djsherriff - *insert cool and epic qoute here*
*insert cool and epic qoute here*

Animation student graduate and full time doodler   Birthday: 7th of April 1997 I don’t support NFTs, all NFTs created with my art are copyright infringements

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4 years ago
Since Everyone And Their Dog Is Doing This , I Figured I Get On The Bandwagon While I Can And Redesign
Since Everyone And Their Dog Is Doing This , I Figured I Get On The Bandwagon While I Can And Redesign
Since Everyone And Their Dog Is Doing This , I Figured I Get On The Bandwagon While I Can And Redesign
Since Everyone And Their Dog Is Doing This , I Figured I Get On The Bandwagon While I Can And Redesign

Since everyone and their dog is doing this , I figured I get on the bandwagon while I can and redesign the train wrecks that are Snowflake and Safespace, now remade into Sword and Shield (real original I know) I got ideas for the others too but for now I’m gonna focus on the twins.

Very tempted to make them into my own characters 

Rewritten bio and artist comments down below 

(I’ll be using Xry/Xe pronouns for Snowflake/Sword cause it’s easier to differentiate between the singular and plural of “they” while still keeping Sword’s non binary identity intact, but if this is disrespectful please feel free to inform me)

A pair of twins who developed their powers as young children , these two only had each other to be their true selves as they hide from the world in fear of how others would react to their growing mutant abilities.

But after a neighbour catches Sword making a shurikens in the backyard, the twins are kidnapped and experimenting on. After one failed test caused their minds to become psychically linked, the two forged a plan and escaped their kidnappers. All their deepest ,most personal thoughts and secrets were exposed to each other and since than the twins’ relationship has became strained as they been on the run since, hoping to reunite with their family and help others on the way as they use for powers to be heroes in the new warriors team.


The twin brother of sword and the team’s brawn , though don’t think his got no brains as his the most mature of his friends , as that comes to him naturally as the older brother. Despite his large size and intimidating strength in sports, Shield is rather soft spoken and avoids conflict when he can , fitting that his powers are defence only, he likes spending his time watching cat videos and memes about animal puns.

His extreme over protectiveness and tendency to be cold towards strangers makes his more socially open twin frustrated with him, especially since their minds have become psychically connected, though this new development isn’t easy for Shield to deal with as his attempts to keep his sibling close just seems to be pushing xem further away.

As mentioned , Shield’s power is for the most part purely defence as he can create shields for himself and others made of pure energy that materialises as bubbles and , well, shields of different kinds. The bubbles can be moved from both the inside and outside and can even be used to bounce out of areas. (Kinda like the bubble shield from Steven Universe) while he uses smaller shields, he can use these in a more offence style by defending himself as he shoves into enemies or bounces enemies away from him, as his a jock his skills in sports goes naturally to him as he combines the two in combat.


The twin sibling of shield and the teams token ninja fan, Sword lacks the common sense to wield th xyrs powers with any grace or dignity and is usually the one who gets xyrs friends dragged into chaos. Sword is loud and unpredictable, xyr offence only powers only encourages xyr reckless behaviour as xe much rather copy from anime and stream horribly done stunts than to actually train and practice his skills.

Ever since their minds have become psychically linked , Sword has felt like xyrs privacy and personal freedom has been stolen from xem, Sword purposely tries to be with other people to avoid Shield’s own clinginess and to find new connections to make.

Much similar to xyrs twin , Sword can create items made of pure energy but they materialises as bladed weapons , such as their favourite the shurikens. Xyrs is much more faster and flexible as they best suited to running across the battle flied throwing whatever they can at the enemy , while fast this makes xe an easy target.

Some personal notes:

The major difference between my redesign and the original is that I decided to completely throw away the ice powers that Sword/Snowflake had , as it was obviously made for the awful name “Snowflake” rather than anything else to do with the character, as well as there being a dozen other ice themed heroes in comics in general.

So going off on how Shield’s original design as Safespace was how he was a purely defensive hero, I decided I play into the idea that the twins powers worked better when they worked as a duo rather than on their own and so I decided that Sword would be a purely offensive fighter in contrast.

Going off with the twins being contrasting foals and complementary opposites, I decided that they should be as different as twins can get while still looking like a pair of siblings. So shield is a big guy who does American football regularly while Sword is basically a stick who lives off of roman pot noodles, it’s a mystery how xe can run for miles if I honest.

So with Shield, his a big brother and gentle giant type character where he could crush a man’s skull if he really wanted to , but he would never want to do such a thing as he would rather keep a kitten safe. Shield is generally very over protective of anyone he considers family and while he avoids conflict, his very much an introvert and hates crowds , often shielding himself from social interaction as he would shield his loved ones from getting hurt. His biggest character flaw would be that he can be clingy and stubborn, and would have to learn to be more open to new ideas and new people and get out of his own safe space when he really needs to.

The biggest character inspiration for his redesign are Clay Bailey from Xiaolin Showdown and Hunk from Voltron in personality and body shape, while his style is obviously taken from American Footballers.

Sword is Shield’s opposite , as the younger twin xyrs is much more open to new things as his pretty much a ball of untamed energy.  Sword could be a very dangerous character with his ability to create weapons out of thin air, but due to laziness to actually work xe is very unskilled in both his mutant powers and his use of those weapons, this is a major reason why xe has more scars and bandages as xe is much more accident prone than Shield. Since shurikens seemed to be a huge part of Snowflakes powers , I decided that Sword would be a massive weeb and be very much into the geek culture of anime while not really getting anything besides what’s on the surface (as much as any of us were when we were teenagers lol) to further contrast xyrs brother who’s more into sports as a jock. Sword’s biggest character flaw would be xry don’t think things through when doing whatever xe want to do , and that xe would have to learn to consider the feelings of others, in that not everyone gets offended by the same things and people who are seemingly “over sensitive” aren’t snowflakes.

I’d also imagine that being non-binary ,  Sword being psychically linked to xry twin brother puts a strain on the relationships as Sword was robbed of coming out on xrys own terms ( Shield supports Sword , but that doesn’t make it any easier that Sword was basically been forced out the closet when the mind link happened )

Biggest character inspiration for the character redesign is Naruto , Boruto’s dad, and Leo and Mikey from the rise of the teenage ninja turtles, xyrs is a shameless weeaboo and it shows in xrys awful ninja wannabe costume.

I hope you enjoy my own takes on the characters but feel free to criticise if I overstepped my boundaries or whatever.

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4 years ago
A Messy And Quick Doodle Of A Mouse Character Of Mine , Her Name Is Miley #characterdesign #furry #furryoc

A messy and quick doodle of a mouse character of mine , her name is Miley #characterdesign #furry #furryoc #mouse #messysketches

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5 years ago
New Icon #mushroom #digitalpainting #digitalart #digitalillustration #magicmushrooms Https://

New icon #mushroom #digitalpainting #digitalart #digitalillustration #magicmushrooms

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4 years ago
Heres Redesigns Of The Other 3 New Warriors , More In Depth Comments Under Cut
Heres Redesigns Of The Other 3 New Warriors , More In Depth Comments Under Cut
Heres Redesigns Of The Other 3 New Warriors , More In Depth Comments Under Cut
Heres Redesigns Of The Other 3 New Warriors , More In Depth Comments Under Cut
Heres Redesigns Of The Other 3 New Warriors , More In Depth Comments Under Cut
Heres Redesigns Of The Other 3 New Warriors , More In Depth Comments Under Cut

Here’s redesigns of the other 3 new warriors , more in depth comments under cut 

B-negative is now Blood Saint!

When he was born ,instead of being a bundle of life ready to take on the world, he suffered from extreme blood due to complications from the labour, meaning he had to have a blood transfusion.

Though unaware at the time, doctors actually used the blood of a vampire to save his life, causing him to become a living vampire of sorts. (So yes he can still age)

It’s his life long mission to learn who his mysterious blood donor is and master his dark powers, but it would be much easier his parent stopped bugging him about him wearing 4 layers of leather in the summer and his loud music. “augh , my parents are the REAL blood suckers around here”

You’re probably curious why he would go by “blood saint” , well besides sounding cool, it’s also a bit of irony for him.

See , unlike other vampires Saint can actually heal people when he bites them rather than turn them, which also works cause he actually can’t stand the taste of human blood (no matter how much he loves to push the brooding vampire aesthetic), he eats foods like any other kid his age, though his diet consists of more meat than the average teenager.

Besides that , he has the standard vampire traits like turning into a bat, weak in sunlight , can’t stand garlic , you know like the classics!

Artist comment:

Since Marvel has a bunch of other vampires they rarely use, I rewrote his backstory a bit so he wasn’t tied to a well known superhero , as well as have a chance to have more original vampire characters in the marvel universe.

The only thing I really pushed design wise was tone down the red/pink and use it more sparingly throughout to make it pop more (hence his hair colour being changed), as well as add a few more punk aesthetics to it such as spikes.

I imagined that his your standard punk teen who trying way too hard to rebel against everyone and everything besides what he personally likes, you know the “its not a PHASE mom” kinda teenager. I thought it be hilarious if besides the vampire thing he has going , his got the most normal home life outta everyone on the team and thus the most “boring”. Yes he totally makes up ridiculously tragic backstories for himself when meeting strangers , his a complete drama queen and is definitely a theatre kid.

Speaking of hilarious, I also made him the team’s medic with his healing bite, cause I also thought that was funny and also a great opportunity for both good comedy and some good character development for him.

His greatest character flaw is his tendency to overdramatise EVERYTHING and he needs to learn that sometimes , life is that simple and that’s not a bad thing.

Trailblazer is now Void Caster

Void Caster is a young teeenager from a family who regularly travels through the universe to explore the wonders and to gain a living , though her mother decided she needed to stop having her head up in the stars so much and return to Earth- literally.

She comes from a long line of space witches : witches ...... but in space! The deeper history is that her ancestors were witches who came into contact with aliens and decided to use their magic to explore beyond the world of earth , which lead to a brand of magic that’s more “sci-fi “ aesthetic than its earth counterpart.

Thanks to a life full of space adventures, Void Caster is what most people would describe as “quirky” as she very new to a lot of concepts on earth , like selfies! She always has a smile on her face and a sparkle in her eyes, though those sparkles can be seem almost forced sometimes. But she generally curious to the world around her and always open to learning new concepts!

You wouldn’t think it , but Void Caster’s seemingly mundane mother has a lot more in common with her daughter than either of the two release, though what remains a mystery.

Void Caster main ability is to create worm holes to transport to one place to the other, which is the main form of transportation for the whole team, she is also capable of making items shrink and grow whatever size she wants and effect gravity of those said items. The limits of her powers though is that she can only effect the size of an object as long as she can see it without straining (so she can’t turn people into the size of an atom or make someone be big enough to sit on the sun) she also struggles to change her own size (she’s very self conscious of it) her portal powers also have a similar size limit (she can’t make a planet size portal but making one a size of a tank would be possible, but straining for her)

Artist comments:

So with Trailblazer’s redesign I could’ve went with one of two options:

Make her a Native American and very likely make her a stereotype due to my lack of knowledge on the culture.


An obvious Dora the Explorer knock off

I went with making her an obvious Dora the Explorer knock off , with a bit of a sci- fi twist to her. Her hair being a short bob is an obvious nod to Dora, as well as sticking with a pink and purple colour scheme which was also a way of ditching the all neon palette she originally had.

While she still has pockets , I completely ditched the bag all together and instead made it so she had space themed powers instead. I went with the weird idea of “witches but from space” since I didn’t want her to be a mutant as there were already 3 mutants on my redesign of the team, but adding onto the weirdness I also made it so her style was more “quirky” in comparison to her teammates , as well as stand out as the leader of her team.

I like to think that she’s a very outgoing girl but doesn’t grasp social ques all that well and usually ends up feeling like an annoyance to people when she tries to connect with others, though she also struggles with her more negative feelings and tries bottling them down to avoid bothering people , only for those feelings to explode at the most inconvenient time.

So naturally her biggest character flaw would be that she tries too hard to please people and fit in and that she’ll have to learn that she can find friends without sacrificing her own quirks, and that expression negative emotions isn’t a burden to anyone.

Screen time is the worst so I made him Brain scan

With the others I made in depth backstories and such for them as well as some notes on their rewritten character.

But here I didn’t, I honestly hate screen time , his the worst character outta everybody if you ask me and the first I would throw off a cliff if given the chance.

This is less of a redesign and just me making up a straight up oc here cause what the hell is “internet gas”???

Soooo uh, Screen time is now brain scan.

His an autistic kid who spends most of his time online cause his power of telepathy makes it extremely difficult to be around people. He learns to control his peers and socialise more

I’m sorry , that’s literally all I could do here.

(If I do turn these redesigns into my own ocs, I would 110% make “him” a “she” ;) )

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