Roy Mustang - Tumblr Posts
Seeing them be happy makes me happy.

she’s his queen and he’s her silly little guy
I would be so happy for the three of them! Royai plus their faithful furry son = royaite.

He's never allowed to move again. Trapped forever. Legend has it he's still in bed with his wife and dog to this day.
They survived and are mostly whole, so they are HAPPY.

Recovery after the promised day
This is such a brilliant (and sad) AU. Roy has a lot of atoning to do for Riza and the baby. I do believe that he will make up for his desertion. @chrysopoeias explores this a little further in another post, and it looks like there is happiness to be had. (Yay!) I can't stop thinking about this situation, and I'd love to see it written up as a fic (or fics).

03 single mom au that i have a lot of thoughts about
I love them. I love this.

this side of you only i am lucky enough to see ~
(hc that riza is a light sleeper and always alert of her surroundings EXCEPT when roy is with her.. that's the only moment she feels safe and comfortable enough to sleep well which means that getting to see riza drooling in her sleep is also exclusively roy privilege. i never wanted to commit identity theft so bad!!!!!!!!)
royai week 2024

What is up my dudes royai week 2024 is just a few weeks away! This year the event will run from Monday 10th June - Friday 14th June, with Royai Day falling on Tuesday 11th June 🥳
We will be tracking the tag #royaiweek24, so remember to put that in your first five tags when the week begins so the mods can easily find and reblog your creations!
Make sure to check out our FAQ if you have any more questions, or fire us an ask! We’ll try and get back to you as quickly as we can!
Happy creating! ✨
Prompt list:
Day 1, 10th June - Curiosity
Day 2, 11th June - Appreciate
Day 3, 12th June - Pressure
Day 4, 13th June - Compose
Day 5, 14th June - Gift
LOL. Roy slept through getting a new eye?
I want this so bad for Hawkeye and Mustang.

got infected with baby au fever again it's terminal

Some FMA doodles I did I’ve been rereading the manga and I can’t believe I forgot just how good it was lol
Inaccurate quotes for this fic specifically;
( Fuck me, you, and the military)
Al - Stop threatening and saying you hate the military! You ARE the military now!
Ed - I can hate both me AND the military thank you very much.
( Mechanic lesbians )
Ed - god this is gross…
Winry - oh please. It’s not like I’m sharing my wife with you
Ed - yeah well in that case, I’m not paying child support.
Winry - I’m not telling you to. I’m telling you to lend a hand, if you’re not even going to help what are you going to do?
Ed - I’ll be the uncle who teaches them swears and how to fuck with the military.
Winry - oh for fucks sake…
Ed, a stupid asshole - who’s ‘fuck’ and whys it for his sake?
( I’m an atheist, I say fist fighting God )
Ed - why the fuck would I believe in god?
Person, maybe a bit offended- why wouldn’t I?
Ed - no no, I said why would I believe in god, you can believe in Santa Claus if you want.
Ishvalan people mistaking Ed as a ghurayb - please come in! Be apart of our family
Ed, confused, flustered and probably thinking about running- uh, no? I’m not- no thanks?-
Ishvalan people - do you want a wife or three?
( RoyEd , ((MockCharm? RiotFire? BaitFire? I would say RebleFire but that’s taken) Bring back cool ship names)
Roy - *kisses Ed’s hand* my prince, I shall fight for you
* Trips and lands face first into the concrete *
Ed - I admire your skills but you don’t need to fight the whole earth for me bastard
Riza/Winry - you’re smiling, did something good happen?
Ed - can’t I just smile because I feel like it?
Al - Roy tripped and fell in the parking lot.
Ed - I fell-
Roy - from heaven?
Ed - no, I fell d-
Roy- in love with me the moment you saw me
Roy - ok but do you think I’m pretty?
(idfk, wobble de gong suckle my dong)
Ed - Everything hurts and I’m tired
Al - I wish we could block people in real life…
Riza - Restraining order
Ed - Murder
Roy - Fuck
Al - Language!
Winry - shit!
Al - Language!
Ed - Go Fuck yourself you piss eyed dick nip! You Rat ass (some vegetable in ishvalan) bitch!
Al - Language…
Maes (child filter) Hughes - who the frick frack, flip flap, tic tac, man?
Al - …
Al - what the fuck…

Holy crap I love this one I did. I absolutely love Riza and Roy’s pretty good too 😅 so I had to draw the two of them together. It’s quite different than my style back around May, but I quite like it.
I absolutely ship these two adorkable dumbasses 🥰

I love making elaborate fake screenshots of my fic instead of actually writing it
||I Will Always Choose You||
Summary: As a soldier you had expected to find yourself in dangerous situations. But trapped in the claws of a Homunculous who went by Lust and watching the man you love try to save you was on a whole other level.
Pairing: Roy Mustang x Reader
Rating || Genres || Warnings: T. Romance. Action. Angst. A bit of mention of injury so be prepared!
A/N: Sorry its late but I hope you like this! @smallartist08

Roy Mustang was not in love.
He had never been in love, and there was no possibility of him falling in love in the future.
Not when he had an entire country to think of. Not when he had to help make Amestris a country he would be proud to call home. Not when he had so many people to look after. His entire team. His best friend’s wife and daughter. The Elric brothers. Madam Christmas and the girls.
Most all of them were in constant danger, one way or the other. There was no time for him to be in love when he had to make sure he knew of their every step. Make sure they stayed safe.
Or as safe as the Elric brothers could be.
Those two boys got in so much trouble sometimes, he was sure they had targets painted on their backs.
But most of all?
Roy Mustang did not deserve love. Not after the bloodshed he had carried out as the Flame Alchemist. Not after all the innocent Ishvalans he had killed when he had been ordered to.
He was ashamed of his actions, and deeply regretful that he had not stood up to those in authority back then. He may spend his whole life trying to atone for all his sins. Which is why something as pure as love could never be in his life.
Not with how tainted his soul was.
How broken.
But…………the only problem about not falling in love?
Was that he was already in love.
With you.
Keep reading

inspiration: this masterpiece!
Tangled | Edwin AU
Winry, a naive and young girl, is locked up by her overly protective mother. Her wish to escape into the world outside finally comes true when she meets the good-hearted thief, Edward.
Basically just Tangled with different characters.
All characters belong to their respective owners. I don't own any of them.

Chapter 2 Masterlist
Chapter 1
"This is the story of how I died. Don't worry, this is actually a very fun story. And the truth is, it isn't even mine. This is the story of a girl, named Winry. And it starts, with the sun. Now, once upon a time, a single drop of sunlight fell from the heavens." A voice narrated.
A golden droplet falls from the sky and hits the ground, a soft glow spreading through the soil.
"And from this small drop of sun, grew a magic, golden, flower." It continued.
The glow grew into a beautiful, colourful flower.
"It had the ability to heal the sick, and injured."
An old, hunched over woman climbed towards the flower, hobbling.
"Oh, you see that old woman, over there? You might want to remember her. She's kind of important."
The old lady reaches for the flower, her wrinkly hands opening to grasp it. "Well, centuries passed and a hop skip and a boat ride away there grew a kingdom. The kingdom was ruled by a beloved King and Queen. And the Queen, well she was about to have a baby, and she got sick, really, sick. She was running out of time. And that's when people usually start to look for a miracle. Or in this case, a magic golden flower."
The elderly women returned with her lamp, it emitting a faint green glow. "Ahhh, I told you she'd be important. You see instead of sharing the Sun's gift, this woman, the homunculus, Lust, hoarded its healing power and used it to keep herself young for hundreds of years. And all she had to do was sing a special song."
"Flower gleam and glow, let your power shine. Make the clock reverse, bring back what once was mine, what once was mine." Lust sung.
"All right, you get the gist. She sings, she turns young. Creepy, right?" The narrator speaks.
A guard stumbled up the hill, head-turning rapidly in search of a cure. His eyes widen as he sees the gleaming flower.
"We found it!" he yelled, calling his comrades to come join him in digging up the flower.
"The magic of the golden flower, healed the queen. A healthy baby girl, a princess was born. With beautiful golden hair. I'll give you a hint. That's Winry. To celebrate her birth, the King and Queen launched a flying lantern into the sky. For that one moment, everything was perfect. And then that moment ended."
Lust, obviously aged, jumped over the castle bannister, slowly pushed the humongous nursery door open, and crept into the room.
Winry is sleeping softly the whole time in her crib, unaware of the decrepit women in her room. Lust slowly reaches into the infants crib, and softly grabs a strand of her hair. Reaching into her cloak, she pulls out a pair of glinting scissors.
"Flower, gleam and glow, let your powers shine, make the clock re----"she gasped, shocked about a few strands of the baby's hair, that had turned brown, and let it drift to the mattress, completely useless and drained of power.
"Lust broke into the castle and stole the child. Just like that... gone. The Kingdom searched and searched, but they could not find the Princess. For deep within the forest, in a hidden tower, Lust raised the child as her own."
In a large tower, hidden away from the world, Lust sat at her throne-like chair, gingerly pulling a brush through the child's gorgeous, golden locks.
" what was lost, bring back what once was mine, what once was mine." Winry sung, looking at the flowing flames in the fireplace.
"Lust had found her new magic flower. But this time she was determined to keep it hidden." the narrator recited.
"Why can't I go outside?" Winry inquired, curiously.
"The outside world is a dangerous place. Filled with horrible, selfish people. You must stay here, where you're safe. Do you understand, flower?" Lust demanded, ceasing to brush the young girls hair.
"Yes, Mommy." the child answered.
"But the walls of that tower could not hide everything. Each year on her birthday, the King and Queen released thousands of lanterns into the sky in hope that one day, their lost Princess would return." the voice pursued.
A green chameleon ran out onto the windowsill, and ran to hide behind a flower pot. He camouflaged himself to match the flower pot, in hopes that no one will see him.
Winry shoves the curtains to the sides, letting the light shine into the tower.
"HAH! Hmm, Well... I guess Al's not hiding out here."
Al chuckles slightly, under the impression that she hadn't seen him. Something then suddenly fastened around his ankle. Something soft. Something silky. Something gold. And then it yanked. And Al shrieked.
"GOTCHA!!! That's twenty two for me. How about twenty-three, out of forty-five?" Winry requested as she turned to look at Al's pouting face.
He shakes his head no, declining her request.
"Okay, well, what do you want to do?" Al points his jade tail out the window, indicating that he wants to go outside. "Yeah, I don't think so. I like it in here and so do you." she points at Al. He pouts.
"Oh, come on Al, it's not so bad in there." she points towards the inside of the tower.
A top a giant castle, leaping across the ultramarine tiles, three figures stop and stand, one shorter than the others, younger too.
The young man leant against a pillar, his golden hair flowing in the wind. "Wow! I could get used to a view like this." he awed, irritating the two behind him.
"Fullmetal, come on." his accomplice demanded, his long black ponytail taken by the wind.
"Hold on. Yep, I'm used to it. Guys, I want a castle." The man known as 'Fullmetal' beamed.
"We do this job, you can buy your own castle." the man said, or rated at Fullmetal's inability to take the mission seriously.
The young man walks over to the open window that leads into the hall which contains their treasure, with confidence in each passing step.
He reaches the window, and is hoisted down by his two allies for the mission, as he is the smallest of the three, although he is the least trustworthy. Why else would they trust him, a petty, thug?
The alchemist standing in front of their goldmine sneezes and, being the obvious comedian he is, the blonde just has to make a joke.
"Oh, hay fever?" he jokes, amusement laced in his voice.
"Yeah." the alchemist replies and turns to look at Fullmetal, but to his surprise, he does not see him dangling from the ceiling, holding on to the pedestal for support, that he's sure is worth much more than his life, and the crown resting in his hand.
"Huh?" The alchemist takes a double-take, unsure of what he saw. He turns around fully and his eyes widen as he sees that the crown his gone. A wave of panic sets in as he looks around frantically, until he look up, and catches a glimpse of Fullmetal's boot leaving the window.
"Wait, what? Hey, wait!" He yelled
The short man an his two taller associates leapt between the rooftops. The two were getting very annoyed with Fullmetals constant chatter.
"Can't you picture me in a castle of my own?" Fullmetal asked, amazed at the idea that he could be as rich as a man could ask for. "I mean, I certainly can. Oh, the things we've seen and it's only eight in the morning. Gentlemen, this is a very big day."
Tangled | Edwin AU
Winry, a naive and young girl, is locked up by her overly protective mother. Her wish to escape into the world outside finally comes true when she meets the good-hearted thief, Edward.
Basically just Tangled with different characters.
All characters belong to their respective owners. I don't own any of them.

Chapter 1 Chapter 3 Masterlist
Chapter 2
Winry stood in front of her mirror, looking at her reflection, her ocean eyes staring straight back at her. Back at her very soul.
"This is it. This is a very big day, Al." She laughed.
"I'm finally going to do it. I'm going to ask her."
"Winry! Let down your hair!" She heard her mother call from the bottom of the tower.
Winry glanced at Al, her face contorted with nervousness.
"It's time." She said. Al made a few gestures with his hands, letting her know that all will be ok.
"I know, I know." She giggled, amused at his attempt to communicate. She pushed him towards her box of tools. "Come on, don't let her see you."
"Winry, I'm not getting any younger down here." her mother called again.
"Coming, mother." she replied.
Winry collected a bunch of her hair and chucked it through the window, letting it loose to fall down to the ground.
Lust grips it, and ties the hair into a large golden loop, and carefully places her foot in it.
She gives Winry a thumbs up, and the young girl proceeds to use all of her might in order to bring the older women to their home.
"Hi, welcome home, mother." Winry greets.
"Oh, Winry. How you manage to do that every single day without fail, it looks absolutely exhausting, darling." her mother compliments, completely disregarding her daughters greeting.
"Oh, it's nothing." Winry breaths, worn out from having to lift her mother seventy feet in the air.
"Then I don't know why it takes so long." Lust laughs. "
Oh, darling. I'm just teasing."
"All, mother. As you know, tomorrow is a very big day." Winry starts, uneasy.
"Winry, look at that mirror. You know what I see? I see a strong, confident, beautiful young lady. Oh look, you're here too! I'm just teasing, stop taking everything so seriously." She giggles, ignoring her daughters anxious stature.
"Okay, so mother. As I was saying, tomorrow is.." Winry starts again, but she gets interrupted by Lust once more.
"Flower, mother's feeling a little run down. Would you sing for me, dear? Then we'll talk." She demands.
"OH! Of course, mother." Winry quickly grabs her mother's chair and the stool that she uses, and shove a hairbrush into her hands. She clumps a bunch of her hair onto her mother's lap and starts singing very quickly, eager to finish and ask her mother the question she's wanted to ask for a while. "Flower gleam and glow, Let your power shine, Make the clock reverse, bring back what once was mine. Heal what has been hurt, Change the fate's design. Save what has been lost, Bring back what once was mine." she chirped.
"Winry!" Lust gasped.
Winry grasped the side of Lust's chair, rocking back and forth slightly, overcome by excitement.
"So, mother, earlier I was saying tomorrow's a pretty big day, and you didn't really respond, So I'm just going to tell you. It's my birthday! TADA!" she announces.
"No, no, no can't be. I distinctly remember. Your birthday was last year." Lust dismisses.
"That's the funny thing about birthdays. They're kind of an annual thing. Mother, I'm turning eighteen. And I wanted to ask, what I really want for this birthday. Actually, what I've wanted for...quite a few birthdays now..." Winry mumbled.
"Winry please, stop with the mumbling. You know how I feel about the mumbling. Blah, blah, blah,...blah. It's very annoying. I'm just teasing, you're adorable I love you so much, darling." The older women scolded, much to her daughters dismay.
"Oh, I want to see the floating lights." she revealed, telling her mother her dream.
"What?" Lust gasped, in disbelief at her daughters request. Winry continued.
"Oh,... Well I was hoping you would take me to see the floating lights."
"Oh, you mean the stars." Lust realised, finally understanding what she meant.
"That's the thing I've charted stars and they're always constant. But these, they appear every year on my birthday, Mother. Only on my birthday. And I can't help but feel that they're, They're meant for me. I need see them, Mother. And not just from my window. In person. I have to know what they are." the girl explained.
"You want to go outside? Oh, why Winry." she waved her hand at her, gesturing to the whole of Winry. "Look at you, as fragile as a flower. Still a little sapling, just a sprout. You know why we stay up in this tower"
"I know, but..." Winry tried to reason.
"That's right, to keep you safe, and sound, dear. Guess I always knew this day was coming. Knew that soon you'd want to leave the nest. Soon, but not yet." Lust said, disappointed.
"But..." Winry tried to reason again, getting nowhere once more.
"Mothers here to help you. All I have is one request. Winry?" Lust asks.
"Don't ever ask to leave this tower, again." The woman commanded.
Winry nodded sadly
"Yes, Mother." she mumbled, upset.
"Ahh, I love you very much, dear." Lust squeezed her rosy cheeks.
"I love you more." came the girls reply.
"I love you most. Don't forget it. You'll regret it. Mother Knows best." Lust walks towards the window, getting ready to descend back to the green grass below.
"I'll see you in a bit, my flower."
"I'll be here." Winry mumbled.
The thieves ran through the forest, leaping up and sliding across the ground in order to avoid any branches. They stop before an oak tree, three pieces of paper pinned to it.
"No, no no. This is bad, this is very, very bad, This is really bad. They just can't get my nose right." Fullmetal complained.
"Who cares?" His black haired comrade asked, growing more and more irritated at his antics.
"Well it's easy for you to say. You guys look amazing." He groaned
"All right, okay. Give me a boost, and I'll pull you up." He demanded.
"Give us the satchel first." His companion ordered.
Fullmetal gave him a look of hurt and disbelief.
"Wha..? I just... I can't believe, that after all we've been together, you don't trust me. Ouch."
He put his hand on his chest, shaking his head in disapproval. How could they not trust him? Sure, he's a thief and betrays most people he knows but still?
He took off the satchel and dropped it onto Tucker's arm.
The two larger men sighed and Kimblee bent over into the hard terrain in order to hoist the younger man up. His brother climbed onto his shoulders and Fullmetal climbed up their frames, being sure to 'accidentally' kick them in the face a few times as he made his climb.
Fullmetal grasped at the top of the tiny cliff side, and used all of his remaining strength to pull the rest of himself up. He looked down at the two below.
Kimblee glared at the man.
"Now help us up, pretty boy."
Fullmetal shrugged, smirking at him, eyes full of amusement.
"Sorry, my hands are full." He showed him the satchel, that was now swinging from his pointer finger, dangling in front of them mockingly. Like he had said earlier, how could they not trust him?
"What?" He checks himself for the satchel, finding it missing "FULLMETAL!" Kimblee's voice could be heard in the distance, full of rage. Fullmetal stumbled into a trail and ran down it, as fast as the wind, with the State Alchemists hot on his tail. The lieutenant looked at the others.
"Retrieve that satchel with any force."she ordered.
"YES SIR!" Came the replies as the got their guns out and shot at Fullmetal. Just before they made contact with him, he managed to slide under a huge birch log, narrowly missing the bullets. He gasped and turned around to see the bullet holes in the log before he was running again.
They kept shooting at him as he was dodging them, weaving through the thick trees until eventually, they made it to a huge tree with many big holes in it. Fullmetal jumped through the hole while the alchemists and their horses couldn't fit through the holes in front of them.
They moved however, when they're lieutenant came charging through, and leapt straight through the middle, not even bothering to look back or to help her teammates.
Hawkeye made eye contact with her horse.
"We got him now, Mustang." she said. He neighs in response.
As Fullmetal turns the corner, desperately looking for a way of escape, he sees a vine, and grabs it, launching himself into the air. He swings around the tree it was attached to, and kicks Hawkeye off of her horse. Instead of her on the back of the horse, he now is. Realising that he landed on the horse, Fullmetal attempts to grab the reigns and make Mustang gallop forward.
"Go! Heyah! Come, fleabag, forward." Mustang was having none of it, and flung himself forward in order to get rid of the thug.
"No. No, stop it. HAH! AHHHHH!"
They continue their game of cat and mouse, Fullmetal running and Mustang chasing. The horse eventually manages to get the satchel off of Fullmetal, but unfortunately it flings too far, and lands on a very thin branch, held by a bigger, not so sturdy branch.
Fullmetal crawls on the underside of the branch, determine to get his satchel back, while Mustang is walking across carefully, trying to pry Fullmetal's hands off, and grab the satchel as well. The branch was creaking and cracking continually while they were both on it. The thief managed to grab the satchel with his hands, but soon after, the branch snapped, and the both of them were falling down the cliff.
Fullmetal hit the ground with a thud, his backside hurting tremendously, but he had too much adrenaline running through his veins to care. He quickly got up, ignoring the pain, and the aching in his back, and ran as fast as fast as the wind could take him.
Tangled | Edwin AU
Winry, a naive and young girl, is locked up by her overly protective mother. Her wish to escape into the world outside finally comes true when she meets the good-hearted thief, Edward.
Basically just Tangled with different characters.
All characters belong to their respective owners. I don't own any of them.

Chapter 1 Chapter 4 Masterlist
Chapter 3
Mustang slid down the cliff side, face first, until he reached a stop. He immediately got up, and took to looking for the short thug once more.
Fullmetal could hear the leaves rustling around him, and a neigh in the distance. He eventually came to a stop, blood rushing to his head, heart pounding, and leant against the stone next to him, hoping to catch his breath. However, that was not the case, as he fell painfully onto his side, the vines that he once thought were covering a rock wall, falling back into place.
He could see the shadow of his chaser outside the green screen that was shielding him from view. When the horse left, he let out a sigh of relief, and took a look around to gather his surroundings.
He was in a small cave, cove if you will, and there was a lot of light coming from the side. He headed toward the light.
He turned his head after checking that he wasn't followed, to see a beautiful view. A huge, gushing waterfall was at the end of the valley, and a small river. There was green grass everywhere and flowers of all kinds as far as the eye could see. There were hundreds of trees, all different shapes and sizes as well. It truly was a beautiful view.
Height in front of him stood a tower. Old, sturdy, and covered in moss and other plants. Though, there didn't seem to be an entrance. Oh well.
There was a neigh in the distance, and Fullmetal ran towards the tower. He clapped his hands together, and using alchemy, he created two arrows. He dug them between the stones of the tower, and pulled himself up to the top.
His breath was laboured once he reached the top, it wasn't everyday that he had to pull himself up a gigantic structure such as this.
The blonde checked his satchel, to make sure the crown was still in his possession and hadn't fallen out on his journey down the cliff side, or up the tower. He smirked proudly when he saw he still had it, and it was unbroken.
"Alone at last." He stated smugly.
However, everything went black a few moments later when he was hit over the head by something. The young man keels over face-first, hitting the ground hard.
Winry stood behind him, wide eyed and panting, a silver wrench in her tight grasp. She looks down at him, and then at Al, who looked at her as if she was saying:
'See if he has fangs!'
She pushes the wrench against his upper lip, pushing it back, revealing, fortunately, no fangs.
Suddenly, his eyes shot open.
"Huh?" He mumbled. Winry swung at him, knocking him out once more. Struggling, she manages to drag him across the floor, over to her wardrobe. After many attempts of trying g to get him in her closet, swinging him in using her hair, shoving him in a few times, she manages to get him in.
She backs away from the wardrobe, wrench grasped tightly in her hands, pointed at the wardrobe.
"Okay, okay, I got a person in the closet. I got a person in the closet. I got a person in my closet!" She swings her wrench around in her finger
"Too weak to handle myself out there, huh Mother? Well, Tell that to my frying pan!" The wrench hit her in the face.
"Winry! Let down your hair!" She heard Lust yell.
"One moment, Mother!" She yelled back. Winry glanced at the wardrobe, and then went to help her mother up.
"I have a big surprise." Lust announced when she entered the tower.
"Uh, I do too." she replied.
"Oh, I bet my surprise is bigger."
"I seriously doubt it!"
Lust pulled out a vegetable from her basket.
"I brought back parsnips. I'm going to make hazelnut soup for dinner, your favorite. Surprise!"
"Well mother, there's something I want to tell you." Winry grinned.
"Oh Rapunzel, you know I hate leaving you after a fight." She tapped her daughters cheek.
"Especially when I've done absolutely nothing wrong."
"Okay, I've been thinking a lot about what you said, earlier." Winry changed the subject.
"I hope you're not still talking about the stars." Lust warned her.
"Floating lights, and, yes I'm leading up to that."
"Because I really thought we dropped the issue, sweetheart." She continued, giving her the 'don't push it' look.
"No Mother, I'm just saying, you think I'm not strong enough to handle myself out there." Winry ignored her mother.
"Oh darling, I know you're not strong enough to handle yourself out there." She stated.
"But if you just..." Winry tried to reason.
"Winry, we're done talking about this." She demanded.
"But trust me, I..." she tried again.
"Winry." Lust warned.
"...know what I'm" Winry continued.
"Oh, come on." Winry begged.
"Oh, great. Now I'm the bad guy." She shrugged.
"All I was gonna say, mother, is that... I know what I want for my birthday, now." Winry said looking down, ashamed.
"And what is that?" The black haired woman glared at her.
"New paint. That paint made from the white shells you once brought me." She requested.
"Well that is a very long trip, Rapunzel. Almost three day's time." Lust gave her a worried look.
"I just thought it was a better idea than, stars." Winry looked up at her mother.
"You sure you'll be all right, on your own?" She asked, concerned.
"I know I'm safe, as long as I'm here." Winry hugged Lust.
"I'll be back in three days time. I love you very much, dear." She said as she pet her hair.
"I love you more." Winry rested he head on her chest.
"I love you most." She rested her head on her daughters.
Tangled | Edwin AU
Winry, a naive and young girl, is locked up by her overly protective mother. Her wish to escape into the world outside finally comes true when she meets the good-hearted thief, Edward.
Basically just Tangled with different characters.
All characters belong to their respective owners. I don't own any of them.

Chapter 1 Chapter 5 Masterlist
Chapter 4
She pulls the chair out from under the handle of the wardrobe, opening it. Fullmetal flops out and face plants the floor.
Al wacks Fullmetal's face a few times with his tail, trying to wake him up. He fails, and eventually sticks his tongue in his ear.
"AHH!" He yells, awake. He pulls against his restraints.
"Wha..? Is" Golden hair was wrapped tightly around his wrists, preventing him from moving in the slightest. He heard a voice.
"Struggling...struggling is pointless. I know why you're here. And I'm not afraid of you."
"What?" Fullmetal raised an eyebrow, confused.
"Who are you, and how did you find me?" The voice asked. Something, or rather someone, dropped from the ceiling, the hair that was restraining him stemming from their head. A figure walked into the light. It was a woman. One with golden hair, shining in the sunlight.
"Ah hah." Fullmetal was in awe. She had gorgeous ocean blue eyes, and a beautiful face to match.
"Who are you, and how did you find me?" She pressed again.
Fullmetal cleared his throat, swallowing the lump that formed there. He was facing the floor.
"I know not who you are. Nor how I came to find you. But may I just say." He lifted his head.
"Hi! How you doing? The names Fullmetal Alchemist. How's your day going, huh?" He gave her a smug smile, and raised in eyebrows, in an attempt to flirt.
"Who else knows my location, Fullmetal Alchemist?" She questioned. What is with this woman and her questions?
"All right, Blondie." He started.
"Here's the thing. I was in a situation, Gallivanting through the forest. I can across your tower and..." The young man looked around in panic.
"Ho, ho no, where is my satchel?"
"I've hidden it, somewhere you'll never find it." She crossed her arms over her chest.
"It's in the pot, isn't it." He deadpanned.
She hit him over the head with her wrench and hid the satchel somewhere else, somewhere he was sure to never find. Under the stairs. Al the stuck his tongue into the man's ear, to wake him up again.
"Ugh! would you stop that?!" He yelled.
"Now it's hidden where you'll never find it. So, what do you want, with my hair? To cut it?"
"What?" He was even more puzzled now.
"Sell it?"
"No! Listen, the only thing I want to do with your hair, is to get out of it. Literally!"
"Wait, you don't want my hair?"
"Why on earth would I want your hair?" He tried to move his hands to talk.
"Look, I was being chased, I saw a tower, I climbed it, end of story."
"You're, telling the truth?" She asked, tilting her head, now confused as well.
She turned away and started to talk to her pet lizard.
"Hmmm. I know. I need someone to take me. I think he's telling the truth, too. He doesn't have fangs! but what choice do I have?" Al was communicating with her using his hands. She turned back to Fullmetal "Okay Fullmetal Alchemist, I'm prepared to offer you a deal."
"Deal?" He asked.
Winry pointed at her painting on the wall.
"Look this way. Do you know what these are?"
"You mean the lantern thing they do for the princess?"
"Lanterns... I knew they weren't stars." She grumbled. "Well, tomorrow evening they will light the night sky, with these lanterns. You will act as my guide, Take me to these lanterns, and return me home safely. Then, and only then, will I return your satchel to you. That is my deal."
"Yeah, no can do. Unfortunately, the kingdom and I are not exactly, simpatico, at the moment. So I won't be taking you anywhere." He pursed his lips, apologetic.
"Something brought you here, Fullmetal Alchemist. Call it what you will, fate, destiny-"
"A horse." He chimed in.
"So I have made the decision to trust you-"
"A horrible decision, really."
"But trust me, when I tell you this." She grabbed him by the shoulder and pulled him forward, so that they were face to face. "You can tear this tower apart, brick by brick. but without my help, you will never find your precious satchel." She threatened. Fullmetal averted his eyes, terrified of the woman before him. He cleared his throat.
"Let me just get this straight." He looked back to the blonde. "I take you to see the lanterns. Bring you back home. and you'll give me back my satchel?"
"I promise. And when I promise something, I never ever break that promise." She looked into his eyes. They were so blue. So beautiful. There were oceans inside of them. He could swim in her eyes forever.
"EVER!" She continued and he snapped out of his thoughts and blushed.
"All right, listen, I didn't want to have to want to do this, but you leave me no choice. Here comes the smolder." He smirked at her and made a weird face. His eyebrows creased upwards and he pursed his lips. Winry just continued to glare at the man.
"This is kind of an off day for me.This doesn't normally happen."
The glare continued to ware him down.
"Fine, I'll take you to see the lanterns." He gave in.
"Really!" She exclaimed, jumping up and down in excitement She did a little mini victory dance. Fullmetal fell to the floor, face first.
"You broke my smolder" he groaned.