drarryshipperr - DrarryShipper🥰

she/her slytherin obsessed with harry potter and drarry

731 posts

I Cant Believe People Are Still Debating On Percy Jackson Is Better Then Harry Potter Or Harry Potter

i can’t believe people are still debating on percy jackson is better then harry potter or harry potter is still better then percy jackson let that shit go please it’s fucking annoying and unnecessary

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2 years ago

i don’t know if I have any followers who hate tom felton but if I do please unfollow me right now if you do love tom then good but I’m going say is tom felton haters are disgusting this person either went to the store and saw tom book with slytherin/harry potter stuff next to it or they got this photo from someone or screenshot this photo and posted on their Twitter account saying just threw up a little because this person don’t like tom like why can’t y’all just stop talking about people you hate I do I don’t go and talk about and post my hatred about people I hate i just ignore and keep my mouth shut so ignore and keep your mouth shut about tom if you gonna say something hateful about him I also learned that hate is just jealousy haters are jealous hate and jealous are the same thing so people who hate tom are probably just jealous because he’s better than them cooler then them more successful then then he also more attractive and hotter then them because haters are also ugly like i don’t care if you have a attractive face or body your personality is ugly also let me tell y’all something else about tom he is the most sweetest kindest and the most genuine person ever he cares and loves people he cares and loves his fans he takes time and takes pictures with them when he did that ghost play he did i bet and know he was exhausted afterwards but he still made time and greet his fans and took pics with them what other celebrity does that? most celebrities are rude and rude to their fans when they want a pic or autograph i’m not saying all celebrities are like that but most can be but not not tom even if tom is really tired he never is rude to anyone who asked for pics or his autograph i know tom don’t give a shit about his haters but even though he doesn’t i will defend him no matter what if i see any hate post about him i will always defend him and i hope you tom fans or people who love tom will do the same and with other people you love also so again if you hate tom felton unfollow me i know people follow me because i’m a drarry/harry potter fan account i don’t talk about tom or any harry potter actor on here as much as i do with drarry and harry potter but i’m not one of those drarry and harry potter fan who hates tom so if you want to follow me because of drarry and harry potter go head but i don’t accept people who hate tom so yea bye now and have a goodnight

I Dont Know If I Have Any Followers Who Hate Tom Felton But If I Do Please Unfollow Me Right Now If You

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2 years ago

‘percy jackson would beat harry potter’ this ‘harry would kick percy’s ass’ that y’all are BORING. let’s talk about how harry and percy would bond over being black haired green eyed twinks whose life was fucked up because of a prophecy

2 years ago

draco: potter... potter is it true you fainted? you actually fainted?

ron: shove off malfoy

draco: shut up i'm checking on my boyfriend bby you okay do you want father to sue the train

2 years ago

you know what fuck you you fucking peace of shit you know not only harry potter fans were saddened by his death and posted about it most of robbie costar were affected too like daniel radcliffe emma watson rupert grint bonnie wright james and oliver phelps matthew lewis tom felton they were affected to and posted their tribute to him you gonna hate them for it to or just hate it when you see fans post it either way we’re not the horrible ones for mourning and are saddened by his death you are the disgusting and horrible one for saying this

i simply cant with hp fans talking about robbie coltranes death

the fact that theyre crying over him? i'll manage, they probably dont know that he was problematic

but they be doing that and then being like "i cant believe hagrid died" "rip hagrid", cuz like bro, hagrids alright and alive

though idk if i'll manage with them crying over a transphobic jk rowling supporter

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2 years ago

happy halloween time to watch harry potter👻🎃

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