Hello! I post some of my illustrations and general creative work here.
69 posts
A One Hour Nude Drawing From School, Im Very Happy With It -v-The Model Gave Permission To Post Art Of

A one hour nude drawing from school, I’m very happy with it -v- The model gave permission to post art of her on social media so no foul here. For reference the head is about as big as a splayed out hand.
iamtade liked this · 7 years ago
karolinacerise liked this · 7 years ago
More Posts from Doodlerbird
I'm doing the same thing. Mostly because I got a mega size tea mug for christmas, it takes like half an hour to drain so no time for candy.
the past few days I’ve been filling the need to get a snack by making tea instead and it’s being pretty effective I think

I relaxed from application work with some inking and aquarelle. The anatomy is almost completely imaginary on purpose, just some stuff thrown together.
The brush I used was really small and nice but pretty bristly. Wierd that it didn’t mess everything up.

There, proper profile in place.
I’ll post stuff other than birds soon.. maybe.

Thought I’d practice some illustration by drawing the most hopeless main character I’ve ever read about(and my favourite), Arthur Dent. He does a fair amount of falling in the books and is generally unable to comprehend his reality, so this felt like the right way to portray him
The lines are converted straight from my paper drawing and the colours quickly added, so as to not overthink anything. I like how it still looks kinda sketchy.

The directions for this week’s nude drawing was to use blue, red, yellow, and black water colours for starters.. and then we were told to chop off the limbs and head of the drawing. A bit odd but it was so we could spend more time on the main body.
There’s the shadow of a ghost arm on there, wich I think looks pretty nice. The little wormy up top is a braid that I felt like including because it seemed like fun. Of course the model gave consent to post this on social media, she was really supportive about it :)