enby-wrights - louie

manic autistic jack stauber enjoyer. they/them

30 posts

Enby-wrights - Louie - Tumblr Blog

10 months ago
My Movements Are Stage DirectionsWas That A Change In Topic Or A Beat In The Scene?Have I Been Taking

My movements are stage directions Was that a change in topic or a beat in the scene? Have I been taking my emotional cues from a script I wrote at sixteen?

11 months ago
Little Comic I Submitted To My Schools Publication Last Semester.
Little Comic I Submitted To My Schools Publication Last Semester.

Little comic I submitted to my school’s publication last semester.

1 year ago

kobra kid has a british accent not because he's magically from england or something but he didn't speak for ages in the zones and mostly uses zsl he figured the few times he DOES use words if he spoke in a british accent it would freak out/piss poison off so thats what he did. no secret backstory. pure spite

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1 year ago

if you had to design a masked persona for alex, what would it look like? :3

If You Had To Design A Masked Persona For Alex, What Would It Look Like? :3
1 year ago

jokes on you my mcr special interest is EXTREMELY inconvenient 😎

every day i wake up and i am HAUNTED by the fact that every time unholyverse gerard describes his belief system it just gets less and less catholic. this bitch is NOT catholic that is an unitarian universalist with autism spectrum disorder and a convenient special interest. please i know this from EXPERIENCE

1 year ago

every day i wake up and i am HAUNTED by the fact that every time unholyverse gerard describes his belief system it just gets less and less catholic. this bitch is NOT catholic that is an unitarian universalist with autism spectrum disorder and a convenient special interest. please i know this from EXPERIENCE

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1 year ago

meeeerry christmas!!

Old Christmas themed joke entry of Marble Hornets, presumably for a Kickstarter reward & originally lost.

1 year ago

okay hello sanders sides tumblr i am coming all the way from marble hornets tumblr to comment on the fact that janus put a considerable amount of effort into neatly wrapping all those boxes in different wrapping paper for pattons gift and made a vague, impersonal, and extremely heartfelt card that he refused to address as patton read it

and then referred to roman as a “sweetie” for even bothering to put his gift in a box

something something janus is full of love even if he is still finding ways to express that to people he doesn’t know how to communicate with yet

something something janus has been meticulously testing the borders of how he can treat the other sides respectfully while staying true to himself and his chosen forms of self-expression for the past like five videos

something something janus is very used to people not paying any attention to him and was extremely unprepared for roman to acknowledge him so he coped with that unpreparedness by going on the offense like he usually does before realizing that attacking the other sides isn’t productive

something something janus is risking emotional vulnerability and this is huge

something something janus my brother in autism

that’s all im gonna go back into my hole now

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1 year ago


1 year ago

Marble Hornets but Jay Merrick is just doing some game theory type level shit

1 year ago

brian haight really came into season 3 to get complimented on his hair, fall to his death, then get manhandled by joseph. king behavior

1 year ago
1 year ago


has there ever been a qna or livestream or something in which the cast has discussed what the characters’ college majors were? because i keep seeing posts of people talking about their majors like it’s canon information but i haven’t been able to find a source for anything like that? 

anyways thank you so much have a nice day!!

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1 year ago

the marble hornets fanbase is always all "jay merrick is canonically gay" this and "marble hornets canonically takes place outside the slenderverse" that. what about REAL marble hornets deep canon. what about the REAL facts. well you are all in luck because you have access to me, autism extraordinaire and sexiest man alive, to remind you of what's REALLY important to the marble hornets canon.


the operator is canonically allergic to soy sauce

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1 year ago

i have not written marble hornets fanfiction in almost four years so let’s find out if i still enjoy writing it :D this is some mid season two masky and hoody interaction, i plan on making another shitty 1am thinkpiece about these two clowns but for now have some projection :) all you really need to know for now about my interpretations of these scrunkly motherfuckers is that masky is mostly not tim and is semi verbal, where as hoody is is mostly brian and is completely non-verbal. please enjoy maybe :)

content warning: weird religion stuff


brian looked down from the grooves in the brick wall he had been staring holes into for the past fifteen minutes, and his gaze locked onto tim, who was gazing blankly at the dark sky. 

“brian,” again, with a slightly different vowel shape.

ah. brian was familar with this game. tim was lying on his back at his feet, adjusting his mask so that the bottom edge of it sat on his chin and the eyeholes lined up with his line of sight. brian looked down at him patiently and listened as he felt through the words.

“brian. jury. observe. above”

this was something that tim did a lot, whenever he was out in the woods with brian: reciting a series of slow, muffled words that he deemed comfortable in his mouth. 

“raise. angel. beneath, beneath, below, aside.”

brian had even begun to notice the patterns in these moments. usually, it was a string of between twenty and forty words (the furthest outliers in brian’s memory were a case of fourteen and two separate cases of forty six). usually, the words were only one or two syllables. usually, a word or two would repeat. usually, the series would begin with brian’s name.

“flood. tile. slip. bark. kite. lake. see.”

usually, brian’s name would appear a few times.

“exe- exce- except?” tim recoiled at that. that one must have been wrong.

“excerpt. exodus. ark. lace. brian. tide, tide. excerpt, tide, excerpt.”

it was easy to tell when tim was nearly done with the game: he would begin to repeat himself without any changes in shape. just the same words repeated exactly the same way. 

“leave. excerpt, tide. exodus. angel. angel. angel. angel.”

there was a silence. sharp black eyeholes turned in the general direction of where one would assume brian’s eyes might be. brian knew what it meant.

well, then?

as usual, brian didn’t have a response. tim was asking him for his thoughts, and he didn’t quite have those. not the kind that translated into words or sentiments. he mostly just had an ache settled deep in the center of him-- warm, throbbing, and dripping where it sat.

the ache said, i am much more than an angel.

the ache said, i am so far beyond divine, and yet so far below it.

the ache said, i am the ocean and the exodus and the word. i have the blood of a lamb and the teeth of a snake and i have lain in the lord’s soil with his very son.

brian looked down at tim’s mask, still worn incorrectly so that he could look straight up at brian. the night was silent and still and uncharacteristically empty. they would be found soon, and when the morning came, tim would not ache like brian, but he would at least hurt, and then they would have one pain in common. tim would hurt, and he would look toward brian for help, through two wide, black holes in a cheap plastic mask so ill-fitting that he had to crane his neck just to see straight through the eyeholes.

if brian were someone else, he probably would have laughed.

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1 year ago
14th Anniversary Stream Is Going Great

14th anniversary stream is going great

1 year ago

hey hey hey let’s not forget where the marble hornets characters were canonically getting all their money

jay is a trust fund baby

tim is a construction mogul who owns a powerful fleet of dump trucks

alex built cyberhawk

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1 year ago


an edited tumblr post. The top post is by tumblr user gothdrool and it reads "people who celebrate fictional characters birthdays are annoying pass it on." under gothdrool's post, there is additional text from tumblr user cub2. this reblog is edited to say "fuck this post and happy birthday tim wright."

happy birthday to you happy birthday to you happy birthday dear Tim happy birthday to u ^___^

1 year ago

the fact that there are people in the world who genuinely think brian thomas is tall is actually INSANE to me. like how can you look at a picture of tim and brian next to each other and think “yeah brian looks a solid foot taller than tim” like what the FUCK i’m starting to think you guys just hate short people </3

all jokes aside though i’m like actually curious as to whether it’s just a headcanon thing or if there’s some canon information i’m unaware of? feel free to send me your thoughs :D

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1 year ago

entry #65, or as i like to call it, Tim’s Mental Breakdown Highlight Reel

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1 year ago

(warning i do not understand how tumblr works i have been on here for like two months and gathered absolutely nothing so i apologize if i did something wrong with like tags and the like? also i think i kind of sound like a youth pastor towards the end of this but it’s okay i do what i want. anyways)

greetings marble hornets fanbase i just have some (long) thoughts to share on tim and alex :) i have some Mental Health Hot Takes that are not worded well because i wrote this at one in the morning but feel free to read anyways. also i know that the marble hornets mental illness allegory conversation has been done to death but please let me throw in my two cents i am just a little guy and i even said please

in all my six long years traversing the Deep Dark Depths of the marble hornets fanbase, i’ve never been all that interested in exploring any kind of close relationship between alex and tim within the story-- i think 2006 alex comes off as a bit desperate and overbearing, and i think that would have made 2006 tim a little too anxious to attempt to get close to him. it’s just interesting to think that they wouldn’t quite fit together at the only point in their lives where they would have had the chance.

their position in the overall story as narrative foils to one another, however........... now that’s a tasty character dynamic if i do say so myself :) although essentially all of season three revolves around the conflicts between people as they react to the mental illness metaphor operator in their own Fun And Unique ways, alex and tim are undoubtedly the poster children of this concept. both of them begin dealing with almost identical issues, and their reactions to these issues shape their individual narratives in completely opposite directions. i was thinking about it while listening to the podcast great, more tapes today (which if you haven’t listened to it i totally recommend it even though it has been dead for a year) and it’s kind of a really great allegory for the ways in which people’s reactions to experiences with mental illness can either make or break our recovery. as someone who has intentionally made my own recovery worse on multiple occasions out of general manic faux edginess, the parallels kind of hit me really hard

i’m gonna highlight the differences between alex and tim’s reactions to the mental illness metaphor operator using a bullet point list because i’m autistic and all of my thoughts occur in bullet point lists actually

during the filming of alex kralie’s marble hornets, as their symptoms are both beginning to set in, we see alex alone incredibly often. tim, on the other hand, is always seen surrounded by other people (this also comes down to the contexts in which they were filming but whatever it’s artistic framing or something idk)

tim seeks medical attention. duh. i think it’s probably pretty safe to assume that alex did not seek any sort of medical attention for his mental health issues leading up to all that murder, otherwise there maybe wouldn’t have been murder

aside from seeking medical help, we also see tim seeking help (or at least visibility) from his peers. entry #66 is just tim yelling at jay about how scared he is. and even if jay isn’t really much help, he can at least see where tim is coming from in the future and has the opportunity to act accordingly (he does not take this opportunity but hey at least it’s there. as alex’s condition worsens, all we see is him lying to his loved ones about what’s going on. which is bad.

alex constantly walks in anger and fear. tim doesn’t stifle his emotions (i.e. him beating the shit out of jay), but he also acts logically and doesn’t dwell on them for too long

by season three alex is just fucking living all alone in the woods (which if you didn’t know is the opposite of seeking help)!! not only is he running around in an echo chamber but he chose to bring a gun into the echo chamber with him which is a really great way to become more mentally ill. tim on the other hand has a job, and a life, and people in his life who at least care enough about him to call him and see if he’ll be at work on time. he keeps busy and he interacts with the world around him and even when he’s having to constantly check in with his doctor to make sure he stays okay he is out and about and being a person

and it’s a weird thing to think about because when i’m at my worst psychologically i tend to bring a (METAPHORICAL) gun into my own echo chamber and sulk around in there until i start to believe some pretty shitty things about the world around me

but on the few occasions where i do manage to reach for help and respect my feelings while still existing outside myself it’s a miraculous feeling. i get better. and then i get worse again, because mental illness is a bitch, but it gets easier and easier to reach out every time.

and i think that’s part of the reason why alex gets eaten up by the idea of the operator while tim doesn’t. tim has experience with getting help, and he’s clearly developed a skill for taking care of himself. he just got lucky that his first time dealing with a mental health crisis wasn’t as fucked up as alex’s.

anways tldr alex kralie is my new example for what not to do in my mental health recovery journey also he’s a bitch 

(ps i don’t understand how i got to the end of this rant without mentioning masky a single time but i promise he fits into the mental illness allegory somewhere probably maybe)

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2 years ago

Without a sound I took her down.

Without A Sound I Took Her Down.

possessed by visions. have gerard way as ophelia.

2 years ago
enby-wrights - louie