Let It Go - Tumblr Posts

9 years ago
But The Memories Won't Seem To Let Me Go

But the memories won't seem to let me go

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8 years ago

The Top 6 TheHappySpaceman Moments of 2016

From Eddie Van Halen to Daft Punk, it’s time to count down TheHappySpaceman’s favorite moments of the year!

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10 years ago

"Let It Go" in 25 different languages

These women all have amazing voices, and perform the song so well!

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4 years ago


Just listen to the song

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2 years ago

i can’t believe people are still debating on percy jackson is better then harry potter or harry potter is still better then percy jackson let that shit go please it’s fucking annoying and unnecessary

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10 months ago

The move you're most scared to make is the one that will change everything for you.






- #inspirational #quotes #poetry #minimalistquotes #deepquotes #heartfeltquotes #positivethoughts #letitgo

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9 months ago

Slowly accepting the fact that no matter how deep the bond is, no matter how happy those memories are, the day will come you'll end up taking different paths and move on.

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9 months ago

Take the pen from his hands and write your own ending. He no longer fits in your story.

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1 year ago

“By letting it go it all gets done. The world is won by those who let it go. But when you try and try. The world is beyond the winning.”

—Lao Tzu

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9 months ago

"they will never be them" well yes. every bridgerton season is focused on a different love story for a reason and not every season will resonate for everyone the same. the point is love is different for everyone and no love story is the same. we all connect to a season more than the others for a reason, whether it be our experiences or personalities, etc, but that doesn't make one better than the other. NO LOVE STORY AND ITS PROTAGONISTS WILL BE THE SAME AND WHY WOULD YOU WANT IT TO BE!!

"they Will Never Be Them" Well Yes. Every Bridgerton Season Is Focused On A Different Love Story For

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4 years ago

Sometimes, holding on to something/someone can hurt you more than letting go. Let go, it’s ok, you did your best and it was not enough, it never is...oh how surprising


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9 years ago

I can’t stop laughing halp XD

Ross sings his version of “Let It Go”. Get your kleenex ready, ‘cause this one gets EMOTIONAL!

With Arin screeching in the background!

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6 years ago

i'm getting rid of things that once gave me joy, they deserve make someone else happy.

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7 years ago
Has This Been Done Yet
Has This Been Done Yet

has this been done yet

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5 years ago

Did you know, if someone hands you “you’re not good enough”, you don’t have to take it? You don’t have to carry it with you. Release it.

Samantha Camargo

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5 months ago
There Is Nothing Better Than Disney & Teddy Snuggles!

There is nothing better than Disney & Teddy snuggles!

Oh boy, let me tell you, today I’ve got this song stuck in my fluffy little head, you know the one: Let It Go from Frozen! I’ve been humming it all day, and it’s kind of perfect because it’s making me think about how awesome it is to just be yourself. My buddy Percy, the unicorn with the sparkliest mane ever, and Lilly Leap, the coolest frog around, are jamming out with me. We’re all swaying to the music and feeling the magic of it!

What really gets to me about this song is how it’s all about embracing your own quirks, your own individuality, no matter what anyone else thinks. It reminds me so much of my human, who's got this amazing balance of being both little and submissive. They shine by being exactly who they are, and it’s just wow. I see the same thing in all my friends, too, whether they’re plushies or humans. Every one of us has our own sparkle, our own way of being that just lights up the world in a different way. And isn’t that what makes everything so interesting?

So, tell me, what song makes you feel like the most empowered, unique version of yourself?

Let’s get that playlist going!


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