Hi I'm Elitas ll ll hello hello
207 posts
Elitas-art - South Is Where To Go - Tumblr Blog

“Just like golden shackles with jewelry patterns
Just like snowflake which falls ever so lightly
So beautiful, that you were only born to die.”
Yiling Patriarch from the donghua is gorgeous, plus the heartwrecking angst and it’s just *Italian chef kiss*

the grandmaster of demonic cultivation

I’ve been watching and reading Mo Dao Zu Shi and no need to say, I was emotionally devastated.

dark keith au !!!
If you’re interested I discuss it a bit on my twitter!!
PEOPLE who scream in the tags under my art
you are so fucking valid and you are my biggest source of motivation i love you

‘Cause you’re a sky, ‘cause you’re a sky full of stars I’m gonna give you my heart 'Cause you’re a sky, 'cause you’re a sky full of stars 'Cause you light up the path
'Cause you’re a sky, you’re a sky full of stars Such a heavenly view You’re such a heavenly view. ♬

Got a little sidetracked and made a quick illo inspired by To All The Boys I’ve Loved Before 💖
S6 | RB | TeePublic

I’m sick out of my mind but I have to finish this sheith Violet Evergarden au

refraction So…I really like the MFE team in that newest season…like…a lot.
A throw back to the very first Voltron fanart / print I ever did (post/146457581538/)! Even with the parallels, it’s a little funny to see how my style has changed.
Are people allowed to use your art for headers/icons?
Ah of course! Please feel free to use any of my art for those. Although not necessary, credits would be appreciated ^^
Asjndnsk Thank you so much anon! I’m glad you like that piece jeith is such a good jam I had to dig myself a hole and settled down, DW knew I wouldn’t survive not shipping Keith with another AJ voiced character.
*sobs* Lotor is still very much my boy and I’m forever loving him but ngl I’m still coping with what happened in season 6. He’s a great character with arguably best potential in the show that either we didn’t have the chance to explore or completely got burned to crisp jfc.
In the end I can understand the crews’ choices and I respect them. I hope we get a confirm what exactly happened to Lotor or to see him again in season 8 but prolly wishful thinking.

I do believe James has a deep respect alongside with his one-sided crush for Keith

in which adam and shiro are still exes, but adam ended up joining team voltron from the beginning just because
10,000+ Art Raffle

Thank you so much for staying! I didn’t expect to reach this kind of number to be honest!
Thank you so much for supporting me and bearing with me in my contents pfft
So I will do another art raffle thing!
First Prize: Animation of your character or canon character of your choice
Second Prize: Colored Chibi Drawing
Third Prize: Sketch Chibi Drawing
For those who want to enter the Art Raffle:
You have to be a Follower and Reblog this post 8D
Raffle will end in August 16, Monday. Best of luck to you guys!
I'm sorry but what is with Keith and asshole-y characters with good hair, good potential, voiced by AJ, and not interacting properly?
Ahh if you're drawing some S7 stuff can we see Acxa, or Krolia in her BoM outfit?!
I got a lotttt on my mind right now and those are definitely cool ideas to add in lolol Sure thing anon!
Just finished voltron season 7
It gave me wayyy more than I can even bite let alone chew jesus christ
For the keitor suggestions: kieth as a ballerina practising while lotor holds his hips steady or the two of the slow dancing :)

Watched Black Swan, Dance To This - Troye Sivan on replay, I’m in all mood for this and might have accidentally created an au
(*drew with reference)