eclipsejynx - on break!
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559 posts

Hello I Am Kareem From Gaza

Hello I am Kareem from Gaza

‏please help my family. Donate a small I need a small donation of 20 or 25 euros that can change my life and save me and my family we have lost everything

Please help and sharing I need you

seems to be unvetted but seems legit

More Posts from Eclipsejynx

6 months ago

Hey, if you have half a minute and care about the LGTBQIA+ community in the EU, I'd suggest you take a look at this initiative to ban conversion therapies in the EU.

1 million people are required to sign, but there's barely 100k. The form takes less than a minute, it only requires your ID, name and surname.

Please, help spread the initiative so that it can reach the goal ASAP! If you're not from the EU and can't sign, at least reblog! Thanks in advance.

Hey, If You Have Half A Minute And Care About The LGTBQIA+ Community In The EU, I'd Suggest You Take
6 months ago

Hello, I am Omar Al-Habil from Gaza. My family and I were displaced from northern Gaza after my house was bombed and destroyed. Now, my wife, my three daughters and I live in a tent made of some cloth. My daughter is sick and suffers from malnutrition. We are suffering a lot. Please help me and my family by donating through the link or sharing. Thank you.

Please donate to me πŸ™πŸ»

currently unvetted but seems legit

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6 months ago

Hello my friends

I am Youssef from Gaza

.I need your help if you can

Please donate to save my life and the lives of my children

I'm asking for a small donation of €25 from each person. €35 will save my kids from dying and help me cover expenses and rebuild.

Through the link (please see my CV) man_ss_icons&utm_medium =customer&utm_source=copy_link


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6 months ago

Hello πŸ‘‹ my ❀ friends !

I am asking you to support my newly created campaign to help my family survive the gruesome war over Gaza to safety and ✌️ peace.

Life has become incredibly harsh, tough and full of hardship and painful suffering. We lack all he basic living essentials and necessities such as food, water , medicine and other needs.

The war has made our life hopeless and desperate. My six-member family has been going through the hardest days they have ever experience for almost eleven months due to the disastrous war.

The war has taken every beautiful thing from us, leaving us homeless, displaced and jobless.

The rising prices of all necessary items of life has complicated our living conditions especially when all our savings were spent over the least necessities and needs.

So I am now asking you to lessen and minimize our burdens and loads of life through your contribution. You can help my family survive through donating whatever you can or reposting my messages.



unvetted but seems legit

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6 months ago


nightmare watching murder time trio enjoy their life:

Nightmare Watching Murder Time Trio Enjoy Their Life: