empressofthesunslittlecorner - The Woe’s of a Fanfiction Writer
The Woe’s of a Fanfiction Writer

SHE/HER!!MINORS DON'T INTERACT!!Welcome to my second blog where I just complain about how it is to be a Fanfiction Writer, waiting for reviews that never come and doubting myself daily! Yeah! Also, I will post probably my theories and opinions on the fandoms I’m part of. This is a place to just unload what is on my mind since my main blog is only for my work. Also all news about my FFs you will find here. Let’s have fun together!

134 posts

Sis I Can See You're Active Again! And It's To Bash Hiccstrid! Ngl That Made Me Laugh Cuz Its Such A

Sis I can see you're active again! And it's to bash hiccstrid! Ngl that made me laugh cuz its such a you thing

Sis, I'm now active

I will make an announcement about my FFs and what I plan to do to

It seems I will be remembered for been the one who hates this spefic ship XD

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More Posts from Empressofthesunslittlecorner

I prefer Astrid as shield maiden, but your plot for Hidden World is way better then what we got!

I Prefer Astrid As Shield Maiden, But Your Plot For Hidden World Is Way Better Then What We Got!

I hate Hiccstrid

That’s right, I said it. Who wants a piece of me?! I just found it annoying. I like both Hiccup and Astrid as characters, but them as a couple?

I HateHiccstrid

Yeah, no thanks. Hiccstrid is just annoying, and I think it would’ve been better if Astrid ended up with Eret instead and Hiccup had to find new love in some way in the Hidden World. Maybe he meets another girl who happens to be friends with the Light Fury and fell for her and he and Toothless start questioning wether or not they are ready for romance right now. That could’ve be cool to see. Plus, maybe have the dragons stay and have the message be that you can still be friends even in the most dire situations. Plus, a lot of people have been saying that you are not a true HTTYD fan if you don’t ship Hiccstrid. You know what I say to that?

I HateHiccstrid

Just replace country with fandom and that’s what I have to say, since you aren’t a true HTTYD fan if you can’t acknowledge Toothless and just think of him as a motorbike or something since he is very important.

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"You Would Have Been One Point Of Light In A Soul Consumed By Darkness,"

"You would have been one point of light in a soul consumed by darkness,"

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Could agree more OP!

I like Astrid.

I like Hiccup.

But please not together.

That girl was so mean in the first movie to him then they have a magical dragon ride together and boom she is love.

Erm what?

A big step was missed.

Also she is clearly Hiccup Trophy Wife he doesn't do a lot and gets the girl.

Astrid should have stayed a shield maiden and Hiccup finding a partner who understands and can relate to him.

lmao hiccstrid aint abusive. Yall just dont like Astrid and try to make up excuses to invalidate them.

Hiccup clearly loves her and she loves him. He's a smart person and if he was in an abusive relationship or in one that he's not happy, he could easily get out of it.

Your crackships are just that, CRACKships🥴

First of all I love Astrid as a character. I've grown up with these characters my whole teenage to adult life and I can spot the differences. She's literally the person we should look up to. But they fucking did her dirty by pairing her with Hiccup. I love Hiccup too. They just. Don't fit right if that makes sense.

The reason why this ship doesn't sit right comes entirely from the first movie. Several times she uses physical aggression towards him. Example, twisting his arms , shoving his head into rock and over all causing him extreme pain. But because she kisses him and becomes interested in him its okay? I don't think so. If it were the other way everyone would be all over it. Saying its not okay a boy did it.

Fast forward to the shows in between. Similar things happen where Hiccup is very vocal about Astrid hitting him and asks her 26 times throughout the series for her to stop. She doesn't. Not to mention she threw several hissy fits during times of great peril for Hiccup not paying attention to you guessed it her. Also going on so I will make a separate posts about his animation that shows he's not okay and that the animators behind the series didn't seem okay to it either. 😌

In the TV series we find out Astrid and her family are disgraced in the eyes of Berk even worse than Hiccup being the tribe outcast. She has the great potential but they threw it under the bus in my honest opinion.

The other reason why I don't like the ship is because ASTRID IS THE REASON STOICK DIED! Let that one sink in. If she hadn't flown her mouth off as she did in Drago's scene we find out later in the same scene Hiccup and family were going to go to Berk. Safety in numbers. But because of what Astrid said it caused Drago to strike premature and caused the death of Hiccup's father.

Lastly the animation of Hiccups discomfort around Astrid continues in the third movie. I really don't like the third movie cause they tossed out a lot of the character development for the book ending but that's another story for another time but I'm going to say a lot of people who are in abusive relationships find themselves unable to get out of it safely. But in Hiccup's case he wouldn't be able to do so he's the chief. In viking times if something were to happen as him leaving a relationship like that he and his children would be at risk by other tribe members who already don't see him fit to be chief.

In conclusion that whole ship is just a power grab to help redeem and already disgraced family. While the kids are cute he's got better chemistry with other characters. Not to mention there's animated proof behind it too. So.

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Writer's Block = New Story

Well, my writer's block has gone but only in favor of a new story ^^u

That's me, ignoring the 999999 FFs I already have for a new idea!

I hate myself! *facepalms*

Anyway, I hope you will enjoy it when it gets online ^^

Writer's Block = New Story

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OP show us the forbidden knowledge 😀

For the anon who keeps telling me about hicc.strid.

No I won't stop saying its abusive and toxic. It is and I have not only animated screenshot proof but also several pages long essay in the matter.

I will not be silenced and I will stand on this hill until it crumbles to dust saying it. I don't care how long its been. Its how it is.

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