Sofia And Garren Arent Even Friends Anymore I Dont Think So If You Want To Say That Muffy Is No Longer
sofia and garren aren’t even friends anymore i don’t think so if you want to say that muffy is no longer together then that’s fine but don’t say that tyrus is no longer together josh and luke are still friends and they are still the biggest tyrus shipper to this day and still like tyrus related stuff on social media sofia and garren don’t do that anymore with muffy so if you want to say a andi mack fictional couple broke up go ahead and say muffy but the andi mack fictional couples that are still together is tyrus bexie aka bex and bowie and ambi yes ambi is still a thing and a ship😊
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luke mullen and joshua rush are still the biggest tyrus shippers to this day they never said that tj and cyrus aren’t together anymore stop whoever saying tyrus broke up it’s not true luke and josh still like tyrus content like tyrus art or edits if you don’t want to agree and say that tyrus is no longer together then that is your opinion but if the actors still like tyrus content in 2021 and they are still the biggest tyrus shippers in 2021 so tyrus are still together in 2021 and that is facts i don’t care no one can’t prove me wrong and say tyrus is no longer together they are have your own opinions but i’m right sorry
okay i get that you are trying to protect your favs yes i’m referring to olivia rodrigo and her boyfriend adam faze yes olivia is 18 and adam is 24 and y’all don’t like that calling out their relationship and tell people who try to defend their relationship not too and say you don’t care if she is happy she shouldn’t be dating a 24 year old but olivia can choose who she wants to date if she is happy that what is matters if she into him that what matters if she not bothered by the age differences then that’s valid i don’t think she wants her fans or anyone trying to protect her did she give you permission too? if she didn’t then stop trying to protect her she 18 she not a minor she not a child you can’t control her life and say who she should or shouldn’t date she can make her own decisions but go ahead and protect her just letting you know your hateful opinions about her relationship isn’t gonna matter to olivia it will only matter to you
andi mack ended 2 years ago😢
if anyone still ships muffy then that’s fine juffy or muffy doesn’t matter muffy is still cute all what i was saying is i think ships are better when the actors are still friends in real life when sofia and garren we’re friends they posted and liked a lot of muffy content but i don’t think her and garren interact anymore and they don’t like muffy content anymore but josh and luke are still friends and still like tyrus content to this day they are still the biggest tyrus shippers that’s why i’m still shipping tyrus and all and josh and luke still do also but i’m not being rude or disrespectful towards muffy if you still ship them then continue too but when asher and sofia had scenes together on hsmts people were getting jonah and buffy flashbacks and people were kinda shipping juffy again and i was just agreeing that it wasn’t a bad ship but ship whoever you want i’m not one of those people who are disrespectful and rude towards others who has a different ship then me i think ship wars is toxic and stupid if you don’t agree that they ship whoever they ship and you don’t ship them that’s your opinion but don’t be rude to them about it but juffy and muffy are cute ships i can say i ship both:)