Ben Clark - Tumblr Posts

11 months ago

Ben I love you sm and I know ur trying ur best but that's not really as encouraging as you think.

Ben I Love You Sm And I Know Ur Trying Ur Best But That's Not Really As Encouraging As You Think.

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11 months ago

They accidentally injured their s/o

They Accidentally Injured Their S/o

Warnings: angst to fluff?

Character's: Logan,Aiden,ben

Pt2: Tyler, Taylor, Ashlyn

✨as always i don't know much English so if something is wrong correct me✨

Logan fields

They Accidentally Injured Their S/o
They Accidentally Injured Their S/o
They Accidentally Injured Their S/o

He didn't mean to

He was in a panic he didn't notice you running there

He didn't mean to shot you

We only have 9 minutes before we wake up

Logan ran up to you and started to panic so he drag you to the bus

As he drag you he kept his eyes on you while you hold him

The others saw you and him so they ran the same path and try being quiet so no phantom can follow them

Once they got there logan is trying to stop the blood by a cloth

He kept mumbling I'm sorry while you stare blankly in the ceiling and coughing up blood but you're still alive your holding his other arm

Ben put him aside and starting to heal you when ben took out the bullet in you're chest you can hear someone is vomiting

You're eye sight is starting to blur


You jolted from the sound of the alarm clock when you say up properly you can feel the sting in your chest

When you got up and go to the bad room the door was suddenly bust open you check who it was and it revealed

Its logan

"i know i should probably knock in your door i didn't mean to but are you ok i didn't mean to do that iwasjustinapanicididntnoticeyourunningthereimsosorry I'm sorry-"

His words stop when you hugged him and hush him that your ok you're still alive

"I'm really really sorry does it sting?"

He said while sobbing

You nodded and just hugged you and kissed your forehead not a moment later your mother went upstairs only to see you two hugging and smiled

"(name), Logan you're bothe late for school"

Oh shit..


Aiden Clark

They Accidentally Injured Their S/o
They Accidentally Injured Their S/o
They Accidentally Injured Their S/o

He was so reckless he didn't notice you're there he was only joking around

All fun and games ti'll he saw you falling from a window

His eyes are widen, he accidentally pushed you

He didn't waste no time he ran down the stairs and he tripped when he got down he knew phantoms Heard him and so are you because when he was going down he heard a loud thud

When he got there he flashed the phantom that was near you with a flash light

He saw you unconscious

'no no no no no'

He thought to himself as he hold you, you were bleeding so much mostly in your head

He thought you were dead till you gasp and sat down coughing

He pat your back and whisper I'm sorry while holding you

"are you ok?, are you feeling dizzy?, can you stand up?, can you hear me?"

You nodded not being able to speak in the moment

"oh c'mon i miss your smile"

You said weakly creasing his cheeks he holds you tightly while you whine that it hurts

"I'm sorry i didn't mean to squeeze you like that"

He said while chuckling

"now that's what I like to see"

You said while having a small smile

You hugged him like there's no tomorrow


Ben Clark

They Accidentally Injured Their S/o
They Accidentally Injured Their S/o
They Accidentally Injured Their S/o

If only he spoke

If only he scream

Yet no words came from his mouth

He watch you getting drag by a phantom

He can hear you're scream he wanted to run towards you he wanted to save you

He ran as fast as he could to save you

He needed you but once he got there he saw you getting biten by it he heard you're crying voice

He attack the phantom while you're arm is still on its mouth

You can hear and feel you're arm is gonna pop

Ben tried to pull it by the head only for you to scream more

He had nothing in him no flashlight, no weapon

Then he saw your hand with a bat he wanted to speak but some of him is closing his mouth

But he doesn't want to see you suffer you're already crying

"(name)! me the b-bat!"

He said while struggling you gave him the bat but now you can feel your bones crushed when he started to beat the shit out of the phantom

You're whole arm was torn off

You scream and scream and cried he finally killed the phantom but when he looked at you you have no arm

His eyes are widen and went to you quickly his mind starting to panic he can see you crying he ripped part of his shirt and covered your arm

He finally patch you up and you guys were on the bus

"looks like i only have one arm to use in realm"

He holds you tightly

"i love you, please don't leave me.."

You smiled happy to hear his voice hugging him more

"i love you too.."


Masterlist | about me | rules

Bens part was actually not his fault but 🀷🏻

Wattpad acc: SvatleenaDelvera

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10 months ago

Hiya can I request the sbg cast with a big brother type reader?

Like he protects them and what not. But he also annoys the shit out of them like an older sibling would

Ooo yes sorry if i was late with this request:'( and this is a headcannon

Hiya Can I Request The Sbg Cast With A Big Brother Type Reader?

Warnings: beating someone up


✨as always i don't know much English so if something is wrong correct me✨

Hiya Can I Request The Sbg Cast With A Big Brother Type Reader?

Hiya Can I Request The Sbg Cast With A Big Brother Type Reader?
Hiya Can I Request The Sbg Cast With A Big Brother Type Reader?
Hiya Can I Request The Sbg Cast With A Big Brother Type Reader?

When you met them you were a Year older than them yet Ben still towers you

"how the heck are you much taller than your senior?!"

Ben just stared at you scared confused, and worried

You and aiden are pretty much alike, like you both act like spider man, you annoyed them until they grow red mostly tyler

"hey Tyler wanna come with us were gonna dig a whole and watch people fall in it and were calling it love "

"what why would you do that?!"

"to watch people fall inlove"

And sometimes you kept messaging him annoying memes


Hiya Can I Request The Sbg Cast With A Big Brother Type Reader?


Hiya Can I Request The Sbg Cast With A Big Brother Type Reader?

Yep sometimes he just gotta send something

And Taylor you respect her and protect her at all costs she's such a cinnamon roll not that much though you know she's an independent and strong woman

"slay bitch"

She then just chuckled with you sometimes you paint her nails and braids those beautiful ass long with Ashlyn and they ended up braiding you're hair but it's was difficult since it's short

Ashlyn another person who would turn red you love annoying someone who gets angry easily

But you're also scared of her due to her personality and you know she can beat the shit out of you

"hey Ashlyn" you ran smiling at her then she looked at mostly glaring at you making you froze

Then logan when you first encounter him with Barron you know what just to do

You got mad at Barron since you're much alike his senior he stop and walk away but he still didn't stop when you became friends with the gang

The next day logan was about to pass him the assignment and Barron decline and walk away

Logan was left confused hell everyone is but your not

But when they went to Savannah everything change and when you known about it you confront them seeing those Shadows too

You comforted them and tried protecting them at all costs even if you're not there you promise take care of them you love them to lose them

And thet love you even if your and asshole

Hiya Can I Request The Sbg Cast With A Big Brother Type Reader?

Sorry I was rushing to do all you're request

Masterlist | about me | rules

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6 months ago

Hola, I'm back for more food. Can I request a poly sbg (again.) with a fem reader who is like Wonyoung from Ive (and she's an undercover singer and they all find out because they searched up her group name because they heard people *cough cough *Barron* talking about her (yummy)

yess! Thanks for the request! :> idk who wonyoung is exactly but I'll try my best with the undercover singer part!

Im still new to writing so sorry if it's not the best

Summery- the sbg gang over heard barron talking about you and find out your an undercover singer! Small story/one-shot with headcanons at the end for each character

Warnings, some swearing, def spelling errors, y/n is used

Quick color key- ashlen aiden logen tyler taylor ben barron and you (I tryed to make Barron's text black it wouldn't let me πŸ˜”)

Sbg x singer reader


ash,aiden,logen,tyler,taylor, and ben where all walking down the hall you where somwere else doing your own thing at the time

"Ya did you hear about that y/n kid? Ya, can't believe someone like them woul be in here with us"

The group over heard barron talking with his friends and stopped when they heard your name

"Ya, why would they even wanna be here? If there so 'famous' and all why wouldn't they idk go somewhere fancy or something?"

Barron and his group laughed for a moment before tyler called out annoyed

"Hey, what the heck are you guys talking about?"

"Ya why are you talking about y/n like that?"

"What do you dorks want? Do you wanna get beat up this time?"

Him and his friends laughed while the twins both stand with there arms crossed, aiden is making sure ben dosent try and hurt them, and ashlen steps up

"Last I remember you where the ones leaving with the most bruises"

"Ya you should've seen yourselfs you looked terrible! Ha ha!"

Barron scoffs crossing his arms

"We asked you a question answer it"

"Where not in class yet nerd im not talking to you for a quiz"

Ben tryes to step forward with his fists clenched but aiden holds him back with the help of Taylor

"Tell is what the hell your saying about y/n barron"

Tyler says steping infront of logen ashlen next to him

"Ugh, fine, there's been rumors about y/n being some undercover singer and she sure as he'll looks like the one from (band name)"

"Oh I've heard of that band they have some pretty good songs"

"Ya I've heard of them to"

"Seriously? I bet they suck if it's from her"

"Oh shut up already barron"

They all walk away before he could even reply and taylor searches up the band

"Holy crap he's not wrong it actually looks like y/n!"

"Wait really?"

"Whoa she's right!"

They all look at the pictures of the bands and it really does look like you so they went to go find you eventually finding you in the music room

"Hey! Y/n! You never said you where a singer!"


"How did you figure that out!?"

You ask shocked you where hoping to keep low and not draw to much attention to yourself, ben walks up to you and typing on his phone then showing it to you

"We overheard barron talking about you"

"How did he find out then?!"

"He said there was some rumors"

"I was hoping to lay low here but I guess that's not happening..." you sigh and look down before feeling a hand on tour shoulder

"There just rumors right now you can still lay low"

"Ya, we can figure something out to convince people it's not you"

"Ya! We already fight phantoms every night how hard is stoping a rumer?"

"You'd be suprised-"

"Can we hear one of your songs?"

"Oh! Ya!! Can we?! Can we?!"

You look around at them thinking for a moment as aiden and Taylor look at you excitedly the rest of the group looking some-what curious

"...I guess one song wouldn't hurt before class-"


Headcanon time!!


I think she'd definitely listen to you practice and be somewhat supportive even adding a few songs to her Playlist if she has one


I think he'd beg you to play all the time and listen to all of your songs at least once and be super exited whenever your thinking of making a new song and begs to know the progress every time and wants to be first to hear it


I think he'd like to listen to you practice like ashlen just more and do some research on your band maybe just to know more about it and depending on what music you play even put some on his Playlist


Hed probably love to listen to you practice or play all of the time and maybe even help you write new songs and play guitar for you while you practice, probably has a few of your songs on his Playlist as well


Definitely acts like he dosent care but won't complain when you practice or play around him and I feel like he'd sorta be like your personal bodyguard around school or places your trying to lay low, might not have any songs on his playlist but has heard some of of taylors


Would probably love to listen to you play and practice all the time and even tryes to sing with you sometimes, probably has a few songs on her Playlist to


This was my first fanfic with headcanons so I hope it was good!

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6 months ago

HIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII, can I request a poly sbg x fem gyaru reader who gets bullied by Barron and his friends? (Angst but a very fluffy ending) :3

thanks for the request!!! I was busy today so sorry it took me awhile to make this :D also idk who gyaru is but I'll try my best!!

Again I'm not the best at writing yet so if it's bad I'm sorry!

Summery- reader is bullied and the sbg gang finds out and helps you (I took inspo from when logen was bullied so it'd kinda like that but some parts about your looks?)

Warnings- bullying, probably some swearing, maybe implied sa? (Mostly just pointing out how pretty reader is nothing bad!) angst with comfort at the end, ima make it like my last one with a one-shot/story with some headcanons at the end for each character

Quick key- aiden ashlen ben tyler taylor logen barron/his friends and you (sorry I don't got any more colors so you gotta share with barron 😭)

Sbg x bullied fem reader


so the sbg group where all heading to class you told them you'd meet them in class and you needed to grab your things, on there way there they see you surrounded by barron and his friends in the hall

Sbg group talking before taylor notices you

"Hey is that y/n?"

"Ya, Isn't that barron..?"

"What the hell are they doing?"

Over to you and barron, you where already uncomfortable being around him with his weird coments and you didn't have time to help him today

"Come on! Your like the smartest girl in class can't ya help me out again? I really need it and plus we can hang out more what'cha say?" - Barron

"Im sorry I've got to much work to do this time I cant" -you

"Come on can't ya spare some time to help him out? We can find a way to pay you back" -one of Barron's friends

"I can't! I've got to much work this time your gonna have to find someone els-"

Thats when barron pushed you back into one of the lockers pinning you between his arms getting to close for comfort

"Come on princess! Can't ya help a guy out?" Barron

As soon as barron pushed you into the lockers that's when the sbg group snaped and made there way over quickly

"Get the hell off her!"

"Fuck off barron"

Tyler shoved him away from you as ashlen,logen,and tyler stood in front of you protectively ben and aiden on one side with tyler on the other grabbing your arm asking if your ok which you nod to

"Well if it isn't logen and his friends the hll you want?"-One of Barron's friends

"What the hell where you try and do to y/n?"

"Just asking for some help with my work can't a guy ask for help?" -barron

"Were not stupid barron, your just trying to make her do it for you"

"We remember how you treated logan you wont treat y/n like that!"

Barron let's out an annoyed scoff as he crosses his arms Ben's next to you and Taylor his fists clenched

"You better not come near her again or we can beat you up like last time again, your pick"

"Ya! We ain't gonna let this slide asshole"

Aidens smile was more of a phycotic one like you've seen a few times in the phantom realm and ashlen also has a slightly scary look

Barron scoffs again and him and his friends walk away giving you and the others a glare

"Are you ok did he hurt you?"

"No, im fine"

"How long has he been treating you like that?"

"Did he hurt you at all before?"

"I've only helped him for a few weeks now"

"How many times has be beat you up?"


"She said how many times has barron and his goons beat you up for not helping him?"

"Uhm....just once or twice...."

You look away nervesly recalling how beat up you where and how you barly managed to cover up the bruises with makeup

You feel a hand on your shoulder and loon up to see ben with a apologetic look

"That asshole, he should be the one getting hurt not you"

"He's lucky we didn't hurt him more last time we beat him up"

"Guys calm down"

Your suddenly pulled into a hug by Taylor

"I'm so sorry you had to go through all that you did you could've told us!!"

"Ya I know how Barron's like we could've helped you"

Logen then joins the hug with Ben too

"If he bugs you again well beat the shit out of him"

"Ya! He won't know what hit em!"

Aiden also joins the hug and tyler and ash just sorta stand there and pat your back or something cuz your in public lol-

"Thanks guys, your the best"


Headcanon time!!

Set after the they found out!


She probably glares at barron and his friends anytime she sees them and will silently listen to you when you need to vent about it and give you some fighting advice maybe?


I think he'd give some mean glares to barron to but not where you can see him lol, he also might try to listen to you if you need to vent but might get distracted half way through- I can see him having one of those shit-talk conversations where you both just talk shit about him lol


Will probably also glare and get mad anytime he sees barron so you've gotta make sure he keeps his cool, will gladly listen to you vent and might let you listen to music with him to help calm down or feel better, probably gives awesome and comforting hugs


Will probably act like a personal bodyguard when Barron's around and glare at him like the whole time he's in sight- might not listen to you vent willingly but if you start he might just sit there quietly and just let you talk, maybe even give you some advice


Probably be like the only one who dosent glare at barron anytime he's around but will definitely let you vent to her she'd Probably do anything to help you feel better like cuddle and watch your comfort show/movie with you and your favorite snacks


He'd also be more calm about the glares but probably would glare at barron some times when he tryed to get to close or something, definitely would let you vent to him and give you advice, He'd also probably remind you your not alone and he's ben through it to


hope this was good!! :3 also I might take a smalm break so if it takes a while for me to answer your requests that's why but I will do them eventually!!

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6 months ago



Yesss!!! Thanks for the request! I really like this idea :3

Im not the best writer so sorry if it's not he best

Summery- your randomly grab there face and kiss there forehead for no reason (I'll make one small story for each of them)

Warnings- like a single swear, all kinda short, definitely spelling errors, Lots of fluff



You where both probably just sitting next to each other while the others do whatever, you both are probably just talking a bit about the phantom relm and the recent events when you notice she's seems a little stressed

"I think we should-"

She stops mid sentence as you gently cup her face in your hands and she looks at you confused, before she could even say anything you lean forward placing a small kiss on her forehead and pulling back with a soft smile

"Dont worry well figure things out and we'll be fine"

Then you walk away to help one of the others with somthing leaving ashlen very confused and blushing slightly



Hes probably yapping your ear off about some random thing that you don't really care for at you all to class with him


"Continues yapping bc idk what to put"



You sigh as he's to engrossed into whatever he's talking about so you just gently grab his face with your hands gently cutting him off mid sentence

"What are yo-"

He freezes when you gently kiss his forehead his brain short-circuiting for a moment

"I've gotta go to class see you later"

Then you walk off to class leaving aiden still frozen in place blushing as he possess what just happened



Your probably sitting next to ben as the others are getting ready for something in the phantom dimension your both just sitting quietly enjoying the silence

You look over at him as he's just leaning back with his eyes closed and his earbuds in probably listening to some music

As you just stare at him for a moment you move forward gently grabbing his face in your hands making him open his eyes slightly startled with the sudden contact

He looks at you confused before you lean forward and gently kiss his forhead pulling back with a soft smile he just looks at you surprised a pink hue creeping onto his cheeks

Then you walk away to help ashlen with somthin be watching you walk away still blushing



Hes probably working on some school work with you since you both have the same classes, your over at his house and you look up a his tired focused face as he works hard on this assignment

You just watch him for a moment at how focused he is before he looks up at you

"What the hell you looking at? You should be working"

You don't respond and just gently grab his face and gently kiss his forhead and he just freezes a confused look on his face a deep blush forming on his cheeks

"You seem tired should we take a break?"

He stares at you a moment still processing what just happened before stuttering out and looking away

"I-i guess we can take a small break.."



Your both probably sitting together and hanging out at her house watching some movie or something

You look over at he as she sits next to you focused on whatever activities before you gently cup her face in your hands

"What are you doing?"

You don't respond as you gently kiss her forhead making her blush and freeze for a moment

"Sorry...I couldn't help myself"

She just smiles at you and cups your face pepperingyour fave with kissed right back causing you both to laugh in the end



Your both probably at hos or your place even at the library as he helps you with some homework (not like he did with barron he makes sure you do it yourself as he nudges you the right way)

When it gets close for you two to leave whatever place you gently grab his face in your hands already making him blush

"W-what are you doing?"

You gently kiss his forhead making him completely short-circuit his face bright red

"See you tomorrow logan!"

You smile as and leave or walk away depending where you at and he just watches you a complete blushing mess


I think I got everyone!! Hope this was good I tryed my best :3

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6 months ago

One saw your newest post and I LOVED it!!! It's not often I find someone writing for my favorite SBG character(Logan), in fact I usually find people hating on him. Like my boy didnt do anything to deserve that. Anyways if your request are open and your up for it, SBG main 6 with an really affectionate S/O? Like always touching them in some way, example holding their hand, has their hand on their shoulder, arms wrapped around them, leaning against them, always wanting hugs and kisses, randomly hugging and/or kissing them. I'm a clingy person and act like this(though thats because im touched staved). If you don't do this thats fine, JUST KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK!!!

this actually made me smile thank you so much for the support 😭 I have no idea why anyone can hate logen tbh he's so cute and can be super badass with a gun to lol thanks for the request!!

Warnings- very fluffy probably,definitely spelling errors, im doing headcanons cuz I can't think of any storys rn lol

Sbg x affectionate reader!



Shes probably vary against all of the affection at first but eventually gets used to I and starts to like it!

She probably only lets you do small forms of affection in public but will let you cling to her when it's jut you two

She's mostly comfortable with hand holding or locking your pinkys together when your walking and somtimes a hug or two

She won't push you away when you just lean on her shoulder or wrap your arms around her when your alone pr with the group she just lets you do whatever depending who's around

I don't think she'd love kisses that often but like matey one every once in a while or just a kiss on the forhead/cheek



Hes probably always touching you in some way two like your both inseparable half the time

The only time he's not touching you is when he's trying to do something crazy and stupid

He's probably up for any kind of affection going from hand holding to cuddling and kissing

Honestly I think the first time you kissed him either on the lips or just the face he just short-circuited

He is not ashamed at all about you or any affection he gives you in public he makes sure everyone knows your his

Also off topic but I think he'd be the type to maybe get jealous any time somone gets to close to you excluding everyone in the group obviously



He probably would be super nervous at first because he's not used to so much attention from really anyone

He's probably mostly ok with just holding your hand,hugs, and cuddling

It probably takes him a while to get used to the kisses even if there jut on his face he becomes a blushing mess

He probably likes holding your hand in public or just any form of small touch its just comforting to him to know your there

Hes probably an awesome huger and cuddle I think he'd be so warm lol



He probably takes forever to get used to any form of affection from you evn if it's just small things he turns into a blushing mess

He probably prefers to just link pinkys with you or hold your hand but dosent mind of you just have your hand on his shoulder or anything like that

If you give him any kind of kiss I think he would just completely freeze and have a mental panic as his face is red as a tomato

I've probably dosent mind cuddling to much since the whole group cuddles together all the time so it's one of the things he's more comfortable with

He probably also likes hugs from you just because the comforting and nice



He probably acts like he hates it in public but is just as clingy when it's just you two

In public he'll somtimes hold your hand or link pinkys with you but he mostly just acts annoyed whenever you give him affection

When it's just you two though he'll be like a fvcking leach he'd probably love to cuddle with you and he'd let you cling to him with any kind of affection

If you kiss him on the face or anything in public he'd probably blush like crazy and act all offended and like he hated it

If you kiss im when it's just you two he'd probably just short-circuit and hide his face in the crook of your neck or something



Shed probably love any kind of affection you give her and she'd give you just as much affection anywhere

Shed probably love to jut hold your hand in public if that's what you wanted or if you wanted to just have your hand on her shoulder she's all for it

Shed probably love kisses on the cheek or forhead and Shed do it right back to you wherever you kissed her

Shed also be such a good cuddler and just gives you so much affection whenever you gave her affection

Shed love you just as much as you loved her


Thank you so much for the request again im so glad that I can make people like you so happy with my fanfics 😭

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6 months ago

Hiya Hiya! Me again! Was wondering if you were up for doing SBG main six with (hard to explain for me) S/O that like fidgets a lot?(I think that's what people would call it, I honestly don't know.) Examples: S/O gets bored so they draw on themselves, S/O gets bored so they draw on (SBG main six)'s hand 9r wherever, S/O gets bored/needs to fidget with something? Don't worry (SBG main six)'s hands/fingers are perfect to play/mess with(to clarify NOT in a inappropriate way, for all those dirty minded people).

-⭐️ Anon

P.S: do headcanons if needed or whatever you want! Also DONT feel like you have to do my request, only do it if you want to!

hello again!! :3 I believe what your explaining is kinda like adhd sorta? I get what your trying to say either way and i think this is a great request :D also don't worry I actually like fanfic writing so your requests are always a fun activity for me

Warnings- very fluffy, small/short one-shots/storys, definitely spelling errors, your already dating them in this

Sbg x fidgety reader!!



you where all hanging out at the school bus graveyard doing whatever (talking, catching up of school, sleep, ect.) You where sitting next to ashlen who was just chilling sitting on her phone

You where fidgeting with your hands or the end of your shirt just looking around as the others do whatever they where doing and ashlen notices your fidgeting

"Somthing bothering you?"

She looks over at you as you turn your head to meet her gaze

"Hm? Oh- no I'm fine, why?"

"You won't stop fidgeting with your fingers and shirt"

"Ohh that's just something I sorta do I don't really know why"

She raises a eyebrow at you but doesn't push anything as she l9oks back at her phone you go back to looking around before she holds her hand out to you

She didn't look at you as she did she just held her hand out and you happily grab it and just fidget with her fingers slightly just enjoying the surprising peaceful moment

That aiden may or may not have ruined after a while



You where all in the phantom dimension just hanging out in the school bus graveyard, there was no big plans today so you where all just kinda chilling

Aiden was sitting next to you in one of the bus seats surprisingly not doing anything to stupid and you where just drawing on your jeans with some pen you found

"Whatcha doing?"


You continue to draw on your jeans as aiden leans over you watching you doodle

"Can I draw on you?"

You say randomly as you look up at him which his usual smile grows in excitement

"Only if I can draw on you to!"


Then you doodle on his hand for a bit before he does the same to you, both of your hands littered with little doodles of whatever



Your both in the graveyard like usual as everyone's just trying to catch up on sleep or talking about what happened that night

You were just fidgeting with your own hands as ben is sitting next to you with his headphones in and his eyes closed

You eventually just grab his hand and gently fidget with his fingers witch makes him open his eyes and look at you confused which you pay no mind to as you continue fidgeting with his fingers

He watches you for a moment before closing his eyes again letting you fidget with his fingers and maybe later he'd give you his notebook to draw or something



Your in the graveyard (shocker I know lol) everyone's just talking and making a plan for what to do the next night in the phantom dimension

Your kinda paying attention as you draw tiny doodles on your hand tylers sitting next to you arguing about some part of the plan I'm sure

Eventually your hand is to coverd in doodles to draw any more so you just grab tylers hand which makes him look over at you confused

"What are you doing?"


"On my hand?"


He looks annoyed but doesn't push you away or try to stop you as he just goes back to the plan that was being discussed and you just draw random doodles on his hand

(He secretly loves them and keeps them on his hand for the rest of the day)



(Very very short sorry)

You'd be in the graveyard (again) just talking about last night in the phantom dimension your just fidgeting with your own hands as you pay attention to the conversation slightly

Taylors sitting next to you whe you gently grab her hand and start fidgeting with her fingers

She wouldn't mind at all and just fidget with your hand as well with a bright smile and even let you doodle on her hand afterwards



You guys would be in the phantom dimension discussing something, logen is sitting next to you as he pays attention to the conversation you on the other hand are doodling on your hand still slightly paying attention though

Logen notices your doodling but dosent say anything cuz he knows you fidget a lot for no apparent reason

Hes pretty focused on the conversation when you gently grab his hand making him look over at you

"What are you doing?"

"Can I draw on you?"

"I-uh sure"

nods blushing slightly as you start to make small doodles on his hand for the rest of the conversation by the time its over his hand was coverd in small doodles


Hope this turned out how you expected it!! And thanks for the request again!!

Tags :
6 months ago

Hey!!! You can probably guess who(if not that’s fine!) Was curious if you were up for writing SBG main six with S/O wearing there clothes? I honestly LOVE everyone in SBG’s style and would 100% steal there clothes whether it’s there shirts, jackets/hoodies, skirts, pants, or literally a whole outfit(s). Also in case this is important somehow cause I know it is to some writers im 5’0.

P.S: Hope you have a great day!! And make sure you take breaks and don’t overwork yourself!! Drink plenty of water and eat when needed!!! Go asleep when tired(I know sometimes it’s hard but try!!!) we need you in good health!!!

hiii again!!! :D i just wanna say how much I love the little comments and reminders you put at the end of the requests it makes me smile knowing someone who barly knows me cares so much about my wellbeing 😭 it actually means so much to me

Summery-sbg charicters seeing you in there clothes for the first time

Warnings-fluffy, def spelling errors, all are set when you spend a night at there place, your already dating them in this!

Sbg x reader!



You where staying at her house for the night to try and help with the stress of the phantom realm

It was getting late and she let you shower before her which you happily agreed to

After you got out of the shower she went in letting you get changed, you where already tired from the warm shower and the stress from the phantoms and school so you just throw on a pair of your pants and one of her shirts

Your just sitting on her bed on your phone when she come put of the shower already changed because she brought her clothes with her, and immediately noticed that your wereing her shirt and blushes

"Is that my shirt..?"

" that ok with you?"

"Uh ya, ya you look good in it anyways"

she layes next to you hiding her blush pretty good honestly, and then you both fall asleep soon after, aiden definitely teases you both about it in the phantom dimension lol



He stays over at your place or invites you over to his place often and for some reason which you have no idea why he seems to always leave his sweatshirts at your place every single time

You've asked him about it before as you bring each one back and he just says he's forgetful and has plenty more (totally not because he wants to see you wearing one of them-)

Aiden stayed over the night before for a bit just to hang out and you woke up groggy due to last night's events in the phantom realm and you where to tired to really pick a great outfit and hurried off to school not even realizing you where wearing audens sweatshirt he left the night before

"Hey there you ar-"

He immediately stops seeing you in his sweatshirt a blush forming on his cheeks


"Nothing- you look great!!"

He says in his normal cheery stat having a whole party in his head as his mission was complete to get you wearing one of his sweatshirts

It wasn't until later you found out you where wearing his sweatshirt when either taylor or tyler point it out and he refuses to take it back because it was a 'cold day' and he didn't want you getting sick



You where staying over at his place just to hang out because you two don't do that often with the phantom realm and just always being with the while group so it was nice having a peaceful night to yourselves (other then aiden interrupting you constantly)

He went to go take a quick shower and he told you that you can change into some comfortable clothes before going to sleep

You where half way through changing looking for a shirt to were when you find one of beans big shirts laying around and you thought it would be super comfortable to sleep in so you put it on

It was obviously big on you he's a pretty big guy so it was like a night gown honestly- lol

He comes out of the shower already dressed and immediately stops when see sees you in his shirt a deep blush forming on his cheeks

He dosent really mind though he just never thought of you in his clothes

Then you just hang out the rest of the night watching some movie or listening to music

(Also aiden definitely teases you both about it-)



Yor over at his place to catch up on some homework and spend the night and you both are mostly just hanging out until it's time to go to bed

He lets you change first because he still needed to do something and you accidentally grabbed one of his shirts instead of your own you lit it on because you've got nothing else to wear

"Hey Tyler have you seen my shirt?"

You say as you look around for it when he walks in he stops immediately his face turning red



"You ok?"

Hes just staring at you surprised and blushing from how good you look in his shirt and he just walks over and wraps his arms around you after a minute

"Tyler your supposed to be helping me find my shirt"

"...just sleep in my shirt it's probably more comfortable anyways.."



Youd be staying over at her place to just hang out for once without the others and the phantoms even tylers actually leaving you both alone (after a lot of bribing from taylor)

It was getting late so she let you change in her room and she changed in the bathroom

You where almost done changing when you seen one of her shirts on the ground and thought I'd be fun to see her reaction if you wear it

So you quickly slip it on before she got out of the bathroom

When she sees you she has to stop and process it for a moment noticing that your wearing her shirt before a huge grin spreads on her face

"OMG!! You look so good I should let you take my clothes more often!"

She'd probably lt you wear about anything of hers after that lol



You where at his place just chilling after the events with the group and phantoms it was actually a very peaceful night

He let you take a sower first so you did and grabbed one of his shirts instead of your own because why not?

When you got out of the shower his shirt was slightly big on you but it was actually really comfortable compared to your own

"I-is that my shirt-?"

he completely short-circuited his face bright red seeing you in his shirt

"Ya that isn't a problem is it..?"

"N-no y-you look good in it"

he was shuddering and blushing a good hour or so after that before you guys went to bed and he probably will still blush every time you do it after that


Dont worry I took my time with this one lol I hope you liked it!!

Tags :
6 months ago

HIIII!!!! Hope you’ve been having a good night/day if it’s night you should probably get some sleep it’s almost midnight where I am. BUT was wondering if you could write SBG main six with a S/O that just like randomly gives them kisses? Like on the cheek, lips, nose, forehead? Basically can’t just settle for one kiss, if S/O kisses (SBG Main Six) then they have to cover there face in kisses before finally kissing there lips, or if you want you can leave the kissing the lips part out. WHATEVER YOUR COMFORTABLE WITH!!!

-⭐️ Anon

P.S: daily reminder to drink water and eat when needed!!!

yesss!! Sorry for disappearing lol I've been busy but I love this idea! :3

Warnings- probably spelling errors, fluffy, kissing, headcanons just because




she'd Probably be slightly caught of guard each time

Like whenever you just randomly kiss her cheek or pepper her fave in kisses it just surprises her

Mostly because there just so random she could be focusing about school or the phantom realm and you just pepper her face with kisses

She wouldn't deny them and act like she dosent like them but I feel like secretly she loves them even if she dosent know how to express it



He'd probably love it every single time you pepper his face with kisses

Especially when you get to his lips in the end he just loves it

He'd even do that exact same thing to you at just as random times you you both just try surprising each other with surprise kisses

It might even turn into a game of who can catch each other off guard the most with kisses

Aiden honestly turns anything into a game so why not that lol?

A small headcanon i have is when you first did it to him randomly he was mentally panicking because like in the arcade episode with him and ash He'd just hide it behind his signature smile while mentally screaming :)



He'd probably also be surprised at least the first few times you pepper his face with kisses

Hed love them though he's just not used to such affection

I think very rarely he'd pepper your face with kisses back but be very hesitant because of how nervous and blushy he'd be

I think you'd mostly surprise him when he's drawing or on his phone, even I public somtimes when he's distracted

Aiden definitely teases him about it when he blushes or gets embarrassed which doesn't help at all

Also a another small headcanon is that taylor or aiden have a few pictures when they caught you surprising ben with a bunch of kisses, ben might also have a few on his phone that taylor sent him that he really likes and thinks are cute



Whenever you surprise him with kisses in public he'd act annoyed and like he dosent like them but never pushes you away or trys to stop you

He just wants to keep that tough guy look out in public and around the group

But when it's just you two? He'd actually ask you for kisses because he loves the attention from you

No mater where you guys are he always loves it when you suprise him with kisses just depends if theres people around or not for him to show it

When it's just you two he'd pepper your face with kisses two just because he can

Taylor 100% has cute pictures of you two when you both didn't even know she seen you

Definitely shares them with Ben or Logan just because



She loves it whenever you pepper face with kisses no matter where you are

She loves returning the affection to so you both just end up peppering each other's faces with kisses all the time lol

Aiden definitely has a few pictures of you two and sends them to the group chat all the time which taylor dosent really care but depending of what kind of person you are you might be embarrassed

But either way taylor absolutely loves when you give her just little surprises of affection and will do it right back to you just as affectionate



He'd be a blushing mess every time and it'd be so cute

He does love the affection and kisses it just catches him off guard some times

He might pepper your face with kisses to somtimes but prefers giving you affection through either gifts or like holding your hand all the time and cuddling stuff like that

He'd probably have a few pictures of when you surprised him with kisses that he got from Taylor who thinks you both are uch a cute cuple

You'd probably pepper his face with kisses the most when he's just studying or reading a book times like that


Hoped you liked it! Again sorry for the random disappearance lol I might take a small break but I'm still undecided

Tags :
6 months ago


hiii I'll gladly make a part two and im glad you liked the first one!

Small disclaimer im not gonna do one for logen because I don't think he'd really do that so sorry to disappoint if you wanted one for him!

Sbg x reader getting caught making out part 2!

Part 1



Youd probably have to be the one to start it

He'd probably very nervous at first but slowly eas into it

I have a feeling I'd be aiden who'd catch you two because you'd probably be over at his place just to hang out

Aiden would just barge in randomly making you and Ben pull away from each other so fast lol

He'd definitely teases you both so bad and tell everyone in the group chat you and Ben both being Hella embarrassed

I'd be a lot of teasing for weeks about it from aiden the rest of the group probably wouldn't really care though



Im not really sure who would start it but either way it'd probably be at the graveyard

You and Taylor would wander off because your not really doing anything important anyway resulting in you both making out in the back of one of the busses

Ashlen would probably be the one to hear you with her crazy good hearing

Ashlen would walk onto the bus looking annoyed and you and tyler pulling away quickly once you notice her

Ashlen would probably say stuff how she doesn't wanna hear you both making out and stuff like that looking annoyed

And you and Taylor just praying she dosent tell tyler which she reluctantly agrees not to do as long as you guys don't make out whereshe cn hear you lol


I hope that this turned out good again I hope this isn't to much like the one I've seen before and also sorry for not doing logan I just generally don't think he'd do something like that?

Tags :
6 months ago

HEYYYYY!!! If I saw correctly your taking some request until like Thursday? If not ignore this! Would you be up for doing SBG main six and a S/O that just like gently bites them as a sign of affection?

-✨ Anon

hii again and you did see correctly I'll only take requests till either wensday or Thursday I also love this request lol

Warnings- definitely spelling errors, posable swearing (like one or two at most), already in relation ship, some are kinda short, made most of these with reader just repeatedly biting them (gently) on the hand lol, some are actually kinda silly to 🀣



Shes just scrolling on her phone with you next to her at her house, the others have yet to arrive yet so it's just you two and her parents are in the kitchen doing there own thing


You were bored so you decided to bite her hand gently

"What the-"


"What are you doing?"


"Biting you"


"Because I love you"


She stared at you very confused but let you continue your biting even if it made zero sense to her-



You where hanging out with him at the graveyard with the others, everyone was kinda doing there own thing and somehow you made him sir still for a bit (a very rare accordance)

You where bored and decided you wanted to be affectionate and what better way then to bite his hand gently?


Aidens pretty used to it now and he finds it rather amusing honestly


"Tf is your s/o doing?"

Tyler said from where he was sitting

"Biting me"


".....and your ok with that?"

"Mhm it's a way of showing affection!"

Aiden flashed his usual smile and tyler glares at him



And wit that you both are just kinda biting each other's hands slightly with a very concerned and judging tyler

"Yall are weird as hell bro"



You where on the bus next to him on the way to his and aidens place, aiden was sitting in ashlyns seat with her not leaving her alone for a second lol

You where holding Ben's hand as his head was back, listening to music with his eyes closed, after a moment you decide to lift his hand to your mouth biting him softly

He quickly opens his eyes looking at you confused

He grabs his phone typing on it for a moment before showing you

"What are you doing..?"

"Biting you"



"It's how I show affection"





You where at the graveyard with him and the others just chilling, everyone was kinda doing there own thing while you and tyler sit next to each other holding hands

You got bored and wanted to show tyler some affection so you bit him :D



He turns his head to look at you with that side eye he gave aiden when he jumped off the wall and hurt his ankle (iykyk)


"What the hell are you doing?"


"Showing you affection"

Bite bite

"Your so weird sometimes..."

"You love me though"




Your hanging out with her at the graveyard the others are just doing there own things

You where sitting next to her and was bored so you gently bit her hand, which she's used to

"Oh! Hello to you two lol"


She chuckles softly

"Why the hell are you biting my sister...?"

"Its her way of showing affection!"


"Yall are weird man"

"It's cute!"




You two are just studying in the library together he helps you a little bit (not like he did with barron)

You where bored so you grabbed his free hand and gently bit it making logen instantly blush and look at you

"W-what are you doing?"

"Biting you"



"Its how I show affection"



After that he just kinda sat there awkwardly and flusterd as you gently bit his hand for a bit


I actually love this! Lol I made it so silly and I hope you guys liked it 🀣

Tags :
6 months ago

Hey this is my first time requesting with you and I LOVE you're sbg stories so I just wanted to ask

How would the sbg character make out with reader?

It's ok if it makes your uncomfortable to do and you don't wanna do it πŸ‘Œ do what makes you comfortableπŸ˜„β—οΈ

Thank you if you do it!

-by iluvoptimus!

hiii I'm so glad you like my sbg posts and thanks for the request! 😊

Warnings- making out, very short, I'm not gonna do one for logen because I don't think he'd really do that sorta thing? Idk I just can't see it sorry



I feel like she'd be very nerves but wouldn't show it?

It might take her a while to get comfortable but eventually she's actually pretty good at it

She wouldn't go to far when you guys are making out just a lot of kissing I think

I'd have to be somewhere far away from people catching you or she wouldn't do it

Also making out with her is probably something that rarely happens because of how focused she gets on school and the phantom realm

She probably won't be the one to start the make out sessions so I'd have to be you most of the time to start it

But maybe very very rarely she might start one but it's a big maybe



I think the first time you guys make put he's very nerves but refuses to show it lol

I think he'd get used to it kinda quickly and he'd go crazy, like all out with like his tongue in your mouth and stuff like that?

For the first few times I think he'd be kinda careful about where you guys are making out because he doesn't wanna get caught

But progressively throughout the relationship he'd take risks and do it in places where there's a chance in getting caught because he's a little daredevil and likes the thrill



It'd take him a while to get used to it because of how nerves he is

But eventually he'd kinda get used to it

He'd be very stiff and very hesitant at first because he dosent want to make you uncomfortable in any way

But eventually he'd get comfortable and he'd actually be pretty good at it

He probably wouldn't go as far as his tongue in your mouth and stuff like that at all

I also think he'd be very gentle with you no matter what like his touch like on your side or face are feather light even though he's such a big dude he's scared to hurt you



I think the first few times he's very gentle with you making sure your comfortable with what he's doing not stepping any boundaries

After a while though he'd kinda just take the lead making it a little heated ig?

I think he'd just get a little rougher after a while but not enough to hurt you at all

I can see him maybe slipping his tough into your mouth at least once in your relationship

He'd be very careful where you guys end up making out because he dosent want to get caught

Also might not be something that happens often because of how focused be gets on taking care of taylor, his baseball games/practices, and the phantom realm



Its kinda hard to tell with taylor for me but ik she'd be very gentle every time

Pretty careful where you guys make out because she dosent wanna be caught

I don't think she'd go to far in your make out sessions but maybe if you do she might be ok with it

She's very very careful around tyler and makes sure he isn't around because he'd beat your ass if he caught you

I'm sorry this is so short I really don't know about taylor:,)


again sorry for not doing logen but I hoped you liked it!

Tags :
6 months ago

Sbg main six with reader that’s good with kids? Or really just really motherly?

-✨ Anon


hii again!! Thanls for the request! you always manage to make me smile 😭

Warnings- non I think



The first time she sees you being motherly is when you convince her to go on a walk near the park

As you where walking some random kid walked up to you with this bright innocent smile asking if you can push them on the swings

Which you happily agree to as ashlen is just watching the interaction not really knowing what to do

As you follow the kid over the the swings and give them a few pushes ashlen thought it was actually kinda cute from how nice you are around kids

She probably wouldn't actually say that but she's definitely thought it



The first time he'd see it is when your over at his house to hang out and his little cousin Lilly walked in (I think thas her name?)

You where probably watching some movie with him in his room, though he only agreed if it was a movie he picked, which was one of the spider-man movies because you said no to any other gore filled movie lol

You weren't to far into the movie when Lilly walked in asking if she could watch to which you happily said yes to since spider-man is a good movie for her age (I think?)

Then you and Lilly kinda talk about the movie the while time

Which aiden did get a little jealous because he's lost your attention-

But! He thought it was super cute to, I mEan the love of his life and his cousin getting along so well? It's adorable! (Even if he loses your attention-)



Again you'd probably be over at is house watching some movie in his room (that's calmer then a marvel movie just some sweet movie you found that looked good)

He left to get some popcorn and did come back with some but also with his little cousin

You thought she was so cute and you offered to let her watch the movie with you and Ben

That's how she ended up sitting in Ben's lap and you next to Ben leaning on his shoulder as you all watch the movie, you and Lilly talking every so often

Ben thought it was so cute that you both got along so well

He was sure to bring her over more often when you where around cuz you loved her so much and Ben loved that about you



Hed probably see you be motherly when taylor and you made him go to the park with you both

Some random kids would walk up to you asking if you wanted to play with them

Which you happily said yes to

Taylor joined in to as tyler sat off to the side watching

It was actually adorable to him how you where so nice to these little kids and he mightve fell harder for you in that exact moment

Just the fact you where so motherly was so awesome to him he loved it so much and is probably a huge reason why he loves you so much

Though may possibly get jealous from losing your attention



Again it's probably at the park when she sees you be motherly for the first time

Some random kids probably walked up to you asking if you wanted to play or something like that which you happily agreed to

She thought it was the cutest thing in the world, I mean who wouldn't think that? The love of her life getting along with so many kids so well? Cutest thing ever

And she loves to hang out with she's kids with you

Just playing there random games and simply having fun us the best thing to her

It might be one of the number 1 things she's gotta love about you



Again at the park lol

Some random kid would walk up to you asking if you can push them on the swings so which you happily said yes to

Logen just kinda watched with a smile thinking it was actually pretty cute how well you where around kids

He'd only be able to watch for a few minutes or so until some other kid drags him in to

Which results in you and Logan spending the day playing with a bunch of little kids and having fun

That day would probably be one of his favorite days with you and probably has a few pictures he took of you having fun with the kids


I hope you liked it!! I still have 2 more requests to do lol so expect at least one more today!

Tags :
6 months ago

HEYYYYYY!!!!! :3 if your still taking requests then would you be up for writing a SBG main six with like a drop dead gorgeous S/O that tends to get a lot of attention from people. Example: gets approached and flirted with a bunch?

-⭐️ anon


P.S: im literally listening to party rock anthem/party rockers right nowπŸ˜†

hiii!!! Thank for the request and these reminders always end up putting a smile on my face thank you 😭 also party rockers is such a good song lol-

Warnings- jealous sbg gang, astablished relationship, some posable swearing, a mix up of guys and girls flirting/talking to reader, most likely spelling errors



So you ashlen and the gang where walking down the school halls to your next class, you where just talking to ashlen and aiden when this guy walked up to you

"Hey there gorgeous"

"Oh uh hey"

I stand there with a slight awkward smile as this guy talks to you and ashlen is giving this guy a glare that if it could kill he'd be dead already

"Uhh ash you ok..?"

Aiden said noticing her glare getting a little nerves from it himself, ashlen dosent respond as she continues glaring g daggers at this guy who hasn't even noticed

"I was wondering maybe we can hang out some time? Get to know each other?"

The guy said with a flirty smile leaning closer

"Oh uhm sorry im-"

"Their taken"

Ashlen butted in and the guy finally noticed her instantly getting nerves under her glare as she stood next to you

"Shit- sorry sorry!"

The guy quickly ran off and ashlen just rolled her eyes continuing the walk to class you and the rest of the group shocked but followed behind her

The rest of the day she stayed pretty close to you and any time she saw that guy he was getting death glares



You aiden and the rest of the groupwhere at the arcade (not the same day as when barron was there) everyone was kinda scattered doing there own thing and playing games, you went to go to the bathroom when some guy stopped you

"hey there"

"Oh hi"

The guy smiled at you as he introduced himself and you not wanting to be rude introduced yourself to

Aiden on the other hand noticed quickly that you where talking to a guy, he watched for a moment and once this guy got just a little to close to you he walked over

"Anyways, maybe you wanna hang out sometime? Get to know each other?"

"Oh uh-"

"Who you talking to?"

Aiden said with his usual smile as he wrapped his arms around your waist from behind, resting his chin on your shoulder as he looked at the guy

"Oh hey aiden what'cha doing?"

"Oh uhm is this your-?"

"Im their boyfriend, and you where taking a while I thought I'd come check on you"

He said as he gave the guy a small glare which quickly made him leave ou alone, then looked at you as if nothing happened

"Hey wanna play air hockey with me?"



You guys where at school, yall where just chilling in one of the halls before heading back to your houses when this girl walked up to you

"Hii omg your soo pretty!"

"Oh thank you"

The girl smiles at you and you smile back just introducing each other

Ben on the other hand is trying to stay out of it for now after all your just talking to this girl, right?

Wrong, some how she ending up flirting with you and you where completely oblivious at thus point

"Wow I really love your hair! Maybe we should hang out sometime and do each other's hair or something"

Before you could say anything ben wrapped his arms around you from behind giving the girl a annoyed look

"Oh! Ben do you need somthing?"

"O-h uhm who's this big guy..?"

"He's my boyfriend ben"

You say with a soft smile as ben just gives the girl a small glare to which she quickly leave

"O-oh look at he time I've gotta go!"

Ben tightens his hold on you slightly before grabbing his phone and typing on it for a sec before showing you

"We should go to, before we miss the bus"

"Oh i didn't even notice the time let's go"



You where at one of his baseball practices to support him when one of his teammates approached you

"Oh hey there! Enjoying the practice so far?"

the guy said with a smile as he sat next to you

"Ya it's been a good practice today"

This interaction didn't take long for tyler to notice as he quickly made his way over

"Ay, why aren't you practicing?"

He said to his teammate with a glare which is returned with a smile

"Calm down dude I'm just talking to this pretty person!"

"Well that 'pretty persen' is taken jackass!"

Yeaa you quickly had to pull tyler away to make sure he didn't start a fight with this guy, and when he got back to the practice once you calmed him down he wouldn't stop glaring at that guy and keeping a close eye on him making sure he wouldn't flirt with you again



You guys where at school, you just left your guy's class when thus girl walked up to you

"hey there!"

"Oh, Hi"

You smile at the girl who smiled back at you, Taylor's standing a little off to the side watching the interaction

"Your soooo cute!"

"Oh uhm thank you"

"Maybe we should hang out some time to get t know each other Maybe"

Taylor noticed as she started to flirt with you instantly steping in and grabbing your hand

"Actually their taken!"

"Oh uhm sorry but-"

She wouldn't let the girl finish her sentence as she pulled you away holding your hand tightly



You guys where out on a walk just hanging out and talking when this guy walked up to you

"Hey there pretty thing"

"Oh um hi"

The guy continued to introduce himself to you as you stand there awkwardly not wanting to be rude and Logan stands there looking at the guy waiting to see if he gets the hint your not interested

"Anyways maybe we should hang out some time, idk get to know each other?"

"Sorry I'm actually taken"


"Ya they have a boyfriend thats right here"

He gave the guy a small glare as he grabs your hand pulling you away from the dude maybe even mumbling about about him not getting the hint as you two walk


Second request done!!! :D I hope you liked it!! The third request will wither be out later today or tomorrow

Tags :
6 months ago

hi I'm not sure if you have done this already/ if you are still taking requests but if you are could you please do the SBG group reacting to the reader coming out as trans masc please? thank you so much for making these I really enjoy reading :3

hiii thanks for the request and I'll try my best with this I don't know everything about trans people but I know some!

Warnings- probably spelling errors, nothing to bad



Shed probably be a little confused on what that is so youd have to explain what being trans is

Once she kinda gets an idea of it she's still supportive and probably mixes up your pronouns accidentally at first but eventually gets the hang of it

She'd be supportive on any look/style you'd want to try and give honest opinions when you want her to

Either way still treats you the same way and trys her best to support you!



I think he might have a small idea of what being trans is or have some terrible misconsumption about it saying something bazar 😭

After you explan it a bit better to him he's completely supportive

I feel like he'd definitely either joke about becoming trans himself or send you trans memes all the time

Since he's rich and all I can see him buying you things to help you transition I to being trans (is that the right word?)

Like he'd buy you a binder if you wanted one and that sorta thing

Definitely would let you take some of his clothes if you wanted to try out his style



Probably either knows absolutely nothing on what being trans is or knows a good amount of what it is

You might have to explain some of the details and Ben would also probably do a little bit of research on it himself just to make sure what it is

Either way though he's 100 percent supportive!

He'd give honest opinions on anything you ask him like if whatever style would look good on you and what not

He'd also let you borrow some of his shirts if there not huge on you (which most likely are)



You'd definitely have to explain it to him because he'd have no clue

If he did know what that was he'd definitely thought it was a joke on YouTube or something

But after you explained it to him he was supportive

He'd let you borrow his shirts more and give you opinions on what styles look good on you

He'd be a little sceptical at first thinking it was a prank or something but when he figures your telling the truth he's supportive 100 percent

Also later he realized he's technically gay now



I think she'd be the once to know the most of what trans is compared to the whole group

Shed be sooo supportive and take you on shopping sprees when she should and help you figure out your style

Shed love helping you figure out how to cut your hair and how to dress that sorta thing

Shed be such a good girlfriend no matter what gender you re she loves you just the same



he might know a small amount on what being trans is

Though you still might have to explain it a bit and he'd do some research on his own about it

He'd be super supportive and lend you some of his clothes whenever you wanted

Would definitely recommend some styles if you asked

He'd make sure you where comfortable with yourself all the time when he figerd out how much hate they get

Will love you either way <3


Hope you liked it!!! Also shout out to all my trans readers your all valid and awesome!!!! 🩡🩷🀍🩷🩡🩷🀍🩷🩡🩷🀍🩷🩡🩷🀍🩷🩡🩷

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6 months ago

HEYYYYY, saw you recent post and LOVED THEM. You up for doing SBG with really tired S/O? Example: always napping, even in public. S/O would just like lay on them and nap

⭐️ anon

yesss!!!! I love this idea its actually how I would be like around my partner if I had one πŸ₯²

Warnings- probably spelling errors cuz I'm to lazy to go fix them



She wouldn't really mind whenever you just fall asleep near her

On her though she might be a little awkward but will never push you off of her

When it's just you two and you just decide to take a nap next o her she might take a nap with you (cuz all these kids need it bro)

In public it really just depends

if there's little people around (and aiden isn't there) she'd take a small nap with you

If there's lots of people she probably would just try her best to keep you up until there in a better place with less people and probably no aiden

Speaking of aiden again I think she'd give him hella glares if he trys to wake you up with a prank or something she's not letting that happen

Especially in the phantom realm she wants you to get as much sleep as you can when your just chilling in the phantom realm she dosent want you to tired more then you are



Itd probably be pretty hard to fall asleep around him but if you do bed think it's so cute!

Buuuuut aiden might pull some pranks on you somtimes when you fall asleep near him

When he dosent though he'd just let you sleep (cuz yall desperately need it fr) and he'd go do his own thing that may or may not be stupid (it 100 percent is)

Though if you fall asleep on him like leaning on his side or your head in his lap thats a different story!

If he dosent feel like pranking you he'd try his hardest to stay still and let you sleep

Even though it's a little hard with his adhd he trys

He most likely plays with your hair when you lay on him to help keep himself occupied and not wake you

If your in public and fall asleep near/on him I think he'd 100 percent just carry you to wherever your going next instead of waking you



Hed love to just nap with you all the time

If it's just you two hanging out and you fall asleep on him he's asleep with you

Even in public if there's not many people he'll nap with you

Bit if there's alot of people he probably won't unless the rest of the group is there

Speaking of the rest of the group ben definitely has to make sure aiden doesn't wake you up because aiden would definitely do that -_-

Also he'd be awesome to sleep against, he'd be like a giant warm pillow It'd be awesome I don't blame anyone for wanting to cuddle him tbh

Back on topic lol, I think just like aiden he'd carry you if you fall asleep and they needed to go somewhere, he'd just scoop you up easily and they'd be on there way lol



When it's just you two he'd love to just cuddle and nap with you

Like when you two have a study date at his house and you fall asleep? He's cuddling with you once he finishes, he also makes sure you finish to

But in public he'd probably act annoyed but will never push you away or wake you up

He'll only wake you up when you have to get going or somtimes carry you

He also acts like a guard dog any time you fall asleep and makes sure nobody wakes you up especially aiden

If it's cold out and you fall asleep near him he'll probably lay his jacket over you

And if you lay on him in public he'll put his arm over you to make sure you don't fall or something but still acts annoyed and probably fights with aiden when he teases him



Shed think it's soooo cute whenever you just fall asleep near or on her

No matter where you guys are shell always just admire you when your asleep

If you fall asleep on her when it's just you two she might just play on her phone or something while stroking your hair

if you fall asleep on her in public shel try her hardest to sit still and make sure your comfortable until she has to wake you up

She makes sure nothing will wake you up because she knows you and the rest of the group desperately need sleep fr

Somtimes if your really tired and fall asleep on her in public she'll ask tyler or Ben to carry you

She definitely has a bunch of pictures he took of you sleeping in random places and on her she thinks it's so cute



He'll make sure to be quiet whenever you fall asleep near or on him

I fell like every time you fall asleep on him he blushes at least a little bit

In public he trys to let you sleep as long as you can before gently waking you up by like stroking your hair/cheek gently

When it's just you two he will most likely fall asleep with you just cuddled up next to you being extra careful to not wake you

He trys his hardest to not let aiden wake you when you guys are with the group but he'd need Ben's help to keep aiden away

I fell like he'd stroke your hair a lot when your asleep as if you where a cat

Might also offer you his hoodie to use like a blanket some days


Hope you liked it!!!! I've still got a few more requests to do so expect more posts randomly lol

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6 months ago

SBG main six with S/O that’s always cold? Example: clings onto them for warmth, wears there hoodies/sweaters, tends to stay snuggled up in blankets.

-✨ anon


hiiiiii!!! Love the request and don't worry I will!! :D also sorry I'm taking so long to answer these requests I've been busy πŸ˜…

Warnings- probably spelling errors, that's it I think



At first she'd act so awkward lol but wouldn't do much to push you away

Shed probably like your warms almost as much as you like hers so you both just cuddle alot sometimes when it's just the 2 of you

Shed probably keep an extra sweatshirt stashed in her dad's car for you and just give them to you randomly if you're cold

Also secretly thinks you look adorable wrapped up in blankets randomly in her house/your house

Will bring you blankets to wrap yourself in at her house and might cuddle with you to



Finds it so cute whenever you cling to him for warmth

Though you can't usually cling to him as often when he's trying to do some random stunts or something

But if you cling to him before that happens he might stay with you and let you cling to him

He'd probably be that type of guy to purposely leave his sweatshirts at your house just to see you wear them

Will also hand one to you if you asked (will most likely give you the one he was wearing in that moment)

Also thinks you look so cute when your wrapped up in blankets if your at his house he'll give you like a million blankets and cuddle with you lol



Whever you going to him he just hugs you/ cuddles you which would be so cute 😭

Hed probably be like a human furnace and super comfortable to cuddle with so if your cold no problem!

Hed 100 percent give you his goodies if you asked but they'd probably be huge on you lol

Will wrap you both in a bunch of blankets and cuddle with you

Also thinks it's so cute any time you cling to him or when your wrapped up in blankets

you both probably at least once fell asleep together in the randomest spot when you both cuddle



Hed probably get flusterd out in public and act annoyed or be like super protective and shamless when you cling to him

Will probably let you borrow his sweatshirts especially his jersey jacket/number (basically his baseball number + his name on it)

You two probably fall asleep cuddling alot at his/your house

He also thinks it's cute and funny when you wrap yourself in a bunch of blankets and probably has pictures of it

He has at least once cuddled with you with a bunch of blankets wrapped around you both



She loves it whenever you cling to her for warmth

She thinks it's so cute and she gets to cuddle you more who wouldn't love that?

Probably makes sure to bring an extra sweatshirt for you at the graveyard just in case

Also loves cuddling with you wrapped up in a bunch of blankets

she probably also has a bunch of pictures of you two cuddling and ones of you sleeping when she thought you looked cute

Definitely falls asleep with you alot at the graveyard so somone in the group constantly have to wake you two up if somethings happening



He also loves it whenever you cling to him

I can see him being a very comforting presence and also surprisingly warm?

He'll let you cling to him whenever and probably brings an extra sweatshirt for you or stashes on in the graveyard

Also he probably has a few pictures of you guys cuddling or of you sleeping like taylor (not in a weird way just to clarify)

Also thought it was kinda funny the first time he found you wrapped up in a bunch of blankets

Definitely cuddles with you under a bunch of blankets while watching a movie or something resulting in you both falling asleep together like halfway through the movie


Hope you liked it!!! Again sorry it took a while πŸ˜… for the other people who requested don't worry I am still doing your requests just be patient!

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6 months ago

Hi, not sure if your taking requests or if this to weird to ask for, but could you do SBG main six with S/O that just likes to sit in between there legs? They just sit in between there legs still facing them and just laying there head on there leg/thigh?

If this is to weird or far for you then ignore this!!!

hiiii!!! Thanks for the request and sorry this took so long I've been busy 😭

Also think this is kinda cute? If that makes sense...

Warnings- probably spelling errors, other then that nothing I think?



Would probably be like "what the heck?" When you first sat between her legs casually

Would be very confused but won't push you away much

Might kinda like pet your head awkwardly and just continue whatever she was doing

If other people are around or the gang aiden would definitely teases you both tyler Might to

That might result in some fights/arguments between them but it's something that yall are used to

She probably has like an awkward blush? Does that make sense? Idk



Hed give you a confused look but his smile would still be on his face cuz it's aiden -_-

Definitely would tease you about it after a while

Might kinda pet your head a bit or play with your hair

Will take so many pictures and send them to the gc at the randkmest times just to embarrasse you

Him and tyler Definitely have fought/argued because tyler made some comment about you laying between aidens legs



Just kinda sits there like "what-?" When you sit between his legs

He won't push you away though he just kinda exepts it?

Aiden definitely teases you both and Ben gives him either a glare that makes aiden back off or just an unamused look

Will play with your hair after a while and might play some soft music

You probably end up falling asleep and wake up moved to some more comfortable spot and he's either near you or asleep next to you



Very very confused and just looks at you like "the hell-?"

You might have to kinda fight him to be able to stay laying between his legs but you probably end up winning

After a while he might play with your hair but if you or someone comments about it he'll immediately stop and act like nothing happened

Definitely argued/fought with aiden because aiden was teasing you both

He might secretly think you look cute bit won't say it



She'll be like "oh! Hello there!" When you sit between her legs

She won't push you away at all and will definitely play with your hair

If your hairs long enough there will be so many braids in it

Aiden definitely teased you both and she just tells him to go away or leave you two alone

Definitely tells you how cute you look as she plays with your hair



Would definitely turn as red as a tomato when you lay between his legs

He wouldn't be able to for a sentence for a few minutes but once he does he will ask you what your doing

Once you tell him your just sitting between his legs he's just kinda like "Oh ok"

Would still be kinda awkward but will play with your hair a bit and just let you do whatever


Im sorry it's short but hope you liked it!!!

Also if your reading this and sent me a request that hasn't been done yet don't worry I'm still doing them ill maybe get one more out today πŸ˜…

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5 months ago

Can I request an sbg x fem reader one-shot who has the powers of winter from aespa's new Supernova mv in the phantom world, but the drawback is that she gets sick and vomits blood + she has lucky girl syndrome (which means she's lucky asf)

hiiii so sorry it took so long for me to do your requests but here's one of them! πŸ˜…

I think I've actually seen a older post like this so I'll use inspo from that but try to make it different from that post

Also I'm gonna do one-shots just to make it a little easier for me so sorry if that disappoints you πŸ˜”



The first time you figure out you had powers was probably in a slightly stressful moment and ashlen would be super concerned that you where just fucking floating lol

After you have drawback shes even more concerned because of all the blood you throw up

She might be one of the first to notice your lucky girl syndrome to, which she uses to the groups advantage (if your ok with it obvi)

Shed be careful about you using your powers though simply because of the draw back she dosent want anything to happen to you even if your not dating

Even with your lucky girl syndrome she never has you do anything to dangerous cuz she figures luck can only take you so far

Always asked if your ok if you do use your powers and stays kinda close to you while having drawbacks



Again you probably found out about your powers while in a stressful moment and aiden thinks it's so sick like he does with ashlens hearing

Does get concerned though when you get drawbacks and puke blood even if you can see it with his usual smile

He probably dosent notice your lucky girl syndrome till somone points it out and he's like "ohhhhhh your right she is oddly lucky!!!"

Hed want to do a bunch of crazy shit like see how high you can fly and if you can carry him stuff like that

But sticks pretty close to you wile having drawbacks and makes sure your ok

Also if your around aiden your lucky girl syndrome does wonders whenever he's doing something crazy cuz likely it dosent end up so bad when your close by

Also if he figures this out prepare for him to practicly beg you to do the stupid shit with him lol



Very very concerned when you just start floating out of nowhere and you panicking trying to get back to he ground

Hed be the one to get you down or catch you cuz he's the tallest and strongest so ya

Hed be even more concerned when you have drawbacks and would try to comfort you and try to help you through the drawbacks

It also might take him a while to notice your luckygirl syndrome but will eventually and be kinda fascinated by it?

Hed be kinda against you using your powers to much because of the drawbacks specifically

If you do end up doing something for a mission or whatever and need to use your powers then ben has to go with you

Hed be full of to much anxiety otherwise and wouldn't be able to do much



Probably like "wha the fuck?" When you start flying out of nowhere trying to get back down

Hed be very determined to get you back to solid ground to

When you start puking blood he's very worried even if he dosent show it at first

He won't let you use your powers much just because of the draw backs and if you do he has to be with you you cant talk him out of it

hes also probably the first to notice (or second to ashlen) your luckygirl syndrome

He still dosent let you go anywhere alone in the phantom realm even with your powers

Most missions the group is on your either pair with tyler and Taylor, just you and tyler, or your not going anywhere, it's just how it is



Very scared for you tge first time you figure out your powers

Trys her hardest to help you get back to the ground with the help of Ben and even Tyler once he makes him

She's also the first at your side when you start having drawbacks and patting your back trying to comfort you

After that she sticks kida close to you and at first dosent want you to use your powers

after a while though she gets more comfortable with you useing your powers

Shed still have to be with you though because pf the draw backs and because she's worried about you

Most likely won't notice your luckygirl syndrome till somone points it out to her



Very very worried when you figure out your powers for the first time

He probably knows some ways to help with the nausia feeling when you have drawbacks backs

Hed also be worried the whole time

Hed probably try and do some research about it to and ways to possibly help you

Is agenst you useing your powers for a long time bit eventually warms up to he idea when you get more used to your powers

It's a 50/50 of him noticing your lucky girl syndrome first or not noticing till its pointed out to him


Hope it's good!! Again sooo sorry his took so long I haven't had time/motivation to write 😭

Also I'm sorry to say I might not do your other 2 request because of this and maybe I can do them next time I take requests or you can go to a different writer idk, I'm sorry! πŸ˜…

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