dreams-everyday - All the time dreams
All the time dreams

ᯓ★I write!!๛ 𓂃 ⌇School Bus Graveyard ◌ My Hero Academia⌇ → I use They/Them pronouns.ᐟ

142 posts

Little Aiden Headcannons

Little Aiden Headcannons

Note that Im not for sure on all the information in this and that you can tell me if I'm wrong!

Also, If you don't like it, don't read it. I feel like I have to say this Incase because of the small fandom 😭 sorryy

Little Aiden Headcannons

Chaotic toddler.

He has enegryyyyy

Only times he is calm is when he's tired or really wore out

Likes climbing on stuff and falls

Keep sharp objects away from him, he will run around with it and try to stab things

He doesn't really have a certain time he does it, since his parents aren't there usually and he has the whole weekend, so mostly during the day, sometimes leading into the night.

Likes to chew on things, so definitely has a chew necklace.

Probably has a smiley face one

Ben definitely keeps one in his bag

Uses them when not little too

Ben is his main caregiver

He found out when they got close, so few months of knowing each other before

Ben knows how to deal with the chaos (or somewhat knows)

Only one that know about the regression before the SBG group

He has many activities to do, just keeping him interested in them is the problem

He does have coloring books, mostly from childhood that he still has from moving

Still likes puzzles, that's the main thing he keeps his focus on

Likes to skateboard and play outside, mostly because there's more to climb on outside, like trees..

Gets hurt a lot

Ben always has a medkit on hand for him, no matter what he has one because of how much Aiden gets hurt.

Doesn't cry or anything, mostly just complains that he has to be careful now and he has to wait

Has scars on his knees from scraping them.

Likes movies but doesn't have an attention span long enough to actually watch them

Action movies are his favorite, but horror is also his favorite

Ben doesn't like horror movies or having Aiden watch them

Has them on as background and will randomly get distracted with a scene and stop whatever he's doing to look at it. But then looks away when he's uninterested again

Watches them when going to sleep, or taking a nap. He falls asleep before it's over because he doesn't have anything to occupy him.

He probably likes Cars

Didn't really have the time to regress when the whole Phantom thing happened

Went at least a month without it, which was fine for him

Ben knew he wasn't regressing and was worried obviously, but he couldn't really do anything about it himself. Ben told Aiden that he was there and would help and Aiden told him that he was fine, and it was probably with all the things going on.

He was getting frustrated about it not happening though, which wasn’t helping, but he was getting more tired during the big tasks that he had to do.

Still kept a smile like always.

The SBG group did find out eventually, but not really on purpose

They were all together, having fun before they all passed out at 12:00

He regressed, and he knew he was, but he thought he could play it off and no one would question it, and he had about two hours before 12:00 and once he was there he would be big again. He also did need too, since he hasn't after Savannah

So when he was, he started being a little demon child, and was messing with Tyler. Ben noticed that he was regressed but didn't say anything without Aiden saying anything first, he was trying to get him to stop so he wouldn't blow his cover but couldn't really..

Ash looked at Ben and asked “Is he an age regresser?” and when Ben froze, (he didn't know what to do) she looked back to Aiden who was fighting with Tyler on the ground.

Logan was the second to realize when he was sitting in his tire playing a game, he got up and went over to Ash and said that he thinks he is, since he also knows about that topic.

The twins didn't know anything about that tho

Anyway, after the Phantom realm they had a talk about it the next day, where Aiden said he was and that Ben was his caregiver. He explained some stuff to them and Ben helped when they asked questions of how to handle him.

They all also explained stuff to the twins about what this whole thing was.

This is how he sees everyone, and some names he calls them:

Ben, En - Caregiver, like a brother

Ash - friend that he likes to try to do stuff with

Tyler, Ty - Brother that he fights with and plays pranks on

Taylor, Tay - Best friend that he likes to do pranks with, play games and hang out

Logan, Lo - Friend that he tries to do stuff with and he plays games with.

Doesn’t have gear, and doesn't need it, he also doesn't need a Caregiver, but is okay having one

He does have stuffed animals tho, mostly from different things and places

I think he regresses due to not having his parents' attention and wanting that. 

I think that's a Trauma Regressor.

 I'm not for sure about that, tell me if anythings wrong or is bad because I haven't went really deep into looking stuff up 

His range is 4-8 or somewhere around there

I'm pretty sure that's also like… a Kid Regressor...?? IDKK SORRYY

Little Aiden Headcannons

Found the divider on Pinterest!!

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More Posts from Dreams-everyday

7 months ago

4 Traits

Warnings: graphic gore, bad cuts, violence (?), fighting, the traits listed below, cleaning wounds without proper knowledge, unsafe cleaning, let me know if I missed anything!

Read on Ao3 :D

4 Traits

4 times Monoma showed his traits..






Today was the day of the sports festival, it had to be good, great. This was the day that he could show how great his class was, not just to the A class but to everybody! He woke up with an excitement, going through his day with a smile, he hadn't even seen Class A yet, he had a feeling that his class were spending their time doing something actually important, like decorating. 

Currently they were setting the flags to go on the side of the building, the multiple colors going well with the cool gray; he picked them out obviously, and was currently telling Pony where to put them, making sure it was perfect. He stared at it for a few seconds before deciding that it was good, before turning around to look at the other side, where Ibara and Jurota were sitting the other string up.

4 Traits

“Wait” he hums, “a little up on the right side, Ibara.” She moves the string up a bit more with her vines before looking back to the self proclaimed class president, looking for clarification. Momoma then nods, “Yeah, that's fine.” The others walk back from the wall and turn off their quirks, intending to help with something else around, since they have quirks that help wonderfully from nature, or as Ibara puts it. “Thank you.” Monoma adds as he turns to walk away, the two smiling and saying ‘You're welcome’ as he walks away.

He walks to the opening of the building and finds Juzo and Tetsutetsu on ladders putting up the lanterns, that Monoma also picked out of course, and they were on the sides of the opening already having put up the one that goes in the middle. He keeps walking and when he gets out in the walk way before the opening, he turns around and puts his hands to his face, tilting his head and says, “Juzo, more to the left,” then after Juzo moves it, “Okay, more down” then that happens two more times before Netio says its fine. 

Juzo gets off the ladder with a ‘Geez’ and Tetsutetsu hears that and says, “You know he doesn't mean anything, He thinks we're great!” with one of his toothy smiles. Yes, the boy knows this, but yes he still thinks he’s a little pushy at things. The metal boy puts his arm around his shoulders, which makes him lean a bit forward, and then directs him to someplace else, leaving the ladders there. 

This keeps happening until the whole set-up is done, and yes his class does get a bit annoyed with it, but it's okay since they love him. Does he still stay up later than usual that night from not knowing it's absolutely perfect for the rest of the days? Yes, and he was still thinking about it the whole day, and kinda stressing about it. But, it's okay because he can fix it tomorrow. Or that's what he tries to tell himself.


He was with Class-A, which by itself was just annoying. He was constantly telling them that they were wrong or that his class was better, in his opinion that was all true. They were testing out their new costumes together, since the teachers thought it would be easier. Did Momoma agree with them? Eh, kinda, he can wrap his head around it. Still didn't make it better that he had to be with Class-A. He could get over it with insults and manic laughter though, even better if it made the other class more attracted to his presence. He likes attention. 

They were doing costume tests by fighting and using their quirks on them, and asking each other whether or not their costumes were fine. It was mostly the more quiet people asking if it looked good on them, Monoma not going to say anything about that, but he will be honest when someone asks. He's not going to lie, they asked, they wanted his opinion. It was his opinion, he knows others don't have to care about his opinion, trust me he knows, so he doesn't have a problem with stating it.

So when he was in a group of people who were trying to test out how their new costumes do against certain quirks, and someone brought Jiro into it, he didn't mind telling them how he thought when she asked. She had asked the group of Class-B students and some Class-A students how they thought her costume looked and everyone mostly responded with positive things, a few with some constructive criticism. He had said, “You look like a ripoff Y2K Roblox character.” with the whole looking the outfit up and down. 

Everyone who had heard him turned to look at him, when he looked up from the outfit, mainly from the boots if you had asked, he just saw everyone's faces looking with pure astonishment of what he just said. He stood up straighter and turned a bit, looking at them. He didn’t think he said anything wrong, It's not like what he said mattered. He looks back to Jiro and sees a kind of hurt in his eyes, one that shouldn't be there, and Jiro knows because why should she care? But it still gets to them. 

“Monoma?” less of a question, more of a demand of an explanation of why he said that, it came from Setsuna, he looked to face her, un-crossing his arms to extend a hand in the air questionably. 

“What?” He really didn't see what he said that made her feel so emotional. “She asked, I told her.” he paused for a second; looking back to Jiro then to Setsuna “I told her my opinion” hes shrugged and then re-crossed his arms and then walked away, feeling the presence that he wasn't wanted there anymore. That's okay, he thought this would be like middle school anyway, maybe it just took longer.

Everyone started comforting Jiro, they weren't crying or anything, but still were telling her that he just had different thoughts. He walked away and went to another building, deciding to sit by himself since he really didn't want to have to confront another person about that. He didn't mean too. He was just telling the truth.


Okay, this time. He took a spin to kick at the punching bag again, this time almost falling. It seemed like he was getting worse at this. No, he was definitely getting worse. He was alone in the gym, since it was already dinner time and even if the UA gym is still open people like to eat. He did eat about an hour ago, so he could sneak off here to do some training on his kicks. He wasn't good at kicking and he knew that, though he didn't really know how to get better by himself he was going to try.

Okay, he can do it. He touched Tetsutetsu on his side before he put his arms up to block him with his own quirk, he could do this. The other that had naturally had the quirk, kicked at his legs. Momoma fumbled but didn't fall, gaining back what advantage he could when Tetsu pushed him back to try and make him fall. They were doing balance training or something like that, where they could see how long they could hold off while defended against each other. They were split into groups and he got put with Tetsutetsu as a sort of place for Kirishima. Tetsu kicked at his leg again, this time catching the back of his knee and pulling him down.. Next time.

Okay, this is easy. He was jumping around pipes and in between buildings, he knew how to do this. Or he thought he knew how to do this. The pipes were slippy and Monoma was not prepared for that. He kept falling, and falling, and falling. He was going to have so many bruises.. It's alright, he's a hero, heroes don't care about bruises. But it does hurt. He's pretty sure he sprained his ankle.. As he tries to jump another big gap, he feels his ankle crack. He falls forward, heading straight for the ground. As a split second decision he tucks and rolls, he does land more softly than he would if he would've just fell, and he's proud of himself for the quick thinking. It still hurts.

Okay, it's nothing. He’s fighting Pony, and he has to constantly dodge all of her horns, and if you didn’t know, it takes a lot of energy to jump around and dodge while trying to get close. Especially when it's the end of the day and he's tired. He only got a few hours of sleep last night since he was up doing english work, and he's so exhausted. You can only put him through so much before he's done, and even if he thinks he isn't done his body is. As the horns are still coming at him, he feels one slice his leg and when he moves toward the right he feels one go by there too. He is panting, and his vision is getting blurry, he's dizzy and his class can tell. He’s falling, oh he's falling.. He hits the ground falling backwards and a little to the right. He might've hit his head on the ground, all he for sure knows is that his vision is black and that Vlad King is calling the fight.


He didn't need help. He never needed help. He was a grown person that could help himself. Even if he had no real knowledge on it… He was fixing where he got cut up earlier. It was pretty bad, it was 5 inches long; but it didn't really have any depth to it. It wouldn't be too bad to fix if he had any idea of what he was doing, but no. he doesn't. It was the start of the year and they weren't taught this yet, and he couldn't be bothered looking it up because it hurt and he didn't even know if that stuff would be true or not. He has to settle with what basic knowledge he knows about cleaning, wrapping, and all that stuff with wounds because he's not going to ask for help, because he hates even the idea of that.

In reality, yes he knows he sucks at this, and yes, he knows he should get help, and yes he still won't. He doesn't even know if he could walk right now, since it's his shin that got cut. It burns though, and as soon as he pours the rubbing alcohol on it he grips at the counter in left hand as tight as he possibly could, it does hurt his hand a bit but not more than the alcohol on his cut. He has a rag in his mouth too so he could be quiet, and good thing because he almost screams, it muffles the sound a bit making it a lot less louder than it would've been. He would have woken up someone if it wasn't there. 

After the burning calms down, he looks down to see it cleaning the wound, so that's good. Even though there's still blood pouring down his leg; he’s got this. He wont die from something like this. Well, actually you could die from something like this. He's not going to think about that though, because he won’t. He knows what he's doing. Once all the bubbling stopped, he began wiping it with a rag, making sure that most of the blood is off, even though there is still some trailing down his leg, he probably should’ve stopped the bleeding first.. Too late for that.

He grabs the bandages that he has to reach for, making the wound move and causing more pain and more blood. When did stuff like this become so annoying?? He winces as he gets them in his hand and pulls back, he can tell that he's getting fuzzier. That's really not good. Just has to make it until he wraps the bandages around it, that's what he tells himself. He knows it'll be bad if he passes out. He knew that he was already low on energy to deal with this because he got it near the end of training, he hasn't showered or anything obviously, and he really does not want anyone to see him like this.

He manages to wrap them around his leg and closes them off before he can tell his vision is going black, he doesn't try to stand, does not try to yell, does not try to call for help. He lets himself fade off into the black, and yes that was a bad idea. But better than anyone else seeing him like this.

4 Traits

Credits to @/strangergraphics for the dividers

hope it was good :P!

Tags :
7 months ago

"His hands were tied" "he hurt his hands" "His hands were busy"

now that its out to all readers that ben canonly knows asl i better not see any more of 'he forgot his notebook' he forgot his phone ' what did he forgot now? his hands??

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7 months ago

Tomura and Izuku talking about AFO grooming Shigaraki when he was younger

Tomura: "not a groomer, just a loser."

Izuku: "the only thing I've ever groomed, was my son that I kidnapped."


Tomura: "no!"

Izuku: "I'm right!!"

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7 months ago

Maybe Aiden doesn't like puzzles

maybe Aiden was just trying to get his mind off stuff

maybe Aiden doesn't like to sit still because when he dose he thinks

maybe Aiden doesn't like to think

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7 months ago

I drew this in my notes app lol

I Drew This In My Notes App Lol
I Drew This In My Notes App Lol
I Drew This In My Notes App Lol
I Drew This In My Notes App Lol
I Drew This In My Notes App Lol
I Drew This In My Notes App Lol

[ID] Simple sketches of the following dialogue:

Edgeshot: My husband is too tall for me to kiss on the lips. What should I do?

Endeavor: Punch him in the stomach and then when he doubles over in pain, kiss him.

Small Might: Tackle him

Mirko: Dump him

Hawks: Kick him in the shin


[end ID]

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