You Think Women Should Be The 80 In An 80/20 Relationship? No! Women Are Manipulated Into Thinking That.
You think women should be the 80 in an 80/20 relationship? No! Women are manipulated into thinking that. They are naturally the 20 and with proper guidance and protection from their boyfriends and husbands,who are the natural 80 in the relationship,they relearn their happiness and are freed by the light of God and the King. Women are happier with their boyfriends,husbands,fathers,and men in their lives,which they are made to serve and care for.
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More Posts from Emmagottlieb52
Cinnamon rolls? Letting dumb things slide? I’d rather have dumb things be scolded for and fixed. And have men be strong leaders and intellectual while women are nurturing and serving of men. Brainwork is important. No stereotypical abusive parents,”siblings stick together”,or any idiots in love bullshrubb. I want sweet alive parents and only-child stuff. I want fresh-cooked meals,people actually learning from mistakes,and loving only a gentleman. I’M TIRED OF THE TROPES PEOPLE PUT IN SHIPPING PROMPTS!
Seth Clearwater Dating a Black Witch With Telekinesis
headcanon for @bitxh-fitz

- seth was so excited about when he found out and thought you were coolest person ever. (sorry edward)
- and of course since the boy couldn’t contain himself the pack found out about it instantly. paul started calling you matilda.
- leah wouldn’t admit but she was scared and started looking at you from the corner of her eye but she grew to tolerate you for her brother’s sake. not that she’d ever admit it but she lowkey liked you after a while
- sue thinking you’re adorable together, but still giving the mom talk
- bonding with his vampire friend edward over your similar powers. once you made him hover a few feet in the air and he was shook
- inviting him over for dinner and he eats everything your momma and grandma sets in front of him.
- seth is always coming up with ways for you to test your abilities. like the one time the two of you were hanging out at your house and he wanted ice cream. the both of you were lazy so you just… used your mind to get it without getting up.
- seth is a good boy, he’d never ask you to use your powers to cause harm to others or manipulate you.
- but you do use it for stupid stuff that you could’ve just gotten up to do yourself
- like the time you were about to watch a movie and you wanted to pop popcorn. you forgot about it while setting up the movie until a small fire started in the microwave. neither of you were watching the timer.
- ya mom whooped ya ass that night and made you pay for a new microwave
- but all in all nothing too dangerous
-oh and there was also the time you almost ripped your hair out while trying to detangle it on wash day. never again.
- but mostly you and seth just use your telekinesis when you don’t feel like getting up. and sometimes you even feel too lazy to do that. too much brain work.
- will the two of you ever learn from your dumbass mistakes? probably not, but you made it this far without anything bad happening.
- the two of you are so cute together and even though you do some dumbass things together, they let it slide.
You’re wrong. The patriarchy has already risen again,and men do not oppress nor objectify women. They protect and provide for them. I love men and the patriarchy,especially my King. So let me be a tradfem to Him. And I AM a woman. Get used to it.
Tradfem is pointless. Despite this strand claiming that women, in a patriarchal society, should be respected and loved by men, it is pointless because patriarchy is inherently violent and hateful towards women. There is no patriarchy without misogyny. There is no possibility of a world where patriarchy exists and at the same time men respect women and actually love them. If we are looking for a society that sees women as human beings, not as sexual objects, inferior, incapable, ignorant, just as human beings, then patriarchy has to be overthrown.
You are the only delusional ones here. Men are good and you have been manipulated by society...
it's so funny males r so delusional

Finally,someone said it. Somebody finally gets it. I I have somebody sane enough to tell it like it is to you “girl bosses” out there.
Monday Misogyny
Back at it again! "Kill all men hehe girlpower" is bad! Even if you have trauma! Women who hate men and say that "all men are toxic" are the female equivalent of incel Reddit guys who hate women. I understand that both of these mentalities often stem from negative experiences with the opposite sex, but that doesn't mean that they're acceptable. Girlboss culture is the exact same as Alpha male culture. If your feminism involves tearing men down, it should not be considered feminism. You aren't a "strong, confident woman" if you only feel powerful when men are beneath you. If you do not strive for equality in society, you don't deserve to call yourself a feminist.
Colin,do you need ad block or something?

😱😱😱😱😱😱💥💥💥💥💥💥🤑🤑🤑🤑🤯🤯🤯❗❗❗❗❗❗❗❗❗❗❗❗❗❗BUY NOW BEFORE ITS TOO LATE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!😭😭😭😭😭😭💀💀💀😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😲😲😲😲😲😲😲🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯💥💥💥💥💥‼‼‼‼⁉❗❕❗❗❗❗❗❗❗