60 posts
All Might Had Made A Vow; To Inko, Her Son, And To Himself, That He Would Raise Izuku And Guide To Being
All Might had made a vow; to Inko, her son, and to himself, that he would raise Izuku and guide to being a true hero. He had been quite strong in his resolve to do just that. The boy deserved a mentor who could care for him and teach him.
The time has come for him to fulfill his promise, just not in the way either him or Izuku would of liked.
Or in which Izuku disobeys All Mights orders to be safe with his training one to many times and must deal with him.
This fic contains a non-sexual spanking of a teenager. If this offends you then don't read. Chapter 4 is finally up!
kholjah liked this · 4 years ago
kit-kat57 liked this · 4 years ago
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Aggretsuko haida and retsuko analysis
I want to start off stating season 2 was amazing every new episode I was entertained from beginning to end and I absolutely adored all the characters they introduced ( Anai tadano) as well as fleshing out the characters of the main cast (Ton Retsuko and Kabae and I'll get to that analysis another time) I even liked the mini romance between tadano and retsuko as much as I ship haida and retsuko I found them cute together so much so I actually didn't mind haida and retsuko getting together this season
And here's why
I'm sure a lot of people already noticed this but there's definitely a lot similarities between season 1 and season 2 arc wise mainly in first half we deal with the stress and hardship retsuko suffers from her job and having her belt out a (catchy) death metal song and in the second half we have her meeting the "guy of her dreams" but there were some notable differences first and foremost was lots of characters being fleshed out and I found the tadano and retsuko arc engaging mostly due to the fact that the feelings were mutual they just couldn't see eye to eye on the future and that's great, that's real that's something most couples commonly struggle with myself included (topic for another time). One more major difference between 1 and 2 was haida and retsuko relationship this season despite romance wasn't the main thing between them that doesn't mean there was nothing they're few examples I could name such as haida having retsuko's back with Anai even though it got him on his hate list, haida talking to retsuko a lot more and I mean genuinely talking to him such as the whole conversation about parents him geeking out about tadano, also him helping retsuko get her point across with tadano about their relationship and where she wants it to go and telling her "that's what friends are for" these little moments are giving a little bit development between that's going to be very important way down the the line and here's how
Another notable similarty between 1 & 2 is how they end with retsuko showing her death metal side while venting her worries and concern about the relationship she's in to last person she wanted to vent to about it: the person she's in love with. Retsuko always seems to do this is a test of sorts or a last resort to see if that person truly loves her for her and both men have failed the test but in different ways Resauske was too socially inept and indifferent to Retsuko making her realize that her relationship was completely one-sided and tadano truly did love retsuko and wanted to be with her and her only her but Retsuko wanted it to be official and we'll he didn't and from his point of view him not wantings to marry is not a bad thing I believed him when he said he wanted to be with her and she believes him to but she was finally ready to bear the responsibilities of a wife and mother and it was her dram to marry him and dream she did not want to compromise no matter how much she liked him.
What does this have to do with Haida?
Imagine Haida and Retsuko do start dating these start off good enough just casual hanging out not too much different then when they're friends except for the occasional hand holding little things that gives a little confidence in their relationship but then they start to get serious retsuko hesitant not because she doesn't like Haida because she does she's starting to lose the whole friend image of him and is starting to see him a potential partner in life...and that scares her. Retsuko looks back on her previously attempts at relationship ( no whether they pick up that Haida and Retsuko ship after season 2 or there's other stuff in between I don't know right I'm just speculating but I'm hoping for the latter because you know, build up) and how she thought they were "the one" before and how she was left heartbroken and disappointed she couldn't go through that again for her sake as well as haida's she had to be sure. It was time for another "test"
Retsuko brings Haida to the karaoke bar and starts off sating she's been thinking about the two of them and she wants to talk meanwhile, Haida is freaking out internally and is worried that he might of rushed her and she was going to break things off so being the insecure, and overly nice dork that is he's about to apologise profusely saying he's fine the way things are and if she's not ready that's fine but retsuko cuts him off asking him to hear her out first. Haida sits down in apprehension and curiosity. Retsuko starts by saying before we talk about us there's something you have to know about me and my thoughts on our relationship and as she's talking she's typing in her go to song and getting her mic ready while Haida looks on in surprise because the song is so familiar and Retsuko...
Let's loose completely with the power of death metal she screams on and on about how she does this almost every night how she wants this relationship to go somewhere how much he means to her etc. While haida
Haida doesn't know what to think at first he's overcome with so many emotions shock over retsuko screaming out of nowhere and death metal of all things, awe at her being in to death metal and finding it pretty attractive and last not least happiness that he just as much to her as much as she means to him and he was stressing over nothing. Relief hits him after the shockwave of the other emotions starts to subside and vows once she's done welcome this restuko with arms wide open and have a thorough conversation about their relationship
And that's my theory on how their relationship is going to progress more or less. I feel like Haida and Retsuko is going to happen it just might take sometime and I kind of hope it does I want this relationship to flourish there so much room for them grow and I can't wait to see what they do next with this series even if haida and retsuko don't end up together I hope we have a ending that's satisfying

Chapters: 1/? Fandom: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia Rating: Not Rated Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Midoriya Izuku/Original Female Character(s) Characters: Midoriya Izuku, Original Female Character(s), Uraraka Ochako, Iida Tenya, Class 1-A (My Hero Academia), Yagi Toshinori | All Might, Midoriya Inko, Mineta Minoru Additional Tags: Tooth-Rotting Fluff, Humor, Fluff and Humor, Love Letters, Blushing, Embarrassed Midoriya Izuku, shy original female character, Original Female Character(s) - Freeform, selectively mute oc, Other Additional Tags to Be Added Summary:
It was small and paper thin, he could crush it if he wanted to. Instead Izuku handled it with the utmost care and trepidation, as if it were something dangerous that could destroy something fragile and important.
Namely, his feelings if it turned out to be a joke.
Or Izuku finds a series of love letters in his locker every morning and is on the hunt for his admirer. While struggling with some new emotions he has for a mysterious student he begins tutoring.
If this isn't my life at work in a nutshell I don't know what is
The Life of a fast food employee
Aim To Pass: All American Dream Plan.
Chapter 2 is here! Summary: Pajamas:a suit of loose pants and jacket or shirt for sleeping in.
Izuku would like to blame the reason he found himself in these kinds of situations solely on the fact the universe hated him.