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Making actually good updates to Clash Royale every day until Supercell fixes their stupid game
Clash already did mega knight so I'm just continuing the fun here.
Day 35: Midlatter evos
I'm evil >:)
Evo 1: Mini Pekka
Mini Pekka will have a very similar gimmick to the Pekka Evo, and it is very obviously a ripoff to the super mini pekka's pancakes. Every second or so, the mini pekka will drop a pancake that will heal it and everything around it. All other stats stay the same.
Hog Rider will have a dumbass Evo. The hog Rider's first hit will blast troops back and do so much more damage than a regular attack. This means the Hog Rider will get much more value from one shot, and have a better chance at getting two. This also means buildings are an even more affective way of countering it, because troops cann and will get owned.
Midlatter will suffer at the hands of these.
Making updates to Clash Royale every day until Supercell fixes their stupid game
I thought I'd do some harder evos today so
Day 36: Gimmick spell evos
So I'm taking spells with gimmicks and giving them evos. No troop spawning spells btw, those aren't "gimmicks".
And I'll do M I R R O R another day.
Evo 1: Rage
So this one is funny and complicated and dumb and I love it. It's rage MORE. Basically any raged troops STAY raged for UNTIL THEY DIE but if they kill something in the rage, they get MORE rage and the duration for the rage increases.
Evo 2: Tornado
Evo tornado is now a hurricane. It stays on the field for like a century, and it's pull is so vacuous and strong that nothing can resist it. It also has a MUCH bigger range. This shit is LITERALLY a hurricane, I was not joking.
Evo 3: Freeze
Frostbite. Best Evo idea anyone has ever had. Opposing troops not only are frozen for longer, not only do they take more damage (which isn't a lot but still) not only do they get slowed after escaping the freeze, but they ALSO have reduced damage until they die after getting hit by Evo freeze.
So yeah I just made the best Evo.
Making actually good updates to Clash Royale every day until Supercell fixes their stupid game
So I'm back to custom cards
I feel like lightning is going to be very good in the meta soon enough because of the Goblin Frankenstein thing and the OP as hell electro dragon Evo so I'm giving it some competition
Day 37: Implosion Spell
Rarity: Rare
Card: Spell
Elixir cost: 5
Radius: 1 tiles
Damage: 1369 (at lvl 11)
Hit speed: Immediate
The implosion spell is just straight damage. it's very simple, and similar to rocket, except easier to use for less damage. It's able to do one tic of MASSIVE instant damage to anything within a tiny area.
So we got mini rocket now
This might be the first good update in so long
So I'm just going to go through a quick rundown of what makes it good
Btw this still counts for the series
So we got lucky box rework, second Evo slot rework, the most overpowered Evo AGAIN, and a new card.
Change 1: Goblinstein
Goblinstein (I think that's what it's called?) is a new champion coming to the game. He's five elixir, and he's basically two intertwined troops. There's the monster, which is basically just a ripoff giant, and Goblinstein himself, who feels like an isolated zappy. The ability is a big lightning bolt between the two troops, And this ability is actually pretty menacing. Taking out the monster will not stop the ability from being usable, so you have to take out the scientist (btw in the book the scientist is the one named Frankenstein, not the monster). Take out the zappy boi and you're mostly fine.
Change 2: Lucky box rework
So they also reworked lucky boxes. Now lucky boxes only have three raities with each rarity being easier to rank up to and giving slightly better rewards (I think? Don't quote me on the last part). The later, more rewarding rarities are gone now tho. But we also get an extra lucky drop per day, along with like 2000 free ones.
This shit is fire. Now it's easier to get better shit but also super lucky players won't have a crazy advantage.
Change 3: Evo slot rework
So I'm kinda on the fancy e about this change. Basically they made the second Evo slot appear at challenge level (which makes sense), and I'm split. On one hand, I GOT ANOTHER SLOT BABYYYYYY but on the other hand, that could also be foreshadowing a third Evo slot...
Change 4: Evo electro dragon
So now every time e-drag hits multiple enemies the chain will keep going
Oh, of course that isn't the stupidest idea supercell, of COURSE!
Well that's all for today. Pretty sure I mentioned this in a previous post but this series ends if I hit day 100 or if Clash makes 2 consecutive good updates in a row. And now it looks like the latter might happen.
Well then
This has been interesting
Making updates to Clash Royale every day until Supercell fixes their stupid game
First update I'm making since the actually good update by Supercell
Still worried about e drag evo tho
Day 39: Giant evos
I'm just finishing the giant evos
Evo 1: Giant
Giant now has a bit more health and an awesome gimmick (in my opinion). Every time he attacks he has a slight bit of immunity and heals. (Doesn't have to be both, I just think either could make him a better tank, which is what he mainly is). This can make the Giant a better tank, which is what is mainly is.
Why am I getting deja vu from that line...
Evo 2: Giant Skeleton
I believe Giant skeleton is a skeleton card, not a Giant card, but he technically counts as a "Giant", so I'm putting him here anyway.
The Giant skeletons bomb gets a small damage buff, along with the big boy's gimmick being centered around it. The bomb now launches troops MUCH further back, and stuns them for half a second. The bomb was the focus of the Giant skeletons anyway, so the bomb not being the center of the gimmick didn't really make sense.
Evo 3: electro giant
Okay this on will get annoying fast
The e Giant doesn't get any buffs. It's gimmick involves his electro ring (who would have guessed). The ring now shocks every time the e Giant attacks, along with Its normal attack speed. This just makes e Giant a shock machine.
Making actually good updates to Clash Royale every day until Supercell fixes their stupid game
We hit a round number lesgo
Day 40: Cold Evos
So like ice wiz, ice golem, supercell already did ice spirit...
I already did freeze...
Evo 1: Ice golem
So this is a cool idea (haha get it) for the ice golem because I thought of a way to give it an Evo gimmick without giving it a health buff. I feel like if ice golem had even a bit more health hog cycle would be too much for me to exist, so I didn't bug its health. In fact, this Evo concept has no buffs to the ice golem's stats at all. But every time an opposing melee troops hits it, the troop slows down for a second. Ice golem was mostly used to kite melee troops anyway so it's fine that it doesn't work for projectiles.
Bonus points if every time a melee opponent hits it the ice golem gives the opponent the ice spirit Evo periodic freeze effect. That would be OP as hell. So that's probably what Supercell will add.
Evo 2: Ice Wizard
This thing NEEDED an Evo BAAAAAADLY.
It's trash. Like so trash. I feel bad for ice wiz players because Supercell did them dirty with this card. Which is why an Evo is appropriate for it!
Ice wiz shoots the ice spirit's Evo freezing thing. It's that simple. This would definitely make him viable, honestly. It may be lazy, but it's a cool as hell idea (pun again).
I got that ice in my veins.
Making actually good updates to Clash Royale every day until Supercell fixes their stupid game
First non-evo update in a while
Day 41: Apple Tree
Rarity: Common
Type: Building
Elixir: 3
Health: 1569 (at lvl 11)
Apple spawn rate: 1 second
Apple regen: 450 health (at lvl 11)
The apple tree is a cheap kiting building that can spawn apples. These apples will chill on the ground until an ally who has taken damage walk on them. The ally will then be healed a small amount, PER APPLE THEY STEPPED ON. So if a one heath Pekka steps on a bunch of apples, depending on how many apples there are, it can heal BACK TO FULL. Also these apples will not respawn until eaten, and can only be eaten by ally troops, so no enemy healing.
I can see the apple tree supporting long range squishy troops defending a push, because not only does it kite, not only does it tank, but if the squishy troops is able to survive a spell, it will heal immediately (this would be really good against arrows because each wave would be healed Individually, so even something like goblins can survive arrows now, as long as they don't die to the first wave). Overall, this seems like a very good card.
Hey day 42 is tomorrow
Making actually good updates to Clash Royale every day until Supercell fixes their stupid game
This entire prot is a meme btw
Day 42: Drugs
Meth, Cocaine, the whole shebang
It's just rage but MUCH more powerful and once it ends, troops that were inside its radius need more within three seconds of they all die
Lmao this is so stupid
Making actually good updates to Clash Royale every day until Supercell fixes their stupid game
Dumbest Evo list today
Day 43: Hog evos
Every card related to hogs
Evo 1: Royal hogs
So a damage buff for this one because the gimmick is mostly based on the hogs' headpiece. The headpiece now hits whatever the hogs are attacking for much more damage AND sends a shockwave from the attack. This shockwave isn't a stunshock, but it will do enough damage to ohko (That's One Hit KO, for anyone unaware) skeletons. The shockwave also slows troops down for half a second, which makes dealing with these things much more annoying.
So I think the hog Rider should actually have the same idea as the Evo hogs with a shockwave per attack, which would really help it get that extra second attack that is always so crucial (no damage buff tho). But I have a funnier idea that I'm going to write additionally to this soooo...
Evo 2.5: Hog Rider silly :3
Hog Rider now uses Thor's fucking hammer. Everytime it attacks, it spawns a lightning spell that affectively IS a lightning, smiting down the three highest health troops on the field near it. Unlike the real lightning spell though, this lightning can't hit towers, just to make sure this doesn't get TOO out of hand.
Evo 3: Mother Witch
Mother Witch Evo is just more curse. It gets a damage buff (it can now ohko dagger goblins) and it can also splash. The gimmick is the curse itself; it now stays on the opposing troops until that die, meaning as long as the Evo Mother Witch hits something, even if it dies, you get a guaranteed hog (unless u lose before it dies then no, it won't give you a hog). These hogs also now explode when they die, making any opposing troops get the Evo curse again if they are close enough. This makes it easier to get a hog army, which is the most fun thing to do with mother Witch, let's all be honest.
And finally
Evo 4: UR MOM-
Big changes to the Clash posts
So I'm essentially rebranding the Clash Royale post thing from updates to whatever shit I want to talk about. Honestly I was running out of update ideas quicker than I imagined. So now I'm just going to talk about whatever is on my mind, about Clash Royale, of course.
This also means I'm scrapping the ARG thing, that was honestly mostly an excuse not to put effort in a post every now and again.
So without further ado,
Day 44: Why tf is everyone running Goblinstein
Ok, so Goblinstein is a good card, but he's not THIS good.
So for context, I've been having trouble pushing to Champion arena for the last few weeks so I decided to take a break and focus on Path of Legends, because I've basically have neglected all of Path of Legends since it separated from ladder.
So when I tell you I can't go a single match without seeing Goblinstein, I'm NOT joking. This thing is EVERYWHERE!!!! I've seen decks designed to use it as a WIN CON!!! It's not even like Little Prince launch or Phoenix launch level good. I checked Royale API (first time I've ever been there btw) and it has a win rate of 58%!!!! THAT'S IT????? FOR A CARD I CANNOT ESCAPE???? 58% is batter than average, don't get me wrong, but not enough to warrant THIS!!!!! IS THIS JUST FOR EARLY PATH OF LEGENDS???? AM I JUST GOING INSANE?????? WHAT IS GOING ON????
This weird-ass influx in Goblinstein play is actually helping me because I have good counters to it. At first I thought is was going to be OP because the monster looked like the midpoint of goblin brawler and giant, and that plus the scientist all for the same price as base giant PLUS the ability got me a bit scared, but honestly it wasn't that bad. Which leads me to even more confusion as to why this has gotten so big.
If this is just a Midlatter thing (cuz technically I'm in what is essentially ranked Midlatter), lmk cuz I have no clue what this is all about.

happy 10th anniv coc! been here (on & off) since 2014..

Tumblr unfortunately butchered the quality π
Hey guys, I need help ππ
I'm designing a skin for Chuck, I finished the skin, but I don't know how to draw a wheelchair! Can someone please give me some tips on how to simplify a wheelchair's shape? Here's the image I'm using as a reference:

Hey guys! I made a skin for Chuck for the Supercell make!
Meet Spiritual Conductor Chuck!

(I can post him on Supercell Make for some reason but I'm trying π₯²)