Hello! You can call me Dya. I hope to use this blog for a place to put my weird ramblings, sketches, and reblog the things that interest me. Icon is not my art and was made via Picrew. They/Them pronouns.
227 posts
Dyalinohera - A Log Of One Weird Person.

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More Posts from Dyalinohera
Autistic Byleth HC Part 2: ELECTRIC BUGALOO
EVEN MORE STUFF! Below is the continuation of her students finding out about all the little weird things she does.
Flayn (Because I forgot her!): A unique Short sword/Court sword with a fish for a pommel and hilt.
Felix respects her as a sparring partner, but he noticed quickly how she tends to rock and click her fingers when explaining to him how his footwork or something needs improvements.
Mercedes loves baking sweets and thinks it is adorable that Byleth just has to pull her sweets apart into little bitty bites. She asked once why Byleth does this and it is to savor them.
Though Byleth does eat just about anything, Dedue figured out quickly that she is really into mash potatoes and also seems to go for more plain foods.
He’s gotten very good at making the perfect creamy mashed potatoes and different soups that provide a good balance of nutritional needs which she lacks due to eating a fuck ton of mash potatoes.
Flayn once got into a three hour discussion about different kinds of fishing bait, lures, fishing poles, and different kinds of fish and where to find them.
She also got into the same sort of discussion with Seteth as well.
Sylvain often asks her out to eat and she always refused, however when he asks her for tea in his rooms she is happy enough to do so.
When teasing her about it ‘what would the others think about you being alone with me in my room’ Byleth admits that she finds it hard to understand words when a lot of people are talking around her.
Annette really admires Byleth’s ability to absorb as much info she can on a subject and strives to do the same.
Ingrid was also shown the sword collection when she found Byleth oiling each and every one of them.
Like this sword collection is insanely big.
Ingrid is now very good at sword sword upkeep.
Stuff that Jeralt only knows about.
Byleth enjoyed chewing things.
Leather, cloth, metal, his arm
Chew chew chew
Though she was always gentle chewing on his arm.
She would only chew on his arm when over sensitized.
Taught her how to read and write at fairly young age so she can communicate in some way when she didn’t feel like talking.
She likes fuzzy materials like fur, and she now has quite a few furs to pet when she needs to calm down and stim.
When she learned to read, boy howdy she read EVERYTHING.
Down right floored him when she started to tell him about the things she read.
He got her into fishing.
Her sword collection started fairly quickly and they had to figure out ways to store the damn things.
He had so much trouble with all her swords.
More later maybe?
An Open letter to Quippy.
Through the various relationships in my life, I have learned a lot about trauma through learning everything I could about various mental issues because the after-effects of my own personal trauma were preventing me from living life normally. I was lucky enough to have family members, be blood or found (or a little of both), who have always tried to help me and love me very much.
Recently in my life, I lost a good friend to a misunderstanding during a PTSD episode and their partner took that opportunity to swoop in, gaslight myself and another good friend of mine. Before this moment, I only knew a few things about this partner. ONE. My friend…. Let’s call them Q…. was not having sex with this person but they were in a romantic relationship. TWO. They sometimes had fights and Q admitted so to me. Three. About a week or so prior their partner admitted that they were being abusive towards Q in various ways. No details.
After having been subjected to a gaslighting attempt, my other friend P actually crying, and then Q threatening to kill themselves… Well. I blocked them both and ran for the hills. I did have a private private server with Q and I could have reached out to them at a later date, but I could smell the badnews rolling off of F (the partner).
About a month or so after this event I received a message from Q (on Christmas day like a wonderful puzzle to work over) and I discovered something horrible. Abuse victims will mirror the abuser’s maladaptive control techniques and further become entrenched in the Abuser’s guiles.
Below is that message. I have removed any names pertaining to those whom I have dubbed ‘P’, 'Q’, and 'F’ from this message. Any text prefaced with ( and ends in ) are my own comments on what did and did not happen while pointing out each tactic used to try to scare, confuse, and manipulate me in some way.
I am not a healthcare professional of any kind. I can’t diagnose disorders. I simply have learned how to identify abusive tactics from the counseling I have received for PTSD.
And finally, before we break down this wonderful message, I would like to dedicate this to those who are being gaslighted right now and I pray this essay finds you somehow.
Making It Clear That If Any Distress Comes To Any Other Parties Because Of This Message Then It Will Be Because You Dragged Them Into This. You Will Shoulder That Blame, Not Us. Remember How You Thought We Should Have More Control Over When And Where We Have A Crisis? Practice What You Tried To Preach With Your Reactions To This Message.
(This right here is an excellent show of blame-shifting, gaslighting, and emotional manipulation to throw their victim off and start questioning themselves.)
To:[Redacted] [Also referred to as “recipient” or simply “you"— as the term will only be used to refer to the recipient for the purposes of this message. Only exception to this being quotes taken directly from the recipient’s own messages.] From: [Redacted] [also referred to as "system” or “us/we” for the purposes of this message]
(This Legal jargon is used to make the sender feel more secure and righteous in their anger, which is very much from being scared, pulling power away from the intended recipient.)
This Notice Was Written After The Messages You Decided To Delete Before We Saw Them, Which Leaves Us Only To Assume That They Were Harassing In Nature. That Is Why This Message Is Being Sent. We Wish To State Our Intent In No Uncertain Terms In Order To Avoid Any Possible Misunderstandings. You Will Receive No Further Communication From The System Unless It Is In Order To Inform You Of Actions Being Taken Against You.
Due to the fact that you were intent on:
Blaming the system for being in crisis
Expecting a person/system who had been sent into crisis by an attack to be the one to carry full responsibility even when unaware of key information and still being actively attacked.
(I never did any of these things. What I did was say that a public chat server in discord with people who are emotionally sensitives, me included, was not the correct action and upon them threatening to take their own life, I was sent into a state of fear and reacted with aggression. Was this a smart thing for me to do? I have no idea but it was what I did.)
Refusing to re-read the very exchange you were attacking the system over in order to see that the system had not been given the information you were insistent they had been given and were attacking them over.
“I am not text shuffling for exact proof. They made it clear that it was affecting them negatively.” “The moment they spoke up about internalizing the guilt is the moment it should of stopped.” “[Redacted] said. That they felt it was their fault.” “They said they felt it was their fault.”
(I had two chats going on with the poor P who was watching this System go into a severe PTSD episode and lash out at everything around them. I got confused in my panic HOWEVER I was correct in saying that this system was not right in going into that chat and doing that, not because it hurt someone else, though it is apart of it, but because it is a dangerous state to be in. Please note that the text Q is quoting is from my chat with F. Q is F’s mouthpiece now.)
Refusing to acknowledge that you were wrong even after discovering that the information you were attacking the system for ignoring was actually sent to your private messages, not the chat where the system could see said information.
“Okay. They didn’t say what I thought they did. That was in my DMs.“ "But. I am not gonna talk more of this.”
(Again. This is an attempt to gaslight and invalidate my views and what I did.)
Being a hypocrite by expecting the system to flawlessly read someone while in a blended and unstable state while you, yourself, still drunk dialed the system twice on 08/02/2020 after you had been explicitly told not to do so on 07/24/2020 due to the fact that being drunk dialed causes the system distress.
(I got drunk and sad. I am prone to doing this when upset and I am working on it. HOWEVER. I didn’t say anything on these calls. I only said hi and looked tired. After that, the system did not talk to me for quite some time afterward, but I gave them space and I never made this mistake again. People. If someone keeps bringing this sort of thing up when you have been trying, get away from them. This is a clear sign of abusive tactics. I’ll also go even further in saying that I didn’t even imply that is what SHOULD have happened. I said that was not right. I even told F that Q needed to go to a professional, they are at serious risk and needed help. All I got was excuses. In situations where someone is going through suicidal episodes you have to do everything in your power to get immediate help.)
Ignoring the fact that both times the system was asked if they were okay they told you they weren’t yet you still attacked them under false pretenses.
(I was confused and scared at the time due to ya know, someone I care for greatly threatening to kill themselves. SO. Idk)
Acting like you have any idea just how far the system has come from the state they started in a decade and a half ago. You have neither room nor right to even dream of attempting to invalidate anyone’s progress. Much less that of those who have survived what you never could have.
(I never did any such thing. I tried to empathize and place myself in their shoes to better understand their struggle because I know what it means to be different with different needs and so forth. I am a compassionate person.)
Attempting to validate your stance after your argument fell apart by claiming you were thinking of leaving anyway. People do not get excited about an increase in activity from those they wish to distance from.
(There were various languages that the system was using that were bothering me but I didn’t say anything because I really cared for them. There was also was a revelation that their romantic partner was abusive and it was brought forth in the public chat. Please keep in mind I was mainly talking to their partner in the end and I decided that for my safety to leave and block both Q and F)
Doing all of this after misleading the system into believing that you were understanding of how difficult it could be for someone to live in a head with people who actively want to kill the body they’re in.
(I am still understanding of it. My issue was and will always be the fact that there was a refusal to look at the problem, what they had done, step back, and get help. Because the only thing that was made clear by this message even being sent to me is that I made the right choice to block both Q and F.)
Proving that you need to stay the hell away from abuse survivors because abuse survivors have been blamed for the side effects of survival enough by people like you.
(I never ever blamed abuse survivors for their problems. The system’s abuse is valid, HOWEVER, these past abuses and the unique cognitive issues that come from that trauma does not exempt you from accountability from your actions in or out of high-stress phases. It is up to the individual to find and attempt to get better and stronger from these issues and find solutions that are unique to their situation.)
Any future attempt from the recipient to contact or otherwise interfere with [redacted] or any of said system’s alters will be viewed as a hostile act w/ intent to cause further distress and/or harm. Any such attempts will also be viewed as harassment and shall be dealt with via whatever practical — and, when applicable, legal — means deemed necessary. Drunken episodes are not exempt from this and will also be treated as harassing contact. (<Oh my god they really are trying to hammer home I am some form of ‘evil’ just because I was sad and got on camera for a couple of seconds.)
Just remember, we apologized to the one we inadvertently caused distress to. You were far too weak to be able to do so. We even left you unblocked following the incident to give you a chance but all you did was send us messages you obviously thought better of before they got to our machine. Thank you for confirming that we really will be better without you in our lives because we don’t need people who can’t face their own shortcomings involved with our system. If you cause any member of this system further distress — in any form — then we swear to you that we will use whatever tools we must to contend with you.
(Again, more blame-shifting, bringing up that they apologized without addressing the times I have apologized for the various stupid things I did while dealing with amygdala hijacks and so forth. I’ve been in intense therapy for PTSD and underwent EMDR which entails going over trauma memories in hopes to desensitize the brain so that the fight and flight response isn’t triggered so often. AKA. I have literally gone over very traumatic events, in detail, while doing this therapy. I am an abuse survivor, but Q is very clearly still the victim of current abuse.)
We only hope someone returns the favor to you when your depression is at its very worst.
The account this notice has been sent from will not be signed into again after sending this message on 12/25/2020. Any responses to this notice will go unrecognized.
(And the final last message shows how angry they are at me for leaving a group chat and blocking them. This is from a fear response. A lot of people think that Amygdala is responsible for aggression responses. However, it deals with fear. Aggression and anger is a response to fear. Thus, those who tend to use these abusive tactics are fundamentally scared of not being in control of you. PTSD episodes are called Amygdala Hijack and I am willing to bet Q sent this to me during one.)
Now. For the messages that I had deleted.
It is hard for me to process my emotions. I tend to get bogged in how to say things in my head but when I try to speak or write it all comes out wrong. The original messages were wordy and confusing and… not very good. So here and now, on this space that you the reader walk on, I would like to formally give those messages to Q in simple and clear terms.
I love you.
And I miss you.
Please don’t die.

Just figured out that I am light sensitive and that’s why I kept having a hard time dealing with everything. Thank the god for the night screen application.