Writing, creativity, plenty of issues. Likes Tony Stark a lot. Commonly nicknamed either Eir or Lys. You can find my fics on Ao3 as well.
396 posts
Tony Wasn't Supposed To Be Involved.

Tony wasn't supposed to be involved.
As much as it had started out as trying to help out, and as much as Bucky still believed he was doing the right thing, he knew he'd made enemies. People that wanted him hurt, wanted him out.
People that would go through others to get what they wanted.
He couldn't believe he'd thought they wouldn't find out. Of course they would. He should've just ignored his stupid attraction, should've walked away from Tony. Should have kept him safe.
Now he was missing, and Bucky had no clue where he was. And as he searched for Tony, he worried. If he was hurt, if he was even still alive.
Bucky would find him, though. He would find Tony, and he'd make whoever had taken him regret it.
~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~
A fill for SFW Wednesday: Trope/AU - Mafia/Mob AU for the @winterironmonth. Hope you enjoy!!
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More Posts from Eirlyssa
The cold had always bothered Tony, especially considering the Arc reactor in his chest. When he realizes he's not the only one suffering, he decides to do something about it.
A fill for SFW Monday: Trope/AU - Arc Reactor/Metal Arm Angst for the @winterironmonth, as well as for my @tonystarkbingo:
Square Filled: K2 - Huddling Together For Warmth Card Number: 3022 Ship/Main Pairing: WinterIron Rating: General Audiences Major Tags: Arc Reactor Issues, Metal Arm Issues, Cold, Getting Together Word Count: 900
Ohhh prompt 8 - Making homemade chocolates for their beloved with WinterIron please?
An Avenger’s Academy AU - this is probably not what you had in mind, but this is what you get :D
Therewas a time and a place for revelations about love, and further, being in it.
They were not when watching one’scrush falter during a test flight and fall out of the fucking sky, but thereyou had it, and there Bucky was, realizing that, he was, in fact, in love withTony Stark.
About four seconds before heswerved into a tree, tearing off a dozen branches and then falling to the quadpavement with a clank.
Despite being all the way over byMadam Hydra’s class, on the far side of the Quad, he was the first one to getto Tony’s side. Tony was already popping open the faceplate and panting, hisface pale and strained and sweaty. If those were tears in his eyes, Buckywasn’t going to mention it, his own eyes prickling a little to see Tony awakeand alive.
“Holy cow,” Bucky said, dropping tohis knees at Tony’s side. “That was a bit of a fall, you– are you okay?”
Tony pressed his lips togetheruntil they were a flat, bloodless line. “No,” he finally admitted. “I, uh…well, the fault tolerance wasn’t supposed to do that, write that down, it’s notscience unless you write it down. And. I uh, think I broke my leg.”
Bucky winced. “All right there,doll, hold on.”
“To what?” Tony said, and thengasped in pain and astonishment as Bucky slid his arms under the injured geniusand lifted. Even with bits and pieces of the suit around him, Tony barelyweighed a buck-fifty, so it wasn’t like he was putting any strain on Bucky’slifting capacity. Bucky’d been known to lift cars, when he needed to.
(Not quite She-Hulk levels oflifting, or even Spider-Man levels of lifting, but he could carry Tony over tothe campus infirmary. That he was getting to put his hands on Tony and cuddlehim close was a nice silver lining. Not for Tony, however, who was breathinghard through his nose, eyes squinched shut as he fought not to cry.)
Bucky didn’t bother to tell Tonythat it didn’t matter, Bucky wasn’t going to judge. Bucky’d sobbed like a childevery time Hydra let him out of the chair, but he knew that would just makeTony feel worse. It wasn’t a contest, and pain was pain, butBucky knew something about not letting people see you suffer.
“You don’t have to do this,” Tonysaid, as they got closer to Claire Temple’s little clinic.
“Bucky Barnes, ambulance,assistance, musical composition, performance, and assassination, at yourservice,” Bucky said. He gave Tony a smile, sympathetic and friendly. “It’sokay, I like helpin’ you out.”
“Don’t tell me that, I’ll make youbring me cookies. And also, shoot Crossbones, because he’s annoying. Butnowhere important. Like, the brain would be a safe spot. He doesn’t use hisanyway. Also, you should come to the hospital and sing for me. Since I have tobe there anyway.”
“Cookies and singing,” Bucky said.“I can do that.”
“Really? I mean– I was kidding,unless you’re gonna, in which case, perfectly serious.”
“Perfectly serious,” Bucky said. “Ilike you. What kind of cookies do you want?”
“Chocolate chip,” Tony saidpromptly. “But not the kind with walnuts in them. I don’t like walnuts. Theytaste like tree bark, and I just recently reinforced that comparison.”
Bucky put Tony down gently on thehospital bed that Claire jerked her chin at with a “Be right there.”
“So– I never had a broken legbefore,” Tony said.
“Do you want me to stay?”
Tony glanced at the wall, eyeswatering, then, without looking at Bucky, “Yes, please stay.”
“All right,” Bucky said, pulling upa chair. He offered Tony his metal hand and Tony twined their fingers together.“Moral support now. Cookies later.”
“I’m gonna hold you to that,” Tonysaid. “About the cookies, I mean.” And then Tony managed to look at Bucky, atentative, questioning smile on his face.
Maybe Tony was having somerevelations of his own.
A short ficlet for @winterironmonth, filling SFW Friday - Word: Homesick and Dialogue/Sentence: “Just shut up and kiss me, you idiot.”. Hope you enjoy!
~~~ ~~~ ~~~
Tony's homesickness had always been more about the people than the places. At seven, he'd missed Jarvis terribly, to the point of silently crying himself to sleep. At nineteen, despite the fact that Rhodey had been the one to leave for the Air Force, he'd drowned his loneliness in alcohol and people who didn't care for him at all.
He'd thought he'd gotten better at it since then. Thought he'd gotten over the nausea and the restlessness and the feeling of desolation.
And then he'd gotten into a relationship with Bucky, and it had started happening again. When he'd have to go on a business trip, or when Bucky was off doing missions, the loneliness returned again. It made it near impossible to sleep properly, leaving him exhausted and even more miserable.
Which, overall, was doable. Tony's schedule had never been the most consistent, and with enough coffee he could hide it very well.
But there had been a business trip, and Bucky had been called on a mission before he'd returned, and it had been over a week without a proper night's rest. And even for Tony, that was... too much.
So he was near-delirious when Bucky finally did return, manic and bouncing on far too many cups of coffee.
"You're home!" He just about jumped into Bucky's arms, and it was a good thing Bucky was prepared for him or he'd have fallen flat on the floor due to miscalculating the distance just a little. "I missed you! Just a healthy amount, of course, nothing to worry about at all, it's just weird when you're not here but I'm fine and just don't ask JARVIS how much I've slept because I'm pretty sure you'd be worried about that and I don't want you to be worried, because you just got home..."
Bucky, smiling down at him fondly, pressed a single finger to his lips. "Just shut up and kiss me, you idiot."
That was a brilliant idea, and Tony happily brushed his lips against Bucky's. And once more. And again. And with every kiss, he felt the tension ease a little more, until he was just leaning against his partner.
"Yeah, let's go for a nap," Bucky murmured, but it hardly even registered anymore.
Sighing happily, Tony let himself fall asleep in Bucky’s arms.
Finally, he was home.
Time after time, Phil lures an unsuspecting Alice down to Wonderland. And time after time, Bucky has to watch as they fail to succeed in the one task set for the Alice - to kill the Hydra with the Vorpal Sword.
He doesn't expect this 'Anthony' to do any better.
A fill for my adopted @tonystarkbingo square AU: Alice in Wonderland (participant no. 3022).
Ship/Main Pairing: Tony/Bucky Rating: Teen+ Major Tags: Alice in Wonderland AU, canon-typical violence, developing relationship, happy ending
SFW Rec Tuesday: Forbidden Love
Promises, Promises by MarvelousMenagerie (HiddenOne) Mob AU. Bucky needs a favor from his Captain, but first he has to admit to dating the enemy. It's not the easiest set-up, but I do believe they'll figure it out.
Bucky Barnes Got Married by 27dragons, tisfan, monobuu Bucky married Tony when they were both teenagers. Tony had just lost his parents and Bucky had just lost his arm, and they thought sticking together was the best choice they could make. Now, twenty years later, Bucky fears that he’s lost Tony’s love and is wondering if they made the wrong choice, after all. More than anything, he wishes that he could go back in time and try again, but that’s just a fantasy... or is it? A (nearly finished) fic with a reset wish and a very disapproving Howard.
It Only Takes One by Wix Bucky told Steve to leave Tony alone, but in true Steve fashion...he doesn't listen. But when Tony is pulled back to work with the ex-Avengers who have returned to the Compound, an opening in communication and perhaps other things comes into existence. One where the 'forbidden' part is mostly the disapproval of Team Cap - be careful about reading this unless you're Team Iron Man after the whole Civil War debacle.