Purely a blog for drawings of my obsessions.This is the main blog. Here I am silent and sometimes I answer quietly.I believe that every Kimblee fan should have their own personal Kimblee.
83 posts
Elvenjmadnessart - Elven J Madness Art - Tumblr Blog

A simple portrait of my character for my personal role-playing with a bot. I haven't thought through the image to the end yet. Someday I'll do it. I hope so.
I made a separate blog where I will whisper about my thoughts, cockroaches and post personal drawings with my alter ego. I don't want to annoy people on this blog by self-shipping. I went to this for a long time before allowing myself such things. I whisper here @madnesscat
Redrawing a Russian meme.

A little present. I did the drawing for myself, so I'm only showing a small piece. Happy birthday to me.

A short translation via Google translator.
- How wonderful it is that I have a visitor this Halloween. Will you free me from these chains of confinement?
Do you want to free Solf J. Kimblee?

Option "Yes"
Clink clink clink. sound of falling chains
- I think I should thank you for your help.

Option "No"
- Won't you set me free? What do you mean no?
Top, top, top. sound of retreating footsteps

I have finally finished these sketches. I have long wanted to make this crossover. Kimblee certainly would not let himself be eaten, but why not dream up.

I sewed a toy for the first time
Part of the future drawing

trial doodle