To Be Honest I Want Love Victor To Be Canceled The Fandom Is So Fucking Toxic I Do Not Join Fandoms That
to be honest i want love victor to be canceled the fandom is so fucking toxic i do not join fandoms that are toxic so i won’t be talking about this show until we know we’re getting a season 3 and see what happens with victor and benji or benji and rahim but it’s the fandom i hate the most people hating and being unrespectful to each other no thanks i rather not join a fandom that is toxic
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okay it looks like the negativity has died down so i’m back i now it was a short break and i announced it yesterday but i’m good now:) anyways a andi mack summer movie would be nice too see yes i still want a andi mack reboot but a movie would be cool too
so i’m really happy that peyton and emily reunited now i want all of the andi mack cast to reunite please🙏🏻
really proud of joshua bassett for coming out and being honest about his sexuality i know a lot of people don’t like him but just because you don’t like someone doesn’t mean it’s okay to be disrespectful of their sexuality he also had a almost near death experience that’s why he was in the hospital that time after releasing his song so if you don’t like him instead spreading hate towards him to cause him stress because i have no idea how his health is right now but he can see alot of the hate and it might be too stressful on his health idk but instead if you don’t like someone don’t talk about them and ignore them i don’t get why people love to talk about celebrities or anyone they hate in general if you hate them then stop talking about them it’s so easy not too anyways again if you don’t like joshua bassett i don’t care you don’t have to like him but don’t be disrespectful and and be hateful towards his sexuality
i know i said this before but now we need luke and josh to star in high school musical
i wonder if josh misses playing cyrus luke playing tj peyton playing andi and sofia playing buffy i’m sure they all do which sucks that we never got another season so they could play them again but that doesn’t mean anything though i know josh is more in the politics thing and not really acting he hasn’t acted in a show or movie in a while i don’t think. luke is still kinda acting still hoping he will be in the american horror stories show peyton and sofia are still acting but what i’m saying is now recently old tv shows are getting reboots so maybe hopefully one day we will get a andi mack reboot now will josh luke peyton sofia agree to be in the reboot and play their characters again? idk i can’t speak for them and say yes but i don’t see why not i mean josh said before that if andi mack had a reboot or a spinoff he would join it in a heartbeat peyton has talked about joining a andi mack reboot or a spinoff if it would to happened luke liked post of fans saying they want a andi mack reboot and him to join it sofia don’t really talk about the show anymore or the cast but idk i know she still friends with asher and luke but i haven’t seen her interact with josh or peyton and if a andi mack reboot would to happen and sofia doesn’t want to join it either another actress has to play buffy or buffy won’t be in the reboot and that’s kinda will be disappointing because if buffy is in it but sofia can’t play her and a different actress will i don’t know how i will feel about that no one can’t play buffy as good as sofia it wouldn’t be the same but i do have faith that peyton josh and luke will portray their characters again idk i mean i’m not gonna say a andi mack reboot will happen one day but i’m hoping it will 😊🤞