ecofmaster - Revolutionist Ecof
Revolutionist Ecof

Join the revolution cuz we have a god on our side and the queen does not

785 posts

Making Actually Good Updates To Clash Royale Every Day Until Supercell Fixes Their Stupid Game

Making actually good updates to Clash Royale every day until Supercell fixes their stupid game

I wanted to do this one early because this needs a LOT of attention

Day 3: The Shop

The shop is really stupid. It's just a bombardment of dogshit offers, one tiny free reward, and some trade offers that are almost always a waste of a trade token. But that is about to change.

First off, the layout is dumb. This may come off as a bit nitpicky but I don't want to school for five minutes every time I want to collect my free cards of golden chest. Just move the money related offers to the bottom, it's not a big change, but it'll be just that tiny bit better for most, if not all players.

Speaking of the shop offers, most of them are so absurd it's funny. Remember when you could get a book of books along with a bunch of other rewards in the Pass Royale for only 5 bucks? Well now the book of books alone is worth 20 DOLLARS WTF. I haven't spent a cent on this game, but even I understand how stupidly outrageous that is. Not only do we need to lower the price of ALL of the shop offers, but we could also make more shop offers use gems instead of money. I noticed the other day that I hit 2000 gems because i was saving for a legendary king's chest, but it didn't seem that appealing to get mostly junk I dont need for 2500 gems, so I just bought a bunch of elite wild cards instead (a literal FRACTION of a SINGLE level up btw). Having more gem offers will bring incentive to save gems, besides getting elite wild cards. If you want something for a specific card that has something going on right now (say an evolution) you could use your gems on that, because that could be a bigger priority to you than wild cards. A spender could still buy some gems and then buy the shop offer if they really wanted to, but if they had enough gems saved up, they wouldn't need to. This could help those offers be better, because tbh the only people buying these are YouTubers or people who want to keep a maxed account at all times.

Speaking of non-money shop offers, the current gold and gem offers are trash. I already talked about the wild card offers which are all complete scams, but you have to buy them to have level 15, which at this point, is a necessary in a lot of situations. It's underwhelming for the price you have to pay to get it, overwhelming for the opponents you play against that don't have it, and is in general very stupid. It would be best to just half the cost of all these offers and the amount of wild cards used per each level up, and call it a day. It's a lazy solution, yes, but probably the best one in this case. The gold and gem offers though, need other changes. Yes, getting more bang for your buck could also be added here, but that wouldn't really help that much because who in their right mind is buying these things. I mean sure, there COULD be an offer you want, but that only happens once every blue moon. But it could be better if there was an increased chance in getting offers for cards in your deck. If you somehow didn't know already, Clash Royale records the deck you use, so it probably wouldn't be too hard to add a feature where the cards in your deck had higher chances of being in shop offers. There wouldn't be a single soul who wouldn't like that change, I guarantee.

Also please make the free stuff a bit better. It doesn't have to be big, but 1500 gold is NOTHING.

And finally we have the trades. I think we can give these the same treatment as the f2p currency offers by just upping the chances of cards in your deck to be in the receiving side of a trade offer.

Shop fixed.

I'm better than Supercell

  • staryhaa
    staryhaa liked this · 8 months ago

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I know that this is a scam, but even if it was real, tf am I supposed to do about that?

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The ask is asking Jeremy for 5 things not u

Hi Anti-void, hope you doing great!

Firstly, when you get this, you have to answer with 5 things you like about yourself, publicly. Then, send this ask to 10 of your favorite followers (non-negotiable, positivity is cool)

How am I supposed to answer this? 😭

8 months ago


THIS is ur favorite time of day?

Me criticizing a mobile game?


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Will make a port tomorrow

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@myconidwitch I don't think you understand what the extent of the TETRATAN'S power is

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[[HEY EVERY]] I drew the best salesman ever!

[[HEY EVERY]]I Drew The Best Salesman Ever!

You thought >:] /j Anywho, yeah, Transformers :D

That's Swindle ^^^ He's very silly and awesome and the best And also the kind of guy to sell you liver