… so much pain…
I went inside the daycare, where Sun was cleaning.
He saw.
He saw it all.
The oil coming out of my left eye and my left arm. Both were missing. My pants were ripped here and there; I looked ruined.
Sun immediately rushes to my side and asks, “What happened??” He asks, a worried look on his face.
Sunny’s view
I had been cleaning up the daycare after the children and was going to set up a game me and my brother could play for our YouTube channel. When my brother came into the daycare, it was an oily mess.
“What happened??” I ask, worried for my brother.
“Nothing..” He responds, looking into the distance.
“Moon! This is not nothing!” I respond a little too loudly.
He flinches.
I stare at him before sighing, "Look, Moon. I didn’t mean to yell; I’m just worried about you. You know I love you and just want the best for you, right?” I hesitantly go to touch him, and he leans in.
“I know…. It was just a fight… I swear.”
“If you don’t want to talk about it, that’s fine.” I sigh as I continue, “Let me help you get fixed-“
“I tried… I went to parts and services, and they couldn’t find the parts, even said that they couldn’t buy more… I can’t be fixed." Moon interrupts me.
"Well, then you could always-“
“I am not taking about your parts, Sun! You’re my brother, and I’m not going to let you get ruined because of a dumb mistake I made.” He interrupts me again.
“Ok… have you charged recently?" I ask, changing the subject.
Moon checks his battery. “Fuck… 1%……” and with that, he falls onto me.
“I’m sorry, Moon… It’s the only way.” I say as I look down at him, tears in my eyes.
Moon’s view
I checked my battery... only 1% left…
“Fuck… 1%……” And with that, I blacked out.
At some point, I woke up again.
I look around, trying to remember what happened, I put my hand on my head… It was killing me…… wait….. I….. I felt something on my head that wasn’t there moments before… It felt like….
Sun’s…. Rays….
I look around for Sun…….
And there I see… Sun…. Lying on the floor… left eye, arm missing, and rays… missing, oil spilling out of where they once were. Pants were ripped up, and it looked like he’d been like that for a while… an hour at most… maybe more…

I went to touch him, and there I saw.
My arm……………
It was his………
It couldn’t be…
No no no no nononoNoNoNoNoNoNo No No no no no nononoNoNoNoNoNoNo No NoNONONo No no no no No no no no nononoNoNoNoNoNoNo No NoNONO No no no no nononoNoNoNoNoNoNo No NoNONO nononoNoNoNoNoNoNo No NoNONO NONONONONONONONONONONON!!!!
I felt oil go down my neck… I realized I had been clawing at it.
I ripped more of Sun’s pants as a bandage for my neck, then left the daycare.
I would never come back here; I would live life anew somewhere else… wherever life took me.
(Yes, I know I used the same background as ch 1 of July 16th, I was to lazy to make a new background, so I used @crumpet-doodles’s background they made me for July 16 ch.1)
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3/7… nice 😎
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If you havent done one of these. I consider doing it
Seems like whatever alternative version of Sun is, he would never get out of the title:"Father".
(Amanda, jack, KC, ... Now baby dragon and Neptor)
And isn't it sad and ironic when even this version of Sun said He isn't like Eclipse, yet, he still built for himself a robot just like How Eclipse did it with Lunar?
Like if Lunar is the version of Sun that Eclipse's loneliness wants (optimistic, childish, naive, easily to use) , then Neptor is the version of Moon that a part of Dark Sun tends to like. (Asking a lot of questions, curious, want to have fun with friends, comply...)
Something I just realised is that Moon and the variant of Moon get so easily to change their identity. Their egoism seems to hate themselves a lot and is willing to strip it out in order to suit everyone else's opinions.
So self absorbed.
(Eclipse, Ruin is not choosing the name themselves. Everyone calls them that one day and they just pick it up. Solar feels dirty by his name and doesn't want him and the other to feel uncomfortable when they call him. Nexus doesn't want to title himself with the Old Moon and in his cringe phase, as a good old classic Moon method, instead of forgetting everything and running away, he chooses to be a new himself.)
But Dark Sun, he is just a Sun. Some piece of himself is still there, just hidden very carefully under a ton of layers.
He still has the same manners, speaks in a soft tone when he doesn't agree to something or feels sad or upset about it.
He is still a loser who likes fantasy and dragons, and he seems happy to share his interests with others, just like how Sun loves (some very rare time) to ramble his opinions to Moon.
He is still stuttering when he is surprised.
He is still treating people like he is their caretaker, and upset when Nexus talks down about his family.