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Life is not a Foreign Country, Infinite and Quiet

38 posts

Reminds Me Of That Lovely Golden Eyes Sticky As Honey Artwork You Made

reminds me of that lovely Golden eyes sticky as honey artwork you made

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9 years ago

Iā€™m not sure if this is the case, but Iā€™m afraid serchumfuggler may have confused quarter tones (which are notes located between 2 semitones, thus not playable on a standard piano) with quarter notes, which refers to the duration of the notes within a given meter signature. As most (if not all) of Sgapā€™s songs use a standard 4/4 signature, itā€™s not that surprising to find quarter notes used in them. Meanwhile, quarter tones are a much more interesting thing to notice as they are much morre rarely used in music.

serchumfuggler submitted:

SGaP does indeed use quarter tones very extensively; you can hear them in basically every single one of his songs. two examples would be in the beginning of Dashy / Hearthā€™s Warming Eve, or halfway through Night Glider, at 1:20-ish. now that iā€™m listening closely for them, i find that theyā€™re in, quite literally, nearly every single song of his at one point or another.

in general, SGaP just loves going ā€˜off the beatā€™, away from his 4:4 time signature (a 1-2-3-4 beat), to create his songs. if you listen very closely to nearly any of his songs, and count in a 1-2-3-4 rhythm, youā€™ll notice that, although almost nothing seems to match up to the beat, on every 4th beat, a chord ends and another begins, or the percussion plays, or something else changes.

even in places where his songs cut out briefly, or seem to change entirely, the beat usually holds true. for example, at the beginning E40, count a beat every single time the guitar is strummed. when the song drastically changes at around 0:40, youā€™ll find that the beat still holds true, and that notes are indeed played on them, and that when the song ā€˜resumes,ā€™ it will do so after a 4th note in this 1-2-3-4 beat.

although, he isnā€™t necessarily held back by the 1-2-3-4 beat, either, as iā€™ve noticed. later in E40, where he sings 'where has older sister gone?ā€™ youā€™ll find that it no longer holds up. itā€™s still there, but itā€™s gone slightly faster, and itā€™s much harder to find, because of the lack of hints; the only clue is when one 'burstā€™ of strumming ends, thatā€™s the fourth note in the beat.

i could give more examples if needed, but thatā€™s the gist of it, and itā€™s part of what makes his songs so wonderful and lively to listen to.

Many thanks for this thorough explanation! Especially with such detailed examples. This has really helped me to understand his music a little better, including why it seems so unique, and I think itā€™s a help to plenty of others, too

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9 years ago

Just a little correction for On My Own: as seen in the video, itā€™s ā€œEveryone, everyflock, everyponyā€ during the ā€œchorusā€.

Del submitted:

Hey, I noticed youā€™ve made some lyrics transcripts of The Standard Model, Iā€™d like to share what Iā€™ve made way back in 2012. Here are On My Own lyrics and A Beautiful Heart Iā€™ve taken a different approach to them, but feel free to modify it to your liking. Have fun!

Oh wow, thanks! I admit the idea of trying to transcribe some of the more heavily spliced SGaP tracks has daunted me, but itā€™s great to see you took up the challenge!

Just for posterity, Iā€™ve copied these into some google docs, which Iā€™ll provide links to here: Lyrics: On My Own Lyrics: A Beautiful Heart

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8 years ago

Canā€™t wait for part 2!!! ...thereā€™s gonna be a part 2 right?? Right???? ;_;

Holographic Rainbow Part 1: Can The World Really Be As Kind As It Is Twisted Up?
Holographic Rainbow Part 1: Can The World Really Be As Kind As It Is Twisted Up?
Holographic Rainbow Part 1: Can The World Really Be As Kind As It Is Twisted Up?
Holographic Rainbow Part 1: Can The World Really Be As Kind As It Is Twisted Up?
Holographic Rainbow Part 1: Can The World Really Be As Kind As It Is Twisted Up?

holographic rainbow part 1: ā€œcan the world really be as kind as it is twisted up?ā€

art & story by me // inked with lots of help from @ivyatomsā€‹

[read the first half of the comic here]

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9 years ago

GUH I still have to see both pocahontas AND hercules curse me and my lazyness

Totally 40


I Wonā€™t Say Iā€™m In LoveFarewellThe Beast Lets Belle GoTransformationIf I Never Knew YouI honestly canā€™t pick one, theyā€™re always, ALWAYS on repeat.

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9 years ago

Cute, over excited tags from those who reblog my drawings make my day (((o(*ļ¾Ÿā–½ļ¾Ÿ*)o)))

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