Brian Thomas - Tumblr Posts
Rounding the corner, you treaded further into the kitchen, urging not to wake your mother. It was hard enough to get her to sleep, let alone keep her like that. Your toe stubbed slightly against the bottom of the kitchen counter as you reached for the cabinet with the mugs.
Oddly, as you searched for your favorite one, it seemed to be gone. Having been sure you put it up with the load of dishes you'd done yesterday, you checked once again, not doubting yourself to have missed it in the dim light the early winter mornings would provide.
Looking back down, annoyed, you saw it. Resting a foot away, sat next to the sugar and spoon, was the mug, a teabag already placed inside. This week had been stressful, you chopped the appearance simply to a simply forgotten task.
You smiled to yourself, taking the cup in your hand and heading to the stovetop. Placing the kettle on the heating burner, you waited patiently on your phone, scrolling, disinterested in what your friends had done over the weekend.
Your heart clenched at a certain sight; it was a picture of Nina, a girl you thought would live forever. Alas, she's gone now. Not necessarily dead but missing. So, no matter how you look at it, she's gone.
All you truly craved was closure.
Resting your phone face down, you hopped up as the kettle began to scream. Pulling it from the burner, you placed it on a different one, waiting a still moment before beginning to pour the boiling water into the mug.
After you did, you slowly sipped on the scalding liquid, tossing your head back as you mentally psyched yourself up to get through the day. It wouldn't be too bad, working at a little gas station, if you weren't fifteen miles from the musty place.
You walked slowly to your bedroom, socks scuffling against the kitchen's hardwood floor. You slipped off the flimsy night shirt you'd been wearing changing into a new bra and shirt. Not much of a shirt, really, more like a big sweater. It was (f/c) and knit tightly. Black leggings to match, you supposed.
It was winter. You were behind a counter most of your day. Who cares what you wore?
Going back into the kitchen, deciding you'd eat before work, meaning you didn't have to come out from behind the counter and be ogled at by creeps without morals. Yeah, it was better to eat at home.
Gliding on your shoes, you tied the laces up neatly. As you headed back into the kitchen, another odd sight struck you. The sugar had been returned to its spot; the spoon was in the sink. Knitting your eyebrows together, you figured, once again, that it was just a subconscious act of yours.
I do this every morning, so it's routine of me to put it away, you told yourself. But as the morning's occurrences replayed, your mind went, instead, to worst-case scenarios. Once again, rationality got the better of you, and your mind decided you had forgotten; done it without a second thought.
But you didn't remember the part where you forced yourself to keep quiet for your mother's sake.
It was early, too early, to be awake for work. I mean, you worked nights. But groceries were a necessity, and starving wasn't on your mind lately. Not yet. Grabbing your wallet and phone, you were on your way out the door.
Clambering into the cold car, you turned on the heat, but without time to waste, you drove off. You played a few songs on your way, preferring the familiar music to the silence. As you pulled up to the Walmart, you climbed out again.
Opening the notes app on your phone, you checked the list again, unsure of what you needed. "Milk, eggs, butter, toilet paper, shampoo." you read. Nodding to yourself, you walked inside, grabbing a rattling cart from the hoard. First, you made your way to the dairy, grabbing the milk, eggs, and butter, and placing them in the bottom of the rattly cart.
Next, you walked to the aisles with all the hygiene products. Grabbing your usual brand of shampoo and toilet paper, you made your way to the checkout. At the register, you grabbed a pack of gum. Minute but nice.
The man in front of you quickly had his minimal number of items scanned, but he didn't tread too far, visibly distracted by something on his yellow hoodie. He was tall, with disheveled light brown hair, and pale. very pale; he looked sickly. As the cashier scanned your items, the dead look on her face not softened, she read your total. "Fifteen-eighty-two," she mumbled. Opening your wallet, you searched in fear for your card.
As your mind began to whirl and sway, a voice spoke up. You only had so much cash on you; not enough to pay the due, however. Your shaky hand brought her the ten dollars you had in cash, but she continued staring at you, waiting. "I'll cover it," the man offered. "Oh, no. You don't have to-" you assured, quickly being cut off as he handed the cashier the exact change.
"Thank you so much, sir," you thanked. "It's human kindness," he joked. "Still, thank you." you sighed, thankful. "Keep yourself safe," he said, walking away, off into the crowd of people, many shorter than him. He headed in the opposite direction that you were going, much to your disappointment.
It would have been nice to know his name, you thought. Dawdling around the flooded store, you glanced around, bored. You thought about how pale he was. Tired of ogling at items you'll never buy, or afford, you left.
You smiled to yourself at the sweet interaction, not having experienced a true act of human decency in so long. Living away from everyone in the countryside could do that to someone - make you a recluse-, but you didn't really mind.
Striding back to your car, you placed your bags of groceries, finding yourself questionably searching for the man, even without realizing it. Turning over the ignition in the car, you drove off, pulling onto the foggy road. As the road cleared, leaving you nearly alone, aside from the few cabins and cars, you noticed one thing in particular: a beat-up, blue pickup truck behind you.
Its paint chipped, revealing the rusty color beneath the facade of color. The headlights were still on, which was fair, considering the fact it was dark, still. That's winter, you thought. Heart in your throat, you sped up, only to notice how their speed was in sync with yours; they sped as you did, and slowed as you did.
As you pulled into your driveway, breaths of relief flooded out of your lungs, watching as the truck drove on, the driver you didn't see. Silently entering the home, you brought in the bags, smiling still at the man's kindness.
After you unpacked the groceries, you went to check on your mother once again. She was fine. Now, sleep was in your mind. Falling, exhausted, into your bed, you allowed your eyes to flutter shut, falling asleep.
As your eyes flickered open, the smell of coffee greeted you. Smiling to yourself, you made your quiet way to the kitchen, sitting down at the kitchen table. "Hi, Mom," you greeted. "Hey, hon," she replied, not meeting your eyes as she washed the dishes from this morning. "Hey, (y/n)?" she said again. You hummed lowly.
"Try not to use so many dishes when you make your tea, okay?" she muttered. "I only used one this morning." you denied. "Well, there are two cups in the sink, and it doesn't make sense." she replied. "Maybe you just forgot; I know you're stressed lately," she whispered. "I guess," you agreed.
"Well, it's almost time for you to get ready, and I made some coffee for you," she said. "I know," you sighed.
Sluggishly walking back to your room, you slipped on a white shirt, staying in the same undergarments as this morning, feeling it dumb to change. With a black zip-up hoodie over leggings, simple shoes, and your (h/c) (h/l) brushed.
No makeup needed.
You grabbed the thermos that'd been set on the counter and poured your coffee into it, adding the milk and sugar. This time, you put the sugar and spoon away. Fiddling with the lid, you finally fit it tight to the bottle, sighing deeply as you left. But not before telling your mother you loved her.
Phone, keys, thermos, wallet. That's all you needed. As you arrived, you pulled up, checking your wallet for a hair tie. Oddly, and to your horror, your card was in its usual spot. Heart in your throat, you took a hair tie out, assuming your coworker would ask for one before she went on her delivery trips.
You were right.
"Hey, do you have a hair tie?" she asked, pulling her ginger hair into a hold with her hand. Wordlessly, you handed it to her, walking behind the counter after tying your apron on. You leaned against the counter, waiting, as a man walked in. His hair was a deep, rich brown, falling above his eyes. Speaking of his eyes, they glanced at you, brown and tired. Bags were under them, falling into a sullen frown as you looked his face over.
He smiled quickly, turning away as he walked the aisles of the gas station, silent, almost. He made no sound when he walked, and you wondered how such a tall, built man could be so utterly stealthy. He opened a freezer in the back, pulling out a drink. You couldn't quite see what it was until he stepped into another aisle; the aisle with chips.
A bag rustled and he walked back to you. Placing the items on the counter, you realized that it was alcohol and some plain potato chips. "ID?" you requested. He handed you a small, plastic card. Taking it in your hand, you examined it. "What's your birthday?" you asked.
Looking closer at the ID, you realized that his name was Timothy, but his last name you didn't see, not before he answered, making you gaze back at him. He answered, holding his hand out expectantly. You handed him his ID and scanned his items. "Have a nice day, sir," you said, smiling as he walked off wordlessly.
The bell rang as he left.
Another hour or so passed by, and only a handful of interactions, left you alone with your thoughts, the buzzing of the lights, and the low, humming music from the store. You walked to the back of the store, grabbing a drink, water.
Putting the money in the register, you began to drink slowly, nearly gagging and spitting up the water as a figure towered over you. "Hi, I'm sorry. You scared the life out of me!" you joked, coughing. "Oh, I'm s-sorry," they apologized. Noticeably, they had a stutter.
"It's fine; you're just really quiet," you laughed again, trying to keep the mood light, despite his depressing, sorry tone. You coughed again, finally looking up at him. He had soft brown hair, covering his eyes slightly. Eyes a soft, shimmery green, though still with a sharpness. Alert.
A mask covered most of his face, obscuring your view. He was thin, you could tell, despite the large beige, brown, white, and blue hoodie he wore. "Is there anything I can do for you?" perking up, he looked at you. Without words, he walked to the back of the store. Grabbing a chocolate milk, he placed it on the counter, hands clad in what you assumed to be leather. "That all?" you checked.
He nodded wordlessly, mask shifting, as if he were chewing on his cheek. Ringing him up, "A dollar and eighty-nine cents, please," you requested.
He fished out some money and planted it on the counter, and you gave him the milk. "Thank you, have a nice day!" You chirped.
He walked out with a "you, too" and nothing else; not even a thumbs up.
Hours passed with nothing more than interactions and nearly slamming your head into the counter as you accidentally drifted off.
Now, it was time to go home. You waited for your coworker, and left when she got there. "Bye," she shouted. Waving, you left.
-- Once you arrived home, the rooms silent, you walked to the kitchen. There was a steaming mug of coffee, a sticky note placed on its side. "Just how you like it!" With a smiling face at the end. You smirked at the gesture, taking a small sip. And, indeed, it was just how you liked it.
Honestly, you hadn't even figured that your mother paid attention while you were around her. Heading back to your room, you found that your laundry was already folded on the bed.
"That's sweet, " you thought. Hanging your clothes and putting them into the drawers, you noticed another note. "This week will be full of surprises!" It read, the same handwriting as the note on the mug.
You put the clothes away correctly, lying disc on the clear bed. Before you feel asleep, you decided a shower was needed. As you entered the bathroom, you peeled off your clothes, strong into the scalding water.
It felt good against your cold skin, though. As you reached for your soap, you realized it was small and used up. Soon, you'd have to buy more. After washing your hair and body, you clambered out, wrapping a towel around yourself.
Falling back into your bed, you didn't bother to change. It's not like you had anywhere to be; not for a while, anyway. Your eyes fluttered closed, and you fell asleep.
A knock at your door awoke you, making your eyes spring open and your body jolt up. "Mom?" You questioned. No answer. "Mom?" You repeated, louder than before.
Opening the door, still in your towel, your heart dropped, but your grip on the cloth didn't. Thankfully. There stood a tall man, at least six foot, dressed in a mustard colored hoodie, denim pants, and steel-toe boots.
But the worst part, you were sure, was what state down. Where his face should be, instead, a black mask with two circles. Eyes. And one upside down U. A frown.
Your words caught in your throat as you tried to choke something, anything, out. His breath was muffled against the mask, and would have been falling on top of your head if not for the cloth.
After a moment of silence, you spoke up, still so scared. "What do you want?" You choked out. Without speaking, he shoved past you, walking to the corner of your room.
He simply snatched your little collection of sticky notes, holding them up to you. Pointing at the second one you'd received, the one about the surprising week, and tapped it lightly, mask shifting slightly.
You assumed he was smiling.
You shook your head, disbelief flooding through you. "No." You denied. He nodded. "Yes." He retorted. He shoved past you again, leaning down once he reached you. "It's nice to see you up close, (y/n)." He muttered, exiting.
With a surge of confidence, or sheer stupidity, - likely the latter -, you grabbed his wrist. He turned around. "What do you want?" You snapped.
He laughed, but it was horrifyingly gravely and deep, and you didn't know what to make of it. With a strong grip on his wrist, him staring you down, and your face like a deer in headlights, he laughed.
Moving his hand to his pocket, he pulled something out. It was shimmery and sleek grey; there was a click sound, and the safety was off his gun. He did it skilfully, one handed. He tapped the cold barrel against the underneath of your chin.
You let go before he could say anything, though, you doubted he would've. "You're welcome. " he said. You held your breath, stepping back into your room as he left, somewhere out of sight.
There was no sound. Not the opening of closing of a door, not the jingle of keys. But after a moment, there was one: the sound of the kettle going off. You slowly entered the kitchen, skin crawling and heart thumping so violently against your ribs.
There was a mug, a foot away from the cabinet with the rest of the mugs. The sugar rested next to it. The spoon was on the sugars lid. And there was a teabag already in the cup.
The kettle continued to screech until you placed it on the other burner. Sitting against the counter top, you recalled the notes and the strangely sweet things.
Once again, there was a note. This time, it read,"Sorry for the scare!" In big, black ink. You sighed, thinking of what he could want. If he wanted money, then he was in the wrong place.
But he'd have to know that. He knew how you liked your coffee. What else could he truly want? Your mind flickered, and you needed to check on your mother. Dashing to her room, you quietly opened the door, only to find her awake, playing on her phone.
"Did you hear anything?" You asked, attempting to hide the absolute fear and panic that was sure to be lacing your voice. She shook her head, gaze returning to the screen of her phone.
You bolted out of her room, gently shutting the door, of course, and searched the rest of the house. After countless times of checking the rooms, you returned to yours, but not after making sure everything was locked.
After plopping on the bed, you shut your eyes, praying to wake up and have it all be a dream. But it wasn't, and you couldn't wake up from real life. Your phone buzzed lightly on the foot of your bed, and you picked it up, glancing at the screen.
It was a new message, but from a string of random numbers. This person wasn't in your contacts. You unlocked your phone, checking to see what it says. "Call the cops; I dare you!" It read.
Your heart sunk in your chest, a thundering headache splintering through your head. tears pricked at your eyes, streaming down your cheeks and falling onto the floor. "Fuck," you muttered. As you buried your face in the pillow, a scream shot out of your burning throat, being muffled by the soft fabric. "I can't do this," you thought.
Your mind scrambled, thoughts rushing back again and again to what they could want. But finally, it came back to the one possibility. You. They could want you.
About me
Apathetic- One two
Sally Face- First time Porn Pref Church boy- One Two Three Four Five Six Seven Eight Nine Ten Eleven Twelve Thirteen Fourteen Fifteen Sixteen Seventeen Eighteen Nineteen Twenty Final
Ben Drowned- Creeps with animals NSFW hc's Creeps favorite drinks Icky hc's Nice gestures Nicknames hc's
Jeff the Killer- Creeps with animals One shot (NSFW) Headcanons (SFW) Getting cheated on Headcanons (NSFW) Creeps favorite drinks Icky hc's Nice gestures Nicknames hc's
Eyeless Jack- Headcanons (SFW) Headcanons (NSFW) Creeps favorite drink Icky hc's Nicknames hc's
Helen/Bloody Painter- Head canons (SFW) Headcanons (NSFW) Creeps favorite drinks Icky hc's Nice gestures Nicknames hc's
'Ticci' Toby- Headcanons (SFW) Headcanons (NSFW) Creeps favorite drinks Icky hc's Nice gestures
Jane the Killer- Scenarios/Headcanons Headcanons (NSFW) Creeps favorite drinks
Masky/Tim- Headcanons (SFW) Headcanons (NSFW) Creeps with animals Scenarios Creeps favorite drinks Icky hc's Nice gestures Nicknames hc's
Hoodie/Brian- Headcanons (SFW) Headcanons (NSFW) Alphabet Creeps with animals Apathetic- one two Creeps favorite drinks Icky hc's Nice gestures Nicknames hc's
Homicidal Liu- One shot Creeps favorite drinks Nice gestures Nicknames hc's
everymanHYBRID everymanHYBRID- Icky hc's
John Doe Headcanons (SFW)
Creeps favorite drinks
Jeff- Just drinks a shit ton of energy drinks and soda. Like, he drinks at least three monsters a week but still has okay teeth. Well, as 'okay' as they can be while you're a homicidal young adult. (aesthetic warning) His favorite flavors are the original, aussie lemonade, pipeline punch, and orange dreamsicle
E.J-Water. He can only drink water because it's one of the very few things that still taste good to him. Most things that he used to eat and drink aren't the same (they have a bad taste now) and he can eat them but won't.
Liu-Tea, probably. Tea with sugar, lots of sugar, but no milk. He says it tastes the same with or without milk.
Helen/Bloody Painter-Water and tea. Coffee every once in a while, but that's only a palate cleanser for when he's getting burnt out, and he won't finish it. His water has to be freezing and his tea scorching. (same bro)
Jane-Secretly likes Alani energy drinks but feels like it's something she has in common with Jeff, so she hides her guilty pleasure. Only drinks water.
L.J-Apple juice, the 'Little Hug' fruit barrel drinks, blood of children, chocolate milk, lemonade, etc. Just really childish, innocent drinks that a young kid would drink.
Brian/Hoodie-Black coffee and milk. He's weird, okay? Is it really that bad to drink milk by itself? Exactly. He might also drink some protein shakes if he's feeling exotic.
Tim/Masky-Once again, black coffee and black tea. HE'S WEIRD. He's just a funky little dude, okay? A funky little dude with homicidal tendencies that could kill you and would without a second thought, okay? Alright. Has one of those coffee pots that you can set the timer for, so it makes it at a special time for him.
BEN-Technically, doesn't need to drink anything, but he drinks energy drinks and protein shakes because he likes how they taste. Also, drinks so many energy drinks that they don't give him energy anymore, and he says he 'drinks them for the flavor'. lmao same
Toby-Chocolate milk. He loves chocolate milk because it makes him feel more innocent like he never had a fucked childhood. It just hits DiFfErEnT,
Nice gestures
FEAT: Masky, 'Ticci' Toby, Hoodie, Jeff t.K, Bloody Painter, Homicidal Liu, BEN.
He holds doors open for everyone except Toby. He is not a fan of Toby. Will wait for you, even if you're kind of far away, so that you have to speed up and do a little jog, so you don't keep them waiting, and he does it because he knows it makes you feel awkward and feeds off discomfort.
'Ticci' Toby-
He compliments you if he notices that you've done something different. Say, you got your hair cut; he would compliment you and say it looks good, even if it doesn't. In other words, he'll feed your delusion. He always notices if you look different. However, chances are that he snuck in and noticed before he saw you later that day. He would notice your new hair cut before you willingly showed him, and he'll surely have a compliment laid out for when you do!
Holds doors open, remembers things a little too well, and reminds you of things. Same thing with Masky, except he won't make it awkward. If you're far, he'll just walk in instead of holding it open for you, considering that it's an inconvenience to you both. He remembers your birthday, favorite food, least favorite person in the mansion, favorite person (him, obviously), and whatever else. You said you liked Family Guy? Family Guy pants. And if you're forgetting something (keys, a birthday, wallet) he'll remind you to check, even though he pays close attention and already knows you didn't grab it.
Jeff. t.K-
He is very protective I'm not really sure if it's a good thing or not. Depends on the situation, I guess. You better believe he's there and tracking then you better believe he's there and tracking them. Will absolutely bribe Hoodie to track their socials in case he couldn't follow them home right that minute. Then, once he finds out who they are, he's following them and driving them insane with his image, engraving his face into their brain. He's just sweet like that!
Bloody Painter-
Will not let you go out if there's something wrong with you. Like, if there's something wrong with your hair or something in your teeth. If there's something misplaced on your outfit, or you've accidentally tucked your skirt in (iykyk) or your shirt was too wrinkly. Won't et you go out 'looking foolish', as he says.
Homicidal Liu-
Holds doors open, helps pick outfits, watched your drinks if you're not paying attention, and picks things up for you, especially if you're wearing a dress or skirt. He won't make it awkward, if you're close with each other, he'll jokingly tell you to hurry up. If you can't decide, then he'll pick your outfit or give suggestions. If you're with the other creeps, maybe ones that he doesn't particularly trust or like, he'll watch your drink around them, making sure nobody drugs you. If you drop something or just need to grab it from anywhere, he'll do it without you asking. Sweet guy overall.
He teaches you about his games and technology. If your screen is freezing and lagging, he'll sort it out. If he's not around to fix it, he'll teach you how to do it on your own, that way you don't need him to always do it. If you want a game on your device, he can get it for you. Automatically installs updates into your devices and helps you level up without you knowing.

POV: ur on a date with Brian (hes broke and u have to pay the bill)

Midnight drive ⦻
I would like to steal Jeff and Hoodie

I made a slob, but one of the creepypastas haha

How Hoodie boi and Tobster met 👍

they're pulling an all-nighter for finals.

I hear voices, I see visions These spirits are your prison

Cause Nothings On My Mind.

Mask and Hoby, 2! Ft. Al... Good ol Al.

' ' I'm either so sick in the head I need to be bled dry to quit.
Or I just really used to love him.
(I sure hope that's it) ' '

🎉 Happy New Year from the boys

wip ill never finish cus I changed direction on the idea