Jeith - Tumblr Posts

4 years ago

If ya want some Lance angst, imagine a post-canon AU where Keith confesses his long-held feelings to Lance, but he rejects him, still not over Allura. He comes to regret this decision when, some time later, Keith begins dating James, and as he watches James discover all of Keith’s lovely qualities, he rediscovers what he’s always known about him and realizes that he’s been in love with Keith from day one.

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6 months ago

I need a jaith fic or just James finding out Keith is half galra like pookie pleaseeee! I can’t write for shit!

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6 years ago

I'm sorry but what is with Keith and asshole-y characters with good hair, good potential, voiced by AJ, and not interacting properly?

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6 years ago

Dear Antis

We all know you have your opinions on ships and stuff and that's fine but could you guys please tag your stuff with anti [insert ship name] so people can filter it.

I know it bums me and a lot of other users out to see their ship/ships bombarded with hate and it just takes you away from the mood of loving those characters.

I know you have invested yourself into characters in the show but please remember other people have as well and everyone deserves the right to ship whoever they want.

Voltron is a story about teamwork and friendship so I think everyone in this fandom should try to reflect on that and support other people even if you don't have the same views as you.

(By the way it is a kids show so maybe we shouldn't take it too seriously and have fun with it. No one has fun when they get in an argument or when they see hate on something they really enjoy.)

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