Writing, creativity, plenty of issues. Likes Tony Stark a lot. Commonly nicknamed either Eir or Lys. You can find my fics on Ao3 as well.
396 posts
Wisteria; Whom Do You Admire And Why? & Lilac; If You Could Go Back In Time Which Time Period Would You
wisteria; whom do you admire and why? & lilac; if you could go back in time which time period would you visit?
Yayy, thank you for asking!! 💙💙
wisteria; whom do you admire and why?
Alright, I’m gonna lean into fandom and say Tony Stark here. Not because there aren’t real people I admire or anything, but because he exemplifies a lot of qualities that I admire in people. He’s not a perfect person at all, of course, and there’s also qualities I’m less fond of, but...
To me, he reminds me that it’s never too late to turn things around. It’s never too late to look at things, to see they are Not Right, and to change them. He doesn’t forget what’s gone wrong, doesn’t forget the mistakes he’s made, but he doesn’t let those keep him down. And to me, it is really important to see that it’s never too late, as long as you don’t give up.
lilac; if you could go back in time which time period would you visit?
Hmmm... There’s periods I’d like to see, people I’d like to meet, but I think if I really had to make a choice, I’d go back to when I was younger, when things weren’t going well in a lot of ways and I needed someone. And I’d sit with myself, and listen, and try to help out. I’d tell myself some of the things I needed to hear back then and people couldn’t tell me for various reasons. I’d let myself cry, and rage, and I’d give myself a hug.
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More Posts from Eirlyssa

Hello Everyone!
We are happy to announce that the StarkBucks Bingo event 2020 is underway!
What the heckidy is this? Well, SBB is a fandom bingo event for the Marvel ship Bucky Barnes x Tony Stark; otherwise known as Winteriron or simply BuckyTony.
We understand that some people know of “StarkBucks” as another name for Stuckony, but this is not a Stuckony bingo. (Though that doesn’t mean you aren’t allowed to write Stuckony if you desire.) Blame our brilliant Trash Mod for this confusion.
Signups will officially open on Sunday, April 12th! We will be accepting signups for the remainder of the month of April! There will be a form posted you will need to fill out to sign up! Cards will go out the first two weeks of May!
The event will run from May 1st all the way through the remainder of the 2020 year!
Those who sign up will be able to swap out up to 3 squares that they don’t like for something different, based on their preferences. You will have 10 days after receiving your card to send in your swap request.
Check out: | FAQ | Scheduling | Discord | Ask Box |
We’ll make sure to spread the word once we get closer, and invite everyone else to signal boost as well
Much love!
SBB Mod Squad
(No Trashbuddies were harmed in the making of this event)
Surprise, I'm still here! And to celebrate, here's my personal headcanon about soulmates.
A lot of people are afraid it's like this:

Where they are forced to be with someone that fate has decided for them and they don't get a choice.
But really, it's more like this:

Where fate shows them "look, this person could be perfect for you if you're willing to get to know them". You still get the free choice to decide whether you want to or not, it's just fate pointing them out to you.
Pumpkin patch?
Thank you very much for your ask!! 💙💙
pumpkin patch; what’s your zodiac sign?
I’m a Cancer :)

every day i am percieved™️