dust-bunni-in-a-cup - "Doesn't it smell like henweigh in here?"
"Doesn't it smell like henweigh in here?"

I promise I'm not a bot I just haven't started interacting with things ;-; || 18 || She/her

16 posts

Dust-bunni-in-a-cup - "Doesn't It Smell Like Henweigh In Here?" - Tumblr Blog

2 years ago
Drew Some More Leo And Val While Simultaneously Trying To Figure Out How To Draw The Bay Teetles
Drew Some More Leo And Val While Simultaneously Trying To Figure Out How To Draw The Bay Teetles

Drew some more Leo and Val while simultaneously trying to figure out how to draw the bay teetles 😭

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2 years ago


Pair: Bayverse!Leo x Val (oc) (They're kids in this oneshot, so its technically platonic, kinda, there's romantic implications if you squint but yeah, they're kids)

Synopsis: Young Val and Leo watch a movie together, and when two characters kiss, she has to explain to him what it is. Cue adorable fluffy hijinks.


Valerie poured the freshly microwaved popcorn into the large plastic bowl, seated atop a stool at the kitchen island while Leo stood next to her, resting his chin on the cool marble surface. Once the bag was empty, the duo moved down the hall of the small apartment and into Val's room. She sat the bowl down on her nightstand before hopping onto her bed to arrange the pillows and blankets into peak movie night position, then jumping down just as quickly to rummage through her collection of DVDs and some older VHS tapes that belonged to her moms.

Meanwhile, Leo stands awkwardly in the middle of the room, not quite sure what to do with himself. The two had met almost a year ago, and the Delgados had shown him and his family nothing but kindness and acceptance, but he always felt out of place. All his life he was told not to go above the surface, that it was dangerous and people may be frightened by his differences. 

He knows his father didn't mean those words with ill intent, only wanting to warn his son of potential danger. But it just made him overly paranoid. He feels like he doesn't belong in a real house, the sewers have been his home for as long as he could remember. And if he just feels out of place, imagine how he looks. He's like a fish out of water.

"Leo! Help me pick out a movie!" Val's voice knocked him out of his anxious haze. The terrapin crouched down next to her and mulled over the options. He didn't see any that he recognized, though in his defense, he had seen practically 0 movies prior to meeting Val. Of course, when she heard this, Val declared that every Saturday they would watch movies together. 

The cover of one of the DVD cases caught his eye. It was pretty flashy, from first glance he could tell that it was some kind of action movie. Val noticed his discovery and leaned over his shoulder.

"Oh! Oh! I watched that one with my moms a while ago, it's still pretty new. Do you wanna watch it?" She said excitedly. Leo nodded wordlessly and handed the rectangular case over, watching as the girl practically skipped over to the DVD player and slipped the small disc inside. She pulled Leo off the floor before snatching the remote and plopping back onto her bed, placing the bowl of popcorn into her lap. Leo followed in suit, sitting down next to her and pulling his knees up against his plastron. 

The movie was surprisingly good, Leo didn't have very high expectations, but it definitely exceeded them. The action kept him on the edge of his seat and the protagonist was funny and entertaining to watch. From his beginnings as a tired detective, to uncovering the underground base of some unknown enemy force, to heroically saving his lady friend and busting some guys faces open. Not literally, there wasn't a lot of blood, but it was implied.

As the movie was coming to a close, the lady friend from before approached the detective. They talked about what had previously transpired, exchanged witty banter and seemed to be getting increasingly close to each other. 

Leo continued to watch, completely oblivious to the chemistry happening between the characters. But he glanced over to Val when he felt her shift next to him, she curled into herself kind of, watching intently at the screen with a gleam in her eye. When he turned back to the screen, the two characters were much closer than before. 

Then they pressed their lips together, wrapping their arms around each other as the screen faded to black. As the end credits rolled, he heard Val let out a little cheer and clap her hands. She turned to him, "So, what did you think of the movie?"

"It was great!" Leo said enthusiastically, making Val smile more, "But, uh- what were they doing at the end?" He asked, obviously confused.


"That thing… with their faces?" He clarified.

"Oh, you mean when they kissed?" She chuckled a bit at that.

"Kissed? What's that?" He queried, even more confused now.

Val gave him an odd look. "A kiss, you know- do you really not know what a kiss is..?" When Leo shook his head she pursed her lips and puffed her cheeks defeatedly, thinking of a way to explain. "It's like… a thing you do with people that you love, that you care about."

Leo processed this new information, letting out a hum and thinking for a few seconds. "Well, I care about you… can I kiss you?" He asked tentatively. 

"Wh-what!? No!" She exclaimed, making Leo jump. But then she paused, "Well- I mean, I guess you can. But not like they did!" She pointed at the screen, referring to the main characters. 

Leo just looked at her even more confused than he was before.

"Okay, let me put it like this…"


At first, Val's moms weren't too keen on letting their daughter go and play in the sewers, but after some time (and months of begging from Val and a very insistent Mikey), they finally started letting her visit the lair. She'd spend hours watching them experiment with their weapons and playing Mario Kart on an Xbox that Donnie found and fixed up himself, absolutely demolishing Leo at it every time.

But eventually, she'd have to come home. 

"It's getting pretty late guys, I gotta go home or my Mamá will chew me out." She said, earning a few disapproving groans from the turtles. 

She set down her controller and pat Mikey on the head, shaking it slightly before standing up. As she started walking towards the exit ladder, she crouched down next to Leo (of whom was lounging on a beanbag nearby). As she cupped his face and planted a kiss on cheek, he wrapped his arms around her torso in a loose hug. 

When she pulled back, she looked back at the others to say bye, only to find the words die in her throat at their faces. 

"What was that?" Raph asked bluntly, expressing obvious confusion that the two other brothers shared. 

Before Val could answer, Leo sat up in the beanbag. "It's called a kiss, it's something you do with people you care about. But there are different kinds of kisses… and they all have different meanings." He explained, trying to recall what the girl told him a few nights ago. 

Val nodded in confirmation as Mikey jumped up from his spot on the floor. "I want one!" The characteristically eccentric brother exclaimed. Val only laughed, opening her arms. Mikey jumped into them very quickly, giggling when the girl pressed a kiss to his forehead with a dramatic 'mwah!' 

As Mikey released her from their hug, Raph stepped up as well. "Me next!" Val did the same for him, this time plopping a kiss on the bridge of his nose, right under the space between his eyebrows—or where they would have been, anyway.

Still in her hug with Raph, she looked over to Donnie, who was standing there awkwardly. He fidgeted, pushing up his glasses. 

"You want one too, Don?" She smirked, letting go of the more brash of the brothers in favor of placing her hands on her hips.

"Y-yes please." He stammered, ever the polite one (behind Leo, of course). She opened her arms in compliance, wrapping them around his shoulders to bring him down to her level and kissing his temple. 

Continuing on her way back to the exit ladder, she passed Leo again. But much to her surprise, he had his arms crossed and brandished a bit of a pouty expression. A teasing smile graced her lips and she leaned into his line of vision. 

"What's wrong? Jealous I'm giving your brothers some attention too~?" She taunted. 

"Am not." He huffed, averting his gaze. 

Val snickered, cupping his face again and turning it towards her. "How about another one for good measure?" Without waiting for an answer she pressed her lips to his cheek again. When she pulled back, she shook his head in her hands, squishing his cheeks affectionately. 

"You're still my favorite, Nerdo~." Before Leo could protest the new nickname, she sped off, waving at the brothers before she left their line of sight. 

As Mikey and Raph began to pester and tease about why Leo got two kisses (to which he defends himself by stating that she's his best friend), Splinter watches from afar. He was a little surprised when he witnessed such a casual display of affection between his son and the girl, but as she continued to do the same with his other children, a part of him was… at peace. 

Splinter wasn't sure how to express his care for his sons in a physical sense, only knowing that he must protect them at all costs. But maybe a little feminine touch was just what their unusual family needs. 

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2 years ago
Alright, As Promised Here Is Future Donnie From My Future Bootyyyshaker 9000 AU In His Entirety. If Only

Alright, as promised here is Future Donnie from my Future Bootyyyshaker 9000 AU in his entirety.  If only all the pages could look like this hah.  You don’t really get to see him much in the comic so let’s pull back the veil just a bit, shall we?

Keep reading

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2 years ago

Raph's Powers: Force Fields and Projections Leo's Powers: Portals and teleportation Mikey's Powers: Infinite Chains and Mystical Fire Donnie's Powers: The entire US arsenal

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2 years ago
Traditional Val And Kae Drawings, Not Proud Of All Of Them But I Thought I Should Share :)
Traditional Val And Kae Drawings, Not Proud Of All Of Them But I Thought I Should Share :)
Traditional Val And Kae Drawings, Not Proud Of All Of Them But I Thought I Should Share :)
Traditional Val And Kae Drawings, Not Proud Of All Of Them But I Thought I Should Share :)
Traditional Val And Kae Drawings, Not Proud Of All Of Them But I Thought I Should Share :)
Traditional Val And Kae Drawings, Not Proud Of All Of Them But I Thought I Should Share :)
Traditional Val And Kae Drawings, Not Proud Of All Of Them But I Thought I Should Share :)

Traditional Val and Kae drawings, not proud of all of them but I thought I should share :)

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2 years ago
Follow Up To My Last Leo&val Post!

Follow up to my last leo&val post!

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2 years ago
Rise Raph But He's Built Like Kingpin From Spiderverse

rise raph but he's built like kingpin from spiderverse

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2 years ago

Casey stop he's already dead 😭😭

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2 years ago
I Don't Remember That Much From 2003 Donnie, But Compared To The Other Version Of Him, He's Pretty Less

I don't remember that much from 2003 Donnie, but compared to the other version of him, he's pretty less chaotic than them.

2012 Donnie blows up his lab, 2014/2016 Donnie jumps out of a plane, 2018 Donnie is thirsty for homicide.

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2 years ago

Not proud of this, but have some ocs and turtles!

Not Proud Of This, But Have Some Ocs And Turtles!
Not Proud Of This, But Have Some Ocs And Turtles!

When Val's moms found out about Leo, they were pretty... surprised to say the least

Val definitely had to reassure leo that her parents didn't think he was a freak though :(

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2 years ago
Mikey Setting The Scene For The Campaigns First Adventure//

Mikey setting the scene for the campaigns first adventure//

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2 years ago

Did everyone's dad get them into tmnt at a young age??

Twitter makes me laugh sometimes

Twitter Makes Me Laugh Sometimes

Also I couldn’t help but make this

Twitter Makes Me Laugh Sometimes

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2 years ago
TMNT OCS!! These Versions Are Specifically For Bayverse!TMNT (other Versions Coming Soon :])

TMNT OCS!! These versions are specifically for Bayverse!TMNT (other versions coming soon :])

Valerie, "Val" for short - she/her - Mixed Race (Latinx/Black/White)

Kaede - she/her (possible she/they) -Filipino (raised in a Japanese family)

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